Contributor's Opinion

Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria State came under Attacks by Forces of Juba

By Capt. Theophilus Badru Pitia

mi-24-helicopter-gunship-lgNov 22, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) — We the freedom fighters, take this opportunity to reassure our supporters throughout EES and indeed the people of South Sudan at large and we do hereby inform the IGAD and other partners in peace about the continued flagrant violations of cessation of hostilities of the negotiated permanent cease fires announced by our leader, chairman and commander in chief Dr Riek Machar, and reluctantly by Salva Kiir.

Our bases in Magwi county EES came under attacks by forces of Juba, after the regime planted and executed an international crime and turn around and implicated our forces in connection to the Thursday public transportation bus attack by no other than the very SPLA- Juba forces at Ame junction. We want to make it crystal clear, we have not laid arms on that bus, and we categorical abhor and deny the allegations by SPLA-Juba spokesperson, the pathologic liar Col Philip Aguer’s. We took arms to defend Civilians that have been and are still targets of the genocidal Juba Regime, even children in south Sudan knows this, the killing of Civilians are clearly what Kiir does.

The regime in Juba according our intelligent gathering has tried to attack our bases in EES since the signing of this peace agreement. They are in great pain to see, SPLA-IO having a firm and a formidable presence in Eastern Equatoria but since the peace deal gave us a legitimate existence at our bases, they had to plant a crime in order to attack our bases, so the bus attack was an act of Juba government to justify an attack on our positions so that IGAD-Plus will condemn us.

On Friday morning at around 8:25 am local time, several of our bases in Magwi County came under ferrous attacks with heavy bombardments of rocket propelled grenade (RPG) mortars, heavy machine guns but we repelled the numerous and heavily armed government forces that were ferried from Juba in the evening of Thursday November 19th 2015. Their Commander was a Major general, whom we pinned down and eliminated with those around him and we made sure to that, we proceeded to inflict heavy personnel loses on the regime troops, we killed 30 of their forces, wounded several of their soldiers. Evidently some are still receiving treatment in Nimule Hospital, anyone can go there to confirm this, we have sustained one none life threatening injuries from our side. Those who doubt the number of casualties in this report can come to face us and find it out for themselves but before they do, they better dare find out what “Lemi” is and WE HAVE INVOKED “THE LEMI!” and it is on outside!

Do we need to remind anyone that the liberation of South Sudan was born in Eastern Equatoria? It was for a reason; the forces of Kiir have just found it out.

After we have beaten them up in more than three hours of fierce fighting, the cowards then called for air support from Juba and reinforcement from Nimule and Moli, but the reinforcement from Nimule declined to show up while other melted among civilian population in Nimule. After we have intercepted their communication on radio we decided to retreat from our bases to avoid heavy causalities, before the arrival of two helicopter gunships. We’re able to retreat with all of our heavy weaponry to our hideout bases.

The regime forces have taken heavy causalities and we reiterate, their Commander was laid down. We have received information that many wounded enemy soldiers are taken to Nimule hospital, and others with life threatening injuries were airlifted to Juba military hospital for further treatments. We have also received an intelligence news that the regime forces have send two more helicopter gunship to Opari today to evacuate the wounded, after one helicopter has landed to air lift their loses, the other kept hovering over Opari for half an hour, then both took off and headed to Juba. We remain vigilant, monitoring Juba’s move, we vow and shall respond as forceful with each provocations.

Under the IGAD-Plus peace deal we have the rights to remains in our bases and have become a legal entity as much as Juba SPLA is and we shall not tolerate the regimes belligerents.

We have seen the now habitual and chronic lying regime’s baseless concocted statements on the state propaganda machine, the SSTV that has become the tool for Aguer to fabricate lies. He said they have inflicted heavy losses on our forces but have failed to produce any single image of a dead solider. They added that they captured one of our forces alive but again the by now well renowned professional liars of Juba could not show the so-called captured rebel of general Martin kenyi on SSTV.

We want to challenge Philip Aguer to produce the captured rebel and they should not confuse us with the shameful arrests of schoolboys they have unconstitutionally in their detention for simply being Eastern Equatorian.

We ask our supporters and peace loving and deprived people of our nation to be patient as we continue to sacrifice even with our blood to liberate our people from the hands of this tribal, genocidal and JCE possessed government.

We call upon our people in Eastern Equatoria and South Sudan at large to continue with their daily lives. We reassure you that we have no intentions to hurt you when our path crosses; we are fighting for your freedom.

We would like to caution all civilians from neighboring countries to avoid traveling with armed escorts along Juba-Nimule road as we have now learned Juba has ran yet again to Musseveni bagging for Military convoy escorts along the Juba Nimule highways. This bus attack seems to be also design so he can get Musseveni back into our country as he is loosing in every provocations Kiir ventures into.

