
Hard Time: Warrap Will Remain a State of Wonders Forever.

Quote: “when government fear people, there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny” says by Thomas Jefferson, the former president of the US.
By Simon Yel Yel,
Juba, South Sudan.
The governor of Warrap State, Nyandeng Malek(Photo: file)
The governor of Warrap State, Nyandeng Malek(Photo: file)

May 11, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The wonders that Warrap had been known for ages are now starting to take different shapes and forms. Warrap had been known for its good wonders since the liberation struggles but what we are now witnessing today is what I  can called “imported bad wonders” in making .

We are now in the “beginning of an end” of the grave and life-threatening imported wonder of Nyandeng  Malek Dielic that Warrap had never experienced before. Warrap had been known of its liberation, scientific and democratic wonders but Nyandeng has miscalculated its reputations with her wonder of dictatorship and corruption. I will remind my readers with some good wonders that the people of Warrap state have been known for before Warrap has been tarnished by Nyandeng with her bad imported wonders.

The first good wonder was in 15th.May.1983 when the late Gen. Kharabino Kuanyin Bol broke the silence of the marginalized Sudanese and southern Sudanese in particular by firing a first bullet against the Khartoum dictatorial regime. His first bullet has successfully led us to have independent south Sudan today where every citizen is treated equally without prejudice.

The other thing that wondered the whole world so much was how lucky and bless is Warrap to have produced the world’s tallest person Late Manut Bol and Prof John A. Akec, the first black scientist who went to the moon.

The other miracle that left people wondering up to now is also about the president Salva Kiir Mayardit. People are still wondering now asking themselves how lucky is President Kiir who was in number four in the SPLA\M leadership to rise the flag of independence South Sudan and be its first president.

Readers may ask what the gist of this article is about, let me go straight to the point that I want to make. Since Nyandeng Malek entered into politics in Warrap, she equally brought hitherto the “bad imported wonders” into Warrap right away from when she was a deputy governor in 2006.

The preliminary of her bad imported wonders started when she was an acting governor in 2006, she ordered the police to shot pupils of Kuajok primary school when they staged a peaceful march to the ministry of education to petition the minister for the delay of the teachers’ salaries. Teachers were on strike for more almost a month because they didn’t receive their salaries of three months. One student was shoot dead by the police and many pupils were injured. This wonder made Warrap to be the first state in south Sudan where pupils are shot dead and no one has been held to account.

In 2010 elections, SPLM gave Nyandeng Malek a gubernatorial ticket, she was the first and only female elected governor not only in the Sudan but also in the East Africa. It was a kind of democratic wonder for Warrap state people who elected her to be first female governor in the Sudan.

Immediately one year after her election, we saw the “beginning of the beginning” of her bad imported wonders and hidden dictatorial alter ego in the brutal beating and jailing Hon. Deng Mayom Akeen just two month after the independence of south Sudan. She was the first governor in the Republic of South Sudan to beat and jail an elected MP without lifting his immunity. De facto, she is the one who have taught General Malong Awan and General Matur Chut how to beat, jail and even dismiss elected MPs in the parliament.

This wonder made Warrap to be the first state where MPs are illegally beaten and jailed without lifting their immunities; after they are beaten and jailed, they are released without being taken to court for the crime they were arrested of committing.

18th December 2013 was the “end of the beginning “of her bad imported wonders when she has beaten and jailed the deputy chairman and the acting chairman of the SPLM uncle Andrew Kuac Manyol, William Deng Nhial, the SPLM secretary for finance and  the SPLM acting secretary General, Kharlos Maluil Makuek, the SPLM youth league coordinator and other youth.

She falsely criminated them of having link with the group of Riek who staged a failed coup in Juba. The real reason behind was the withdrawal of the confidence on her government by the state SPLM office. This wonder made Warrap to be the first and only state in south Sudan where SPLM officials are beaten, jailed and released without the legal procedures being followed.

On 8th May 2015, this day will be remembered as a stygian gloomy day of the “beginning of an end” of the bad imported wonders of Nyandeng Malek in Warrap history and blame shall be on Prof Malek Madut for importing Nyandeng from Cueibet to Warrap without first removing these dangerous “wonders” in her. The wonders in her are so dangerous and they are threatening the existence of Warrap as a state and its prosperity as a people. It was on Friday 8th this month when Hon. Amet Amet Kuol and Hon. Ariech Mayar Ariech were illegally arrested by security operatives under command of Nyandeng without their immunity being lifted.

I wonder how becoming an SPLM governor makes one automatically be an SPLA commander. Nyandeng is now an SPLM commander not an SPLM governor because what is she is doing now is even far beyond what a brutal military dictator does.

Nyandeng needs to be stopped before she surprises us again with her last worst wonder” the end of an end” which I think is going to be the most shocking one among her all bad wonders. All her bad wonders were meant to provoke the population of Warrap to take laws into their own hands but the citizens of Warrap state are law-abiding and love to see things done in peaceful way.

What is that thing that can be threat to the national security to prompt the president to remove the governor if not what Nyandeng has been doing? Nyandeng has done enough and it is high time for the president Kiir to remove her before she surprises him and us with her last ” end of end”  wonder.

Inclusion, I will paraphrase the statement of Tony Blair by saying, the election of Nyandeng as a governor brought: tranny, not freedom; dictatorship, not democracy; the rule of national security or secret police, not rule of law in Warrap. President should decree out Nyadeng this time.

The author is a concerned Warrap citizen and can be reached at simonyel55@yahoo.com or 0955246235.

