“Know the truth and the truth will set you free” Is Mabior Garang’s worldview differ from Dinka community?
By James Mathiang,

June 11, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — For the lack of a better term to describe Mabior Garang attitudes within the SPLM-IO, we shall compare Mabior Garang De-Mabior and his associates to Leeches in a river. Mabior Garang and his associates are acting like leeches in the river. Leech can bite and suck a lot of blood from its victim without triggering pain. Ever since Mabior Garang De-Mabior joined the SPLM-IO, many people did not realize that the man has his own agenda within the movement. However, what we know so far about Mabior Garang was that Mr. Mabior was evicted by the government of South Sudan 7years ago. As a result, Mabior end up living in exile until the time his mother Rebecca NyaDeng encouraged him to join the SPLM-IO.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Mabior did not join the SPLM/A-IO, because Salva Kiir has committed genocide against Nuer, but Mabior Garang wanted to build himself so that he could elevate to the top.
Like a leech which attaches itself to the skin, Mabior makes himself very close to Riek Machar so that he could be treated like a prince. Leech first injects a substance that works like a local anesthetic, so that its victim would feel no pain. Then the Leech sucks blood, which is almost three times its body weight. Similarly, Mabior pretended to be vocal about the genocide committed by his Dinka fellows in Juba, on December 2013. Mabior Garang’s fake campaign against Salva Kiir, plus his last name were enough to convince the SPLM-IO leadership to award him with a position bigger than his mind.
Given his background, Mabior should not hold such a high and important position, if education and experience are matter. Mabior used to be a “carouser” or a “clubber” in Nairobi Kenya hotels and nightclubs, before he joined the movement in 2014. After I read Mabior Garang’s article (Titled “Garang Blasts Machar Associates, Hails SPLM Reunification)” I came into conclusion that Nuer community are suffering from “Self –deprecation”.
History has proven that Nuer people always look themselves down, at the point that they don’t trust their leadership quality. First, Peter Gatkuoth Gual gave his position to Abel Alier after he won an election with majority votes. Second, the Nuer leaders in Bilpam especially those of Benson Kuany Latjor, Samuel Gai Tut, William Chuol Deng, Paulino Matiep, commander Gatwech Kuany and others Nuer leaders were the founders of the SPLM/A Movement, but later on they gave it to Akot Atem and Garang Mabior. Third, Dr. Riek Machar, who was supposed to be a second man after Dr. Garang, surrendered his position to Salva Kiir who is now becomes the Nuer enemies #1. So, now the question is what is wrong with Nuer people?
The author of this article, James Mathiang, can be reached at jamestot20032003@yahoo.ca.
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Dear James Mathiang
Many of your fellow Nuer will start in-boxing you after reading this article, most of them will write/call to criticize you for this Argument but I want to assure you every single phrase in your article is truth and fact. The movement need to be hardly rebuke since they do not have an official department for supporters complains and concerns.
Please we would like to have more of this kind of article.
Dear Readers
A House Built without Strong Foundation is A good description of this article about Within the Primitive Rebellion of Riek Ebola officials.
This Press Release article exposed exactly the Ebola viruses within the Riek Hotel Commander in Chief. Most of Riek Ebola officials at all senior levels rebel because of Position and Greed of power and not because to bring good change and governance for well being of South Sudan.
Not because for good change and with clear objectives and goals but Nuer primitive white army are fighting this Proxy War because of mislead unknowingly through deception styles by Riek Ebola viruses of tribal mind-sets Ideology and Influence.
Mabior knows that very well and he is very smart man of his own mission. Taban and Gadet have their own mission and interest in this rebellions which is all about personal interest and power Greed.
Riek Ebola rebellion failed terribly many times but it never never learned anything from it.
“So, now the question is what is wrong with Nuer people?”
And I may added little my own : Not All Nuer But Most Nuer People have Tribal mind-sets disabilities because their understanding of politics is based on tribal emotions.
I speak my words out and May God be with the people of South Sudan.
A Leech river,it is a very good Article!
Mabior Garang have no financial problem because his father left to them many Heritage or Inheritance. What I know is that he wanted to become a leader of South Sudan like his father and that is not going to happen.There is no transfer of power to Garang’s son or Kiir’s son. South Sudan is not like the family company.
We must accept our weakness and reprobe from them
Article full of unrealistic lies
When Riek Machar become a leader in South Sudan he would fill his Cabinet with non-Nuer trust me. For example, in Canada and Australia, Riek Machar appointed non-Nuer to represent his Movement. In Canada the representative is Dinka and his Deputy is from Equatoria. However, the worse part is that both representative to Canada and his deputy have no degrees or even diplomas. The representative himself cannot even communicate well in English because he is still taking English as Second Language or ESL.
Dear James,
Charles fought for justice to be done and he did not fight to get position, you can not compare yourself to Charles Pioneson who stood with the Nuer from day one. Your Degree is useless as you because you are not using it due to your failures and lack of understanding the contents during your period of study but just awarded because you took students loans and wasted time for instructors. Charles Pioneson is Professional and self employeed not like you in welfare.
