By Ustaz Izadin Suleman-

June 30, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — There are five most dangerous disease causing disunity, hatred and death among South Sudanese communities (1) Ignorance, (2) misunderstanding, (3) misinformation,(4) superiority complex and (5) lawlessness. These five diseases have their origin in the touch or mura.
1.Ignorance: In a country of multi-cultural diversity like South Sudan it is very uncouth for one ethnic community out of sixty-four to declare itself as born-to –rule. What about the other sixty-three ethnic groups; can they accept that they were born to be ruled by the Dinkas ? If that is the case there will be no true democracy in the Republic of South Sudan. Then the current war in South Sudan and the prolonged negotiation is the Dinka tactics to establish one-party system in South Sudan to guarantee Dinka domination over the rest of South Sudan ethnic communities.
2 – 3.Misunderstanding and Misinformation: the symptoms of the two diseases are similar in nature. When a particular ethnic group fails to understand the cultural values or the way the other community lives there is always misinformation or misinterpretation that this community hates that one. Take Equatoria and Western Bahr El ghazal as an example: The people of Western Equatoria are cheerful, God loving and they have embraced peaceful co-existence and mutual respect towards others. On the other hand they depend on subsistence agriculture for their livelihood. The peaceful people of Western Bahr el Ghazal are totally living in terrible fear more especially at night and yet all the atrocities are being committed by one tribe the Dinka. Houses are looted and individuals are disappearing. People are not fearing now the rebels instead they are fearing their own Government forces.
In Yambio there had been hila Dinka since 1983 but with this idea that Dinkas were born to rule they (the Dinkas ) are turning against their host community and they are involved in serious crimes like burglary and murder . Yet the people of Western Equatoria believe in God and they always forgive and the only guideline for those who would like to reside in Western Equatoria is that they must adopt the culture of peace and the respect of the rule of law. Above all never allow your herds to roam the farm land or to destroy peoples’ crops in the fields.”
4. Superiority Complex : After conceiving the idea that “Dinkas are born to rule”, when a Dinka or group of Dinkas reaches to an area they have no respect for the natives nor the traditional leaders. They behave the way they were brought up from the muraa and they do everything by force. This type of arrogant behavior can be proved from the statement made by the late Dr. Justin Yatchi right after the signing of the CPA that : “The British and the Arabs ruled South Sudan for more than 50 years each, but the Dinkas will rule South Sudan for more than hundred years. Can these types of behaviors and arrogant statement enumerated make the none Dinka ethnic communities have confidence in the SPLM led government? I would like to hear an answer from either a South Sudanese or a member of the international community to this question.
The people of Western Equatoria State have very good and accurate judgement about what is happening. They don’t blame any innocent Dinka who has been raring his cows in the muraa since time immemorial and has never caused problems of this nature with the people of Western Equatoria State. The Dinkas who used to bring cows for market purpose did in a prescribed manner, although there were some issues these were regulated before the court of justice. The current situation is the making of the SPLA generals. Because they are SPLM post holders, they can do anything they want to do, and so, they bought or looted cows from somewhere and armed their relatives with guns they have stolen from government stores and sent them to drive these cattle to Western Equatoria State. Indeed, it is the SPLA generals and their relatives who are the architects of the current conflicts in Western Equatoria State.
Instead for the Central Government to dig out what causes discomfort in Western Equatoria, the Green State, the Government ignorantly went on to label Western Equatoria as rebellious against the government of Salva Kiir. Worse on top, even some Dinkas in Diaspora we consider them as educated are also making false accusations against the people of Western Equatoria State that they are hating Dinkas on tribal ground.
If Dinkas were like other human beings who listen to advices, or who believe in God one would take time to give them a piece of advice, but a Dinka loves only a Dinka and trusts only a fellow Dinka because they believe themselves to be (mongiang) superior to all other ethnic communities in South Sudan.
5. Lawlessness: The killing of innocent civilians that started from Mundri has moved to Maridi and Juba is sending suicide squad to kill people in Maridi every night and there is a plan to continue killing people in Western Equatoria until Yambio the State headquarters as away to provoke the people into arm conflict for this is another way Kiir’s government thinks through war he can reduce and subdue the rest of the sixty three ethnic communities to become subordinate.
It is very unfortunate that the international community listens only to the despotic government of Kiir and ignores the suffering plight of the vulnerable groups, the children, mothers and elderly persons. God, come to the help of your people who are at the verge of ruin.
One senior officer in UPDF was asked: why are Uganda soldiers friendly to their people? He replied that it is because the acronym UPDF has no “A”. They are Uganda people Defense Force. When we use “A” which stands for Army, the army will use Arms to intimidate their own people. If the Government of Salva Kiir has the people at heart he should reform the army to a professional defense force.The present SPLA is still behaving worse than a rebel group.
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in fact some time the doctors misnamed and misdiagnosed the diseases and diseases be come untreatable.
a Dinka loves only a Dinka and trusts only a fellow Dinka because they believe in that way and this is why Salva Kiir always kills other tribes because Salva Kiir is a dinka, he forgot his role as the president Of Republic of South Sudan. President M7 mislead-ed Villager- Salva Kiir from Warap State.
