IDPs Community/UNMISS/PoC,1`/Juba/R/SS

Jan 22, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — We the Nuer IDPs community in Juba UNMISS/PoC1, have recapped a call for non-partisan disciplinary measure to be taken against some individual NGOs employees working in the PoC1, by their employed agencies. This community call is for immediate stroke against those individual listed below by their NGOs and, it is also to inform the whole Nuer community whose children, wives and elderly brothers and sisters are located inside the PoCs in Juba. We would also like to let responsive the UNMISS/RRP that providing protection to the IDPs about a groups of NGOs workers inside the PoC1, stood behind the mess within amongst the Nuer IDPs community. They are either over and done the intricacy of the situation which involuntary driven Nuer community in Juba and others part of the country out of their homes and, forced thousands Nuer to live in undesirable environment where they are being subjected to all these sorts of ignominies or, the monthly salaries which pays to them by their employed agencies unsighted not to understand that there are vulnerable Nuer children and women bearing the brunt of their inanity.
The real research revealed that, those their name will followed in the text are individual traitors having an outsiders stimulus and interests that they brought into the UNMISS/PoC with intention to spoils the normal lives which, we the Nuer IDPs community ought to pursue whilst staying in UNMISS Protection of Civilian Sites. The calls by the Nuer IDPs inside the UN-House/PoC1, are being jointly made as a deliberate rejoinder to the continuing thoughtful punishment enforced onto the IDPs community of PoC1, in Juba because, groups of individuals NGOs are taking IDPs for granted.
Exactly so, Nuer IDPs in UNMISS/PoC are roughcast of severe food shortage hurtled PoC1, for nearly four months. And, we can say that, there has been no food entirely from humanitarian Organization (WFP) distributed in the camp due to the IDPS community flunking into the leadership antagonism whereby, these above mentioned NGOs took parts that confused the whole situation within amongst the community.
Meanwhile, the IDPs community nominated their leader and, because of the small groups baulking the current community leadership and, in the same time, most of those plotters are an employees of different Humanitarian NGOs working with the IDPs inside the PoC that, their double standard in reporting the situation is full of spuriousness that fed UNMISS with lies when representing the issue to be administratively solves.
In most cases, each of the registered IDPs used to receives 15kgs of food and rations after one month whilst staying in the Protection of the Civilians Site since February, 2014. That is what sustaining the lives of orphanages, vulnerable women, children and the whole IDPs community inside the PoCs. Since November, 2014, no food distributed in PoC1, just because, the newly elected community Chairman is not that of the ACTED, Concern Worldwide and the IRC staff nominee who they thinks will allows their scandalous projects implement inside the camp over the community if they continues with the former team that they already bought.
Generally, the IDPs community in this particular PoCs do attributing the cause of the problems to the UNMISS/RRP which standing for Relief, Reintegration and Protection of the Nuer IDPs sheltering inside UNMISS. This is because, if there any problem within amongst the IDPs community, whether about the leadership, food shortage, and/or any problem whilst staying under UNMISS protection of the Civilian Sites, it is a work of the UNMISS/RRP to resolves it and set up a system that everybody certified at least. Unfortunately, the chain of the camps management is being mishandling by groups of Humanitarians NGOs which UNMISS gave them projects with all the money to implement its policies inside the PoCs.
In the intervening time, those NGOs are implementing their own projects in expense of the Nuer IDPs. The camp management is not by credible Organizations and the most top that are messing Nuer community inside the camp are the ACTED, Concern Worldwide and the International Rescue Committee who implementing projects in the name of innocents Nuer women and children whist, in the same time plays theirs money roles that has nothing serving the Nuer IDPs community in the PoCs whatsoever.
To briefly narrate the whole situation, the Food Distribution and rations which usually distributing to the IDPs after 30 days is being deferrals for about to hundred and twenty days and, we don’t know when that will happens in the PoC1. After varieties of consultation with UNMISS/ACTED/IRC/Concern Worldwide and others NGOs about the situation that make food not avail to the Nuer IDPs in the PoC1, the secrete revealed that, the groups mentioned above pool resources with the formers community Chairman Mr. Peter Gatkuoth Biel to wrongly screwing the overseeing NGOs like the ACTED, IRC, Concern Worldwide and the WFP not to distributes food unless, the leader who is elected by the community step-downs and abandon the post for the former who is rejected by the community.
