By Jok Mayom,

Jan 07, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- First and foremost, Your Excellency Philip Aguer Panyang, allow me to congratulate you for the selection made by the people of Twic Community and Greater Bor at large not forgetting His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan for his trust bestowed upon the selection owing to your new job as Governor of new Jonglei State.
Little did the people of the Republic of South Sudan know that H.E President Kiir Mayardit was ever going to make such a decision for creating the 28 States in the Republic of South Sudan, in most needed time you finally came to what people said your once a dream.
Following the Presidential Order on October 02nd 2015 cited as “Establishment Order No. 36/2015 for the creation of 28 states” in the decentralized Governance System, you become the governor of Jonglei State under Order 4 subsection 4.23 alongside 9 governors of the Upper Nile Based which Jonglei falls in the formally regional base.
Law makers said the powers vested upon him [President Kiir], under article 101 (k) and (u) mandates the president to establish independent institutions and perform any other function as prescribed by the law. That make the order sounds paramount.
Thousands of South Sudanese in the capital Juba and across the former ten states of South Sudan joyously celebrated the Establishment Order No. 36/2015 as well as the appointment of the governors making the Christmas different from other Christmas festive celebrated in the Country.
As I begin the flow of my open letter Your Excellency, the creation of 28 States in the decentralized Republic of South Sudan will be seen as the long overdue “Implementation of Dr. John Garang Vision of taking town to the people” and therefore, concern citizens need to air their views out for that matter on how services can be reached to them this time –I mean this time – of special need.
Your Excellency, I write this letter from the deepest concern of my sole heart, how I look at the sufferings and great gaps the people of Jonglei State have had. Our people have really been behind in terms of development, no good schools, health centers, roads, amongst others which I thought it is the time for services to reach them now since the powers have been downsize from the original state size to only now three counties of Greater Bor.
My article was to get directly to the nerves of the 28 states governors but because of the saying that charity begins at home, I proudly begins here with you for I have much corners I know in Jonglei unlike other states and because you are going to be my governor.
Your Excellency, your turn is number four among those who led Jonglei State with Philip Thon Leek (2005-2010), Kuol Manyang Juuk (2010-2013) and John Kong Nyuon (2013-2015) it was good for those governors during their time but little light was seen in the far ends of Cuei-Keer to Cuei-Thon in term of services delivery though some efforts were reached.
Your Excellency, as you prepare for your next cabinet, I would like to humbly bring to your attention and stress that you change the system, by bringing in youths to work with you in your new government. Records and history speaks better about Jonglei and Greater Bor in particular, as a matter of facts, Buor are amongst those in the Country who have reach nearly the last ladder of academic and so there would be no reason of recycling the former government officials when other fresh minds with fresh ideas are abundantly in big supply.
As if it is not enough, be reminded that nearly all those who have been in the state government have perform little to the people of Greater Bor from Cuei-keer to cuei-thon being their ministers of government officials and for that matter you need to bring in new faces this time to your government whose capability shall be to develop the state and deliver services most needed.
Furthermore, from your few priorities reported as you saying, amongst them the unity of the people, state building, peace and security. These are truly what the people yearn for in this dire situation and I must appreciate and applauds you for that but be reminded my governor that for services to be delivered well it needs tough people who can be able to put them in pipeline.
Your Excellency, you may recall that the people of Greater Bor were majorly affected by the crisis of December 2013 similarly to those in Greater Upper Nile, amongst your priorities should also include the home return of the people to their original land as well as making sure the security is hundred percent maintain.
Your Excellency, many people in Awerial or Minkaman internally displaced camp (IDPs) are majorly from Bor with more others that flock to Uganda and Kenya. you have a tough challenge ahead of you that is to either make our people of Greater Bor remain in the IDPs camps and Refugees Camps or bring them back, with that it will add your weight in your leadership and you shall hold record of Greater Bor.
Your Excellency, I know your capability when you were the SPLM/A spokesperson and for that I know you will surely make all successes possible to the people of Greater Bor communities.
In expenses of getting job by opportunist, Your Excellency, be humbly reminded to take keen look on those approaching you, it’s unfortunate and of course am forced to say this that some are gossip mongers who want to be your drivers to pull you to their individual interest which will not just end there but will tear the Unity of Greater Bor. My dear governor, please set your eyes on whoever is approaching you for any position in your government.
