
Opinion: Dinka-Bor are thwarted of losing what they believed to be their ancestral land at the end of the current conflict!

White army warms up to retake Malakal in February (Photo: supplied)
White army warms up to retake Malakal in February (Photo: supplied)

April 19, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — The United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) protection site in Jonglei State capital Bor plunged in bloodiest attack on 17th of April, 2014. The carnage has been carrying on Internally Displaced Nuer Persons (IDPs) by Salva Kiir’s desperate soldiers alleged to be Dinka-Bor youth. In particular, the attackers were soldiers in uniforms who were deserted from north-eastern Bor town of Gadiang   after bringing up the rear to the rebel in battle fields.

Thousand of blameless Nuer women and children, elderly and state government officials who were in the hunt for harbor at the UN base in Bor since December have been molest. Hundreds of the Nuer IDPs mercilessly massacre when thousand of heavy armed Dinka soldiers forced their way into the site and started sprayed on IDPs.

Notwithstanding what are purportedly details by Salva’s government, including baseless allegation that, the thugs who assaulted UNMISS protection site and killed hundreds of IDPS are an armed Dinka-Bor youth said to be fuming of the nation-wide gala by IDPs after rebel victory on oil producing Unity state’s capital Bentiu. If Dinka-Bor is serious, why don’t they face the mighty white Army that occupied 80% of the Dinka-Bor land with only Bor town untied? Where were they when population of Dinka-Bor dispersed from their land?

This current conflict will end up defectively to some of the greater Upper Nile communities. There are likelihood that, after war, Upper Nile region’ll be free of Dinka as issue of Dinka-Bor and Dinka-Padang.

Unity State is one of the major oil rich states in South Sudan which is predominantly inhabited by Nuer tribe and, it is to be found in the heart of the Nuer land.  The victory on Bentiu appeared to be turning point in liberation struggle due to (1) the oil installation and, its shortest doorway into Warrap, the home land of the dictator Salva Kiir ( 2) Salva Kiir and Museveni had installed with all the effort an enough armed soldiers from JEM, UPDF, the SPLA nonconformists soldiers and others  mercenaries. The combined forces by the two were added up to over ten thousand set up.

And, enough   armaments lifted to Bentiu for all the time of ground works by the rebel. Hence! in spite of such built-up, the revolutionary force under overall command of Maj. Gen. Koang Chuol Ranley, one of a venerated commanderhave managed to have power over not only the town and almost all the State counties with exception of Pariang, but also, hundreds of thousand assorted military hardware left behind by deserted government soldiers within only hours mêlée. The Unity State military governor have assured civil population to remains doing their business including harvest because, the revolution army secured their security after his mighty force liberate the town from looters.

The sufferers of Kiir’s genocidal government have realized that, nothing impossible to be bringing about by the revolutionary force, especially during the last kick if peace in Addis produce no fruits. Salva Kiir is livid because, the next target after Unity state is Warrap.  Knowing his people’ defenselessness, there is no doubt that, the evolutionary force will overran Warrap and,  all the Nuer properties which had been looted in Juba, Bentiu, Malakal and others greater Upper Nile settlements; and, the destruction made on the Nuer residents in Juba and others places are to be claim by the owners when rebel wins victory on Kiir’s home town. These and many others logic paining Salva and make him resort to killing Nuer civilians and screening his emotional gloom.

UPDF was there and reportedly daunting UN peace keepers flanking the Dinka attackers. UPDF said to be for preventing genocide in South Sudan as their president poorly urging internationally, instead, during incident in Bor, Ugandan Army were escorting The mob and suppliers them with bullets and transport mean from west-bank of the Nile into Bor to kill Nuer IDPs. What prompted UPDF to assist in killing innocent Nuer women and children under UN protection?   Lou-Nuer community have so far learned that, amongst the thousand pledges offered to Museveni by Salva Kiir, about 35% of Bentiu oil-wells given to him in exchanges for UPDF mercenaries to fight war along site Dinka government against the Nuer-lead revolution. Therefore, to lose personal assortments by Museveni, he resorted to demonstrate his livid by killing Nuer un-armed civilians and leave the country in Rwanda-like 1994 genocide.

If the assails really happened to be the alleged Bor youth, are they geared up to protect their civil population when white Army retakes Bor? And, if the so-called Bor youth already knew that they are not coming back to Bor due to ongoing conflict, do they thinks Nimuli, Awek-rial, Juba and Kakuma camp where their civil population deserted to, are an islands in ocean not to be reach  by the mighty white Army?

Rebel is now progressing rapidly and, it is likely that, most of the Dinka territories will soon be in charge of the revolutionary fighters whilst rains start from this month.  And if that is the case, what do they (Dinka-Bor) assume will ensue onto their kinfolk? Bor community knew better that, unless peaceful mean to the current conflict found or, they will never return to where they alleged to be their ancestral land.

Lou-Nuer youth strongly warned the so-called Dinka Bor youth who have massacred hundred and still threatening lives of innocent civilians   who seek place of safety in the UNMISS base in Bor.

Lou-Nuer youth and the community as a whole have learned that, this terrorist coordinated attack by the UPDF and SPLA on the Nuer IDPs, was for the most part planned to target Lou-Nuer community members amongst more than five thousand Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the hunt for shelter at the UNMISS compound in Bor.

Amongst these innocent women and children slaughtered in the base, 90% of the dead and wounded where from the Lou and Gawaar Nuer community of Uror, AKobo and Nyirol Counties.

Mak Banguot Gok is a concerned South Sudanese who lives in Malakal, in Upper Nile State. He can be reached at makjohnson2005@yahoo.com

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Nyuon Bidit Loklok (@nyuonnirew) April 21, 2014 at 12:56 am

Let Dinka Bor dances up -to maximum for their victory killing armless Nuer IDPs sheltering in a UN camp in Bor,Jonglei state while in return will surprise them n mourning will consecutively continues years after years. As Mak stressed in his article, time has come for Dinka Bor to joint their fellows Dinka in Bhar Elgazel.

Jaam May 5, 2015 at 11:15 am

Do you stupid nuer think that Dinka Bor were born less and alone with out brothers?imagine Bor fighting Ayod ,uror and Nyiror and guest what will happen?dinka Bor are very strong but if nuers numbers come in then other dinkas will always come in and nuers will always loose.i only blame two people,Dr.Garang and Kiir for sparing you in 1991 and in 2013 otherwise there would be nothing call nuer today and you suppose to appreciate them.imagine if dinkas were behaving in the manner you nuers are behaving…..killing every thing that is in your mercies then there wouldn’t have been ten of thousand nuers in warrap and lakes and now in Duke and twic east.talking of people killed in unimiss in Bor,you have to talk of people killed in unimiss in Akobo.If it was to be a war between nuers and dinkas nuers would have finished……i swear to my life.Ayod will never defeat duke county and instate duke are your husbands but bor is less than nuers and for that matter dinka will come in.nuer of jonglei makes up 80% of the state so your temporary victory is always on numbers but not bravery as you will always end up looser…..as in 1991 and you ran to Khartoum


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