By Solomon Pur Gok Dak,

July 3, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Refutal to article published on July 1, 14 by Sudantribune “Jonglei Youth reject federal system of governance”
Well, it is my utmost pleasure to start this short article by giving brief account on Jonglei State. Jonglei State is a home to six ethnic groups namely; Nuer, Dinka, Murle, Anyauk, Kachipo and Jie. It consists of eleven (11) counties: Akobo, Ayod, Bor, Duk Fangak, Nyirol, Pibor, Pigi, Pochalla, Twic East and Uror in alphabetical order; these counties are divided into three Greaters namely: Greater Akobo( Akobo, Nyirol and Uror); Greater Bor (Bor, Duk and Twic East); Greater Fangak (Ayod, Fangak and Pigi) and Greater Pibor (Pibor and Pochalla). The Nuers have five counties; Dinkas have four counties; Anyuaks have one county while the remaining three ethnic groups (Murle, Kachipo and Jie) have one. Jonglei State is apart and parcel of the Greater Upper Nile Region.
One may ask as to why I shuold bother you with this obvious history about Jonglei; well, it is because a group in Bor who claimed to call themselves Jonglei youth have published an article (decribed above) on behave of the entire state saying: “Jonglei Youth reject federal system of governance”. This act is not only excluding the voices of the majority but also contravene the constutional rights, will and demands of the young persons of the state. So, I have to give that brief account so that the learnt readers of this article will be able to understand the baseless claims made against Jonglei Youth will, demands, and aspirations by handful spoonfed youth in Bor ( NOT entire Bor youth/Greater Bor youth).
The cheap reasons given by self-claimed Chairson of the so-called Jonglei Youth Union is basless in totality and I quote:
“As South Sudanese, the state we are in now and the crisis we are in, we cannot think of federalism because we are faced by tribal issues,” Jacob Achiek Piok, chairperson of the Jonglei State Youth Union, said on Tuesday in the capital, Bor.“We need our government to be more capable than [it is now] to prepare for federalism. We need to take time, for us as South Sudanese, to analyse what is good about federalism and what is bad about it,” said Piok.
Suprisingly, Jacob Achiek Piok (Bor County)-my law classmate and colleague civil servant- is reported to be the Chairperson of Jonglei State Youth Union instead of Peter Ayar (Pigi County) who took over from me in 2012; as I was the Chairperson Jonglei Youth from 2007-2012; this shows that it was spoonfed youth who which to please their warmonger masters and bloodthirt fathers at the expennse of Jonglei youth.
In conclusion, we the Jonglei youth are not only for federal democratic governance but also call for immdediate and urgent implemetation of the federalism as it is the system of the governance that will save this nation from ‘ravages of predators’ of kiir regime and system. As young people of the state, we are part and parcel of the Greater Upper Nile people and we will never and can never deviate from the will of the people and communties of Upper Nile who have notable figure in history of Sudan for federalism; Hon.Both Diu (1947). We do highly congratulate and appreciate the people and communties of the Greater Equatoria for boldly favouring and supporting federalism for quite long time as the best governence system for Republic of South Sudan.
South Sudan Oyee
Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhur-gon Oyee
Jonglei State Oyee
Jonglei Youth Oyee
Solomon Pur Gok Dak,
Former Chairperson for Jonglei State Youth Association(2007-2012);
Acting Chairpeson for Jonglei State Youth Union (SPLM/A-IO)
What is federalism?
Please you need to make more research before you post. Twic East and Duk are not Greater Bor area. It warning advice to you. “Greater Bor (Bor, Duk and Twic East);”