For the old faces who are struggling to be retained in their positions, they should come out in the broad day light and speak out what they have done to the people of Bor not just for the sake of getting position and solve one stomach.
I hearsay that the states cabinet ministers will be based on the Payams; Your Excellency, should that be true I bet it will not hold water in terms of services delivery as well as the inclusivity of gender equity unless we want to encourage clanism system which will later degrade the unity of Buor.
On that note, I would kindly suggest that you appoint people on merit of qualifications and capabilities noting that they come from all parts of the Greater Bor communities from Cuei-Keer to Cuei-Thon with that, the government will be strong and service delvery government that will make its people satisfied with the needs. Success and maburuk in your new job, happy New Year 2016 and may you work to deliver services, kill clanism, nepotism and the likes.
In a nutshells, as the saying goes “new brooms sweeps better” yes others may counter react that old brooms knows all the corners, but if I may ask “What corner and what have they done in those corners they know?” hence for those who are lobbying to retain their positions it is time to ask each and everyone to give you what he or she has done in Greater Bor in the past years. Civilians with open eyes are watching and will account for those who will claim to have done enough
during their time.
Long Live Unity of Greater Bor ! Long Live 28 States ! Long Live South Sudan !
The writer is a South Sudanese living in Juba. He can be reached on
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Good, Good, really very Good, Philip Aguer, the chief architect of the December 2013 Nuer massacred in Juba and Bor UNMISS camp will now be stationed in Bor next to Yau Yau and Gen. Gatwich Dual.
Very good news indeed! Ngundeng is great.
Jok Mayom, either you did it through ignorance or something else. People like you who imposing your wrong names “Bor or Greater Bor Community” upon other Dinkas of Jonglei such as Eastern Twi Dinka/Greater Twic and Greater Duk of Nyarweng and Hol Dinkas and others. You have wasted your precious times for nothing. Don’t pretended to be in Juba. Twic East has possible to leave you guys with whatever in new State because Twic Dinka people depend their lives on bad way of living. Also, Twi people respect people who tell truth, have reservation when it comes to human beings bloodshed and respect of others by recognized them their rights and so.
Twi people don’t you the most our neighbor but you, Bor need Twi people the most. Thanks
Correct ones are, “Jok Mayom, either you did it through ignorance or something else. People like you who imposing your wrong names “Bor or Greater Bor Community” upon other Dinkas of Jonglei such as Eastern Twi Dinka/Greater Twic and Greater Duk of Nyarweng and Hol Dinkas and others. You have wasted your precious times for nothing. Don’t pretended to be in Juba. Twic East has possibly ways to leave you guys with whatever in new State because Twic Dinka people don’t depends their lives on bad way of living. Also, Twi people respect people who tell truth, have reservation when it comes to human beings bloodshed and respect of others by recognized them their rights and so.”
“Twi people don’t need you the most our neighbor but you the Bor need Twi people the most. Thanks”
Please NyamilePedia there are some people on your Webiste that trying to destroy your reputation by editing the comments to converted it meanings or intentions. Please keep ethics.
Dinka Twic Panda,
I doubt there is anyone on this website that EDIT comments, we will find out. Comments are either approved or discarded by our apps if their are too abusive or if they violate some of our terms and conditions. Sometimes some people keep submitting the same comments and therefore they end with one repetitive comment with or without their latest editions, if it has been edited by the owner.
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“As of today which is Jan 2, 2016 after 88 years and 1 Day back to the time Bor Dinka and Thany Dinka were transfered to Duk Payuel District of Eastern Twi Dinka, Nyarweng Dinka, Hol Dinka, Duor Dinka and others. History has been corrected to it originality, that means the Eastern Twi Dinka, Nyarweng Dinka, Hol Dinka, Duor Dinka, Ric Dinka and other of Jonglei Dinkas have never been part of Bor District, period. So from today onward, we must have to respect people History as it is. History was part of our ancestors’ struggle over many generations. To repeat it again, Bor Dinka and Thany Dinka people truthfully who are currently in Bor County of Jonglei were part of Yirol District before they [Bor & Thany] were transfered to Duk Payuel District in Jan 1, 1928.
