By David Lony Majak:

7th Dec, 2014 (Nyamilepedia) — The whole world is informed of mourning Nuer genocide of December 2013 to be commemorated nationally and internationally in every 16-19 December yearly. The Nuer people occupied the most fruitful parts of the country (greater Upper Nile region), particularly Unity State (Bentiu), Upper State with capital Malakal and Jonglei state Bor and are citizens of the Republic of South Sudan with their tribal identity like any other tribes existing in South Sudan. Doctrines; Nuer believe that God is the Spirit from above the sky or the spirit who is in the sky (Kuoth nhial or Kuoth en te nhial), The Nuer people are a Nilotic ethnic group primarily inhabiting the Nile Valley and moralistic in nature since the creation of earth.
Why commemorating Nuer Genocide
The killing of Nuer civilians commenced on date 16-19 December, 2013 in juba, others were massacred day after day until January 2014. Around 10:0 p.m. on 15 December, fighting erupted at SPLA General Headquarters in Giada between elements in the presidential guard who were loyal to different factions of the SPLM party. Nuer civilians remained inside their homes considered it as a military clashes from the presidential guard’s barrack in Juba and has nothing to do with civilians.
In the history; the days of remembering Nuer genocide in South Sudan shall always remain as mentioned above or with an extension to somewhat days but not back-warding the history like South Sudan’s history which is extremely confused (tribal manipulations of the national history). On Sunday night 15, December 2013, the current on-going war broke out at presidential guards’ barrack in juba and later had subsided and escalated to the all parts of the country, South Sudan’s internal conflict of 2013 – 2014 with predictions to 2015 to end the war.
Those who had survived from different types of killing where human rights abuses and atrocities were committed by the killers, they were forced to drink blood of dead human beings, burned, inserted broken glasses into males and females’ organs and they were also confiscated to eat roasted human flesh and fresh fleshes of human beings as a process of torturing them physically. Innocents’ children, women, people with disabilities/Vulnerable groups and non-soldiers were targeted and killed in a cold blood, (victims, survivors live in a critical miserable life, Human Rights violations under Universal human rights declaration of Geneva 1948).
All believers and the people of Nuer Society Worldwide should turn-up for a massive campaign to remember the killings of their beloved fellow innocent civilians who were killed in juba and across the nation thereafter the incident erupted in Juba. From 16-19, December 2013, there was a massive killing of Nuer civilians in the capital city (Juba). Nuer Juba Genocide (NJG) was down played in different capacities by wrong elements that had intentions on what they had termed as a coup being attempted which results to the killings of Nuer civilians countrywide.
Mass graves in Juba
Nuer People were buried in a mass grave system since they could not be buried in a single grave yard, others were threw into river Nile, dumped in kors/valleys, some burned inside their homes after being gathered for killing purpose. Most pictures produced by UNMISS and other UN Agents indicated that, all innocents’ Nuer civilians were not buried officially by the government but simply because of international pressure mass graves burials was used to hide those killed at the time of incident.
Parties to be involve at the time of event
This commemoration of Nuer Genocide requires all international activists, international and national journalists, local Medias, and churches’ societies. The participants for the up-coming commemoration of Nuer genocide must join hands together to gather themselves in public places like freedom squares, churches, through radio talks and TVs shows to mourn for the death of Naath people. Avoid drinking of alcohol, do not meet your woman, and do not eat meat, wear/put on black T-shirts and/or any black clothes at the time of mourning, May the souls of Nuer civilians who were intentionally killed in South Sudan under Mr. President Kiir rest in eternal peace.
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
(HRW-South Sudan); Different publications of interim report on human right violations by Human Rights Watch from 15, December 2013- 31 January 2014 shows that, most of crimes committed against humanity during Nuer genocide in Juba South Sudan were on date 16th-19th December 2013 on-ward. Some reports indicated that initial fighting broke out between members of presidential guard on the evening 15 December 2013, at the end of the meeting of the Sudan’s People Liberation Moment’s (SPLM) National Liberation Council (NLC) which resulted into Juba incidence. We should therefore; recognized 16 – 19 December 2013 as the days of Mourning Nuer Genocide across the World (MNGAW-December yearly).
Places of killings
The commemoration of Nuer Genocide has nothing to do with political affiliations to President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar whether one may support whatever side of the warring parties in the country. This is a serious matter on theme that, Nuer People were killed last year in December 2013 and shall always be remembered yearly. It is going to be a national event and to be witness by international community worldwide. Human Rights Watch reports has disclosed places where Nuer people were killed from December-January especially; Mangateen, Mia samba-107, Khor Williams, Gumba, Tongping, Gudele 1, Gudele 2, Suk lualdit, Lologo, Jebel check-point, Jebel market, Custom market, new site, Juba town and many other places in the capital Juba. After when the war subsided to all parts of the country, there was also a killing of the same innocents’ Nuer civilians in Bor, Upper Nile and Unity State In December 2013 – 9th January 2014.
National Unity and patriotism
I guess all patriots and nationalists from the republic of South Sudan regardless of their tribal identities will give moral support and to join the tragic, painful and unforgettable black days of remembering their fallen brothers and sisters who perished in Juba and across the nation last 2013.
Political wrangling
A leader of nation who incited tribalism and political division as a tool of ruling is like a toilet without door. South Sudan as a country shall not exist without the two largest groups; the Nuer and Dinka who have divided their loyalties to either President Kiir or former vice president Dr. Riak Machar respectively. We must learn how to correct our past and the current mistakes. Any leader or president who dare master minded tribalism means no civilians, no recognitions, and no nation at all.
The author is a Human Rights Activist and can be reached at