What is the relationship between the appointment of Representatives in Canada to Captain Mabior un Professional statement and ill attack on our freedom fighters.
James I know who you are and what is your motives. Not all Nuer behave like you or after job positions. The majority Nuer are standing for justice that Charles Pioneson stood for before our current rebellion. Check the archives and proof me wrong look back for the historic fights, speeches and videos of Charles Pioneson when Nuer were left alone but Charles stood firm to fight against the government and called for total regime change and assured the Nuer that the people of South Sudan will join this justified war when Salva Kiir steps in their backyard and his prophency comes true as we almost have all the tribes of South Sudan standing against Salva Kiir genocidal regime and dictatorship.
James you are like Mabior Garang who is standing against the Freedom fighters and those committed to change Salva Kiir and his genocidal regime using any means. Mabior had made irresponsible statements to the media and always attacking his Comrades to lift himself. Mabior have no proofs in his lies on his facebook and to other media outlets not forgeting his adoration of the G5 that represented him in Juba.
James come and we will give Charles Pioneson and Lual Mathok Wol positions to you so that you feel happy and convinced.
Our Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon is not atribalist and a war monger like your Salva Kiir that you adore and promote together with Mabior Garang Mabior. Charles especially I know from day one is not a person who can complain but he stands firm for justice not for positionand campaigned for those responsible for killing Nuer innocently to be brought to justice and must account for their genocide and crimes against humanity that they inflicted on innocent South Sudanese citizens.
James you and your cohorts stands to look for positions and not fighting against the dictatorial regime of Salva Kiir and his genocide against the Nuer.
Where did you check and find these Canadian Representatives education achievements? You can not compare yourself to them or Charles whom I know and saw his creditials in various education institutions now even Charles Pioneson teaches Security Professionals courses, Safety courses ,First Aid and many other courses that you can not even try, The guy is on records in education achievement with highest marks and among the top in the county during his Primary Leaving certificate, Best in his “o” Level and “A” Level Uganda Examination, and many courses that he attended in Canada before been forced by Uganda government to leave Uganda for stopping genocide against the Sudanese refugees in 2002 when Congolese refugees want to attack Sudanese refugees in Kyangwali Hoima District of Uganda.
I wish you all the best and please do not forget to take Charles and Lual position if you deserve and qualify for it since it belongs to you and your cohorts.
If you are in Calgary like I assume you are, you should have known that I have never been to Welfare even before I was still in school. First of all the degree you termed “useless” enabled me to get a job with the provincial government. upon my graduation. University of Calgary is one of the top 10 university in Canada. I got a job with Alberta Health in Edmonton before I got my current job. Second, even though I may question most of the appointments by our leadership, I did not mention any name. Anyway, I cannot waste my time to debate with unknown person. If you are a really man, you should make yourself known so that we can debate well. I repeat myself again, I did not mention Lual Mathok or Charles, unless you to debate with you about them.
By the way Mr. IrI Fak, or whatever name you call yourself, your English is ESL Level.
I’m not surprised of this attitude towards jiengs (Danish) members in SPLM IO, it’s the opinions of Nuers the majority in the movement they non Nuers members specially jiengs they see them as the spy against the movement, this should be a wakeup call to jiengs members like Dau Atuojong, Mabor Marier,Khamis and Manhomjong not to the same mistakes was made by Akuot Atem in 1983 and kerbino kuonyin Bol 1999 both were end up died in Nuer hand .
Yes, most of the Dinka are either spies or position seeker
Dear Readers: good article I mean looking closely the NUER EXTREMISM
” So, now the question is what is wrong with Nuer people?” VERY NICE question and It is upto my Nuer people to search for Good answer to this Question.
Agumut you are right for the first time comment on the issue concerning Splm io. Please I urge you to act like a South sudanese patriotic. I hadn’t comments a single day whether in sudan tribune nor nyamilepedia. For sure no power transfer to the sons and daughters of this people whether it’s Dr riek, garang or kiir we will say no as a south sudanese n thanks
I knew this from the beginning that the intention of Mabior Garang was to build himself which was not bad if he do it correctly. In fact the reason he was appointed to the position he is in right now, is to prepare him for the leadership of tomorrow which is inn line with his intention. His problem is that he thought 1 to 2 years, is enough to build himself up that is why he tried to bit the same hand that is raising him up. Patience is the virtue Mabior is lacking which is not surprise to me given the fact that he is a man who have been spoon feed all his life.
James Mathiang,
There are so many things going wrong with the movement, that need an article to criticize, but your article is not appropriate and lack mature logic at this juncture. Who is not in this rebel movement without interest at heart? If, I have to criticize the movement, I would be going after the way the war is being concentrated only in upper nile region. Tell me, whose idea is it? What difficulty is there for it to reach lake and warrap state? If you really want to criticize somebody that is hurting our struggle and victimizing our nuer population, I should advice you to focus your energy on that. Gatmachar and his inner circle I believe, have a say into why the war hasn’t gotten to Bare gazel region. Blame those people, not young Mabior who like many of them is fighting for “his” share as you are. We need everyone support, who has a problem with the regime, not just nuer. So, Please rethink your position.