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By James Diing Bol Atem,
Juba, South Sudan

May 02, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — For the first time in the history of South Sudan, a man believed to be the president, Salva Kiir Mayardit, although he was never elected to lead the country but hijacked and assassinated the charismatic South Sudanese leader, who sacrificed his life for nearly half a century to equip himself with the right tools, good education, good friends and sophisticated brain to lead the South Sudanese people, Dr. John Garang de Mabior.
Dr. John will always be missed when this dummy imperialists’ tool – Salva Kiir Kuethpiny Mayardit, who was imposed on the South Sudanese people by the intelligence community due to his primitiveness and vulnerability to be easily milked and exploited by the poor landlocked Uganda in collaboration with the Western Powers – opens his dirty mouth to speak in public. Kiir will be remembered in the history as a dummy plagiarizer,who copy paste word to word, a failure, corrupt, greedy, incompetence, dump and heartless dictator who betrayed his people at a time he was expected to unite and reconcile them for national building.
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For the time in his failed 10 years tenure, Salva Kiir came out very technocratic and knowledgeable during a graduation ceremony that would never have been addressed by a man who dropped out of class 6. Such is an abuse of education to say the least. Many South Sudanese during the first Juba graduation ceremony watched Salva Kiir on the stage with their mouths wide opened, impressed and delighted with their president sounding like an Harvard Pyschology and Philosophy dual degree graduate.
The dummy president intertwined well selected terminologies that no one could ever thought would have been pronounced by the likes of killer Salva Kiir but must have been hard earned and practiced through a University Education which Salva Kiir himself was damn fortunate to have but never had the brain to learn.
Salva Kiir Mayardit who dropped out of school in elementary never learn a thing through interaction with many well educated comrades who have respected and valued him despite having nothing but struggling with cowboy hats which shows only his primitiveness that he tries to cover up in that empty skull.
Fortunately the defunct president, gave a wonderful speech to 3000 graduates of Juba University in that rare occasion which presented the dictator with an opportunity to wear a beautiful gown, not ashamed that its take many years of handwork to wear such a respected attire, and to address many bright South Sudanese students.
However, it didn’t take the bright South Sudanese intellectuals more than 24 hours to discover that the corrupt president just plagiarized the Rwandan President Mr. Paul Kagame, a man that he had copied many times without being questioned. Well said by the Juba Telegraph Newspapper, President Salva Kiir “100% plagirized” a speech that President Paul Kagame presented to students at the University of Rwanda-College of Arts and Social Sciences on April 12, 2015. Below are the excerpts of the two presidents:
Original Speech: President Paul Kagame , 12th April, 2015
The President was addressing university students and residents of Huye District during his visit to the area.
“An education that does not transform your life or the lives of others is a wasted education,” Kagame said.
“For education to transform lives, it needs to be accessible to all and not be the privilege of a few.”
“Ask yourself, what did we get out of our independence if we are still dependant on others…some of those who give us aid today were in the same situation we are in today 60 years ago but they drew lessons from their history and transformed their nations,” said the Head of State.
“Rwandans deserve better than living off the wealth of others,” Kagame added.
“We were created equal with equal capabilities. We are not missing anything to transform our nation.We cannot fail to restore our dignity.”
“Transformation is up to each and everyone of you. There is no shortcut,” the President added.
“For over 50 years the methods of development have been the same and there has been no change. These methods, mindset attitudes and perceptions must change. We have to focus our efforts toward our need and aspirations as a nation,” he said.
Plagiarized Speech: President Salva Kiir Mayardit, 29th April, 2015, TOJ.
In the speech, he encouraged graduates to use the knowledge they acquired to transform the country and the lives of its citizens. He said that, ”education that does not transform the life of an individual or the lives of others is a wasted education. For education to transform lives, it needs to be accessible to all and not the privilege of a few.”
He challenged students to evaluate why little progress has been made in the decades since country gained independence, adding, ”ask yourself, what did we get out of our independence if we are still dependent on donors? South Sudanese deserve better than living off the wealth of others.”
