
Kiir Government Is Tribal Government Serving Dinka interest In Chollo Kingdom

By Michael Kalakon,

Shilluck tribemen waring tradition attires in 1960s(Photo: unidentified)
Shilluck tribemen waring tradition attires in 1960s(Photo: unidentified)

May 14, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Land dispute is killing people in Chollo Kingdom. All records shows that, Salva Kiir regime is a tribal government just for interest of his tribe. Reference to Niavasha peace agreement chapter II ,article five (5) concerning land ownership, its say very clear that community land shall include all lands traditionally and historically held or used by local communities or their members, they shall be defined, held, managed and protected by law.

Now when we come and look into situation in upper Nile State, Dinka is claiming land traditionally and historically held or belonged to chollo people Community. And Kiir regime did armed Dinka civilians to in power them against their neighbours shilluk under pretext to protect oil pipes line as if there is no national army in the country, and yet shilluk tribe didn’t failed to understand Dinka and their government plan.

  When oil pipes line was under immanent threat Dinka militia didn’t fight to protect the oil pipes line. Instead chollo youth under general Johnson Olony were the force that liberated all upper Nile region up to Wat Akon!!. and immediately after liberation of wat-Akon county  General Johnson Olony’s vehicle  went under Heavy attack  in Rank  town, the was attack planned by government of the county and no serious investigation done by the government of Juba. Again when General Johnson Olony arrived in Makal another deadly plan was made by state government in cooperation with Dinka militia in Makal town against General Johnson Olony and his fourteen officers were killed including his deputy, Major General James Bwogo.!! That took place in north town of makal. Kiir  regime in Juba didn’t take any serious investigation to bring criminal before the court of law, this negligent made it very clear that government in Juba behind all this incidents.

  When General Johnson Olony reacted, all SPLA Dinka and Dinka militia including Mathiang Anyor which is Salva Kiir own especial trained militia that he used to kill Nuer in Juba were sent to Chollo land supported with 45 tanks and many Heavy artilleries to fight chollo youth under general Johnson Olony who are defending chollo land against land grabbers. Not that only but salva kiir himself  grabbed Chollo land and gave it to Dinka, that was Pigo area, the land of Adhiethiang he (Kiir) gave it to Padang Dinka.

Now the big question is this; is really chollo Community part or is it enjoying independent of south Sudan or actually kingdom switch from bad Arab colonial to Dinka worst colonial? Today in chollo land Dinka militias supported by Salva Kiir in juba are doing worst in history of Chollo Kingdom, that kind of  practices, never was done by Arab Northerners in chollo kingdom in the history of old Sudan.

The lands that we talking about today were held by chollo kingdom before 1545, by than there were no Dinka around in that areas. the only tribe that was chollo neighbours to shilluk was Anyuak, than Dinka started moving into the lands at about 1905 according to the record of the area. Until 1937 there were no Dinka inhabitors Makal town according to The Rev. J. A. Heasty, reference book ; The American Mission, Dolieb Hill, The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. 1937.

So even, if we can ignored the abovementioned records and just take it from Sudan independent time in 1956, nothing can bring Dinka into Chollo land if it is not Salva Kiir, the one creating problems between communities. Boundaries are very clear and it is in favour of Chollo Community.

Dinka Apadang made three (3) attempt to claims chollo lands but both three attempts came out in favour of shilluk communities, two of those attempts were during South Sudan regional government, 1980 and 1982. Committees were sent to the area to look into dispute land, the outcome of the finding was in favour of Chollo Community. another attempt was in November 2004 during visionary leader Dr. John Garang de Mabior, who just ignored Padang claimed because it was obvious case and it is nonsense claim from Padang, knowing that land belong to shilluk community.

Now when ignorance President took over case came up deadly again, the tribal President  back up his tribe using state power to fight chollo in benefit of Padang Dinka tribe. We know in this country that, you cannot differentiate between Dinka and government nor SPLA and Dinka Militias. Because SPLA is Dinka militia and Dinka militia is SPLA. But will Chollo allow Dinka to take their land in their watch because Salva Kiir regime supporting Dinka? This question absolutely remained  for Chollo Community to respond to it.