Which mean, about only 15 personalities versus tens of thousands IDPs who elected the new leader, they are the one resisting because of individually supporting the former. And, using their influence as a national protection Officers with ACTED, IRC, and the Concern Worldwide employed to works with the community, their recommendation used to be as ‘’ if food distributes in PoC1, while the current Chairman Elder. Hoth Guor Luak is still the community leader, there will be serious violence from where, nobody knows’’. All in all, they are lying NGOs and, their objective are for the UNMISS through ACTED and the IRC which they are working for to reject the leader who is elected by the community. Due to these detrimental policies plays by this groups within those concerns Humanitarian NGOs whilst serving as community officers, is that befuddling IDPs in their relationship with the UNMISS management.
Nevertheless, we the Nuer IDPs community in this particular PoC have acknowledged that, relationship between UNMISS and the Nuer IDPs community in Juba will not be that of favorable if these NGOs employees still to be the tailbacks that blocking Nuer IDPs in this particular PoC from receiving their normal ration as part of humanitarians’ assistant from WFP. The list of the conspirators before narrating their individuals blames in the cause of the innocents’ suffering are as follows. Revd. Jacob Kuich Nyoat (Pastor in charge of Nuer United Church that comprised of about seven denomination inside the UNMISS/PoC, 1) and, in the same time, Revd. Kuich Nyoat is a National Protection Officer employed by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). One of the NGO operating inside the PoC1, overseeing the risks in relation to the protection of the IDPs. Mr. Bitim Madol Bitiem– a Mobilization Officer with ACTED which is in charge of the camp management besides the IOM and the other Humanitarian Coordination inside the PoC1,; John Gathok Diew who is an up-to-date Office manager to the current National Assembly Speaker Manasa Magok Ruondeal and, became a IDPs youth Forum Secretary inside the PoC and later business man benefiting from WFP/ACTED vouchers policy as local suppliers. William Kuony Kueth ( KK) Secretary to Rachel Nyadak Paul and in the sometime working in the PoC as an NGOs coordinator. Deng Nhial Chiok who used to be a Nuer Cultural activist before crisis in Juba and, later consorted with those NGOs officers because of the same business interests on the WFP/ACTED vouchers policy. Lang Dier Hoth who is the current IDPs youth Coordinator and, in the same time, a volunteer with None-Violent Peace Force ( NP) in PoC,1; Museveni Koang Majak who is also working with ACTED as Bitim; Both Riek working with concern Worldwide Banyping Majak from concern World Wide; Kuet Garluok from Concern Worldwide; Lam Puok Puoch and his son Gatkuoth Lam; Guong Puk and his brother Mayian Puk; Lunyjock Malet Thorgow, Koang Both who is an active Military Intelligent officer with Juba government outside whilst in the same time staying inside PoCs; Isaac Majiok Gatluak; Tap Gatluak; Riek Bayiek , Gatuak Liah, Changkuoth Pal Luak and Alfred Gai Thoat.
These are the personages who hampering the routine and peace amongst the Nuer IDPs community in one of the PoC in Juba which sheltering nearly 30,000 internally Displaced Persons. Having an entrée to the decision made by the managing NGOs like ACTED, Concern Worldwide and IRC on how to handling contention between community leadership and individuals. Those National officers who abandoned their role as humanitarians’ actors are the one stood flanked by the high decision-makers in those NGOs and the community. Showing their defiance to the community-elected camp Chairman, they reproached the community leader to the ACTED, IRC and others NGOs inside the PoC1 of siding with IDPs community in questioning the use of vouchers to receive food and rations. Very minor misunderstanding that led to the rebuff of the newly introduced WFP policy by the IDPs community and demand more explanations. What make the situation worst is, all of these individual persons have their monthly salaries from ACTED and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in above $800USD comparing to the thousands innocents women and children relying on monthly ration from Humanitarian Agencies. It is quite couples of months that, Nuer community in the UNMISS/PoC1 fallen in leadership crisis caused by the WFP’ introduction of a new mechanism of receiving rations by the IDPs which needed thorough sensitization before its execution due to its complicated implications. Nuer community consolidated their support to one of their best leader they things can make good in representation of the interest whatsoever required community leadership actions.
