MSA Statement:

Sept 20, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Mayom Students Association in Sudan underscores’ the call for Kiir to step down to give peace a chance in south Sudan, because he lost legitimacy the day he ordered the mass- killing of the innocent civilians who brought him to power in the elections. The good people of south Sudan cannot and will never be led by a leader who has no vision and whose hands are tainted with the blood of his own people with Kiir still in power, peace will never come to south Sudan given the fact that he is an enemy to peace and the peace loving South Sudanese.
We would also like to stand boldly to tell the youth from other communities of South Sudan to courageously stand up for their rights and join Mayom Students Association in Sudan in enlightening the people brought the staggering and worn-out leadership of Salva Kiir that has turned out to be a good foe to its citizens because he wants to rule with an iron fist, fashion that is no longer used in the world, South Sudanese should not stand a loop thinking that this war is a Nuer vs Dinka war. It is a war to bring democracy to South Sudan so that citizens should have a chance to choose a leader of their choice by way of election, which the current regime is opposed. Today is me, tomorrow will be you, these are times when we should enjoy the fruits of the hard-won peace, but Kiir regime has denied us.
Putting salt on fresh would, Kiir brought in UPDF, to fight for him so that democracy has no room in South Sudan. The Association calls for the withdrawal of Ugandan forces from South Sudan land. This is an invasion that the Association, condemns in the strongest terms possible. The presence of JEM and SPLA- North in Unity state meddling in internal affairs of South Sudan clearly shows that they have lost their mission and objective; therefore the world should see these militias groups as terrorist organizations and find the right cure for them.
Mayom Students Association would like to briefly demystify to the great people of Mayom County in particular that people are not fighting because Dr. Riek Machar and Taban Deng refused that Joseph Nguen Manytuil was brought as care-taker governor of Unity State as lectured to you by Manytuil supporters and their worshipers, but not, the war is so because the bloody government of Salva kiir killed innocent civilians since 15-20 December 2013 including Nguen’s two bodyguards whose names you know very well as well as many of our young brothers and sisters from our county lost their lives just because they were Nuers. The truth is always bitter, but it has to be said because it sets us free. You must not be misled or misinforms for dirty gains that detach us from the common interest of Nuer community. There is fighting in Upper Nile and Jonglei States. Is it about the refusal of Nguen to become the governor? The answer is big No.
The Association’ therefore calls upon all the youths of Mayom County to bravely as usual to protect our citizens by joining the freedom fighters in resisting the brutal regime of Kiir Mayardit and bring peace to our people because your participation is highly needed by our brothers and sisters in other parts of our country.
It was not later some days ago, a group of disgruntled individuals converge to the house of icon leader late general Paulino Matip, chanting the slogan that Bul Community are siding with that fail government, in contrast, the unqualified legal advisor to Kiir government, Telar Ring Deng, happened to be elder of our community interfering and meddling in our own affair which is not only create mix reactions, but general debate about the future of historical county of Mayom’ Mayom Students Association would like to take this golden opportunity to inform the general public that, the claim made by these people didn’t represent the people of Mayom, but only few individuals.
Our community would not and never be part of the brutal dictator and tribal regime. We are always guided by the norms, human dignity, freedom and all forms of human life spearheaded by able leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny who work tirelessly for fundamental freedom for all. However we are aware about dangerous plan ahead of us by Salva Kiir Mayardit’ the aim of Salva Kiir is to create a save heaven to his home State of Warrap. The Association identified the trick made against our community and reason to take action immediately to stop the cycle of sucking of our people blood. Despite the ongoing peace talk in Adis Ababa, still there is looting of people properties and random killing of innocent people by pro-salva Kiir militias. Mayom Student’s Association across the board in Sudan realize the motive behind the trick and seek more support from youth of Mayom to mobilize the all youth in our county and Bentiu, as well as South Sudan in general.
Concerning the ongoing peace process:
Mayom Student Association is strongly support calls by the SPLM/A for the restructuring the State on the basis of federal constitution.
The federal system of governance would be the best system for the new nation to address existing inequalities and centralized system by allowing various administrative units to decentralize decision making processes and promote equity in wealth sharing. Federalism is the suitable system of governance which could properly accommodate the current diversities and could heal and strengthen the eroded sense of nationalism and unity among the South Sudanese people. Federalism will reduce the tendency of tribalism and need to dominate other ethnic community.
Introducing the new system of governance will be appropriate to arrest growing tendency of authoritarianism and all forms of corruption and marginalization of small ethnic groups in South Sudan. Federalism will protect the interests of all the citizens and minorities, at both States and Bomas level in South Sudan. With federalism people will not rush to the capital city for the best job employment, hospital, best teaching education, and feeding and transportation system. Under the federal system of governance all these services will reach to the grassroots level. Therefore we Mayom Students Association in Khartoum call the youth in collaboration with others South Sudanese youth groups of other communities to support a federal system in South Sudan.
For humanitarian crisis:
We request the International Communities, the United Nation, European Union, African Union and Intergovernmental Authorities on Development to intervened for humanitarian situation in UNMISS camps across the South Sudan either to relocate them to any other places inside the country or other countries bordering with the South Sudan. Because inside the UN camps they face a lot of challenges, lack of food and clean drinking water, out breaks of diseases and others conditions. We appeal to International Communities for their situation in UNMISS camps across the country.
The author, Mashod Yoak Manyuon, is the Chairman of Mayom Students Association in Universities and Higher Institutes in Sudan, He can be contacted at +249911540093
1 comment
Dear Mashod Yoak Manyuon;
Thank you so much for sending that powerful message to the people of Mayom, particularly to those who are fighting in Salva Kiir side. Those individuals do not know exactly what they are fighting for. Salve Kiir bribed Nguet Manytuil and his brother to continue Killing Nuer brothers. Not only that Salva Kiir is using Bul Community to defend his Warrap State from being reached by the rebels. Nguen and his brother have been mobilizing innocent Bul young men to fight in the wrong size defending the president who killed and is continuing killing their love one in the capital Juba since December 15, 2015.