News South Sudan Uganda

Ugandan Forces Return To South Sudan


Ugandan's UPDF entering South Sudan teritory(Photo: file)
Ugandan’s UPDF entering South Sudan teritory(Photo: file)

November 24, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- Last night at around 10 PM, 20 truckload of UPDF entered south Sudan from Nimule and headed towards Juba. As we had reported here previously, Juba had sent high-level officials to Kampala requesting for Military convoy escorts along Juba Nimule Road.

In addition over the weekend, Ugandan and South Sudanese high-level military officers held a closed-door meeting in Nimule, its theme was not disclosed but it was deemed this was for the reasons of, seeking Uganda’s full return in South Sudan, in pretext of Security on Nimule Juba Road.

The head of the South Sudanese delegations to the Nimule meeting between the two nation was thought to be a high ranking Security chief, A Major General who fell into ambush on Mt.Gordon and lost his life in the encounter as his Vehicle rolled into the gorges of the Mountain.

It was reported by some media, Uganda actually had not withdrawn its forces as stipulated in the peace agreement but rather is absorbed into the SPLA-JUBA units and are principally stationed in Nesitu near Juba. This flagrant disregard to the peace deal by Uganda has now added to the injury and suffering of the people of South Sudan. Kiir has been emboldened by the presences of Uganda without questions as he makes moves to prosecute the war more intensely now in the Equatorian regions.

In another developments, Philip Aguer had announced Juba has started pulling its forces out of the Capital to 25 miles out as stipulated by the peace agreement, but these very same Soldiers headed to Pageri, which is 85 miles South of Juba. This will be in Violations of the peace deal as the soldiers has not kept with the agreed 25 miles but rather Kiir is instead putting foothold and a grip in localities where he is not welcomed. Indeed if he were to replicate this game, then the end result is blanketing his forces all over the country to reinforce his tribal dominance for the purpose of JCE stated colonization of South Sudan.

The silence of IGAD-plus is saddening in condemning Musseveni and Kiir in prolonging the sufferings of South Sudanese, as they violate peace deals and defy the international communities.

ANDREW OLWENY is a South Sudanese journalist who correspondences for South Sudan Liberty News and Nyamilepedia, currently in Magwi County. He can be reached at andrew.olweny@gmail.com

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Gatdar.wich November 24, 2015 at 11:53 am

Uganda’s UPDF never left because Killer NyanKiir and the JCE illegally leased the South Sudan’s national sovereignty to Uganda. Fellows patriots, Killer NyanKiir and JCE, are the South Sudan’s ISIS, AL Qaeda, and Nazis period

Beek November 24, 2015 at 1:55 pm

Good Good and job well done.

Gatdar,.wich November 24, 2015 at 5:09 pm

JIengs, will, and shall eminently emigrates to Mbabahara (Museveni’s hometown) which is thousands miles away from the cowards-Jiengs.

Long and catastrophic journey awaits Jiengs !

Khot Malieth November 24, 2015 at 7:22 pm

Mr. Beek, you are very happy for the return of Ugandan troops to our country and in most of your comments you called other people unpatriotic and lack nationalism and I wonder you if really mean them because a person who has real nationalism and patriotic about his country will not feel happy seeing his country occupied by foreign troops. I think you Dinka people of South Sudan have secret agenda and you don’t want peace in our country, but you guy if you really want to dominate other tribes in South Sudan , why you can’t do it by yourselves alone ? we will have no peace in our country if the American government will not tell Ugandan President to stop destroying the country American people and government help to achieve its independent . If the Ugandan people are our really friends and brothers as they always say , why they didn’t help us when we fought with the North Sudan for twenty one years and the recently war with North in Abyei ? We will fight them and eventually, we will defeat them from our country and let me warn you those who are dreaming for peace in South Sudan brace yourself for very long war because Kiir and his Dinka Council of Evils do not want any peace as long as Museveni is in their side and loots our country wealthy.

Gatdar.wich November 25, 2015 at 8:53 pm

Too soon for celebration terrorists’ sympathizer, Beek/AGUMUT !

UN Secretary General is increasing the number of UN troops in South Sudan from 12,000 to 50, 000.
Mr. Moon is deploying Jet fighters-equipped with hell missiles, so as to effectively encounters or neutralizes the JCE’s, Killer NyanKiir’s, Museveni’s , SPLA-North’s, and JEM’s, terrorism atrocities-activities in South Sudan.

Good Gooooooooooooooood, Right ?

Gatdar.wich November 24, 2015 at 3:21 pm

stupid Ugandans never learn. Most of them will go home in caskets/coffins pretty soon.

Jok Nicholas November 24, 2015 at 11:57 pm

South Sudan peace will never come through propaganda, we have to stop lies if we really need peace in this country, UPDF is completely out of south Sudan also the forces which full out of Juba are currently in Mangre ( Juba Mangala) road which is 25 km away from Juba.

GatNor November 26, 2015 at 12:14 am

Jok Nicholas,
Perfect you can advice against propaganda & encourouge telling truth in order to achieve peace as you claim.


UPDFs are out of South Sudan not acknowledging the present of special units of updf fighters released into civilian population dress as civilians disguised as Ugandan bizness prospects.
If you didn’t realized your statement is a lie and contradicting well, take it from Mr it is.
As matter of serious instinctive suspicion, i suspect that you must be one of the said Ugandan terrorists still in South Sudsn.

Jur ci lia e gul ciol jok, ci Uganda bi nen e nyok.

Opiombira Kiirendeazele November 26, 2015 at 3:47 pm

Jock Nicholas, Are you Jocking? Come to Nimule, You will see with your own eyes and you will meet UPDF at Southern Barim, Nyolo and Aswa River. I counted 7 lories today at Aswa River. You are a shame to this country, South Sudan can not continue like this forever, you who are on the seat fails to deliver peace leave alone delivery of service so this thing is dead and shall come to an end, how soon is the question and believe me, not soon enough.

ater November 25, 2015 at 1:55 am

We are ready to receive our brothers from the SPLM-IO ,so that we form the transitional govt,which is in the offing now.Stop the fear of unknown and mistrust.

Kiir Riak Bai November 25, 2015 at 7:04 am

we should really focus on kiir and Council of elders, because all Dinkers are peace, and I am the one. However, Kiir and Elders know that they have created serious hatred for the people of south Sudan for their incompatible goals which they will never achieve. We know very well that years of dictatorship are no longer as they thought. wish them luck

White Army Child November 26, 2015 at 2:39 am

Let them come back .. soon they will die all , the white army don’t play

Simon tueny November 26, 2015 at 11:56 am

That is amazing,a journalist to appear adamant in reporting on certain national security development.impartiality in the art of journalism foregone n tribal mentality condoned.absurd.


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