Kiir criticised the approach to development that has yielded no major results since the country achieved its independence. “For over 3 years the methods of development have been the same and there has been no change. These methods, mindset attitudes and perceptions must change. We have to focus our efforts toward our need and aspirations as a nation,” he said.
He added that education plays an essential role in transformation, attitude and perception change.
Academic Dishonesty and Apology.
Many South Sudanese intellectuals for the last three days have brought up the issue of academic dishonesty and the need of apology from our dummy president for tainting the image of the country and South Sudanese education but many of these intellectuals have failed to consider that Salva Kiir dropped out of grade 6 more than 50 years ago and never learned things like academic dishonesty. Given the time and the level of his academic standards, Salva Kiir cannot be blamed for a mistake he has never known.
Maybe the dictator just thought that plagiarizing a speech could impressed or strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two president, like “I did you something good my friend by repeating your speech”. Being completely dump Salva Kiir knows only Riek Machar and if he has to talk on these complicated issues he definitely need to steal someone’s speech. But now he knows and Kiir must apologize and admit the wrong. It was because of this reason that a newspaper was bribed in Juba to claim the mistake and apologize on behalf of this lunatic person. That was done but the history will never forgive him.
The author is a concern South Sudanese living in Juba, South Sudan and he can be reached at diingb1969@yahoo.com,
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Dinka never send good sons to schools at the time of British colonialism.Education was compulsory at that time and Dinka and their tribal chiefs select only those boys who don’t listen to their parents. John Garang and Riek Machar themselves were bad boys. John garang behaved so bad even Kiir is good than him.Mind have been destroyed by Garang ideology. I don’t deny my relatives,but only i give up for while. South should have gone if John Garang still alive today to treat people like that.
You made strong points Agumut. Most boys who went to school during British escaped their home responsibilities. Most boys used to take care of their cattle. They had to leave their parents and siblings with responsibilities when they ran away to attend their schooling. The society looked at them as bad boys. Sometimes they are considered cursed by the elders in their community. Well said bro.
If your innate speeches and copied speeches serve the same purpose of the same situation successfully,then the targeting goal will be achieved despite the fact of being the creator of the speeches.
You still following primitive man that doesn’t know education integrity.We should be ashamed to let dummy person on earth lead us in 21th century. It’s time for salva to go. He earned 10 year of shame in the office.
You are a fool, if you only needs a person in good health and hates him after becoming sick.
join Riak for another killing big fool u ve forgotten hw your people suffered in the hands of Riak we dont need crying babies
The dictator lied, oh well that is the lease of my concerns. The danger in lying is that one lie need another lie to cover up the previous lie. Whose perfect apologetic statement will Kiir lie about now & plagiarized next to cover up the previous.
Kiir needs to look around him & instead of killing the ethnic Nuers, those around him are subtly & systematically making him pay dearly for something he did against them because they are responsible for convincing him to continue digging himself deeper into a pit but little does he know that it is a bottomless pit either leading to Bar El Gazal or Jonglei, either way he is doomed in the company the duo.
Gatnor: i have request you pleaes to delete your logo. The image you paste on commentary page. please move that picture isn’t good to be viewed while using it as
your photo we all know who that is. thank for understanding.
Yeah ofcourse that is not my pic. It is a pic of Gen Gatdet. Its all over the net and there is nothing wrong with using it. I am not claiming to be Gatdet either. He is a national icon and I can use it as long as I do not claims copy rights to the image itself. sory to disappoint you but I will take it down when I feel like it. Hope you understand my English since I rather not hear from you on this again.
Sorry these key words are: permission & copy right,
I hope,no offense.
GatNor,who are you scaring with Peter Gatdet photo, he is a dead,body, did he went to Khartoum and back to SPLA how many time during liberation war, ? don’t rely on such a person , What I know this time he is going to be killed in front line, as he is committed to liberated this country for Nuer to spoil it, while he was against liberators siding with Arab., All nuer Arab collaborators unity to take country by force ,while Dr: Garang ,defeated them with Arab, They think Salva kiir is simple man to be threat,
If that’s what you believe then that is your problem. My intention is not as you assumed sorry.
Wow! superbly article James Diing Bol, so Kiie ia dumber president in South Sudan its history to come on the future generations.
