
James Hoth’s dirty Money at work in Australia.

By Lt Col. Madak G Rundiaal,


James Hoth Mai, former Chief of South Sudanese army(photo: SOUTHSUDAN-UNREST/SPLA REUTERS/Andreea Campeanu )
James Hoth Mai, former Chief of South Sudanese army. Hoth posts for a picture in his garden in Juba before leaving the country to Australia(photo: SOUTHSUDAN-UNREST/SPLA REUTERS/Andreea Campeanu )

July 11, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Just to let the world know that James Hoth Mai’s recent visit to Australia is part of his diabolical plan to prolong Salva Kiir’s detrimental reign of terror by bribing some members of the community to work with his murderous regime to vitiate SPLM/A in Opposition by insinuating what happened in Juba on December 15th 2013. He began by calling some individuals to his resident and briefed them about his mission. Those who attended his boondoggle mission are either family members, family members of those who are still with Kiir terror regime or opportunistic friends who are only interested into what they get and pay no attention to indelible suffering of innocent Nuer people in South Sudan and refugee camps in the neighboring countries. He personally handed them fifty thousand Dollars ($50,000) as an acceptance in to the terror regime that committed egregious and abominable crimes.

He promised them some positions in both central and state governments. Gatkuoth Majiok Chuol Bithow, Wal Gatluak Rangdit with alias Wal GatluakThong, Dordeng Puoch Mar are the leaders of the group and they have been receiving money from James Hoth and Simon Kun since late December 2013 to recruit some people in Australia. Wal’s elder son Nyuon Wal was given scholarship and he is currently studying in China with Nguoth Hoth Mai. They are the best buddies. Gatkuoth Majiok was appointed as a minister in Upper Nile State and the Government of Upper Nile state has been paying him as a government employee since 2012. Dodeng was employed by the Government of Upper Nile State after he visited South Sudan and his name was put down at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an ambassador. Deng Puoch Nguoth was promised to be deputy ambassador in Khartoum, USA or the United Nations as part of agreement between Salva Kiir and James Hoth Mai. Deng Puoch himself was in Addis Ababa in January and February for his spying mission that failed miserably.  In February 2014 these mentioned individuals were given $75,000 US dollar to talk to White Army and traditional chiefs to abnegate fighting for justice. The money was wired into their accounts the same way Gordon Buay Malek Chuol Kam from Canada was paid by those of Khor Diu Gach,Gatwech Lam Puoch,Lam Both Deng,Bol Puot Yuot because these individual are Salva sycophants.

Paul Bak Puot Mut was promised a post of Finance in Ulang County and his brother John Paleak Puot Mut was promised to be a Magistrate or Judge in either Ulang or Nasir Counties, little did they know his alleged legal qualification is questionable. These promises were made in the hope that Salva regime survived this test of time. Nyoat Mut and Kal Juoch Ter recruited into the SPLAand both will work as spies, Kal will travel to Ethiopia soon using the visit as a pretext to visit his wife who is currently in Gambella, Nyoat has been spying on SPLM/A in Opposition sympathizers in Australia and all of them currently on the Juba’s government list of employees.

As we all know that the Juba rotten Regime is doing all it can to remain in power by any cost and their satanic plan is, to recruit people to work with them, people who their relatives were massacred in Juba.Now they recruited some ladies and their names are Nyakoach Mai, James Hoth’s sister and the wife of late hero Stephen Duol Chuol Lual (RIP), she was paid $75,000 dollars and additional $50,000 dollars on James Hoth arrival. These payments were made to persuade the battle hardened White Army Commander Hokdor Chuol Diet and his fighters from Jikany White Army, particularly those from Cie-Wang and Cie-Bichiok in general. If she succeeds, Commander Hokdor was to be paid $500,000 by the Juba Regime Cmdr. Hokdor refused to accept anything or talk to anyone associated with Juba, well-done comrade. People like Nyangune Thurbil Yat are being paid $50,000 to keep quiet blinded from seeing that her two cousins were killed by James Hoth Mai soldiers. And when her husband Koat Gaak Deng questioned her involvement she evicted him from the house, calling the police informing them her husband has been unbearable annoyance since he came back from South Sudan. And her sister Nyakuma Thurbil Yat whom her husband hailed from Kongor involved in the James Hoth plan and she received unspecified amount of money a sum believed to be around $50,000 or more. She has personally made some phone calls (threats) to those who opposed Hoth Mai visit to Australia.

