News South Sudan Uganda

Ugandan Air-force Bombs South Sudan Rebels’ Territory in Upper Nile

South Sudan rebels accused Uganda of bombarding their positions in Upper Nile state. In the picture is a Sukhoi Su-30MK2 Ugandan Jet Fighters believed to have been obtained from Russia(Photo: file)
South Sudan rebels accused Uganda of bombarding their positions in Upper Nile state. In the picture is a Sukhoi Su-30MK2 Ugandan Jet Fighters believed to have been obtained from Russia(Photo: file)

Sept 6, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Latest reports from Panyikang and Tunja confirm that at least two Ugandan helicopters have dropped random explosives and chemicals on rebels strongholds in Panyinkang, Tunja and Nyijuat Payam at 12pm this afternoon.

According to rebels military spokesmen, Col. William Gatkiath Deng for the SPLA-IO mainstream and Brig. Gen. Nyagwal Ajak Dengkak who speaks on behave of Agwelek division in Upper Nile, Uganda government is involved in the recent violations of South Sudan Permanent Ceasefire Agreement that was recently signed by the two warring parties.

“This afternoon at 12:00AM, two Ugandan helicopter gunships fighting on the side of the government of South Sudan continuing aerial  bombardment at our bases in Panyikang county, Tonga and Nyijuat payam in Upper Nile state.” Col. William Gatjiath said.

“They are targeting both military and local civilian population around. The SPLA/Juba faction is continuing making random shooting at civilians and burns some villages nearby.” he explains.

The military intelligence of SPLA forces reiterates that the Ugandan Jet Fighters, which are substituting the South Sudan’s civilians gunships used earlier in the war, are stationed in Paloch oilfields.

The rebels report that the warplanes have bombed their positions for the last four days, mostly in Upper Nile state.

According to Brig. Gen. Nyagwal, who was demonstrating some of the military gains the rebels have made near Tunja after they defeated the attacking marine convoy, which comprises of three barges and five gunboats, Juba was frustrated by the lost of their marine force and military hardware in Upper Nile and Jonglei states.

“This is the true photo of large barge that sank (drown) destroyed by agwelek forces along the White Nile river causing serious frustrations to government of Salva tribal regime in Juba.” Brig. Gen Nyagwal said.

Nyagwal believes that the recent attacks on their positions by the government forces is an attempt to recover or rescue any remnants of the equipment and soldiers from the barges.

The government spokesman, Michael Makuei Lueth, in his response from Juba confirmed that the convoy was fully loaded with explosives, military hardware, missiles, ammunition and SPLA forces to defend their procurement.

“And that barges was loaded with explosives, so there happened the explosion […] so the barges could not there after move to Malakal because that same barge which exploded blocked the Nile” Makuie said on the government program, SSTV.

Although the Minister did not explain what happened next to the boats after their journey was halted, the rebels explained that they captured the leading barges at the scene and alleged that the remaining boats were captured near Pangak in Jonglei state.

“Our forces destroyed one militarily barge and [captured] five others gun boats, including a number of militarily ammunitions from the government” said Johnson Kuol Gai, the deputy military governor of Phou (Jonglei) State.

Rebels Threatens To Figh Back if War Continues.

Col. Gatjiath reiterates that the act of aggression by Salva Kiir’s regime is a clear violation of the agreement and if nothing is done, the rebels would be provoked to response militarily.

“It is clear that the government is violating the Permanent Ceasefire declared by 27th/8/2015 by two warring parties. This agreement becomes fragile and may provoke the other situation” Gatjiath said.

“As, the movement, it’s not our interest to go back to war after the signing of this Permanent cease fire but Juba government is forcing us to unpopular kind of retaliation that may come soon if the government still continue belligerent on our bases.” Col Gatjiath said in his media briefing from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Bentiu Ramaran September 6, 2015 at 2:35 pm

Brig. Gen. Nyagwal Ajak Dengkak and Col. William Gatjiath Deng,

You have presented a valuable report, but please post this article and the photo of Jet on Sudan tribute as well so the world could be aware about the violation of ceasefire by Salva Kiir.

gatdarwich September 6, 2015 at 2:46 pm

The Dinka warlords, incompetent killer Kiir, Malong Awan, Kuol Manyang, their big-stinky loud-mouths-Dinka-run government spokesmen(Makuei lair & Philip Aguer), plus their wisdomless-Dinka council of national resources looters will not stop killing the patriots, none-Dinka tribes, unless Uganda halt providing military support to their eminently dying genocidal regime period. These national traitors are completely bent and determined to destroy South Sudan for good!

motapthiodiit September 8, 2015 at 3:48 am

If you do not change your idiotic mind, we shall finished you because you are born by mistake in South Sudan with your violence corrupted mind, Dinka will remind your husband for Good, your Leader Riek will not be President for Life his only position is Vice President nothing other than that, Kiir, Kuol, Makuei, Malong, Aguer will not leave stone unturn for Nuer warload like your Blind Leader Riek who always run to South Sudan Africa for Eye treatment, i know their Good Nuer who only come from Lou and Mayom County accept Gatdet, that only people i could cast my vote if they via for presidency who can make good president likewise one who did not overreal command of his tribal armed

Thak Galou Riak September 6, 2015 at 6:13 pm

You must exercise self-defense, and to protect the civilians , you don’t need a permission to do that, that is legitimate and don’t have to wait for IGAD, UN or AU otherwise you Will see the repeat of atrocities in upper Nile State similar to what happened in unity state.