Are you supprised seeing that salva is illitrate person? Well now you are awared of it. Spread the massege to others.
Sure prof Kir had no classmate among the today officials of ROSS in juba there we must not be surprise for copy and paste words from Kir for he can’t make it on his own.
Ateny Wek Ateny has just been on sstv denouncing the tjt reporter claiming that the President’s speech during the graduation was what the reporter did not report. Instead the reporter plagiarized the story from the Rwandese President Paul Kagame. Ateny completely denied that the journalist in question quoted the President out of context. He said that administrative measures have been against the reporter who plagiarized the story. To put all this argument to rest, all reporters should reproduce the speech of the president so that comparison can be drawn. What I and I believe is that the reporter is being victimized for no reason. All those words is indeed were for president Kagame, they spoken by President Kiir. Ateny should blame the person who writes President speeches. It is guy or the lady who plagiarized the speech, it is not the reporter as Ateny wants people to believe. Note that tjt belongs to Ateny and the people close tothe prePresident
I believed ateny awek ateny is the tail of the president kirr. The cow has a tail to defense herself with same as ateny awek ateny. The guy’s protecting his payroll for being freez. I agree to mr Owiny ki bul. the speech writer to be blamed,but if he was told to do so, he would not refused.So I think this should be on preisdent shoulder for misleading the public and the nation.
Wait it’s just a matter of time the truth & facts about lies and ill-plans of Salva Kiir against Dr. Machar and this Country will come out to reveal its-selves.
What is wrong with talking about what another person had talked before, then why do you study what another person had studied if you are not stupid enough.
He Kiir could have simply acknowledged borrowing from the works of the author Mr.Kagame during the speech but he failed to do so. The issue here is taking credits for other people’s labor. There is no better way of justifying such thievery than to come out and apologized. Our history is riddled with falsified claims from who liberated South Sudan to who stood for what vision during liberation and now still arguing on who should have the lion share. A thief is always a thief & would even still from himself because that is his nature.
In contrary, Mr/s. Nyang Tong you should be the real ideal stupid or ignorant of studies if you think plagiarizing and referencing/biography are the same in some contexts. So, you people should have to learns how to admitts facts that are not deniable.
Blame goes to Ateny wek, he should look for a teacher who can teach Kiir at J1 instead of looting all presidential money. ONLY SOUTH SUDANESE WHO DON’T HAVE MEDIA ACCOUNT AMONG ALL WORLD LEADERS. Shame. Even though you comment like nothing it will end up on media because he is busy there drinking TUSKER WHICH IS LEADING BEVERAGE IN JUBA.
Only those who have the vision of a better South Sudan will admitt that Salva Kirr is completely incompetence to leader our nation, however those who are visionles like him will not say anything about his incompetency and his academic background. If he did this in one of the western countries where the Will of people is respected he would have apology if not the case the people will call for his resignation as the president. Because it is not ajoke to lead the nation in the western world but in Africa it is something else. In academic World it is forbiden to plagarizie someone ‘s work or speech, this is consider as a stealing any person who did such thing is put to jial or lost his/her job whether he/she is a president.
James Bol Deng Atem,even if you insult president Salva Kiir Mayardit,that will never solve your problem but the best thing you can do is to accord him respect as an elder to you.
Salva Kiir is leader with great vision in South Sudan because what he said is the correct one if you spend four years in school when you finish it can’t help is useless education.
Academically, it’s inappropriate to use someone his/her words without quoting them or mentioning his/her name. In a category of marking Mr. president should get 0% out of 100%. Not good for him and country at large. He made himself and people he leads shame. This plagiarism alone can let him stepdown-it shows us and world at large that Mr. president know nothing and isn’t capable to lead. In a real sense, it’s a big mistake and someone don’t need to defense him.
To all those friends n colleagues who posted comment criticizing president speeche ….i can say you all idiot ,damn maggot ,baboon ,very Conservative never gone behind the ridges……imagine where on earth can pple like you who never slaughter a rat claim on the speech read by the president???? can u make sure ur medulla obolangata is functional before opening your big mouth to comment ….?