Also Pastor Isaac Thok Jock Chuol the husband of Nyawal Lam Nguoth whose sister Nyagoa John Jock Chuol still working with Upper Nile State government under Simon Kun Puoch, Isaac Thok himself cheated death by a whisker in Malakal in December 2013 and ran for his dear life. This experience resulted in Isaac being traumatized and he was forced to seek some counselling. Surprisingly, Isaac still a Salva Kiir supporter.

Also Shaker Salah Lei who is husband of Gogok Lam Nguoth was threatened to be evicted from the house by his lady when he questioned this diabolical act and he has no choice he has to listen to his wife because he cannot risk being deported back to South Sudan since he is not yet an Australian permanent resident (PR). And Nhial Puok Leek and his wife Nyachoat Gaak Deng were paid $50,000 and additional $250,000 to be pay later.Nhial himself still an employee in Upper Nile State Government. He is now still a director in one of department in Malakal. In addition, James Hoth is currently working with Pieng Deng to transfer Nhial Puok from Malakal to Juba. Also this man by the name Tut Pech Kuicloch and his wife were paid a lot of money believe to be $50,000-$100,000 because they obtained some sensitive and credible information from people from the ground in Upper Nile and other people in the Movement that they are supporters of SPLM/A in Opposition in he is not, he is currently working to go back to his old job as peace commissioner in Upper Nile.

In addition, James Hoth boyhood friend Daniel Abushery Nyang was given First Class ticket from America to Australia to arrange some business opportunities in America. This guy has been writing articles against the government in Juba calling it claptrap. Those of you in America be aware of this guy.

Tut Beliew Pal was given contract by James Hoth to buys military vehicles from China and Ukraine .And his name is on list of employees of an oil company where Teny Puoch Nguoth is one of the directors. It is understood Tut Beliew is campaigning to be the next Chairperson of Ulang Community Association of Australia in Australian state of Victoria. Let’s all and appeal to Golden citizens (Cie-Lang) please do not vote for Tut B Pal or Wal Gatluak Rangdit(Thong) because they only represents the interest of Hoth Mai and Salvateror( Salva Kiir}.

Also Ruach Wuob Gon or Boutros Ruach and Ramazan Thok Deng are very close associates of Simon Kun Puoch they were in Bangkok, Thailand in February and March this year where they were handed some cash in exchange for the information they have provided to the rotting regime, Boutros Ruach was appointed as a minister by Simon Kun in Upper Nile State and he is now in preparation to accept the appointment. Plus Nyahok Thok Deng the wife of Simon Kun Puoch is using Boutros Ruach as courier to take part of $3.5 million US stolen from all the banks in Malakal by Simon Kun Puoch when the war started in Upper Nile in which he blamed the freedom fighters for that stolen money, the money was smuggled to Kenya by Motor Kun Puoch and also as an informant for Salva Kiir regime spying on SPLM in Opposition activities in Upper Nile. Also Nyamakal Thok Deng was given first class ticket from Australia to Ethiopia just for her to spies on SPLM in Opposition. All of these individuals were called by James Hoth Mai and he paid them $50,000 each because they accepted to be part of diabolical plan.

Teny Puoch Nguoth is currently in Juba working with oil companies under the killer Kiir. That job was given to him because he is James Hoth Mai brother having only stayed three weeks in Juba. Teny himself threatened those who opposed James Hoth Mai visit to Australia and he went further by telling them not step foot in South Sudan. It’s a long list: Jock Diu Gach who is currently in Juba is one of the people employed by Kiir and one thing he and his brother Khor did told seven members of their family to go to Malakal in March where they were barbarically killed in Baliet by Salva Kiir and James forces. May their souls RIP.