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Abuchook May 14, 2015 at 2:48 am


I feel you brother but you just crying and not doing anything about It.

PLEASE SHILUK BE CARE FULL NOT BE LIKE MY NUER PEOPLE WHO PUT THEM SELVES IN THE FIRE THEY CAN NOT PUT OFF: for example my Nuer people talked too much that they are the warriors and bravest fighters but in reality the war is now In our Nuer home land and villages and areas but where is primitive white Army?? Because most of these primitive Nuer White Army are dead or missing fighting the war without strategy and objectives to win…just to loot rape and destroy all properties.

The power of the LION KING can not be match anywhere in South Sudan just matter of time and peace interest.

Kiery Nyilek May 14, 2015 at 4:27 am

You are Abuchook, our brother is just crying and that cry is not going to help shilluk during this system, because no court you can go claimed for your right, they are the same beginning from president to the policeman.
The only language that works with this government is gun pipes and this how murle made this government talked and listen to their complaints.

Now the question is, will shilluk beable to standup for their problem? So far no different between shilluk and Equatorian.

James Turbil May 14, 2015 at 4:50 am


people like you are the most unthinkable people. We never cry out about owning other people’s work. we always claim our hard work. The war is in our homeland because Dr. Riek doesn’t favourite the war. My friend, if he is like Paulino Matip and general Gatwech Dual, and William Nyuon Bany, you either in Uganda or in Kenya and either Surrender yourself with your Selfish President call Kueth Piny. You talk like that because Dr. Riek has Saved the old SPLA/SPLM: That why you are calling us complainers and like violence. We never choose to kill people but Dinka have chosen to kill us. That is why war begin in southern Sudan. we are defending ourselves in this war and Dr. Riek is a victim of the war that was cook by Dinka elders because they have seen next round of the Nation’s election there will be no Dinka in power. Your corrupting President make you richer in less than ten years. He also Recruiting pure Dinka militia aside than the previous army of southern Sudan. on those couple point who in history of the South Sudan love violence? We Nuer or Dinka. your answer would be Nuer because you Dinka never tell the truth and the whole world knows now.

GatNor May 14, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Macahr doesn’t want to take the war to Juba or Bar El Gazal because he fears defections on tribal lines. At the same time there are many sabotage imbedded happy with the war being concentrated in Nuer land. TALK ABOUT REAL TRIBAL TENSIONS(rock and hard place). Machar is finding it hard to win supports from some Nuers because of his past negligence towards Nuers concerns either as a community or individuals. This could spell his Machar’s doomed if he continue not paying attention to their concerns. Now one of their main concern is to move the war out of their living rooms to the launching pad of these aggressors. Lul Ruei Koang has probably noticed this attitude of appeasement on Machar and maybe it was not sitting well with him as it would be a waste of time for him and he left.

Adut Mungulah May 14, 2015 at 5:31 am

you right I’m crying because we lost many people since 1983 until now 2015 how many more people you want to die, enough is enough, we need peace not death and suffering.

Loberito May 14, 2015 at 1:19 pm


Michael does not cry. He raised the issue which affect his people. He educated the public to know what goes on that people usually do not know. A gun will never solve the problems in South Sudan. South Sudanese need to rise up to challenge the government by all the people who are affected protest. The women in Liberia protested and they brought peace in Liberia. Violence will never solve the problem.

I still respect your opinion that those believe in violence will do so but they have to know that it is not tool which can bring peace. Let us also encourage the citizens to rise up to challenge their government.

