News Peace Process South Sudan SPLM

South Sudan’s SPLM/SPLA Concludes Its Consultations In Pagak – Sticking To 10 States!

SPLM/SPLA-IO Chief negotiator, Gen. Taban Deng Gai, and his delegation welcomes in Pagak, South Sudan, for consultations on Salva Kiir's 28 states(Photo: supplied)
SPLM/SPLA-IO Chief negotiator, Gen. Taban Deng Gai, and his delegation welcomes in Pagak, South Sudan, for consultations on Salva Kiir’s 28 states(Photo: supplied)

Jan 22, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- The top leadership of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition has concluded its extra-ordinary consultations in Pagak South Sudan over the deadlocks on the implementation of the Compromised Peace Agreement and reunification of SPLM Party.

According to the agenda, the top leadership of the armed opposition has deliberated on the aspect of SPLM Reunification; creation of Presidential Advisors’ positions; responses of the SPLM/SPLA (IO) to unconstitutional 28 states of President Kiir, and filling-in of parliamentary seats should any fall vacant.

The SPLM/SPLA has unanimously agreed on the follow:

  • Ten States: the SPLM/SPLA in opposition will abide to peace agreement  as signed in August 2015 and ruled out Salva Kiir’s 28 states.
  • New Party: the opposition may opt to register their own party in the future instead of joining the SPLM-IG, claiming that Salva Kiir is not ready for any reunification of the party.
  • Five advisors: The SPLM/SPLA (IO) will accept 5 Presidential Advisors in which two out of five advisors will be appointed by the SPLM/SPLA-IO and leaves three advisory positions to be occupied by the SPLM-IG.
  • By Elections: The IO will fill in any vacant parliamentary seats through conducting of SPLM/SPLA-IO by-elections.

The meeting concludes on Thursday, behind the schedules; however, the delegation is expected to arrive today in Juba to continue the implementation of peace agreement and formation of transitional government of national unity.

The SPLM/SPLA regrets that its advanced team could not return to Juba as expected on Thursday due to delayed departure from Juba.

According to the earlier schedules, the advanced team was expected to leave Juba for Pagak on Tuesday and returns yesterday, January 21, 2016.

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Lualdit January 22, 2016 at 2:23 am

Oh my Lord,
The bible said, “where there’s no vision, the people parish”. In other words, where is no strong leadership, the people die. Sticking to 10 states is good, but why go back to Juba? Why can’t they force IGAD/troika to intervene by refusing to go further with the implementation unless JCE revoked their damn 28 states? This show lack of wisdom and clear vision to the danger of playing cheap politic. IO has the strong hand if they could use IGAD/troika to enforce the agreement they put together by simply refusing to move any further unless they deal with 28 states issue. Period. What IO don’t envisioned is that the movement will break up further if they are not careful about this issue. Their followers are frustrated by their weak hands against a very determine enemy of peace. See, how the dinka government is threatening, killing in western equatoria, and arrogantly behaving. The environment is not for peace, IO leadership is too blinded for positions and careless about the coming doom to innocent people including their advanced team. God help us.

Iual deng January 22, 2016 at 2:36 pm

You right , what called SPLA io is too weak with impulsive plan with their weak who could not read the motative of juba government.They are not interesting for peace hence they are buying for time to prepare them for new offensive. To understand SPLA IO better with weak leader he rush to send the team to with out study the juba government well and they should ask is this serious for peace. They should not be influence by IGD because when government will start shot they will go aid us therefore SPLA io they act like exhausted of being in exile.

Lualdit January 22, 2016 at 11:45 pm

Yeah my brother Lual deng. I am so frustrated by lack of resolve in part of opposition leadership. IGAD by now should be forced to make a stand if there’s a strong leadership who doesn’t succumb to pressure. It’s our people that will die and it’s we who know jaang better than them. So who supposed to make decision for our cause? My fear my friend is that the movement will fracture more and naath will be the casualties as happened in 1991. The poor advanced team will pay some prices for being rush to that dungeon call Juba. No peace soon. Jaang want to do everything in their power to avoid accountability for the crime they committed in Juba.