To the Patriots in the Uniform who find themselves in the wrong side of history, we call upon you to join us and protect our women and children and our beloved South Sudan. We call upon you to join us in the name and for the sake of our South Sudan; do not sacrifice your blood for the tired, criminal and tribal regime of Kiir that has nothing to show for the last 10 years than bloodsheds of the innocent.

We caution those living close to military vicinities to evacuate with immediate effect, since Kiir’s force declared war on our positions, will we will take the war back to them. To those soldier and politicians fighting for Kiir, we say, we have good reasons to die for, do you?

The author lives in Magwi County, EES, and can be reached at t.pitia@aol.com

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GatNor November 22, 2015 at 8:21 pm

The Mighty Equatorian Defense (Home Front) Has neutralized a one enemy general. in total buckets of blood it cost the Jaang. Hopefully its not Nuer or Ewuatorian blood. But the blood of those Jaang who FIRST called for buckets of blood. You ask for it you get it.

Mike November 22, 2015 at 8:32 pm

I’m very sorry for many south sudanese whose set of wrong ideas have made them what they called ‘Rebel’. During the real struggle there were very few warriors. A president of no nonsense will one day come and some of you will wish president Salva would’ve been allowed to go further.

Loberito November 23, 2015 at 9:32 am


Nobody wishes to be a rebel. The greedy government forces rebellion in South Sudan. If the government delivers the services to people, nobody can become a rebel. The regime in Juba failed us. This is not to blame this on Salva Kiir alone as the President. All those who surrounded him are the very people who confused the poor President.

You seem to forget that all South Sudanese people have fought the government in Khartoum. Starting from the smallest tribe in South Sudan, they all sacrifice their blood to bring Independence. It is only after Independence that we witness few warriors whereby during the civil war everybody was a warrior.

Gatdar.wich November 22, 2015 at 8:32 pm

CPT Pitia,

you are absolutely right. Jenge in Juba killed the civilians in the bus between Nimule-Juba road as pretext to attack your bases in Magwi. Now, you they have provoked and awaken sleeping beasts. To hell with Jenge in South Sudan period

Gatdar.wich November 22, 2015 at 8:37 pm

CPT Pitia,

You are absolutely right. Jenges in Juba killed the civilians in the bus between Nimule-Juba road as a pretext to attack SPLA-IO bases in Magwi. Now, they had provoked and awaken sleeping beasts. To hell with the cowards-Jenges in South Sudan period


Opiombira Kiirendeazele November 22, 2015 at 10:54 pm

CPT Pitia. A job well done. Do not give them space, pin them down every turn until they respect the peace deal and leave you alone. Under the peace deal both the opposition and Juba will maintain separate forces until a national force is produce from these two or totally new one, so Kiir has no business attacking the opposition bases on a reckless move.

The crime occurred Thursday morning and in less than 12 hours they were on move to attack the bases on prestecxt that the SPLA-IO attacked the bus? Who with brain will buy such things? Why is this crime solved in less than 12 hours when numerous killings in Juba have taken years and none solved? Who are they fooling? I am glad you taught them a lesson. If they do not embrace peace, they have another thing coming!

Death is calling on this people just as it did to Saddam Huseein and Khadafi and their groups, once death calls, they become deaf until we take them out!

Lotara Charles November 23, 2015 at 12:05 am

They touched a very wrong button. We will see this time whether there will be bilateralism to compromise the State affairs as it happened previously. Equatorians stand firm and say NO to dinkanization!

Angry Man November 23, 2015 at 3:07 am

you r happy but any action has reaction.

Beek November 23, 2015 at 12:47 am

Stop Barking and stop tribalism,not all Dinka are in the government. There are Dinkas who never being to Equatoria.

Odu Ori-Moira November 23, 2015 at 12:56 am

Endru ama ciro kowo Bori
Anyi Guru ga, anyi ‘a’a ya!
Ako pa-ga, Ori-Tibi odi ago si Jenge awu,
Vukade ni, ebefuli na julu!

Endru ama ciro kowo Bori
Anyi Moli ga, anyi ‘a’a ya!
Ako pa-ga, Ori-Tibi odi ago si JJuru awu,
Vukade ni, ebe fuli na julu!

