Opinion South Sudan

Appreciations for telling the truth!

Dr Adwok

To: Prof. Peter Adwok Nyaba,
Renowned Professor;
Honourable Elder;
Former member of SPLM National Liberation Council;
Former Minister of Higher Education, RSS
Juba-South Sudan.

Through: Social Media (Face book)

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. …”, John 8:32 KJV.

Dear Uncle Prof. Adwok;

June 06, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — First and foremost, it is my greatest honour to write to you this letter as my explicit and implicit express of my appreciations for bravery and wisdom you have shown to your beloved people of South Sudan at the time in which it is impossible for any person on the walks of the earth to even imagine of doing so; you have boldly told your beloved people the truth and only the truth that there was ‘no coup’ on December 17th, 2013 when your life was at the highest risk from barbaric militias of disguised Kiir and his cronies; you have also resigned from incriminated SPLM on June 1st, 2014 telling your beloved people that you don’t want to be privy to heinous unprecedented crimes against humanity committed by SPLM under failed leadership of Kiir.

Secondly, as far as I am concerned, it is very hard to find people of your calibre who can risk their own lives under system that never regards the lives of its populace to come out openly telling the truth; the system and its operatives kept and still keeping you in house arrest thinking you would succumb to their ill-treatments; nevertheless, you are speaking loud for voiceless. What a legitimate love for people!

Thirdly, as an educated young man, together with your Southerner colleagues (though some have turned wolves now) joined the liberation struggle in 1980s; you have successfully carried out battles as a result of which you bravely sacrificed part of your body for the liberation and freedom of your beloved people; you were and still a true nationalist who at any rate never deserve such humiliations from those kins and kith of Kiir who were trained to maim and conduct genocide on Nuer-they were never taught basic military principle-JUST TO KILL NUER AND/OR WHO THINKS KIIR LEADERSHIP IS LIMITED.

Fourthly, I really share the pains and worries of staying away while the loved one is undergoing major medical surgery; it is sad in deeds; however, I wish your wife a quick recovery and wish you and whole family of yours the best of health. It is not surprising at all for Kiir and his operatives to deny and deprive you this humanity obligation because they lost the faculties of what constitutes the humanity-the DIGNITY.
Heinous and unprecedented crimes against humanity in the history of mankind committed by Kiir and his ‘rotten from core system’ are unbearable: murdering woman while delivering, burning people beyond recognition, forced to eat decomposed relative to evade being killed, forced relatives to have sex to evade being killed, chopping heads and arms of killed people to derive relatives of recognition, denial of burying dead body….even Khartoum regimes never did these!

Finally, I would conclude my letter by once reiterating my warmest appreciations to you for being nationalist from inception of our first liberation struggle from Arabs to this inception of the second and final liberation struggle from Kiir, his cronies and ‘rotten from core’ system; it is our turn as young and energetic cadres to fight this system which has brought shame to us on the face of the world. Uncle, I just want you to continue being strong and full of spirit of hope for surely your efforts of freeing you people from tyrant regime, cannot and will never go in vain.

You and your family will enjoy the fruits of the final freedom and prosperity for your steadfast stance with your beloved people despite harsh and hard conditions you have gone through this crisis brought by disguised Dinka warmonger called Kiir.
Uncle, you are the resource in wisdom, academia and politics.

May God bless you in abundance.

Yours truly;

Solomon Pur Gok Dak
Dip.VM, LLB (Hons).
+251 937 608 496

June 6th, 2014.

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