By Gatkuoth Chol,

May 28, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The current rebel advancement and imposed threat around the oil field in Paloch had sent heatwaves and created severe psychological and mental illness to most senior government officials in Juba. The heart cried of Kuol Manyang Juuk Minister of defence statement to disarm the rebel fighters, reflected nothing than personal distress and internal fear of losing millions of dollars from oil field production. However, it was unfortunate moved and insult from minister himself to came out publicly and declaring that he will disarm the rebel fighters militarily, while he does not even have a capacity to disarm the cattle keepers in Lake State who slaughtered themselves on daily basis of inter-clans fighting for years. Mr Juuk roaring for war should be regard as lack of his understanding of the pain that the deceased families gone through such as the family of late Mature Machiek.
Nevertheless, the political crisis in South Sudan revealed many prodigious things to me. Prior the conflict, I do appraise Mr Juuk as person that can explore the diplomatic opportunities which can eliminate war or de-escalating conflict based on his age and revolutionary struggle experience. If I previously trusted the minister as person of truth, but from today onward I will trust him as father of liar. Let the truth speak for itself, after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement CPA) in 2005, many well-known rebels group emerged in South Sudan, and either one has never been disarmed militarily.
I wonder if the overreacted Minister could significantly explain why the government failed to disarm David Yau Yau who operated in one county before the outbreak of war in 2013. If the minister failed to disarm David Yau Yau and cattle’s keepers in Lakes state at first place, now what capacity he could gain to disarm the organising rebel’s forces which operate in more than eight states in South Sudan? How could he disarm the rebel fighter that have military capabilities to shut down the helicopter gunship and who managed to captured many major towns and cities than any existed rebellious in history? It is mysterious to convey Mr Juuk disappointment toward his harmless statement, which bears no creditability to the readers or viewer’s rather than being judge as aggressive language that encourage peace isolation. The minister poor strategies and lack of diplomacy tactics approach have buried his dignity and cracked his personal characters for life.
In common sense, war is unpleasant, and loss of lives in any forms is unappreciable, but war can be a choice when imposed to you. However, it is paramount to use all forms of language that will generate mass possibilities to resolve the current conflicts in peace and to reduce the misogyny, political deception and loss of human lives. It is important to know that the mass population are greedy for peace, despite their inefficient knowledge why the government remain silent, while massive killing continue in the country. The procrastination of government decision making toward peace process is more problematic and beyond words to explain. Notwithstanding that the country of over 70% of the population under the age of 30, is in state of collapsing in term of loss in human lives, human capacity, economically and diplomatic relations.
Fundamentally, our youth are finishing and over 90% of current deaths in combats were under the age of 30. It is really exasperating and agony to comprehend how the country will look like, if the war will continues in current form for other more years. The forecast to end the conflict remain extremely more challenging, but the hope to create peaceful environment must continue to build its momentum. We like it or not we all participated and shared the responsibility of major infrastructure damages, livelihoods and instability in the country.
The damaged still great and the conflict have defiled more people personalities and characters due to their attitudes or behaviours toward the war, and the only exit is comprehensive peace deal. Therefore, it is essential to understand that we have a vast role to play and collective’s responsibility as citizens of the country to stop the war, while the president should be in lead.
The language of use of force or threat and blame for the past mistakes needs to be eliminated for the search of peace. If the former Sudanese President, Gaafar Muhammad an-Nimeiry managed to end the First Sudanese Civil War, and the Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir managed and negotiated an end the Second Sudanese Civil War. Then nothing that can prevent Salva to end the current war, if he’s interesting to have legacy like other Sudanese presidents.
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Kuol is right to said that because rebels were badly defeat in Melut and Malakal leaving thousands dead like Gabriel Tankinya who was kill by gallants SPLA forces in Malakal while trying to escaped when they were cornered.
Mr Gatkuoth,
As long as Johnny WALKER is walking in head of your President in Juba, there will be NO peace in South Sudan.
Those people in the government are not stupid. It seems your comments is about Sterile and fertile when you talk Johnnie Walker,it wouldn’t affect them because they not young anymore.They have a choice to drink or not to drink,but not too much.
Why you talk about Johnnie Walker,it is their private life: Northerners drink a lot,but they sing about Islamic Sharia Law very much,but it is not exist either.Sharia is just a brainwash.
It may be true,but not for long. When oil field capture by rebel,there ‘ll be no more dringking.
You are a drinking king as i am commenting on here and that will have no effect to nobody either,Dinka children have nothing to do with drinking fathers either because they will not join them. Children please go because we have something very important to discuss about!
You are already DEFEATED!
Wau Naar:
And if the peace does not come to South Sudan sooner or later, you and the likes will be eating momkeys in the Republic of central africa. Mark my word idiot.
Are you trying to say people will eat “Monkeys”? Why will people eat Monkeys in Central Africa?
Dear Readers and Reporters
PLEASE NOTE THAT Kuol Manyang Juuk is a Father of PATRIOTTICS AND NATIONALIST AND VICTORIES! History of South Sudan is my witness! For example 2005, at SPLM emergency Meeting In New site when Dr Garang died in crashed, asked Riek Machar Ebola and Kiir and Wani About Kuol Manyang Juuk action during that crisis time??
If any groups deny this statement of mine then that groups don’t know the History of South Sudan a link practical way.
Kuol Manyang Juuk will always be hero and self decipline man power.
Of course Kuol Manyang will always a hero because he kills many.