Today, we are shouting battle shout in Bori
Are you there, the youth of Guru!
At Mt. Ako, Tibi’s youth have killed the Jenge,
For Vukade, we’ll leave the swamp desolate

Today, we are shouting battle shout in Bori
Are you there, the youth of Moli!
At Mt. Ako, Tibi’s youth have killed the intruders,
For Vukade, we’ll leave the swamp desolate

BA-BAI November 23, 2015 at 4:32 am

Anyi di aju ce ,LEMI anyidri andra .Anyi uv andraga ba amadri Jomboloko ka anyisa Ikonyi ra.

wedjuba November 23, 2015 at 5:07 am

To all our comrades in front lines, teach the Jiengs a bitter lesson. Let them taste the vengeance of the BEAST.

CPT Pitia, wonderful work, keep the blade swinging, we’ll not rest untill the liberation is brought home!

To soldiers fighting on the wrong side with Mr Kiir, abandon your barracks, come join the struggle for freedom. Kiir is using you as slaves to fight his tribal war while murdering, looting and stealing in your areas.

Our defence forces are fighting for the benefit of all tribes in South Sudan, time now to wake up and say no to Dinkernization, nepotism, land grabbing, incompetence and theft.

Kill them all!!!

Tolio November 23, 2015 at 12:56 pm

Government soldiers only raided rebels’ camp in that area. According to the credible information known,the rebels were dispersed from their makeshifts into the bushes.

This is because of constant attacks on innocent civilians from business communities who use this main public road for travels.

Criminals are ruled out in such attacks because they are mainly operating in the capital.

The government is not against business communities on that road,since they are taxpayers to government funded programs. The same can be said about government towards other citizens in the country.

This leaves the rebels who have military bases in the area as the only known culprits because they don’t recieve taxation revenue from those innocent business civilians but to forage on them in a violent way.

By the way,it was not the government’s military spokesman who said that but a ministerial official who voiced this statement.

The author of this article failed to mentioned that minister but rather scolded Philip Aguer who didn’t have a say on that raid.

That is called barking up the wrong tree. A clue that aught to convince any reader,this is just one of the blunders that has no element of truth in it.

The captain without doubt, is a demagogue who has nothing but pure manipulator of the truth.

The rebels have not killed many government soldiers as this captain claimed. They were dispersed;devastated and all their ‘manyatas or huts destroyed. They government troops didn’t just walk into them without tactical plans.

To the bus that was attacked the other day,spokesman from government military, Philip Aguer didn’t actually attribute the crime to Rebels. Soldiers he belongs attended the scene after the unknown attackers already done the killings, damages, and looting. Those killed were Somalis,Ugandans and a south Sudanese. They were all civilians. Meanwile,some of the civilians who fled the scene from the attackers in the aftermath of assaults came back to the spot of the incident after the government soldiers who were alerted came to their rescue. This is a sign that majority of the civilians only trust in government soldiers,not the attackers whom they ran away from.

It is a misrepresentation of the truth that Juba plotted this attacks on civilians traveling on that bus and blames the rebels for it,as well as using such a plan as a strategy to attack rebels’position in Magwi and to bring back Uganda to its side .

The government is strong and has capabilities to defeat the rebels from Magwi,if war is the only option on the table.

Withdrawal of Ugandan troops is what is giving rebels false impressions that the government is no longer strong, a bad idea that could japardise the peace implementations.

A good wisedom is to stop all these attacks on road passengers. It is killing innocent civilians who have nothing with war.

GatNor November 23, 2015 at 6:46 pm

Shut up Tolio, everything you are rambling about is irrelevant. Your general is dead and gone to hell. The so called born to rule can go ruled in hell & not in South Sudan.

This I great idea tell them to go rule in hell before you sent them there.

Opiombira Kiirendeazele November 23, 2015 at 10:58 pm

Tolio, Which of the Jieng Council of Elders are you? Stop using false names and come out clean. Just because you get your piece of the bread does not mean you should support this clearly genocidal government! Tell me this, how comes every tribe, even the very peaceful of all tribes the Madi’s are now against your government?

If you do not pay your soldiers some going months without salaries why do you expect they will not kill every night in Juba and this same thing has been going on Juba Yei road, now in Juba Nimule road. Why did you rash to judgement in less than 12 hours and your soldier where already in the SPLA-IO opposition camp.

The Agreement your primitive Jieng leader sign gave this forces rights to exist in their camps, just as your tribal militia are to stay in their camps 25 miles out of Juba. These are no longer rebels under the peace deal but a legal force. It is a mistake Kiir went after them from pure speculations with concret evidences!

Peple trust your Militia, trust my ARSSHHH! These are the same that have brought devastations to our lands. Civilian are not to be killed???? Who killed our Nuer brothers and Sister and cleansed from the Capital City leave alone on Road side. Go rot in hell ya Micheal Makeu or worst!!

Kongu November 23, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Be Brave take Courage God Will help in our endevour Lemi Ni Lemi
we are in your support we have got right to defend our land and our territory
madi Oyee EES Oyee ,


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