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Hard Time: Warrap Will Remain a State of Wonders Forever. | dvalentinowol May 11, 2015 at 12:01 pm

[…] Hard Time: Warrap Will Remain a State of Wonders Forever.. […]

GatNor May 11, 2015 at 12:29 pm

Reblogged this on GatNor and commented:
“Warrap Will Remain a State of Wonders Forever.”

Quote: “when government fear people, there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny” says by Thomas Jefferson, the former president of the US.

AGUMUT May 11, 2015 at 12:41 pm

Cheating with a boss is a part of job,but that is very danger in the civilized society because both should have lost their positions. Imagine when she is sitting on the street with her dirty show CUSHION.

GatNor May 11, 2015 at 4:01 pm

AGUMUT, are you implying that the wonder woman is sleeping with her boss the Jaang king, Kiir?

AGUMUT May 11, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Machar is very bad Tyranny and very womanize than you think,thank God he is not the future president of South Sudan. A relationship between people who are working in the same department have to be forbidden and it is the same apply in the army. They have the right to have their own relationships,but law will force them,one have to leave to find another job or sack both.

GatNor May 11, 2015 at 9:10 pm

Go back to school you whacko, your comments are frustrating to decipher and please dont direct them to me because there is nothing to benefit from them.

GatNor May 11, 2015 at 9:16 pm

You are obsessed with bedroom porns and gossips like a sexually deprived woman go get a job with Cheaters.

AGUMUT May 12, 2015 at 5:33 am

You embarrassed yourself, boring and fool.What kind of school your talking about when you commented like that!

AGUMUT May 12, 2015 at 5:42 am

Yoy are very very mentally ill,you really need PSYCHIATRIST.

AGUMUT May 12, 2015 at 5:57 am

Nyandeng Malek Die-lie is like you when she sat like that on the street abusing poor people of WARRAP.SHOW OFF.

GatNor May 12, 2015 at 7:43 am

It seems to me that you are the sick one for abusing this old lady talking about her dirty cushions and her cheatings. The fact that she is so old and you tent to be fanaticizing over her private business that has nothing to do with her public life makes you a sick necrophiliac freak who needs professional doctor’s help. Better get out your dictionary out to understand the seriousness of such a disease. You clearly have the symptoms so don’t let anyone tell you any different. Get some help.

AGUMUT May 12, 2015 at 10:22 am

Die of heart attack guy,good luck.

GatNor May 12, 2015 at 4:04 pm

Now you know how sick you are. I diagnosed correctly but you wish me death in return. Shameful and ungrateful.

AGUMUT May 11, 2015 at 12:55 pm

Forget because she was living in Egypt. Cheating in the government office is very danger.Kiir should have been force to sack her if he has a relation with her.

Goweng Torbar May 11, 2015 at 5:13 pm

Mr. Simon Yel Yel, you forget to mention one bad wonder from Warraf, ” the killing of innocent Nuer in Juba on 16th – 21 Dec 2013 by son of Warraf” the election of Salva Kiir as a President brought: tranny, not freedom; dictatorship, not democracy; the rule of national security or secret police, not rule of law in South Sudan. People of South Sudan should declare him illegitimate this time. I wish she can continue like the rest of thugs till their term end together officially on 8th of July 2015.

Jamal Yor May 11, 2015 at 11:14 pm

Kiir should sack this bitch. Does she know from which family in Kuajok did the two MPs hail? They have a long history of revolutionary heros who resisted the Mahadi and British aggression. She is not fit to wash their royal feet, let alone detain them for no reason. Kiir is playing with fire without knowing.

Anei James May 12, 2015 at 12:21 am

It is good that you Dinkas are now mistreating yourselves and i wish she go on killing too so that you can all know that what you people are doing is also paining the rest of the people like it is paining you now. But that is just the beginning. It is God’s punishment to you because of what you had been doing for other tribes. just at what is going on. Can’t we blame kiir for all what are going on?

GatNor May 12, 2015 at 6:20 am

Its more painful when its this close to home. Like you say this is when the hypocrites speak loudly while they been watching others go through the same horrors and said nothing.

deng May 12, 2015 at 2:51 am

few things to note and refute mr Yel Yel about warap’s wonders: the first liberation bullet was fired by late commander jok Reng Magot (from jalle payam in jonglei), on sunday, 15 may 1983 in bor (who was a sergent under karibino Kuanyin at that time) not not Karibino and who (jok Reng) told kirr off during the war of struggle ” adu aci kuanychok ci nyan gok” that translates to ‘you can’t follow an enemy like a girl friend”, tell me when did john A. Akec when to the moon?, The tallness of Manut Bol is God making not making of people of warap and kiir became president by default, you know what i mean, the following are wonders of warap people: stealing public funds, plagarising rwanda’president speech, runaway secuity in the country and do nothing and etc

GatNor May 12, 2015 at 5:11 am

Go read on Benson Kuany Latjor because he was waging guerilla war-fares from mid 70th to late 70th and into early 80th years before the(1972-AAPA) was considered a deceptive agreement and later scrapped. How would the first bullet be the first bullet to be fired in an isolated incident like you narrated when the war of liberating South Sudan-not the whole Sudan been going on with many bullets fired and major attacks against Sudan’s Arm Forces in other part of the country for years. Look up on the men who established and settled the original Bilpam long before 1983 along the Ethiopian border with Jikany Nuers. Amongst the list Benson Kuany’s name should be there. This also is part of your history my friend do what you will with it.


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