To all the readers, please no jokes here it is a reality..
Kuol Manyang Juuk is a man of his words in 90% percent of the times…only though if you not really know this guy very well and in personal way. Kuol Manyang Juuk is very unique man in his own In image…Dr. Garang used him well to pushed his agenda for personal and professional for the SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT mission…and objectives..Please think carefully in this statement I am making..
For me and most of my country men and women, I said this to make for South Sudan history facts and truths:
In 1992, 1993, and 1994, I remember very well how the SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT OF Kuol Manyang Juuk Torit forces defeated so bad against Riek Machar rebellion of Nasir: Riek Foreces were defeated both in Nasir, Ayod, Waat, Panyagoor, Bortown, Yuaai , Gadiang, And most of Lou, Jikany, and Gawaar Nuer areas and villages.
I remember very well how Riek run with under wear only naked for his own life in the early morning battle of Panyagoor at 5am In the morning 1992. at 11am same day, 88% percent of Riek Machar Ebola Primitive Nuer White Army were dead or captured or missing.
Turned to hot dry season or hot season In 1992, 1993 EVERY weapons available for the SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT OF Kuol Manyang Juuk were used to crushed Riek Machar Ebola Primitive Nuer militant and one of the Riek Commander named Joseph was killed In that Battle. Most of you readers might remember what I am talking about here!!!
Please No joke here it was a reality event, After Riek forces defeated terribly, the SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT OF Kuol Manyang Juuk real war arrived in both Lou, Jikany, and Gawaar areas and Bentiu and many other areas, it was a disaster of human and property’s destruction, these areas were comb and made the ground Zero for history lessons to both Riek Machar rebellion and his primitive thinkers of Nuer white Army.
For this history facts to make sense and for the record, the SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT OF KUOL MANYANG JUUK stayed for 9 months and 15 days in both Lou, Jikany, and Bentiu and Gawaar areas and villages.
Most Surrender and beg like a dog..
to be honest I can not remember the word forgiven at that time of year. Most of my friends get wild and became crazy and out of control.
all of Lou, Bul, Jikany and Gawaar places became a NO MAN LAND.
ANY SURVIVED primitive white army run to Gambella or Khartoum for help and for their own life.
So my point is this The Kuol Manyang Juuk is a real worrior because Riek Machar rebellion known his name very well.
Thank you very much for reading my comment.
Dear Writer of his stupidity article:
Please I have to let you Informed that you don’t really the the history of South Sudan practical way: Please Remember very well that what happened for Riek Machar Ebola rebellion in 1992 in Panyagoor and Poktap and Ayod and Bentiu and waat; where Kuol THE SPLA MAINSTREAM TORIT defeated so bad Riek Machar rebellion…and almost all Lou and Jikany Gawaar areas feel exactly what what on that year? so please stop pretending like you care about the situation of our Nuer people.
You never seen women and children and men all burn a live in one crowd house.
Please do not mess with Kuol..
Do you know that there will be a time when the minister of defense himself will be brought to books where he will have to answer and account for the destruction of lives that had happened on his watch including the ethnic cleansing of the citizens of South Sudan for weeks on ends during Dec/2013? Almost all the executive branches are guilty or are implicit & complicit after the fact. So don’t boast to us about an international criminal like Juuk, we know who he is and what he is all about since 80th.
dear friends let we put this topic of disarm in consideration sometimes is hard to disarm or defeated the rebels it will take a time determination and encouragement to counter the thourt post by the rebels, but the SPLA army leadership have the will to counter that thourt post by Riek Machar and with his group to our very time his demons spirits came to influence his thoughts to comment the crime against humanity as he did in 1991 in Bor with his white army and again in 2013 ayad, akoba,malakal, benitiu and bailet. they will not be disarm but they will be defeated just matter of time.
Proverbs 20:1 – Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
From the so called crushing the rebellion to disarmament. Whats next fake amnesty?
The past must influence the present, guys! if you access these so called leaders of #SouthSudan, they are just warriors, war oriented, and tribalist.
The writer is right, He is a liar and moron sucker……
Crimes against humanity are being revealed in broad daylight. Abuchok, your days to answer for those cold blooded murders are numbered. Make no mistake,local tribunal courts are being set in and around the neighboring countries, to try the butchers of innocent south Sudanese.
We need to acknowledge that South Sudan is big country can’t be rule by listening advice by community as Kiir did. The write was correct to said that president be in lead of peace process as were did by previous Sudanese. If the president custom was just to drink and drunk how peace will come in the country? Also let construct our argueement in the way that will make sense to others not to support your tribes as you live in villages.
The writer is absolutely right, because when Kuol Manayang was a governor of Jonglei state he created the insecurity in the State and failed to resolve it, Instead he left governorship and ran to Juba. If he failed to managed one state insecurity, how could he manage to disarm all rebels group?. Second, I think Wau Naar have inadequate knowledge about writer concept, when writer stated that we have responsibility as citizens of the country to stop the war, while the president should be in lead. Simply mean that, both side must advocacy to end the war, and the president should not sit in Juba, he should be in Addiss-Ababa to lead the peace talk, because peace never come from rebel side, that is why writer used the two Sudanese presidents as example. Third, we those who live out side of the war zone, we can be a peace maker rather than fuel tribe hatred, nepotism and make negatives comments. let us demonstrate our knowledge in the way that will give our leaders best way to think and to achieve to bring peace in the country. Otherwise, our education should in vain.