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April 29, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — As South Sudan is a nation born of earnest and generational aspiration of all south Sudanese to be a multi ethnical country with equal representations of her 64 tribes, tragically however, few individuals, the likes of Bona Malwal, incepted the “born to rule” ideology and hold the nation hostage right from its very independence on 9 July 2011, and precipitously drove it into descends of injustice, inequalities, reprisals, extortions, abuses of powers, land grabbing, extrajudicial arrests, gross violation of human rights, tortures and killings of ideological opponents and worst to include opinion writers and journalists.
The nation that fought the “common enemy” nail and tooth for Equality sadly has becomes a den of lions where only the tribal elites but alas also the commoners with strong backings of relatives in high places are the only equipped to survive the storm of demonic forces that has possessed our new born nation, these, known as the Jieng Council of elders, the equivalent of NIF in the lands of the great Satan, we thought we left behind, Making the old Sudan looks pale in comparisons and the reason for South Sudanese fighting and losing millions of her precious lives in the process to achieve sovereignty cheep, meaningless and in vein! Unless at the end of such sacrifices South Sudan becomes the land of freedom for even her minority tribes, worthy the bloods sacrificed!
I am not shocked or surprised to see the older daughter of Bona Malwal; Natalina Malwal, come out of her safe haven vigorously in defense and attempt to cover up the hate speech given by her father in Kansas city, Kansas USA on 23 March by wilding the threats of lawsuits.
Bona Malwal is known to South Sudanese even before the birth of this daughter who is now flexing her muscle and family fortune to defend her father. She would like to present a different Malwal to South Sudanese but she need to be reminded that most South Sudanese know her father better than she seems to have realized including very many patriotic Jiengs who are opposed to him when it comes to national issues!
As it was reported in Many Media Sources, Mr. Malwal, the father of the born to rule ideology, the very ideology at the heart of jieng unbrotherly and negative attitudes towards none Jieng South Sudanese is the source of the current destruction going on in our nation, Making Bona, the father of this destructions that engulfed our Nation.
In his speech he advocated and instigated hate, designed to provoke the youth from Dinka ethnic group to rise up and wipe out the Nuer from their existence, given in the view of Bona Malwal unless Nuer are extinct from their ancestral land and denied the right to ascend to power in the Republic of south Sudan, the country will not be safe as the Dinka and Nuer are traditional rivals over grazing lands and cattles. It must be pointed out that South Sudan is not a grazing land for Jieng council of elders to carry these traditional fights over to include in the nation’s affairs!
It is sad to see a daughter fighting the press for exposing the evil her father has committed, and threaten to sue the press and a Journalist for reporting the fact that came out of her father’s Mouth! She instead should rebuke her father rather than issuing threats to soldiers of freedom AKA the press. Is it any wonders then journalists are killed in South Sudan when the Jieng tribal elite enjoy the status of complete immunity and untouchables?
Ms. Natalina Malwal, you should know, in the 21st century nothing can be hidden under the sun, you think threatening of suing the professional journalists for doing their noble work will make them succumb to fear, thus giving the like of your father a free ride?
Please have the womanhood and courage to look your father into his eyes and tell him to stop advocating for one tribe to take advantage of the others and cleansed them from their ancestral God given lands.
South Sudan belong to all south Sudanese, there is no single strong tribe without the others as being erroneously trumpeted by the likes of your father, of course every south Sudanese about the age of 25 years and older know who your father was and is, along with all the southerners bribed with oil money by Khartoum government to assassinate late Garang, and the fight between your father and late Dr. Garang intensified and has escalated further until 2003.
Before I could go further let me give the world the chance to see the threats you issued against, Justin Kwaje, I found it hard to make distinction between you and your father.
Your father’s speech poses a big threat to the Nuer but also to all South Sudanese to include the Jiengs! By him appealing to the Dinka graduates from the Diaspora to go home to claim positions in the anticipated decree riddled shuffling of government to sustain and continue to give life to the malignant and genocidal regime of Kiir, A regime that spells death, clearly shows who he truly is, a tribal figure not a national one.
