Accordingly the chairman of the so call MDF, who are responsible for the massacres of Nuer civilians as evidenced by UN Security Council and secretary-general, who condemned the killings last month as a war crime and crime against humanity. This is a death penalty that no legitimate leader would want to associate himself or herself with. The Mabaan Defense Force are bringing curse to Mabaan people and the minority tribe in the country. Although it may sounds as a threat, the truth is the white army may revenge against these illicit crimes by these small tribes within Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity state, unless Salva Kiir has a salvation for each of these tribes. From Dinka Bor to Murle and Mabaan, you should never take advantage of the fact that Nuer is currently fighting the region to liberate all the minority tribes from marginalization. So the Mabaan people must stands with freedom fighters instead of fighting against their own freedoms.
David Unyo Demey Kwara, who represents Mabaan in the national house, now carries the influence of dictator Salva Kirr, who led his Gelweng militia during the Juba massacre in December and shamelessly came out to call for “one people one nation” to prove that his militia was a “reserve force”.
David Unyo Demey Kwara claims that MDF militias was formed to fulfill up security gap. They must first ask themselves, for how long will they fill in this “security gap” when Salva Kiir government is crumbling and the gap is widening? Mabaan Defense Force is fueling massacres and helping the serial killer Kiir to kill as many people as he can before he is killed like Gadaffi of Libya.
According to Sudan Tribune, the legislator argued that South Sudan has allowed such situation because it is the only way the local populations can protect themselves from other communities in control of weapons. This is a blatant lie. The white army has had its guns for more than three decades but they respected all the small tribes that respect them. If the white army wishes to exteneminate any small tribes within the Greater Upper Nile even when there is a government they will do that. The white army is made up of brave warriors. No other community can fight Uganda and Sudanese rebels group but still control their territories. So this puppet of Kiir must learn to think and reason properly.
Kwara is the first official from Mabaan who has come out to claim responsibility for training this genocidal militia. We Nuer community from all over the world will watch the next step of this mad man and any single drop of blood of innocent Nuer civilian that will be shed by this militia must be revenged by the remnants Nuer white army. The war with Salva Kiir and Museveni will be brought to an end and our brave white army will never banished. Instead it will grow stronger and stronger until all these opportunists are brought to account.
This article serves as strong warning to Kwara and his Maban Defend Force. Refrain from atrocities and give our communities chance to live in peace!