Contributor's Dak Buoth Letters Opinion

A Farewell Letter to H.E Mariano Deng, Outgoing S.Sudan Ambassador to Kenya

By Dak Buoth,

H.E Mariano Deng Ngor addressing South Sudanese University Students at Nairobi Safari club Hotel in July 2015
H.E Mariano Deng Ngor addressing South Sudanese University Students at Nairobi Safari club Hotel in July 2015(Photo: file)

March 15, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Your Excellency, I learned you have been transferred to the United Republic of Tanzania as an Ambassador and head of mission there. I received the news of your transfer with mix reactions. If I were you or the appointing authority, you could still remain as South Sudan Ambassador in Nairobi Kenya. I know you have done us a lot but there still a lot more we expect you to do for us. As our country prepares to move to phase two of peace, healing and reconciliation, we had planned to put you as patron in some of our upcoming activities geared toward bringing to fruition that goal of uniting and democratizing South Sudan. It is for this reason that we wish you to remain for a while; but if those with final discretion to transfer did not see it the way we anticipated it to be, well and good. It will just be temporary setback for it will be as if we’re starting from the scratch.

Though we will miss you, we’re also gladdened because your transfer is in itself promotion and recognition of your service to us, and we bid you farewell. You contributed so immensely to the intensification of relations between our two countries, (South Sudan and Kenya) it is worth mentioning that the positive and neutral role Kenya played in the ongoing war and mostly our recent admission to EAC was partly due to your efforts. You have left our historical relations with Kenya intact. As such, you left the road open and the room for further cooperation between our sisterly countries.

Reflecting on the time that we have spent together, I am most struck by all that I have learned from you, the humor, kindness, intellect and genuineness are what I will remember you most.

To me, you’re an Ambassador of Ambassadors. You have taught us many good things that we couldn’t learn in our respective class rooms. We have learned from you what leadership means. You’re always jovial diplomat who is accessible and happy to serve at all time. Your open-door policy has made me knew you to an extent that i call you a Friend. At first I thought you were favoring me, because every time I rang your phone or send you a text message on any matter, you could respond positively and immediately, later on I realized its general character that everyone else likes of you.

Despite your advance age, you’re still the most digital, sober and very energetic Ambassador with shape memory. You’re always among those who arrived early for work and leave very late for home. You do love and serve people equally. You supported (me) us in our arduous clamor for revitalization of South Sudan students Association in Kenya in 2014/15 Moreover, you helped other south Sudanese community organizations here in Nairobi, some of which you helped founded.

Every time you’re invited for an occasion, you would avail yourself; and when you see us on street you never hesitate to wave at us. This is proved by the fact that nearly every south Sudanese student in Nairobi had a photo with you. Your simplicity and humility distinguishes you from those who served in that capacity before. Truth be told, the South Sudan embassy in Nairobi was accessible to everybody notwithstanding one’s political affiliation. During your tenure, the embassy became the real embassy of South Sudan and not necessarily for the government supporters. The working system at the embassy had improved significantly. The Embassy premises had expanded and people are normally served efficiently and without delay.

Through you, we have carried out many important and historical activities, one being the press conference we held on 26th December, 2015 at six Eighty hotel. You support our ideas and make them valid. You imparted a lot of ideals on us, you do encourage us to study hard in school and become law abiding citizens. I was privileged to share many podiums with you, and I will keep all video and audio clips for your remembrance.
Your Excellency, i wish you well in your new destination, to a new challenge. This is destination of diplomats, and the only thing you can carry with you is your memories, experiences and the imagines of the places, people, with whom you shared not only the professional relation, but human moments as well. The south Sudanese in Tanzania are blessed to have you as their representative there.

Allow me to reiterate that i wish you well in your new pursuits, I will miss you greatly. May be one day, in another place, another time, we shall meet again and share similar moments and friendship.

Safari Njema’

Dak Buoth is the chairman of Congress of South Sudanese Patriots and can be reached at eligodakb@yahoo.com

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GatNor March 16, 2016 at 1:24 am

Oh master, please don’t leave.

Bol Gatjang March 16, 2016 at 7:01 am

I don’t think there’s one including myself who care about those individuals among Kiir’s government. They are blood suckers Who simply scrambling over money more than human beings. Mariano Deng is one of them, people are always dying with useless Dinka government. Iam totally detested this South Sudan in the hands of mastermind killers.

Abu gruun March 17, 2016 at 11:23 am

The whole country in mess they appointed any one they like to their dirty job and reappointed to another country. Let them enjoy their money which suppose to go to build schools and hospitals ,but no they save money to build hotels for themselves corrupt country will never last for to long.

Charles Goui April 20, 2016 at 7:43 pm

Pastor charles goui
This message just for doctors Reich macher
I am just help with the peace and freedom Pray
Everyday my job is helping with the prayers about peace and freedom for the people of south Sudan


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