Now you have picked a fight against the press not knowing the freedom of media is one of the core pillars mentioned in the emblem of the SPLA.
Your words “Therefore, Mr. Kwaje, you have two days to do two things, either to produce evidence of this hate speech to support your claim mentioned in your article, or issue a public apology for these lies. Otherwise I personally will sue you and the newspaper for defamation of character. I have the whole meeting in Kansas recorded and will produce it as proof. I am already in contact with my lawyer and they are waiting for my permission to go ahead.
Times of people creating lies and getting away with it is over. Mind you I don’t have to pay for a lawyer, because they are family. I will have them pursue you and this newspaper for ever, and will not stop until I see a public apology.”Natalina Malwal.
So Natalina Malwal, there will be no formal or informal apologies to you or your father. In the 21st century there are a lot of evidences that can be brought against you and your father, no one will be forced into submissions, and if the media houses were to apologize for telling the truth then the media has bowed to the tribal elite and became corrupt, as such the people of south Sudan will be left to accept wrong to be right and falsehood to be truth and the nation become truly blind.
For the sake of South Sudan, we the media shall never apologize and shall remain free till the darkness that hangs over the nation is passed and the day breaks greets our beloved land, which is inevitable! For the future of South Sudan and the memories of our valiant colleagues, the likes of Isaiah Abraham, We shall resist!
You stated “Furthermore, if he was a tribalist, he wouldn’t have married to two of his wives that are from Equatoria, from which he produced two of my siblings” Natalina, evidences and history tells us, in the last 25 years both powerful Dinka politicians and illiterate former guerrilla fighters have grabbed and forced many women from other tribes into coerced marriages, this, if in fact investigated will constitute crimes against women and those involved in doing this unlawful criminality will face prosecution for reintroducing sex slavery and multi wives in the 21st century including perhaps your father, thus your father marrying two Equatorial wives is a matter of shame not glory.
In the Journey to independence, you seem to inflate your father’s role in the national struggles of South Sudanese. The employment of your father, Bona Malwal, by Al Beshir to the post of adviser was only to derail and sabotage the plan to achieve comprehensive Peace Agreement. Al Beshir himself knew that Bona Malwal was the best chance he had to prey on and to divide the Dinka from achieving the aspiration of the people of south Sudan from breaking away from the Sudan.
Is this not one of the reasons why many southerners, not only Dinkas Bor, link the current sitting President and your father in the mysterious death of the founding father of SPLA? It was until the Rumbek convention of the Liberation council when late Garang and Salva Kiir reconciled under the initiative of and thanks to Dr Riek Machar. Since then, Bona Malwal has gone silent, one of the reasons he quit politics was because he had no creditability left and lost the support and backing of the Dinka people.
In January 2005 he was featured as the leader of a new party, the South Sudan Democratic Forum. Why would Bona Malwal form SSDF just as the CPA was signed if he was a supporter of Garang and the Southern aspiration for independence and if his political ambition was not to derail and deny the people of south Sudan the long awaited dream of independent homeland? Many remain suspicious that your father Bona had planned to sabotage the achievement of our long awaited aspiration to gain our independence since 1947!
In one way or the other President Beshir, immediately realized the danger posed by your father to the Southern aspirations thus Al Beshir immediately married the veteran politician and appointed him as his advisor to derail and influence the Dinka tribe to vote in favor of united Sudan.
Al Beshir miscalculated thankfully! Thinking, since the Dinka are majority, if they vote in favor of united Sudan, then the South Sudanese long dream for separate home land will permanently die and be buried.
The courtesy was mutual. Malwal, fluent in propaganda, defended Beshir’s sanctity in the face of the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant, and devotedly joined the top rank of the ‘National Association in Support of the Candidacy of the Citizen Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Beshir for the Presidency of the Republic’ at the side of Field Marshal Abd el-Rahman Suwar el-Dahab and other respectable elders of the North.
The same body was transformed into the ‘National Association in Support of Unity’ in the interlude between the April 2010 elections and the January 2011 referendum.
