
Fallacy Status of South Sudanese in Diaspora

By Chuol C. Puoch

Chuol C. Puoch
Chuol C. Puoch

July 28, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — Outlining the truth in this Country qualify a person as a true enemy of those touched by the expression and drastically, we have insidiously become as hell as we are currently; we have got many different definitions of ourselves politically and socially depending on where we happen to be. It’s like we are most friendly by not wronging ourselves, which is absolutely in contrary to the truth side.

I was partially ashamed, most likely impressed and emotionally surprised last year in April 2013 by Tongun Lo Luyuong’s article which you can find here: – . It was not easy reading and digesting that article to my brain and spirit, but I managed to overcome my feeling by the time because I thought that everyone is thinking about it like Tongun and most definitely, there would be a solution with time

However, to my surprise after long assessment of those in Diasporas, I can conclude that there is no much different between them and those in the Country. They are not element of changes and transformation as many people may think of them. They are not who they think they are. They got lost between cultures, they got lost between supremacy, pretending and personal lifestyle. They got lost between diplomacy and the fact that they are merely living in those respective Countries for their survival and stability. Before furthering your reading, accept my apology if you are abroad and not doing what I am talking about, because I pointed generally and not specific. If you are in United State and Australia, pay very much attention to this article, most of your mates are only the best of worse. I hope you must have knowledge about it? Not to leave those in East Africa oblivions of their bad deeds, especially the ladies, I am saying little about you as well.

As mentioned above, expressing things like this qualify a person as a true enemy of those touched by that expression; however, I have not decided to be your enemy not even after you will want me to be, but wholeheartedly, I will remain the way I am so long as you are still as such.

Hit a point one day with some mellifluous grammatical terminologies and says that you are in South Sudan, they will not believe you. Or they will think that you are among those corrupt elements in Juba. They believe that it’s them, and only them, who are fine and well in thinking, acting, reasoning and visioning. That is absolutely wrong. All of us differ in the above mentioned points irrespective of our place of dwelling and studies, but our natural capacity and behavior.

With that megalomania continuing, you will always end up in mess. You will come back home absolutely disorganized politically, socially and economically. Topping big is unpleasant in life especially for those who have witness the living conditions in South Sudan. You must stop it.

Why should I waste my time, my money and my energy coming down from Europe or USA to Addis Ababa for peace talk while nothing is in need of me there? Why should I actually waste my money, my time and my energy from Australia to go and meet Riek Machar and tell him nothing rather than shaking his hand and take a photo with him? Would it not be much appreciated if you give that $500 ticket money as a donation to IDP school in South Sudan here? Do you really think that, paying $500 for ticket and another $500 for living in addis Ababa seeking to take a photo with Riek Machar, qualify you to be a diplomat? Do you think that getting satisfied with corruption money, washing clothes of people, taking care of their babies, cleaning their houses and dishes, washing their donkeys, cat, cows and rabbits, begging and so on abroad, make you better than other South Sudanese farming in their farms and those that are fighting for freedom and democracy down here in South Sudan? Most of you have been repeatedly saying that, they are worried about our future here in South Sudan, but I think that is in contrary. In lieu of that, we are absolutely worried so much about your future.

Look at the black-turned-brown South Sudanese ladies in east Africa; walking half naked, skin bleached out, focusing on romantic affairs more than education. Unfortunately, they believe that it’s what they call civilization—walking naked and turn their skin brown. Gentlemen there seem to encourage this civilization because it gives their eyes a place to land on and glance in time of lust and missing. You understand? Is that the culture we should comprehend? Is that what you people are going to bring back home? Badly enough, your element are already here with us and they have introduced the system and it gained ground so far here in South Sudan, but we will soon do something about it.

Due to the fact that many of you have gone astray and can’t be wrong in whatever they are doing, I am sure they will take my impartial and cordial article as a jealousy if not a madness of me.

Nevertheless, not before you stop stealing in USA, not before you stop begging in Australia as orphan fabricating false statement that your whole family is dead, not before wasting money from Europe to Addis Ababa to simply take a picture with Riek Machar and others; and not before you stop walking naked in East Afrtica, we will never cease praying for your future. Indeed, we would not be able to see the bright future that you are claiming to have, and as such we will keep asking you and God to bring you back to your senses, your brilliant culture and tradition and your pride as a black identity.

I think being black is terrifically a blessing because it’s something that is congenital and natural, isn’t it? Why should those young ladies be allowed to take it as a curse to them from God? I could always see ladies even in church here in South Sudan pretending to be followers of God while denying God’s wills of creation on them. I wish church leaders must do something about it; it’s against God’s will.

In conclusion, the world is looking at you in Diasporas as the only future of this Country because most of those who are in the Country are severely traumatized, in one way or another, and their hands are tied to help out. Yet, you choose to be walking naked in East Africa for no good reason. You choose to waste that much money traveling here and there to take photos with people while South Sudanese children are in dire needs of education, clothes and child care which you can really help out. $500 is a very huge amount and can help thousands of children get their education for the whole year; it can buy clothes to hundreds of children and mothers in those IDP camp. It can organize recreational activities for youths and adolescents who remain hopeless since the outbreak of this conflict. Engaging them (youth & adolescents) is a national duty which you in Diaspora are able to undertake by creating small projects and delegate some of your members to implement them in those camps. We would be proud of you. “Home is where the heart is” as the saying goes.

Chuol C. Puoch (ChuolB’riaal) is a South Sudanese living in South Sudan and can be reached @ chuolchotson@gmail.com

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1 comment

Jim Ayai July 29, 2014 at 9:33 am

You are the well informed citizen brother. Keep writing! These are important things we are supposed to sensitize the community about than slaughtering ourselves.


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