Africa AU News Peace Process Politics Press Release South Sudan World

UK and Troika warn President Kiir on abrupt formation of new states, say peace process should be priority

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October 06, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) – The UK’s Foregn Office in collaboration with the United States State Department and their partner, Norway, which forms the Troika, have warned Salva Kiir and his regime in Juba not to go ahead and implement the decree that was unilaterally issued by Kiir to form 28 new states out of the current ten states in South Sudan.

The supper powers urge Salva Kiir to stop making such important decision unilaterally at a time when the IGAD-Plus peace agreement is undergoing implementation, saying it contradicts President Kiir’s commitment to the Peace Agreement that he signed in August this year.

The Troika said they were deeply concerned by the recent plans by  Kiir to create 28 new states, they urged him to put on hold any plans to form new states as it would violate the current IGAD Compromise Peace agreement and threaten the peace and stability of the country.

In a strong worded Joint Statement released by the British Foreign Office and the US State Department, the Troika (United Kingdom, Norway and the United States) called on President Kiir to defer the plan and give peace process a chance, emphasizing the Troika’s support for South Sudanese calls for Federal systems and decentralization of power to the States and Counties.

“We recognize that the people of South Sudan have long been interested in the issues of federalism and decentralization. However, we strongly urge President Kiir to defer action on this fundamental matter until the Transitional Government of National Unity is formed and a national constitutional dialogue can take place.” Read the Joint Statement released by the Troika.

The statement calls on Kiir to wait until the transitional government is formed, citing that federalism and creation of more states are already part of the reforms that will be initiated and institutionalized during the implementation of Transitional Government of National Unity.

The TROIKA express that such a process requires approval of all the stakeholders and the citizens of the country, not Salva Kiir alone.

Salva Kiir’s government announced at the beginning of this week to form 28 new states in South Sudanese, however, the move have been criticized by a wide base of South Sudanese political actors including the main Armed Opposition which warned the peace process could fall apart if Salva Kiir goes ahead with his creation of new states which violates the peace agreement.

Observers and ordinary citizens also claim that President Salva Kiir’s action to form new states was meant to jeopardize the peace process and give the president more powers in order to manipulate the peace process for his own interest.

Salva Kiir failed to consult South Sudan’s upper house known as the Council of Ministers which is the body entitled by the country’s constitution to make changes to state borders and rename states and their capital cities.

South Sudan’s constitution does not give the President the powers to create state boundaries and name new towns, however, Kiir is believed to have acted contrary to the constitutions on advise from his close tribemen known as the Jieng Council of Elders, a dinka tribal organization which advise and supports Salva Kiir’s actions, most of which are believed to be against the constitution and dictatorial.

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GatNor October 6, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Mild warnings when the world community starts acting Juba will have no time to pack their loots. All borders in and out of South Sudan will be closed and the criminals in Juba will all be apherended and haul to ICC.

AGUMUT October 7, 2015 at 4:05 am

28 States / Provinces are not Crimea Peninsula.

GatNor October 6, 2015 at 1:23 pm

Pay attention to the language used here by the world community of powerful nations.. telling the citizens of South Sudan”DO NOT IMPLEMENT” the decree ordered extra 18 states by your unethical primitive chief Kiir. Now Jaang have a much smaller problem in their hands a catch 22 instead of 28 nonsical and illegal states. No citizen is above the law(constitution) where he or she can just create a state from a word of mouth.

AGUMUT October 7, 2015 at 1:23 am

Western World itself very divided and rule,so what is wrong with South Sudan!

AGUMUT October 7, 2015 at 1:46 am

I support our flooding Mayen Abun the Capital of Twic East, our people will be able to use Boats between December and February until everything improve. Very very rich areas and fertile. It is too late because our intellectuals have been working and supporting our enemies for years because they thought we are one. We don’t need to import Dura,Sesame,Peanut or Water Melons from North Sudan.

AMEN October 7, 2015 at 7:48 am

UK is UK and south sudan is south sudan let them not interfere with our Affair.


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