According to The Upper Nile Province Handbook citations that was based on Khartoum archives:
“The Dinka of Duk Faiwel [Payuen/Payul] District fall roughly of two parts, the Nyarreweng [Nyaweng/Nyarweng], (population. 10,000), Gol [Ghol or Hol], (population. 10,000) and Dwar [Duor] (Population. 3,000) on the north side and Twi [Twic], (Population. 70,000) on the south.” Page: 54
“The police at Bor which will be added to the District [Duk Payuel District) on 1. 1.1928 are paid on Bhar el Ghazal rates, i.e from 35 pt plus a ration upwards. The police at Duk Faiwel [Payuel] were paid at the normal rates of Sudan government police and come under the police pension scheme.” Page: 55”
I am neither Bor nor from Bor town or from Jonglei but the name Bor has a vampire effect on all sub Dinkas of Jonglei. The name Bor imposes itself on other Dinkas in Jonglei by its own popularity to other people from out side its geographical location. It doesn’t take Buor to impose it. The name, Bor, does that by its own right. The reason why the name Bor overshadows other different Dinkas in Jonglei is because it is a name those outside Jonglei heard a lot from the fact that there are Dinkas called Buor who live in a unique town known as Bor or Medieng Bor (as some people call it)which is named after them. Buor is a plural adjectival noun from a singular adjectival noun Bor. The other reason why the name Bor overshows other Dinkas in Jonglei is lack of knowledge,meaning most people who are remote from Dinkas of Jonglei don’t know the names of other sub Dinkas such as Twi or Nyarweng,unless they have interacted with people from such sub Dinka communities in schools, sports centers ,live in proximity to them or learned from books – names like Twi or Nyarweng to mention but a few.
Easy pronunciation of the name Bor is another motivating factor for outsiders that seems to make it as a shortcut collective noun of referring to all Dinkas from Jonglei simply as all Buor or Bor Dinkas in order to avoid a lengthy trouble of being meticulous to details of mentioning every other sub Dinka sectional names who comes from Jonglei. That shortcut is offensive to others and they are right, though it is not a big deal to make a mountain out of a mole hill. After all the name Bor is not a crime and so are other ones.
Prominent Bor leaders might have popularized the name Bor to people outside because of their good socio economic, political and cultural contributions to the history of South Sudanese struggle for independence.
Anyway to change the subject, congratulations to the new governor, Philip Aguer on his new mission. He is a right choice for all the people of Jonglei. He will make a huge difference to the state because of his good talents and previous backgrounds in humanitarian work and national army services. The list is endless of important things he can achieve with his great abilities including his excellent communication skills. All people from Jonglei are one and sky is the limit to what they can accomplish for the benefits of all. The name Bor,Twi, Hol etc are all good Dinka South Sudanese.
Jok Mayom,
Your article is a desperate attempt to “bootlick” Philip Aguer into getting you as a person into his cabinet. Writing such flattering remarks and ullulating the 28 states oyee and such cram does not academically nor technically make you fit to hold a government position. Moreso, recall that Jonglei state haad the largest annual budget as from 2005-2015. 10 yrs on, Jonglei is still where it is; no development, poverty, hunger, deprivation and rampant killings. Much of the money was squandered, looted and wasted on buying cars, building houses elswhere. Even people like Kuol Manyang, Michael Makuei with all the stolen monies have not been able to build reasonable houses in their states. Now how do you think this time around, Jonglei state (one of the 28 states) will function? More than 70% of all Jonglei people have fled to Equatoria, Kakuma or Uganda and do not intend to return soon. Jonglei is now an empty vast land with a handful of weak, old and poor youth who have not been able to run away. Unless your Jonglei jienges start trckling back to your state to implement your 28-states concept, Jonglei will remain “bushland”, backward and you will ever remain the “sick, weak and foolish” chikld of South Sudan that needs special attention. Equatoria will not be held back because of you, you must take care of your own shit, thats why we have to get all jienges in Nimule, Yei, Torit, Juba forcefully sent back to Jonglei so that they can jump-start development in their areas and not live as lazy-idles in Equatoria