March 20, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — There is no humiliating experience a man ever had then being forced to watch while his females family members including toddlers are being gang raped, their genital organs stabbed with a pointing rough sticks and set them on fire afterward before the males are asked to feed on their flesh as they too meet their fades through slaughter with a blunt knife. What a brutality! His infants screamed out to him in pain “papa help” but papa was helpless. His mama, and wife unconsciously reached out their hands beckoning him to hear their last wishes before their last breath. Under knife point He was forced to deny all the atrocities his eyes beheld.
He stood against a beast oppression and won the battle and caged the beast in a barren land after a pierce long battle. Like a woman in severe haemorrhage his blood oozed out like Nile water pouring to Mediterranean Sea through the delta. He took a social outcast by the hand and gave him his thrown for him to feel like a king once in his life time. Oh what regretful decision! He kept vigilant in the night guarding him. He gave him the full freedom to rule like a Lord. He lowered himself to a servant position.
He thought his cousin whom he made king would be pleased for his humility. after enthroning, the Ishmael spat on him. He crushed him down. Confiscate all his wealths and feed them to outlanders. His princes and princesses the outcast enslaves and made him his gate man. The man has become the once outcast now Lord’s laughing stack. His land helplessly weep in pain and anguish he the the selfish cruel Lord oppressed them until they couldn’t cry any longer. The poor has he starved to death. Widows has he oppressed. The land became home of flesh scavenging vultures in the dry season and a wild beasts feasting table in the wet season. “You claim to be all knowing, Devine , pierce , feared by all nations but today have you become a fool raising me above thyself. Shall thou remainth servant to me oh self claimed godly” the once outcast and now Lord mocked him.
“Hear oh international community and all you dwellers of the earth” the man cried out . “my very own cousin I made king raised up his hand to strike me. I left my palace for my life. He became so angry, weep and howl looking for who to devour after missing to strike me on the head. Turned he against the innocents, my damsel , toddlers, mothers, has he raped, mass graved ,and forced some to live with mud fish in the mud, snakes in the jungle and the wild beast tore some into pieces and the remnant has he starved to death, my lads has he fed on human flesh and beheaded them”.
He followed the widows from their hiding place of refuge and massacred them. They refused to bury them and decided to feed their flesh to the bird of the mountains and wild beast. The remainders, wild fire consumed.
My neighbours became fools and conspired with him. I overheard them whispering to each other, “come on! come on! make haste! lets go down to destroy it down to ashes. This Land that set itself above us. The land of milk and honey. Lets go and take share in its natural resources. For this is the only opportunity for us to take advantage of her. The time has come for us to fully exploit its riches. Come, let’s go and fight for our prosperity lest we remain unto it servants forever. Unfortunately, the cabin-boy who lacks understanding welcome them with open arms. There they feast as the natives starve to death.
they massively mobilized ruthless brutal troops against me. They hunted for me like plundered loots. Fortunately, all their deadlines eventually died down. I jeered at them in my secret hiding place. “Aren’t you satisfied? Why keepth thou following me even in the bush with outlanders” I shouted at them from a far off.They forgot I could be the deadliest prey. For they say, let finish what we have started. Let’s make sure all his seed got spoiled. They set my very roots against me. My own vein swelled in anger and burst forth and caused me headache. I doubted my own veins. My veins tremulously denied the adversary’s unadulterated evils. They nicknamed then “Nuerweew” afterward.
I bitterly lamented in the jungle yet no one came with comforting words , instead I was showered with blames. I had wanted to roar but I remembered God of the bible saying ” pay no evil for evil”. I had wanted to strike back but something laid hold of my lightening strike. The world enjoy my anguish as they watched reluctantly and completely taken in by allegations. They condemned me for having ran for my life. They called me all sort of names for having save my dear life from my brutal cabin-boy I made king and condemned him not.
The death snared escapees furiously hastened for revenge. They Massively gather themselves males and females, young and old, for a battle. Their iron-made-like feet crushed any reptiles they stepped up on as they bravely match. The world shiver as they closely watch bare handed flesh faces machines. The cousin roots trembled and the stem fraught with fear of his fade.
Unconditionally, I love this my cabin-boy. We’ve both just caged a beast which almost devour us and our live stocks. I unconditionally love him. I therefore lower my head thoughtfully and said to myself in the bush, no matter what he has become, in his veins still run the blood of our forefathers we both share. I mercifully change my mind and decided to pardon him his and his perpetrators’ iniquities. I said no blood for blood, no rape for rape , no slaughter for slaughter, no city ruin for city ruin.
Now hear me out oh outlanders. you whose lust for wealth made you to step boots on this sticky mud, listen. Your ignorant of the prey thou art chased will cost thee double. I admonish thou flee swiftly for thy life like I did when fleeing from my very own palace for I shall have mercy on thee and thy seed. Thy land shall I not bring to ruin as thou did to mine. Don’t wait for the cloud to rain before thou flee. For if it doeth, I will roar thunderclap that will deafen you and from my face will lightening proceed that will blinded you and shall my mercy flee from you. When it rain, my seed and cut branches shall spring up and will I become a full vine bearing more trigs, leaves , flowers then fruits again.
There then shall I have only one to thank in fasting and prayers, God. Widows and remnants alike, oppressed and oppressors alike shall once again rejoice and dance to the Lord for having deliver them. Shall the Land be free again. all the oppressed freed and all tribal cords loosened as South Sudan takeover the tribal cords as the only ties that bind all south sudanese irregardless of regions, states and tribes. The Lord shall return the smiles and giggling of children be heard again.
I have Metaphorically written this to paint this brutal war picture in parables.
How would you paint your own picture of the story when asked concern the current war in South Sudan?
