
A Fundraising Campaign: Good News, NIRA is Transforming Lives, Rebuilding Communities!

tluke Chuol Reat Addressing South Sudanese community based organization in Pagak, Maiwut County South Sudan...
tluke Chuol Reat Addressing South Sudanese community based organization in Pagak, Maiwut County South Sudan…

Jan 27, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Dear Nuer International Relief Agency, Assistance Program members, supporters and sympathizers world-Wide, We are asking you to joins us to help people of South Sudan who are affected by the current civil War. It is easy to pay your part online by going directly to our website (www.nuerinternational.org and donate your money anywhere in the world.

Thank you for your recent generous and the meeting we have held today January 24, 2015 to discuss the future of our organization (NIRA). Your willingness to help Nuer people and people of South Sudan in our community weather the crises in their lives makes all the difference in our community.

Thanks to you, we are now provided a school in Pagak where Nuer Children will have a place to live, learn, and feel safe.

Your donation will help purchase new materials for school, health center, feeding center and new computers for our kids over the next five years. The children are eager to live if you give them a chance by putting your contribution in to action. s so that they can do their homework and communicate with friends and family.

NIRA’s sponsor School in Pagak, Maiwut, County...
NIRA’s sponsor School in Pagak, Maiwut, County…

The School, feeding center and computers are part of our Excellence in Service Campaign that will make our home even nicer for the children who see all horror in the current civil war in South Sudan. You and other people like you have if you have donated will bring our goal closer of $890,000 for the next five (5) year campaign.

Gatluke Chuol Reat while Providing a medical services to the victims of war in South Sudan...
Gatluke Chuol Reat while Providing a medical services to the victims of war in South Sudan…

We would love to give you a full explanation in details so you can see yourself what we are doing if you would like and promise something. We love to show off our comfy land that was provided by the Maiwut County, and the area we will build our first children play ground and more.

Nuer International Relief Agency’s sign in Pagak ...
Nuer International Relief Agency’s sign in Pagak …

David Ruach Tang is our Managing Director in Addis, Ababa, Gatluke Chuol Reat is our Strategic Planning and Programs Director, Plus Gatbel Nyuon Dup U.S Coordinator, Dr. Zecho Gatkal Sudan Country coordinator, Dak Pal Europe Coordinator, Daniel Bichiok Dup Canada Coordinator, Maley Wawu Australia Coordinator and Paul Yach Thorgow Kenya Coordinator. These are our countries Coordinators and are always available to set up a visit for you, or to answer any questions you may have.

Don’t hesitate to call Strategic Planning and Program Director Gatluke Chuol Reat, 226-224-9599 or email him at nuerinternational@gmail.com

We would love to keep you in the loop with our emails and newsletter. You can sign up for those at our site, www.nuerinternational.org

Again, thank you for all you do for our kids. You are a part of their lives too.


Gatluke Chuol Reat

Strategic Planning and Program Director

Nuer International Relief Agency

P.S. We depend on volunteers to help us. If you would like to share your time, just let any of the mentioned people know, and they will ask our volunteer coordinator to get in touch. We have frequent introductions to our work for volunteers. We would be delighted to see you there.

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AGUMUT January 28, 2015 at 5:59 am

I have never been Paid by NGO’s never. Elites SPLM are addicted to NGO’s in general and particularly SPLM’s Senior Citizens,they can get rid of you if they know that you got few hundreds or go and find it out where you get money. It is the same greedy poor hearts that had SPLIT SPLM into FRACTIONS while they are leaders in their NEW country.

AGUMUT January 28, 2015 at 6:06 am

Nonsense NIRA,NGO’s should take care of that.

Gatluke Reat January 28, 2015 at 8:37 am

We are and has been working to save lives and we will continue to do that. Thank to you and we want to make it absolutely clear that this NGOs has nothing to do with SPLM nor and political organizations

AGUMUT January 28, 2015 at 1:39 pm

You have to be very very very careful not to spoil your own people throw begging. I have no groups to demand compensations,but that will come. $53 billions compensate is enough to create jobs,building Dams,Roads and etc.

God will bring peace soon in South Sudan January 28, 2015 at 1:42 pm

When you see someone suffering and lacking somethings and not responding to his/her needs, the bible say that you did not do it to the son of God. This time, is our time we the South Sudanese people who are out of the country to help those who are in needs. We know that there are many people who are drying daily because they are not getting adequate needs such as, food, medicines, place to sleep, and insecurity. We always appreciate those who care for others. God created us like any others human being in this world who care for the lives of others. . if we can not think about our people who were forced to leave their homes and be help to them, who do we think will response to their needs? Today, is our time to share whatever we have with our people who are suffering in these refugees camps in East Africa. The bible say, give and it shall be given back to you. This is a horrible time in the history of South Sudan, and it is not a time to challenge those who want to do good for others. People have different gift that they can contributes to their country. Who is really happy that our people went back to be refugees again? Who do not know what it meant to be a refugee? We need to support peace rather than supporting war. (1 John 4:20). People of South Sudan, we are tempted by the devil, and we have to continues praying for God mercy over our land. This is our time to go before God and ask for his forgiveness!!!


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