Wed Aljunub May 14, 2015 at 2:05 pm

Mr. Kalakon my comment for you is simple. Wad Buk mentioned some significant points of history I ppreciate his points. Just let me give you example if you really the son of Sulluk. If conflict break out between two communities in Malakal and you yourself you know that, all the time Shulluk and Nuer fight against each other in Malakal not only recently crisis Nuer and Shulluk fight against each other but there is a historical hatred, Nuer don,t tollerate Shulluk and same way also Shulluk don,t. My comment is here:- When conflict break out between Nuer and Shulluk, and when conflict has become deadly Shulluk will cross the Nile to the west-Bank of the River Nile, why they do that because they do not belong to Malakal, they just economical people. If Shulluk insisted to annoy Dinka Padang people that would be a very bad history between Shulluk and Dinka Padang people in Upper Nile.

Kiery Nyilek May 15, 2015 at 11:27 am

Wed Aljunub,
FYI. 1- Shilluk fought one (1) time with Naath and that was by easy misunderstanding.
2- If Dinka Padang stay in their boundary of 1956 there will be no brother between Dinka Padang community and chollo community and chollo community don’t have intention to claim padang land but if Padang community cross it to chollo community land than there will be no peace in upper Region. Believe me or not.

Wed Aljunub May 15, 2015 at 7:58 pm

That your point of view anyway But I don’t think you will be able to carry on for long unless you or Shulluk surrender and accept tolerant from Nuer that may be. if there has been misunderstanding between Shulluk and Nuer is okay nevertheless I don’t think Nuer will fight Dinka Padang on Shulluk behave, not only Dinka Padang but whole the Dinka have no problem with Nuer. PROBLEMS COME AND GO. The 1956 boundary is between the North and South Sudan not between Dinka Padang and Shulluk. you called Nuer Naath but I don’t think Shulluk called Nuer Naath either only Nuer people called themselves Naath.

Kiery Nyilek May 15, 2015 at 11:58 pm

Than you don’t know internal geography of south Sudan and it is a waste of my time to debate with some one like you. Just go hell with trash you carrying in your little chicken mind.

Malek Auger May 14, 2015 at 2:58 am

Common Man, so if Kiir is a tribal government then where did you get your guns, tanks and ammunitions, its the government of Kiir who liberated shukuk from Nuer by arming your coward chollo, and you went instead and attack your neighbors .
its kiir who trusted you and supplied chollo with all these tanks and gun and instead you chollo betray him.
chollo never liberated Malakal alone it was combination between chollo, Dinka who jointly liberated Malakal.
but if you think now you can liberated northern upper nile, then you chollo are killing your own citizen who are residing at Dinkas cities, where in upper did you see chollo living in their own cities. do not be stupid, its couples of days and you all will run to Khartoum.

Abuchook May 14, 2015 at 5:11 am

To all the readers:
Please Note that it seemed to me that many or most tribes that are stupid and idiot in South Sudan hated the Dinka People for nonsense and no properly analysis reasons to do so,
But based In my Knowledge and experience with the Dinka People they are very nice and respect to the other people If you really pay attention while you spend time with the Dinka People.
But if you cut the Dinka People tails and bite them they will respond within the no reach any one can not matched their determine and courage and they like to fight make sense war.

So to those Idiots be careful out there and make sure you understand the Dinka People in details and pay attention really well. Their response and war strategy and clear objectives can crush the Dinka haters!!

Please be careful: and stay low and cool.

GatNor May 14, 2015 at 2:10 pm

You ever heard the phrase “the hunter becomes the hunted”? Shame on those who will let themselves get isolated, humiliated & eventually eliminated by these cold blooded murderers like Abuchook. I said before you Jaang are only good at preying on the weakest of our society. Now you have made the biggest mistake of your doomed kingdom. You started waging war against the Nuers without calculating the repercussions. You will end up with a concussion that you will never recover from mark my words. This Jaang kingdom must be burn to the ground.

Angelo May 14, 2015 at 7:04 am

Malek, your tribal govt armed Shilluk to keep Kiir in power not because Chollo community will defend itself. We Nuer have no problem with Shilluk. Tell me who had armed all the civilians in the country and announced the fake coup? That is your uncle who turned our country into battle field for his lust for power.

