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SPLM/A-IO Senior Gen: Appointment of 10 Presidential Advisors An Obstruction Of TGoNU

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South Sudanese leaders: President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Dr Riek Machar Teny and James Wani Igga shake hands after the formation of Transitional Government of National Unity in Juba, April 30, 2016(Photo: File/Nyamilepedia)
South Sudanese leaders: President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Dr Riek Machar Teny and James Wani Igga shake hands after the formation of Transitional Government of National Unity in Juba, April 30, 2016(Photo: File/Nyamilepedia)

May 07, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- A senior commander of the SPLM/A in Opposition in Juba, who chose not to be named because he is not permitted to speak on behalf of the Movement, has disclosed to Nyamilepedia, when contacted, that the appointment of 10 Presidential Advisors wholly from the SPLM-IG has clearly obstructed the Transitional Government of National Unity that was formed a few days ago.

On the first week of May, President Salva Kiir released a decree appointing 10 of his advisors purely from his side, totally ignoring to include SPLM/A [IO], FDs or Other Political Parties. President Kiir unilaterally appointed his advisors without consulting his peace partner First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar; something contrary to the agreement.

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Former government chief negotiator Nhial Deng Nhial is appointed senior advisor and presidential envoy while Tut Kew Gatluak maintains his advisory role on security. Legal affairs goes to Laurance Korbandy, Dr. Ann Itto takes agriculture and food security while former minister of education Dr. John Gai Yoh is accommodated as Educational Affairs advisor. Aggrey Tissa Sabuni lands on economic affairs advisory whereas former Governor of Central Equatoria State Clement Wani Konga is made an advisor for special affairs. Lakes State senior politician Daniel Awet Akot is appointed advisor for military affairs and Tor Deng Mawien is given decentralization and intergovernmental linkages.

SPLM/A General spells out his frustration saying Salva has not learned from his past mistakes that have brought the country to its current defective state, but reaffirms that the SPLM/A-IO is committed to peace implementation because peace is what South Sudanese want and must be given priority.

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James Mulbah May 8, 2016 at 7:37 am

Kir is the biggest obstacle to the South Sudanese progress. And has no wright to create 28 States and unilaterally apoint 10 advisors without consulting the opposition.
Kir needs to have a vission for South Sudan or resign to give peace a chance.

Deng Deng May 8, 2016 at 2:29 pm

Don’t understand why Kiid by all means is trying to:
1. Prevent anyone else to do that which he and his team have failed so miserably with, namelg, running a government for South Sudan. There is precious little to show as a positive result of Kiir and his team. Days, months and years lost whilst Kiir is trying to nail himself to the chair.
2. Obfuscate and harm the peace process. The latest round with presidential advisers such a joke. Why not sacking his newly appointed ministers and put the advisors in their roles. Who is the nut behind these things?
3. Disturb the Tgnu by all means. Himself using his silly hat. Breaking all international protocols by wearing a hat inside. Perhaps it has over cooked his brain. A bow tie is elegant and appropriate. Abraham Lincoln and Obama wrsring them from time to time. Obviously a non issue to detract from real issues. And arguing about bowties whilst people are hunted and killed – utterly bad taste and excellent evidence of the disregard for South Sudandse citizens lives and misunderstanding about what a governmsnt is there for.
Tragic to say the least – unworthy and uninformed.


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