This process took place on the date 28th, 11, 2014 whereby, the nomination were made in presence of over 3000 elderly delegated from amongst the IDPs administrative categories
In this processes, tension that led to the last month clashes amongst the community of PoC1 versus community who elected new Chairman instead of the former who is Mr. Peter Gatkuoth Biel as indicated above was that brought confusion to the community and the camp management were created by the same opportunists. Nevertheless, community chose Elder. Hoth Guor Luak as the new camp Chairman with overwhelming supports from all the community levels. In due process, groups of opportunists bought with money which accompanied the new introduction of rations with vouchers by the WFP rejected the new leader in fear that, the interests which they are gaining as all of them were chosen amongst the selected direct beneficiaries (local traders) and conspired with the former Mr. Peter Gatkuoth Biel who is a former director in Unity State government and after reshuffling, he runs away with the office keys rejecting the relieves and, came up to Juba with the office documents and the keys. As we speak, his (Gatkuoth) wife Mrs. Nyakuma Kuon Majiok is an Advisor to the current Unity State Caretaker Governor Joseph Nguin Monytuil.
What complicated the situation most is that, each of the individuals’ personalities has their salaries from those NGOs which they are playing their interests and, the orphanage, vulnerable women and elderly are dying of hunger. All that they are making with their boss in those NGOs as we talks of the ACTED, IRC and their officers working within the IDPs site, they are completely against the interest of the vulnerable children and women who are now facing hunger for nearly three months due some individuals standing as stumbling blockage to the leadership of Elder. Hoth Guor Luak. Hoth Guor is representing the whole Nuer IDPs community’ interests like that of the orphanages, the elderly, the widows and the whole vulnerable Nuer community residing under UNMISS/PoC1,
What obliged those NGOs officers to negatively take the sophisticated issues which involves food for lives of the Displaced Nuer orphanages, vulnerable women and children whose fathers and guardians died or fled Juba at the incept of the crisis?. What make Orphanages, vulnerable widows, elderly and the whole community of the PoC1 imperiled to incidental punishment for virtually months by the WFP? The reason for some Humanitarians NGOs behave negatively toward the IDPs because of choosing their own leaders in absence of those conspirators to ACTED, IRC and certain actors who having interests in selection of who to leads the IDPs community fitting together to their partaking in a bigger management of the PoCs. The bigger problem to those particulars are an attentiveness which surrounding the atmosphere of receiving food from WFP using vouchers from local traders including the groups mentioned above.
Briefly, IDPs in PoC1 were out-of-the-way to confusion due to small groups of investors who collaborated with the Managing Humanitarians NGOs operating inside the camp. The recommendations are,
Best Regard,
Thangkuey Tut,
Deputy Chairman Nuer IDPs Community/UNMISS/PoC1,/Juba/R/SS
Tell: +211-955288016
[…] here to read the full text of the press release with all the […]
Dear all,
i hope the guy who comment to the media is government intruder who is working day and night to bribe the IDPs in the POC 1 Camp to the Government, Hoth Guor, and Thakkuey and responsible for all the messes in the camp, they are agents of Rachael Nyadak, Magok Rundial, Riak Gai and Benjamin Marial, who responsible for instigating the recent violent in the IDPs camp. Hoth Guor promissed not step down unless some IDPs died of hunger in the camp, he said that since his children are not in the camp he is pleased with suffering of IDPs of POC 1.
Sir, use facebook and twitter to send ur msg to world. WFP job is not to get involved in politics.
use facebook of WFP and UNMISS to post ur msg.
find wfp and UNMISS officials on twitter and post ur msg on thier page. also to BBC Aljazira etc
wow people i hope that the guy was government man mean while he may be lie if am not wrong for sure the reason is, we need not to consider this talk.For that i myself will not talk much those are the wrong statement coming from stupid people.the people the guy has mention have no link with government,believe this people, the chairman mr. HOTH GUOR has select his own people to abuse those mentioned people.They are lie