Adut Mungulah May 14, 2015 at 4:30 am

I’m not going to say nothing thing about all evil things you said again Denka or Dinka as you called them. this land is my land and your land God made for me and you, by the way I don’t really care about how much the you people don’t like Denkas or Danish people of south Sudan and sudan, but I care how much I’m going to love you and forgive you for all evil things you said and done to Danish people.

deng agoth May 14, 2015 at 4:31 am

Dinka Padang why don’t u liberate your former land of Lou Nuer if u r true warriors hahaha Nuer expansion in 1800s displaced many Dinkas, Anyuak, Murle & other jurs in the east up to Ethiopia & results of this made Dinka PA to migrate north east living their former home land present day Lou Nuer habitat & now coward Chollo r crying after being defeated by mathiang anyor hahaha

Kiery Nyilek May 14, 2015 at 8:48 am

Mr. Agoth,
I think you made a good point, shilluk in general but especially the author of this article should take it from you that originally Apadang Dinka migrated from Lou areas due to fierce war with Nuer in about 1800s or actually in about 17 century. This part of information I think answered wondering of the author. Because he mentioned that up to 1905 that where Dinka started appearing in the East Bank.

The other point of your writing should benefits Nuer themselves, they should learned from your point that killing that took place in Juba in 2013 partially political but mainly is a revenge for the accumulation of Dinka bones that were killed by Nuer since seventeen (17) century ago.

Abuchook May 14, 2015 at 4:51 am

Dear Readers,
very soon those of shiluk armed militia and Nuer primitive white army knew very well the determine and courage of the LION KING:
they will all soon run to Khartoum to be second class citizens!
Riek Machar rebellion and Shilluk militia can not match the Lion King Nationalist citizen of Kiir and Malong and Kuol and all the Field Commanders: the next mission is to break the spirit and determine of Riek Machar primitive Nuer White Army and Shilluk militia.
Right now as I am writing this comment The SPLA MAINSTREAM JUBA ARMY has many resources ready and stand by if needed to be used any time any where in Souh Sudan.
No body no one can match the Power of the LION KING: Riek Machar and Shilluk militia can try as always but eh they will never win even If Jesus joint them to help them.
Thank you very much

Edward May 14, 2015 at 5:15 am

Shameful to argue and fight over tribal boundaries as it happens here in South Sudan. Upper Nile Province Handbook clearly details the settlements of each of the warring tribes since Colonial Era to 1956.

Padang Dinka better consult history books and maps, rather that just claiming a land which belongs to their neighbors. let them not be mislead by S. S. useless politicians.

South Sudan government should really put an end to this issue, and by doing so, communities shall live in peace.

Lualdit May 14, 2015 at 7:25 am

Be a real man, claim and proclaim your true identity. There are sellout Nuer, but you are not one them. You are Jaang and nothing else. Jaang are liars, and like to gossing. The net is prefect place for your people, so you can try to fool people that you are a Nuer man. God hate liars. Be assure, your days as the leader of South Sudan are on the count down. You have failed and shame the name of South Sudan. History will judge you. Victory is not measure by capturing a town or a village, rather it is measure by winning the heart and soul of the people. Your dinka government is lossing the heart and soul even your jaang people. Even with the country resources at your deposal your jaang people are dying and suffering. what a pathetic. Lesson number one numb nut!

Yien Tharngoany May 14, 2015 at 7:55 am

All the stupids people are those who support dead uneducated Kiir alcoholis. But I don’t bother they are all going to deficate soon with their drunker president.

AGUMUT May 14, 2015 at 8:03 am

Kiir government in Juba is not Authoritarian. Dinka are not ruling local government of Malakal and not all Dinka are in government in Juba either.

