
Congratulations: Message to the SPLM/A-In Opposition movement

By Latjor’s Dream Eastern Jikany Nuer Sobat Region,


Machar leading a delegation in Djibouti, where he visit river port among other facilities(Photo: Hakim Cuei)
Machar leading a delegation in Djibouti, where he visit river port among other facilities(Photo: Hakim Cuei)

July 30, 2014(Nyamilepedia)“You all know that, change may not come without struggle. And so as well, the struggle without the change. These two things are working coincidentally to produce a different viewpoints as many of you might have known what had been taken place in the past either by experience or self-awareness.” (Written by Uncle Lul Top).

Concerning some of the changes that had been made by the SPLM/A In opposition, we mean, “The proposals of Restructuring for South Sudan into more Adm. Units. “we believed that this proposals, which we believe everybody has come across recently and hope it is an incredible proposals from the leader of the movement and as a result of that, it had move the Eastern Jikany Nuer under their leadership to congratulated this important proposal of “Restructuring for South Sudan, in which  see it that will benefits all the people of the south Sudan.

As we the people!  Are wishing you to share this message on behalf of Sobat Latjor state to convey our message of  congratulations regarding  your hard work in the leadership of SPLM/A. In Opposition for a good well done job that you had made so far. This is what, we the people of E.Jikany Nuer mostly, were long waiting for either generally or individually for the Sobat region to be split from the old upper Nile and become a state of its own.

And as a result of the proposal, we thank the movement for the ideas, for the reason that, it had been taken us some times to have repeating called all years around to have split Upper Nile into two northeast and the southeast states. Concerning Federal, we the majority of the people are ready supporting the federal government, we have considered it as best government to help the country to “forgive and forget,” the old types that we all seen as “fever dream to the individuals.”

Therefore, we will be always appreciated and welcome federal system and the creation of the “eleven new states,” but not just only the creations of the states, also more counties that is because to have  help solving those problems facing the rural poor’s communities, such as to enjoy the same as the Urbana’s children do, to Provide basic services like clean water educational and healthy issues, and to names a few, all in all, were included in the service delivery to the people.

“This is what all were waiting for, as the entire citizens of Eastern Jikany as well as the other neglected states, there wouldn’t be no excuse for failure at this time. However, we the Latjor’s dream Community, Eastern Jikany Nuer were already predicted more states and counties and as result of the structuring for the federalism system of governance, is going to work  and to accommodate the country’s sixty four ethnic diversities in a peaceful way.

By EJN: Latjor’s Dream Community, in USA
Headquarters of Kuany’s Bol Mier:
E-mail: rueib@maine.edu.

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