By Gai James Kai,

May 10, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — On behalf of the ever vibrant Mayiendit County’s intellectuals and on my own capacity, I deeply regret and condemn in the strongest term possible the unwarranted propagation clashes in the PoC3 in Juba. Our community Haak Bakol which represents a beacon of unity on the African Continent cannot be swimming in needless and uncalled-for conflict by traitors and ever known betrayers.
The impasse which occurred on Friday, 8th May 2015 between the Mayiendit community in PoC3, Juba and the Bul community has necessitated the need for Bul community to flee the camp for their lives in the midst of revenge attack and consequently, dragged them to carry out unnecessary killings in Juba town. This unhealthy rivalry culminated in the loss of lives, properties and injuries which are threat to meaningful peace, harmony and perhaps, our ever challenged friendship with the other communities.
Today, 10th May 2015, our brothers from Bul reached as far as killing; not only our beloved innocent men from Mayiendit county working in Juba town but also those from our neighboring counties; especially Leer, Koch and Payijiar and these uncivilized manners of our brothers from Bul in Juba have led to the death of four innocent people which undoubtedly is a signal of pandemonium in the near future if these minor conflicts are not resolved amicably.
I personally with all vehemence condemns these inter – clan wars in PoCs. I am also of the opinion that it’s about time we Nuer stopped making a travesty of ourselves and refrain from engaging in activities that will propagate the vicious cycle of our common enemy South Sudan.
I would also like to register my displeasure of the community Leadership of Haak and Bul in PoC3 for their failure to bring their blood demanding impasse to an end. It’s immeasurably astounding when thw Bull community leaders in PoC3 blatantly lie to all Nuer in the camp that they are not in conflict when actually four lives have been lost. Do they want hundreds of lives to be lost before they acknowledge they are in conflict?
We all are mindfully aware of the “sluggish” suffering of Nuer in the crowded camps and other deprived areas of the country. Popular amongst these challenges are Education, Health and better conditions of life which our majority are alienated from. Per how far we have come as a Nuer, this is the time to be united in purpose to pursue caused and not to kill one another. In the words of Martin Luther King Jnr. “we should live together as brothers or die together as fools”.
The consciousness of Nuer must be elevated that we can’t continue to swim against each other. We are not a collection of clannish groups but we are a collection of Nuer with one history, hope and purpose. I therefore call on: The leadership Nuer community in PoCs; Juba to sensitize all Traditional Heads on the need for peace, tranquility and development in the Nation.
Finally I call on all Nuer to be mindful of the fact that South Sudan is the only nation that we have and as we are in the unjust conflict that our common enemy subjected into or clans conscience for money which will run the Nation in mayhem and bedlam.
The author is a Law student at Nkumba University, Kampala. He can be reached though his email, or search for him on facebook; Gai James Kai…
Mr. Gai James.
You have repeated the word common enemies more than twice, you can judge the attitudes of Nuers by yourself. Every where whenever, the members of Nuers are living, you will find there is a big problems there. There is no common enemies in South Sudan but there are commons rebellions in South Sudan. Why not pointing your real issue to be resolve than rhetoric?
So Nuers are fighting each other at Shanty UNMISS Camps. I think they should condemned Riek Machar or they should walk out ,apologized,get another chance in society,received amnesty awards and settle in peace.
AGUMUT & Mawien Magol,
You all really need to relax. Life wouldn’t be the same without minor conflicts. Don’t forget the revenge blood for blood feuds going on in Bar El Gazal. We all know about the cold war in Bor counties.
Do you think Nuers are perfectly conflict free. You cowards shows no attitude different from those at the Camps fighting. Have you not read that the Elders initiate to condemn the trouble makers(common in every community) and chase them out to bring back some calm & peace.
Are you drunk? It is not BAR , It is call Bhar EL Gazal with H in it.
You expect an African to keep track of all the imported Arab names and spellings you have proudly adopted?
I like the way you put it bro, in fact, you will die together as more than fools or idiots is the rightful word.
You all really need to relax. Life wouldn’t be the same without minor conflicts. Don’t forget the revenge blood for blood feuds going on in Bar El Gazal. We all know about the cold war in Bor counties.
Do you think Nuers are perfectly conflict free. You cowards shows no attitude different from those at the Camps fighting. Have you not read that the Elders initiate to condemn the trouble makers(common in every community) and chase them out to bring back some calm & peace.
Dear esteemed readers;
I really respect your opinion and perhaps, appreciates your precious time taken to commenting on my writing.
As someone who is bound by the principle of truth and justice, it cost me absolutely nothing to say that the treasonous and Cowardly government officials who allow and support these unconstitutional, unlawful and heinous crimes against citizens and this Republic are the most dastardly traitors in history; which includes, but is not limited to: Nguen Monytuel, Puljang, Buay Malek and Joseph Juai.
Sorry, you may want to continue ignoring the
truth, but you can’t for long because I promise, it
will destroy you. It is taking time for South Sudanese to learn the unbelievable truth, but now they are learning at an accelerating rate and the anger is palpable.
Like Israeli: when they were hated so much because of blessing and their brave by the whole world, they usually say where ever there are Jews problems avails. Now because of all blessing to Nuer people and their brave heart they are hated so much by Dinka and they preach that where there is Nuer problems arise. God will show you one day that this are His blessed people.
I will worry not because money make man to be mad.
likewise what it does to my brothers’ from Nguen and Puljang gang group. it is not all Bul clan as we all knows. it is the work of devils brothers These are the decent of the first betrays who sell us to Arabs. let us take it easy. Never give in to devils demand God chosen people ney ti Naath
Nuers are creatures without potential because they are fighting for nothing in south sudan even they have been called out of unmiss compounds but refused because they needs free food without work from UN Agencies
Nuers stop war and choose peace if not you are going to be Turkanas of South Sudan .
What will you do when the mercenaries fighting on your behave leaves South Sudan?