GatNor September 6, 2015 at 7:10 pm

Uganda is a party to the peace agreement and should be told to step back and to not seek military solution after 21 months of unseccesful attacks against the freedom fighters.

Karab September 6, 2015 at 9:02 pm

When is UPDF leaving south sudan???? IGAD is being so weak on UGANDA unnecessarily. Museveni is at the center of south sudan conflict & with out him leaving south sudan, there will not be peace.

AGUMUT September 6, 2015 at 9:06 pm

Dr.Riek Machar doesn’t want to go back and IGAD have to find other alternatives.The Rebels themselves are divided which is no good.

GatNor September 7, 2015 at 10:15 pm

Juba is domed regdless of how many excues they come up wih to justiy violting the peace accord. Those war generals will break rank if Kiir tries using them as escapegoats in regards to attacks that violates the agreement. Just wait and watch.

AGUMUT September 6, 2015 at 9:34 pm

Shamed and confused when Col Gatjiath still briefing his media from Addis Ababa while agreement was signed at the last by president in Juba. Why Kiir didn’t signed those papers in Ehiopia? Kiir language is understandable,i think doors are open for him to go ahead.

Goweng Torbaar September 6, 2015 at 10:10 pm

If Uganda is still here in South Sudan and Paul Malong Still Chief of Staff plus Kuol Manyang and Makuei Liar still Depend Minister and Information Minister respectively, nothing will be respected from this peace agreement. Please Kiir if you don’t want quick action from ICC, then remove UPDF from Land of SS. Also remove that idiot bloody handed chief of staff Paul Malong plus Makuey Liar and dissolve JCE for you to stay in Power for proposed 3 yrs.

GatNor September 7, 2015 at 3:51 am

The JCE is a criminarganization and should be band. The transitonal government should put ths group amongst the list of organized criminal activities that should be closely monitored as not to cause anymore disunity. The gvernmet entered into this peace agreement because Juba is financialy bankrupt and can’t carry out any sustainable operation that need money. I think the government will find ways to pull out of the peace agreement and the much talked about transitional government as soon as they take the money donated by the international community and or the world bank financiers to kick starts repatriations, relocation of internally displacd citizens as well as the troops and for intiating programs for reforms. Honestly I think the born to loot are seing another wndow of looting opportniy. Should the war breaks out between the two commanders in chiefs and their seperate armies then the oppositions should make certain that they overrun Malong, Kiir and Kuol before their godfather M7 comes to their rescue because the second time around will be worth than that Dec/15/Juba. The law can always find a less expensive ways and reasons to shut down the JCE criminal conspirators put them out of business without harming any citizens.

Monyjang September 7, 2015 at 4:33 am

Since when has rebellion led by Nuer succeded?
Nyagats with no clear objectives cannot win but caused only Destruction and ewoty.
The previous coup and split in their movement has made it vivid clear that never and will they succeded.
May God bless Jieng

Eastern September 7, 2015 at 11:43 am

Jieng are a cursed lot; there’s no blessing you can expect.

In 1990, because of mismanagement somewhere up north, many villagers were killed in the greater Bor area. In 2013, because of mismanagement in Juba, many people again died in greater Bor area. Where’s the blessing if I may ask?

GatNor September 7, 2015 at 11:51 am

If Jaang could tell the truth and advice one another when wrong. You would not have to defend on outside or foreign countries and mercenaries to fight your a unprovoked war. So far according to history Nuers are more idealistic in comparison. 1 delusionaled monyjang can bring a total destruction on a whole nation without being told it’s wrong by all the pickpocketers around him while calling him bany.

Tolio September 7, 2015 at 9:36 am

These are all lies. No Ugandan military jets have been used in Upper Nile.

The rebels made up this story to seek attention from IGAD, UN and International Community.

As for the barges, they were already on their way from Juba before the peace was
signed. The barges were intended to resupply the government forces who were already on the ground in Upper Nile.

The rebels and government as well citizens should embrace the peace.

The worst we can do is criticizing each other tribes against tribes.

The western people don’t have tribes and they are living better than Dinkas and Nuers.

There are more important things to life than staying a cave man.

philip tut September 8, 2015 at 12:35 pm

During independent Sudanese president say z even if they get their independent they will not rule each other , if s.sudan president is some body who remember the suffering of s.Sudanese during war with Arab he can always think about z word now it happen even if the peace is sign this s.sudan it will be like Somalia unless USA introduce democratic to them , next all s.Sudanese they love to be leaders millions people’s can lead once? Amazing

philip tut September 8, 2015 at 12:44 pm

Yes ; a woman can’t say that it’s wrong when husband made bad thing every body in the world yuwere is husband of s.sudan president everything thing going in s.sudan leader ship Salva can ask him before he implement look Uganda army’s is s.sudan now is examples

David Lony Majak September 8, 2015 at 6:41 am

I still agreed to what the said Generals had reported as a typtical voillation of ceasefire by the Juba government. It is not a news that the smae Juba regime who accepted to sihnged the peace deal two weeks ago,has become the anti-peace regime again. The unchangable assurances is that; the goverment of SPLM-IO with its controlled forces had alread vowed to respects the deal as it was offically witessed by international community and the regional bloc-IGAD plus.

There is a serious voilation of the peace agreement by the forces loyal to juba government in two locations,Payinjair county in Unity State and Upper Nile Malakal.


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