
Apology From Peter Gatkuoth Chiangjiak About The Article of 27th April On Nyamilepedia

By Peter Gatkuoth Chiangjiak,

Peter Gatkuoth Chiangjiak apologizes for the 27th April article that appeared on Nyamilepedia(Photo: Gatkuoth's profiles)
Peter Gatkuoth Chiangjiak apologizes for the 27th April article that appeared on Nyamilepedia(Photo: Gatkuoth’s profiles)

May 09, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — I would deeply like to apologize to the entire Nuer community world wide for the article I posted on Nyamilepedia on 27th April, 2015, entitle: Unity State Youth Union in Eldoret, Kenya, Call for Peaceful Resolution to the Conflict!.

It was very unfortunate for me to sent that article, it is my fault but deeply it was not my own making because mine was the headline, which is concerning peaceful resolution in this current conflict but there were individuals, who add their own paragraphs without my permission.

I believed we the people in Diaspora are peace supporters but not war supporters because we don’t support any side either the government or SPLA/SPLM –IO; I am very sorry for those who added hurting statements, even I am not happy when I read it clearly in the website and I condemned it too.

I very much regret for the person who used my laptop and added his own political interest about government and I would like to apologize to the entire Nuer community around the globe because 15th Dec, 2013 was horrible to all of us and there is no need for me to turn a blind eye on my own people.

The killing that was carried out against innocent Nuer children, Women, and defenseless old men and young men, which was never their fault because they believed that they were citizens of this nation and also people of that government.

In addition, immediately after the appearance of that article, there were people who printed out hard copies and also added their own inciting words, which I didn’t even write in that article or appeared on the website. They distributed those extra copies to some people, and even sent my name to people, whom I don’t have any problem with. However, I am confident that some of those people who were approached with those copies will not listen to this tainting of my name because the issue is what I have here narrated to you above. The elders who were falsely accused were part of individuals’ problems but do not represent all people‘s interests, according to what I know.

Therefore, I must assure you that I’m supporting conflict resolution not any of the two sides. I would also like to remind my fellow tribe mates and country mates that they should unites themselves as the citizen of one nation because South Sudan does not belong to one community but to all communities of South Sudan .I encourage the youth to work hard in bringing this conflict to an end in a peaceful manner because we are the future of this nation.

Also note that the owners of the phone numbers that appeared on that article were not consulted to be contacted. Furthermore, there was no meeting held at that time and also we haven’t yet form unity state youth union in Eldoret but we have only the Nuer Community Association. Unfortunately, such things were mentioned on the article but the truth must be told because individuals who representative certain organizations may confuse individuals’ interest with public interest .

I am very sorry, and I know that it was wrong, but I will make sure that these things will never and ever again happen in such a way. I’m therefore humbly requesting the readers  of this apology to take it into their consideration even though it was my carelessness to have given out my machine to somebody that I didn’t trust.  I promise that in the future I will be very keen because as a man I have learned through my mistakes.

Peter Gatkuoth is a student of mass communication and journalism at Nairobi Aviation College Eldoret Campus. He can be reached at Petergatkuoth.chiangjiak@yahoo.com

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GatNor May 9, 2015 at 8:38 am

Mr Chiangjiak, have you asked the website to removed the article from the public domain because if you have not done so you are still responsible for any further damages the article causes. The article which is {lets say}a work attributed to you is subjected to use and citations in the public domain. Every Nuer is a target and this is what you Nuers fail to understand your own Nuer friends and close associated are no the best to be use in order to get to you. So you must be more careful.

King Noble Rahman May 9, 2015 at 1:06 pm

You had already done damaged but better too late than never. who were those that write their own thing on your article? you should give us their fucken names so that with their fucken mp Gatluak Nguen Manytuil or whatever his name is.
Nuer blood will hunt them down wherever they suck the blood money .
A great man admit his mistakes.

opina oywec May 11, 2015 at 3:33 am

Don’t behave like pagan amum,okiech. Who after having been saved from the gullow turns his blind eyes to those who saved him from death. Without the rebellion do you think pagan was going to be released? Don’t be a kid. Kiir would not do that mistake. While peace is the best option,of the three options (capitulation,military action and peace),you need to force him to accept him to accept peace.


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