Kind Regards,
Droma James
in Burundi
Wow,very good article. lol.
South Park,Family Guy and The Simpsons.
Dinka trust themselves because during liberation war all 63 tribe 97% were killing Dinka all over the South Sudan in support of Arab to prevent the South to be country , specially Nuer were targeting SPLA to failed Dinka , and forgetting liberation Agenda. So now Dinka liberated it alone without 63 tribe and Kiir give you all the positions as citizen and you want to repeated collaborator agenda . this time you killed one Dinka revenge will be equivalence to five men from that tribe you Equatorians be care. keep away from NUER rebellion ,your kokora time will come back to Dinka mind ,,,,,, Nuer called themselves Dinka husband , let wait and see ,Dinka respected them during liberation war not to please Arab ,now , Dinka will revenge seriously all atrocities committed to them in the bush if touch ,, After 100 years if,,,, ,if who ever took this government by force Dinka will go to the bush , and liberated it from that tribe . Dinka cannot listen to Dr : Reik , because he was the one who killed allot of Dinka civilian in liberation time . This useless Dinka who joint rebel seeking for green pasture are nonsense to their relatives . Dinka is ready to confront any rebellion ,man is born to died in defense of his community , Chollo Olony ,you capture malakal to day we capture it tomorrow no, all boys no school for this generation we release them to fight and be killed by those who want to ethnics cleanse Dinka only ,after ,Dinka liberated them , shame on you ,
if at all their are true enemies of this country, i think you are the right one to be call so, because you totally failed to understand the value of your comment or do you really read what you posted? to be honest to you bro, the Dinka were not in indeed for the independence of south sudan but because they got a very serious pressure from the rest of the tribes, that’s why they gave-in. if at all we need to attribute the independence of south sudan to any entity, it should be the entire people of south and above all God.but without any prejudices, we need to give Dr Riek Machar a credit for pressing the torit faction under garang to include the self determination into the negotiation table and indeed also he was the first SPLM cadre to campaign for independence.
Secondly don’t cheat yourself and other jieng, regarding your current tribe scheme, because history will prove you wrong and above all your jieng mindset is not capable of making such strategies due to the fact jieng can’t agreed among themselves in places such as Rumbek, jonglei; warrap etc, so tell me how confident are you that, the current tribal strategy can work for at least the period of 50yrs leave alone the 100 yrs of justin yak? to correct you bro, what you guys are trying is so risky or otherwise a jieng suicide mission, because what you are doing today is been done by one of the tribes in south sudan but they failed miserably to extend that they are been disintegrated into smaller tribes within the same geographical and demographical location, and this point had been acknowledge by one of the senior SPLM/A from the same tribe.
the iam so glad to hear this name, salt name.everybody called salt,salt and’s too hard to live with out salt. if you don’t like salt where do go and live with out. I’m happy and proud to be a salt.
Abraham Deng Deng,
Pride and arrogant are the downfall of anybody. The independent of South Sudan came about because God almighty has heard our cry and magically given South independent to us. No one, I say No one should brag and bring Curse to themselves claiming that they liberated South Sudan. So, tell me what towns that Dinka liberated? You know and everyone knows that most South Sudan cities were under North Sudan when CPA was signed. Who did dinka defeated to claim liberation? Truth is liberating and the bible say it “set one free”. So please, for the sake of God, repent from your ignorant and from self deceptions and lies. Don’t you know that almost everyone in South Sudan, and in the world know the history of South Sudan? Please don’t embrace yourself and looks numb nut. And by who is running South Sudan affair today? Dinka or non dinka?
Lualdit God said knock and it will be open to you. asked and it will be given to you. who was asked and knocked? the answer was Dinka (Danish) who was crying to God? the answer was Dinka (Danish) the question is why was Danish? because the first man who was knocked the door of freedom and independent he was the first LT Abdullahtif Tokmac from Awarial,in 1800.
the people who were crying are the people who come from Bhar el Gazelle 1982 to Ethio 1989 passed through Nuer Lou an been brutalized by Anyagat. other groups were bilpam battalion in jokou 1985 brutalized by Gatjok and gatwaar Nuer,and neran battalion also brutalized by pathopsa Lokuter militias in kapota in pibor in 1987 by ismail militias and also in 1999 terkeka by Clement wani konga and so on including Riek Machar in 1991,Matip Nhial, and David Yau Yau. example towns captured kapota in 1998 by bright star campaign (BSC) and boma task force, and kiela captured by koriyom Tasks force all 99.9 are Danish people.
alone wolf
keep these nonsense for yourself and your tribe, bcoz you can’t rewrite the history of this country in this tribal context and manner.when did the liberation journey start? it seems you guys wanted to trace it from 1983 upward which is totally unrealistic and self cheating and this can attest there’s something that you are hiding.a question on a serious note, the garang or gerbino’s movement started in bor, why didn’t you concentrate your presence in the northern region, instead you ran to Equatorial region and refugee camps in Uganda and Kenya?
i think you guys can continue to say or write such nonsense but the entire world knows that you just good for nothing creatures, you have spoiled the reputation of south sudanese worldwide,bcoz of your responsible and irrational behaviours.
Garang and Kerubino names begin with Capital letters.