Luk Jiath Riek pretended that he is supporting SPLM/Ain Opposition by writing some negative comments about Kiir’s failed regime in Juba. These are all lies because this guy never supported SPLM/A in Opposition. And he was paid $60,000-70,000 and ongoing paying in which we don’t know how much and how long. Also he is James Hoth Mail associates as well as a brother-in law of Simon Kun Pouch where he was promised lucrative deals. He provided Simon Kun and James Hoth Mai with lot information and he was one of those who provided intelligence to enemy to captured Ulang and Nasir. Also he and Gatkuoth Majiok, Wal Gatluak Rangdiit with alias Wal Gatluak Thong, Paul Bak Puot Mut, John Paleak Puot Mut, Nhial Puok Leek, Dordeng Puoch Mar and others personally bought some Satellite Phones (Thurayas) to some traditional chiefs in both Ulang and Nasir. Luk Jiath Riek,Nyoat Mut and Wal Gatluak Rangdit or Wal Gatluak Thong were in the community meeting to record the entire meeting in which they did and played the recordings at James Hoth resident where they talked through who said what about James and all of those recordings were sent to security services in Juba.

Moreover, be aware of Nyayien Yat the wife of James Kok Ruei she has been a Salva Kiir supporter like her husband and she was paid $560,000 in January 2014 because she rang Salva Kiir and told him that she and her kids were targeted by Nuer in Australia because of her political stance. In natural fact, this was bogus claim without iota of truth in it. She also attacked one of the ladies whose her husband was almost killed in Juba that her husband was at fault of being Nuer.

In addition, Jiek Puot Mut was reinstated to his previous position in Nasir as a tax collector and he may go to Juba soon.

James Hoth visit nettled the victims’ families that forced them to report him to the Immigration Depart where he was visit by the Federal Agents and was ordered to stay at home or risk being arrested. His visa has been cancelled as he does not meet the good character test; he lied and called himself a ‘diplomat’ not disclosing that he is a general in the army (Chief of General Staff). Also his wife is in big trouble with Australia Taxation Office (ATO) because she has been living in the government funded house and receiving Social Security Payments (centrelink). To those who think James Hoth Mai have right to stay in Australia this is not true; he has privileges which are revoked by the Australian Government because of his role in genocide. Also his name is among those banned from entering United States of America   James Hoth was given two choices by the immigration:

(i)            to leave Australia within period(72 hours) given to him

(ii)          Forcefully remove from his resident and place in a detention while waiting to be deported.

And now I can tell the world that his visa was cancelled by Australian Immigration because his presence in the country brought discord in the community and under Australia law if the presence of an individual brought disharmonyin the community then that individual is not welcome in Australia. Also if a person lied at the time of their application for visa and the department found that false information was given the visa is cancelled as well. James Hoth Mai left Australia on the June 29th 2014 because if he stays until June 30th   immigration was going to arrest him and put into detention and deported back to Juba. We thank Australian government and community leaders who worked tirelessly for this criminal to be rejected from Australia.

The government of Australia has spoken loud and clear that anyone who they believed is involved in a war is not welcome in Australia and James Hoth Mai has no exception.

All those individuals’ names contributed a lot to bring SPLM in opposition down and they were in regular contacts with those in Juba and Brigadier General Koang Thow the Cmdr. of Nasir and Ulang forces and Brigadier General Nhial Batoang Cmdr. of Paloich,Longochuk and Maiwut forces. And when they knew the enemy captured Doma Payam (abandoned by SPLM-IO)they rang their relatives to leave Ulang and Nasir towns immediately.

Henceforth, those individuals mentioned should be bans from Nuer Land indefinitely leave alone contesting any leadership in Nuer community because they have chosen to side with enemy that killed thirty seven thousands (37,000) innocent Nuer mostly women and children, raped Nuer women, burned down all the villages.I urge the Nuer community worldwide especially the Nuer community in Australia to isolates those individuals. And I urges those in America,Canada,Europe and around the world to names and shame those who are still supporting rotting regime of Salvateror Kiir.

Lieutenant Colonel Madak Rundiaal, South Sudan

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