Chuar Juet Jock Economics In a Nutshell Opinion

Tribalism And Corruption In South Sudan: TGoNU Must Have A New Approach

By Chuar Juet Jock,

Fight against corruption (Photo: extracted).
Fight against corruption (Photo: extracted).

April 02, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- Those who haven’t learned from their wrong policies of hiring civil servants through nepotism or in a way, allowed the wide spread of financial corruption, lawlessness and insecurity in South Sudan since 2005 until the situation exploded in the crisis of 2013, will definitely repeat the same policies and behaviors, landing us to the same conclusion. However, they got to know one thing, that the popular reaction at any given time and space, will not be the same no matter whatever pretexts they will come up with.

If corruption and tribalism had ever built a great and a stable country, our country, South Sudan could be in the forefront of the most advanced and stable countries in the world, albeit our current state of affairs and the reasons why we have reached here are telling us and very loud that, corruption and tribalism are never the way for creating prosperity and stability in any given country.

If we truly mean the business of establishing a great stable country then let us be honest and sincere to ourselves and embrace the real policies and objectives that would make us reach this glorious goal. It is better we start right and stay right and for the long run in order to end right, successful and stable in terms of socio-economic and political development than to indulge ourselves into the same quick, shortcut gains through policies of nepotism, corruption, and mismanagement of our vast resources that has ended us here. South Sudan problem as I said before is not a lack of resources or lack of skilled and educated human resources but a lack of effective leadership that could manage those resources efficiently.

I know now and with TGoNU at sight, South Sudanese’s ears are so deaf and eyes are so blind to the simplest advice and truth. However, let us think twice and differently this time and around before we populate the expected TGoNU with the same unqualified human resources through nepotism policies that appoint our unqualified tribesmen, clan, relatives and family members in leading executives and administrative positions that are crucial for making the country run right and smooth in the direction of success and whether you have been in business, government or not-for-profit organization, no doubt that you may know that it takes knowledge and skills to add a value to such an organization and to enhance its performance that makes it deliver the needed services or products to the intended clients or customers.

Every appointment or selection of an employee in any organization falls within two possibilities, either to add or subtract a value to such an organization, but it seems this is not the case in South Sudan where our leaders appoint their tribesmen and clansmen just to add value to their political shine and base at the expenses of the country and the nation, and whether those appointees are qualified to execute the functions of the job or the position, that is not the question or it may be the last thing to consider. Well, in such a system, people are there to get paid, show-off with the titles that they have nothing to match and the result is that we are actually robbing our country without giving it anything in return, neither it is an investment kind of relationship, where both the country and the employee do benefit. Well, that is why we ended up with a crumbled system and a government that don’t deliver a thing.

No rush folks, it takes time and hard labor even for the chicken to have eggs, therefore, the “rob and run” kind of policy needs to be eliminated through effective policies and measures. South Sudan is here to stay and it is imperative for its success in the long run and the well-being of itself as a country and of that of its nation to start right and stay right and in the right direction no matter what or how long it takes, greed and shortcuts won’t take us anywhere but to where we been through since 2005 – until the current shameless state of affairs. Let us be courageous enough to embrace the right policies and the needed change, there is a great South Sudan at the end of it in which each one of us will truly enjoy. Our leaders need to lead efficiently and not to manipulate for the cheap gains that destroy the very foundation we rely on. South Sudan is our country, not a just a manufacturer of money to be spent in neighboring countries. We got to build the schools here, the hospitals and the right country to live within it, happy and dignified.

Chuar Juet Jock is a South Sudanese entrepreneur, columnist and PhD candidate based in Omaha, Nebraska – United States. He has authored his new book “In a Nutshell: Opinions and Articles during South Sudanese Civil War (2013 -2016)”; a  powerful truth that has been injected into the body of South Sudan’s history, it unearthed the truth of the current since war started on December 15, 2013 up to February 2016. The book is available at Amazon.com and other online bookstores. The author can be reached through chuar.juet@gmail.com.

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1 comment

Bol Gatjang April 3, 2016 at 12:52 pm

We just need rules and restoring order in the country of South Sudan. Next to, federalism is crucial in that matter so that each State in South Sudan must easily identify their thieves and deals with them. It’s beyond reasonable doubt that Dr. Machar will solve this problem.


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