When asked few days before the session whether he will settle in South Sudan once secession is declared, Bona Malwal responded “If I receive an invitation from the South I will attend the 9 July celebrations otherwise my house is in Khartoum”.
By all means Bona Malwal saw and sees no future in south Sudan as he has many enemies from the South and at the same time he knew his political marriage with Al Beshir was on part time basis as Khartoum proposed marriage with south Sudan would no longer happened.
Thus Al Beshir sees no use to keep Bona Malwal on adviser’s duties that is why Mr. Malwal decided to disappear for the last ten year and declared his retirement from political arena only to emerge in Kansas City with hate messages against the Nuer and the remaining 62 tribes. It remains a matter of curiosity how far the alliance between Kiir and Malwal will survive.
For poor Natalina Malwal, a daughter of veteran journalist who turned politician would never accept the fact that her father is not the darling of many; Natalina Malwal with no political background clearly displays what is called “blood is thicker than water”. The poor daughter would rather threaten and defend what is not defensible and rewrite history that has already dried on a rock.
Your father’s legacy for worse has been established, rest assured no one can add to it nor subtract from it. This legacy was written over half a century by none other than your Father, Bona Malwal, himself!
Thanks to him, his ideology of “the born to rule”, the rest of South Sudanese hate us and will forever reject all those old guards now known as , The Jiengs Council of elders, who harbor such antiquated and destructive ideologies. Until the younger and well cultured and enlightened, true and patriotic Jiengs who numbers in thousands if not millions and thankfully who all agrees with me and call all south Sudanese brothers, not subjects as your father would like to believe! Until then there shall be no peace, guaranteed! The sooner we all learn this, the better for ALL!
Simon Kur Peter
Chief reporter South Sudan Liberty News
Juba, RSS
Email: simonkurpeter@gmail.com
Website: http://southsudanliberty.com
I might be wrong,but she is a member of SPLM-DC. She bleached herself a lot and she looks bright like sun Where is her picture?
Peter, what a well articulated message and you give hope to south sudan! Is it not time for Jiengs to come out forcefully as you Did Simon Kur? Is it time to consider South Sudan first? Is it time not call spade a spade? Yes let the likes of Bona Malwal and his daughter go to hell if they want to destroy our country for their bellies! They actually care less for the Jieng nations!
Dear Peter,
Thank you very much for sharing this remarkable piece. You have educated Natalina who is inexperience. Hopefully she learns her free lesson. We all benefited from your brilliant response to Natalina. It is sad to hear Natalina threatening those who stand firm to fight for the voiceless South Sudanese people. I encourage you and your colleagues to continue with your extraordinary work. You are the only voice that speaks on behalf of suffering South Sudanese people.
Natalina displaced her ill-mannered that she probably learned from her mentors that it is ok to sue those who point out the damage that the politicians like Bona Malwa have done to their own people in South Sudan. Natalina and her likes most learn that this century is different. The citizens have the rights to make politicians accountable for their reckless behaviors. I enjoyed reading your piece and I learned a lot.
Kur Peter
Great article brother. I’ve said on several occasions that the Dinka brought this mess to South Sudan. It’s high time indeed for people like you to speak up and condemn the old guards. South Sudan is a home to all it’s children irrespective of tribal affiliation. Thanks for the article that gives courage and hope to the hopelessness.
Many thanks to you mr.Kur. Bona Malwal speech rubish in Sudan while he never fight for his hand since liberation strungle every one born rule, we all born to this world to do diffirent think no one is imfortant then other. Shame on Bona Malwal.
Ironically the man who seem to push out the born-to-rule ideology was a part time political booty call to Bashiir
They said you can not turn a whore into a house wife which means his marriage with kiir will not last.
“It remains a matter of curiosity how far the alliance between Kiir and Malwal will survive”. — Simon Kur Peter–
I think she should distance herself from that hatred speech because some day she may has a bright future ,but by supporting her father who is no long be politician again that will hut her in the future because every one has access to social media in these days ,so they know what you saying and will be recorded.