When all these atrocities happened and continue to happened to the Nuers, the world watch without doing anything. When the Nuers fought back in self defense the world came out to condemned the Nuers. Justice delayed is justice denied. Nuers lives matters much like every good citizens of this planet. Without Nuers uniting amongst themselves who will tell this bias world to go screw itself and that enough is enough.
Everyone who reads your piece will have tears in their eyes because it is a very serious incitement and hateful image you are putting on the head of every Nuer in the world towards the Dinka people. Since no one can tell you that what you are painting is imagination because that is what you fill with head with, my only worry is that any Nuer who does not analyse will kill some Dinka in the name of your article. This will not even ask themselves, but how did you know and you are Kuala Lampur, Malaysia all this time? This was the kind of writing that forced US government to extradite Rwandese who were writing hateful articles to assist their tribal men either to exterminate Utoos or Tutsis and triedfor their roles in the Genocide. So, these articles are being filed and writers
will be summoned when the court for south Sudan crimes will be adjudicated! I wonder if our Diaspora writers really know this issue!
Many writers have had contact with survivors and some writers are themselves survivors with first hand experiences as witnesses to massacres, many atrocities and inhumane treatment of Nuers. The writer has facts validating his article, facts like Nuer victims being forced to eat the dead and decomposing bodies of other Nuers. Even in the Nazi-Germany this did not happened and millions were exterminated. There is nothing wrong with being summon to court as long as one is sitting with the truth. In court one must tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I am sure the testimonies in courts will be more gruesome to hear than most writers tries to analyzed and reconstruct on a piece of paper.
Nyaluak Lual,
I am not afraid of anything. all I am looking forward to is such a fair court that will condemn all who participated in the killing of innocents civilians and those who indirectly supported these murderers not someone who cried out mourning and as a voice in these brutally killed innocents infants
u amazed me bro…..this is a great piece ever written here…..kiir must go
Nyaluak Lual or Buay Malek Chuol, what has not happened that Kam mentioned in his article? Even though Kam might not have been in Juba that fateful days of December 2013 maybe he has lost relatives who were brutally murdered. Some of us who contribute in this website escaped the death and have witnessed the destruction of Nuer nation. So please if you are not informed of what took place in Juba you better back off and enjoy your blood money in Washington. Nuer will overcome all these hurdles. As for Kam Lony, great article indeed and an eye opener.
Well well…well. You sound a good fiction writer my bro. You must have done excellent in literature. Please continue writing, but avoid incitement for such powerful and moving dramatization of the crimes that happened against our people in Juba could add fuel to an already existing fire. Remember, not all our Dinka cousins were involved in what happened in Juba- this fact must be understood and appreciated by all of us Nuer. More Nuer are hosted by our cousins in Warrap, Lakes, and NBG than anywhere in the world. There sounds to be a reference to some sort of innocence mixed with superiority when characterizing what you called a servant made king by the Nuer (your reference to Salva Kiir made President by Riek). My young broher, I was there through it all. No one made Kiir our president but his deeds. It is better to preach peaceful coexistence between the Nuer and Dinka, than talking about 91 or 2013. Leaders who make us fight in order for them to get power will die one day. But remember, the Nuer and Dinka will live together for eternity. I appreciate you closing remarks, but it added no effect to the whole piece which is one of the deepest hate speech I have ever read in my long years. Please write another such powerful metaphoric speech for peaceful coexistence, and you will be rewarded for it by God and your bigger community (which is South Sudan).
True pave the way for peaceful co existence. The very word man airout is complete mind decolonisation. Kam!! You have made all. Despite all atrocities inflicted against Nuer nationality, we forgive but history will have no mercy against them. Jaang and Naath are neighbour forever no matter what. Generations come and generations go yet our geopolitical policy will remain as great Nilotics. I hate the regime and their policy but not being Jaang. I think days and night for Kuothnhial to ” have mercy on Mun Rami Car” Thump up man to jot this wonderful article to enlight and inform the world. Great work welldone for great mind!
Gatwech The Great aka Gatwech Bipal
It’s derived from the bible and I agree with the fact that God stands with Nuer in this conflict, remain strong because time is nigh for God driven victory
Dear Hoiloom,
I think you need to get it clear that I am not Gordon Buay. You know that Gordon does not hide himself when he is writing. I don’t see a reason why I can be confused with him. Anyways, my brother or sister, I wanted to point out that hate speeches bring about ethnic cleansing and genocide and that is what our brother wrote. Yes, atrocities were committed in Juba, but no witness will tell you truthfully that they actually ate the cooked body of their brother or relative in Juba at gun point during the fighting or that s/he saw bodies of Nuer being burned. I was right here in Juba through all the difficult days in the lives of all of us the Nuer, the first time I heard about cooked bodies was by telephone on 18 December 2013 made to me by my relative in America inquiring if it was true. I told him that yes, people are being killed in big numbers and we are left to defend ourselves and fight those that are stopping the Nuer being taken to UNMISS, but, war is hot here, I don’t think that anyone would have time to cook a Nuer and ask other Nuer to eat it. Everyone is being cautious for his/her own life even the Dinkas. The Dinkas were also killed in big numbers here by Nuer, but they were killed in the battles, there was no house to house killing of Dinkas in Juba. Those are facts as I know them. When you hear something from someone else, you cannot testify as a witness in the court of law. You must be an eye witness and that is why I caution our brother to tune down his hate and inciteful speech.
It’s ridiculous brother, why on earth would someone be condemned for defending himself?
To those who think I have written a very hateful incitement, would you point out by quoting what you are calling incitement. This piece is based on true story, the very atrocities committed by Juba government against the innocents. The world has already known about yourself claimed legitimacy and your denials of all the inhuman acts you committed against infants and lads alike.
God shall never forgive you however much you try to pervert.