Wad Abuk May 14, 2015 at 8:20 am

Michael Kalakon
It’s the same Padang Jieng worries under late Cdr George Athor who rescued your current king (Mak)2004 from Nuer militita.
Issues of our internal borders between tribes is a responsibility of central government, how come a Shilluk Milita Johnson Oleny started demarcation the disputed borders, if not because he is a tribal militia not Maj. General in the SPLA.
Please You make your research how many Generals Jieng De Padang in SPLA, the simple question for you, Why no any one among them think to demarcate these areas?
I believe if the demarcation is left to local chiefs to discuss it, amicable solution can be achieve as soon as possible, but if Shilluk thinks that military option , because the military equipments they have now will bring a solution, okay let situation go as it’s.
For benefit of our readers according to 1956 Greater Upper Nie was composed of (9) Districts, they are follows:
1. Renk
3. Malakal
4. Fangak
5. Akobo
6. Bor
7. Pibor
8. Western Upper Nile (Bentiu)
9. Nasir
Kodok was headquarter of Shilluk, from that time up to 1980s shilluk taxes goes to Kodok.
Malakal that they are claimed now was builded with taxes from Jieng de Padang and Nuer.

Goweng Torbar May 14, 2015 at 9:58 am

Where are remaining Mathiang Anyor or Gwelweng? i never heard of a dinka who took fighting since 2013. In upper Nile White army were fighting Olony, Gony Biliew, Nhial Batoang and Buay Rolnyang, In Bentiu Nuer are fighting Puljang and Thayip Gatluak plus SPL n And JEM in Bor Nuer are fighting UPDF, Where are Dinka?

Nyuon May 14, 2015 at 10:06 am

@abuchook, i’m suprissed a lot about the words you said because you talk like a person that have drink alcohol, so why you proud? Where is a mighty dinka found? You all s sudanese are nothing from nuer mighty warrior but i think u still in s.sudan because of UDPF, SPLA-N, JEM N SOME AFRICANs WARLORD not a dinka gov.t that are proctected peteration of nuer from where they are to juba or your motherfucker warrap, however let me remind u when Dr machar will say yes for war n ordering field commanders in all four directions plse u all will lay down n it will be time of ending all dinka n i alway worred about u man becose u will be refugee with out return.

Deng II May 14, 2015 at 8:27 pm

Dr.Ebola (Machar) will never fart on the throne of SS palace. people like Nyuon de idiot is kidding himself and nothing indeed. Go and get life to yourself. From to day, put in to your none function mind that, Machar will never put his fat bottom into SS throne. SS throne will go to patriot Nuer and patriot Nyamnyam. There is nothing can get rid of Dinka Tribe at one time, and for that, one Dinka will and should block Dr. Ebola to sit on SS throne. Believe it or not, you Nyuon de Idiot will become president of SS if you want to, because you doesn’t have a terrible records compared to Dr.Ebola.
To Day, the slogan so called ” Mighty Nuer warriors” is now calls Mighty Nuer Cowards. How do you like it now? Is it delicious? We hear Nuer always Knee down on the son of Jur or Nyamnyam in Washington advocating for USA intervention, however nothing will happens. Good luck, no body can tap off your mouth and tied your hand down your ass, you will still vomit your reflux craps as long as you like it, but it doesn’t going to make a different.
By the way, there is a devil cousin of Dr. Ebola calls GatNor, who running his mouth supporting craps always here in Nyamile website, instead preaching for peace so that we (SS people) cannot reduces our populations for nothing, he is just a tribalism mindset who wish SS people to fall apart. He is nothing, but individual who pregnant with hate craft..

Lat Kuem May 14, 2015 at 6:50 pm

Hunger tribes called themselves regiment Dinka have seeing some of commercial comment being presented on Shilluk land. Although dinka have seeing no barbarians gained and expanded their mutant interest towards businesses. I regretted to hatred each decision from Shilluk people because are not engaged to fought within righteousness of the land grabe by their neighborhood.

modilolaja May 14, 2015 at 10:45 pm

Dear Readers,

Let’s learn how to be good leaders of this country South Sudan rather than creating, injuring, ignoring, intimidating, terrorizing and in-admitting other people right. These acts of evils will one day come to an end as known historically. Europeans, Turkish, Egyptians, and lastly Sudan left us after defeated. I feared that this acts one day end.
God is seeing all acts of evils but its turn will be bitter.


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