Those are the Father of United Sudan (New Sudan) which fail in 2005 and burred in 2011 now Dinka remain with out any vision that is why SPLA-IO is recognized by world
You are in Limbo.Recognized by the world,that is a joke.They want you to suffer or they are killing Nuer very softly.
Shame when SPLM-OI strong holy is call Pa-gat or Gat-toothed (Pagaak),it is one of the best history of 21st century.
Learn brother Learn! Learn from History! As South Sudanese, We held our last and final ground against the Jalaba at Aswa river in the Madiland! The North with 80% majority of the former United Sudan could not defeat us!
The question is not, why SPLA-IO taken failed to reach Juba, but as you have witnessed they took many cities and they can take Juba. Infact the bigger question is how comes Two countries Uganda and South Sudan, Two presidents, Killer Museveni and genocidal Kiir with their Northen militias and mercenaries unable to route out the SPLA-IO?? This is the bigger question and from the nose of None Jieng, It smells death to Kiir and soon unless he choose the path of peace, even then he must accounts for the blood in his hands. If I was you, I will no be such confident! Not all Jiengs support Kiir including the founding families, Mrs Garang and her sons!
To learn what,you are really enemy and tribalism. They took weapons from their own government to kill its own people. The weapons which should be use to depend South territory,the ammunition which SPLM-IO can not buy now. Nuer were trusted in the army as citizens of South Sudan,but now they will be reduce from military. South Sudan did the right to call in Uganda. Please Nuer were well equip in the army,for example if Nuer were 200.000 soldiers,that was too big for South Sudan to deal with in three months,the war should have been spread to neighbouring countries.South Sudan has the right to call in any country including Western world to protect Capital. Just wake up and be nationalism instead of tirbes,government money and positions. I am not a Dinka,but most Dinkas gain nothing from systems and most of them are not in the government.
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Simon Peter.
You spoke like a true nationalists, I indeed follow your writings on SSLN, you and your colleagues seems to indeed believe in “We the people”. We are a nation of many under one! What is that one? In my mind that one is under God. We are Christians, We are Africans, We believe in South Sudan. What we must not allow and what Jiengs like yourself need to do is speak it out loudly as you have done that under God there is no Jieng or Nuer, Under the law it must be the same but this does not mean what is Jiengs is Jiengs and what is Nuer or Shiluk or Madis is also Jiengs! This is the problem in South Sudan! The Jieng has exclusive states that belongs to them, like Warap etc but they are not satisfied and displacing others from their lands. South Sudan can go to hell if I am to loose my ancestral land to the Jieng. Unity does not mean you come and sit on my ancestral land. Just as Unity with your brother does not mean you have to sit on his property and sleep with his wife! You have you property and it is the mutual respects that makes unity!
Thank you for putting South Sudan first and speaking your mind freely!
I sure had a laugh reading your comment.
Your name have been stolen or Highjack by your aliens,it is better for you to change it.
I have already patented the damn name, so you can copy it but the original is link to my personal E-mail account. Good luck to you and all the imposters who are flying with fire. Have you not been to my blog yet my little ungrateful Monyjang.. Keep checking it because the roar of it will get you shaking in your boots soon. I have a sharp pen and a trigger finger that’s hot.
Mighty Nuer Army declare war after a coup made by Dr.John Garang in 1983 against Independence of South Sudan which result in Killing of Samuel Gai Tut. Bor whom was rulers by that time was taught a lesson in 1991 during down fall of Dictator Dr.Garang regime which mark emerge of Independence for South Sudan again. Now Aweil and Warraf made another coup against Separatist whom their jobs is to re unite South Sudanese people and implement what South Sudanese people needs. Their aims was to Kill dr.Riak as they did to Samuel Gai Tut. I don’t know why always Dinka choose an illiterate leader to represent them and when they saw that the person has no education they then start making coup to ileminate others. i.e Anyanya2 Dinka leader was Kuot Atem vs Smauel Gai Tut now Salva Kiir Vs Dr.Riak Machar. Why complain after choosing illiterate to represent you?
[…] 17, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — In response to the well-received article by Simon Kur published in SouthSudannation.com, Southsudanliberty.com as well as Nyamile.com. A reader on […]