Madong Kuoth January 22, 2016 at 3:04 am

One thing I do like so much New Party instead of JCE party. Congratulation for this move VIA IO.

sambasambala January 22, 2016 at 5:44 am

You have proved that you are not for a joke, you mean business it requires patience,endurance and sacrifice to the point of death. This war will be followed by a mighty wave of democracy and economic growth. It will lead to prosperity for all.
The fight which was fought all this time was to declare that we are making a fight to make an end of wars in this country, a war to correct the evils perpatreted by our own leaders. Let me hope this should be the last war to be fought. The states issue need to be correctly and wisely decided with harm to any group. The constitution need to be properly screen and should reflect the interest of all south sudanese. This is the only chance to make it right.

New and higher ideals of governments and of the rights of the people have grown enormously during the past two years. Another tide of political shock wave, similar to that of 2011(referendum) is coming where south Sudanese will speak in one language, act as one people, and share one nation in the true sense.

All our leaders need to be informed that a greater momentum is rising from battlefields, hospitals, schools, IDP camps, markets, streets, homes and churches, from poor men and women swimming in man-made poverty, where a family could not afford a day’s meal. That great wave and momentum is telling us that the war that is destined to sweep over the Dictatorial leaders, corrupt tyrants, and oppressive regimes on this country has already been decided and destined to end in the ballot box after the 30 months interim period. “It is certain that the vote will come to men and women after the war, perhaps not immediately but soon power will be at the hands of the poor men and women who have suffered the brand of the War. Only those whose robes are found clean are the ones to survive. The dividends of peace and prosperity will flourish in this country and those innocent people who died will be appeased in their graves otherwise their spirits will not make those who kill them rest.

Deng Deng January 22, 2016 at 7:20 am

Following the peace agreement is crucial. To the letter. If you signed (and both gentlemen did), then now is the time to implement the agreement. A man stands by his word and what he has signed. So if Mr Kiir is a man of honor, then he must follow through. And if he elects not to, then in the eyes of the citizens as well as the eyes of theinternational community he haslost all credibility.
You can not do business with a man who does not stand by his word. This goes for small transactions in the corner store as well as the president. And if the top man behaves dishonerable, then the parliament should censure or impeach. This the only way to restore credibility.

it does honour to the opposition leader that he honors the signed agreement

Beek January 22, 2016 at 7:48 am

What is new about the so called SPLM-IO since We know their through colors,our people will be ask in REFERENDUM and YES vote will win.

Tolio January 22, 2016 at 8:55 am

There shouldn’t be transitional government of national unity if the SPLM-IO has a plan to register as a separate political party in the future. The reunification of the members should be scrapped as well to make the SPLM-IO an independent party.

As for 28 states, they are too late to be ruled out. They are simply a popular demand from citizen majority, not an act of President Kiir for his own desire. People are already working to build their new states as we write.

sambasambala January 23, 2016 at 11:50 pm

Dear Mr. Talio,
Please be sincere, Tell me exactly which region among the greater regions demanded for increase of states. what I know is that Equatoria and uppernile region demanded for federalism in their regional conferences tabled to the president some times back. Bhargazal position was no to federalism and no to 21 states of I O. what I also know is that the evil blood sucking jenge council of elders demanded for land grabbing strategy of creating 28 states. How do you consider the demand of notorious, illiterate “mora” elders demand to be popular demand of the people. you don’t feel ashamed with all the education you have to make this unfounded claims of this kind.

Please remember, you have already broken many bridges, distroyed your relationship with 63 other tribes to level of no repair, it seems people are just waiting for the peoples party to be launched and people will vote 98.9% to the National salvation Front movement.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ January 22, 2016 at 12:36 pm

tolio and beek,

men always keep their Words. this Peace agreement was signed With solid Words of 10 states not 28 states. If a father can not keep his Words then he can be Call a liar. No respect will be shown to him. Keeping Words gives dignity hahhahhahahahaa………………who is a liar, the opposition or the jenge?

Until now, the 28 states is not accepted by the IO and the, the main politcal party, the Toika and all the People of this country only jenge loves it because they love land grabbing. Let us what tomorrow brings…………..

Thak Galou Riak January 22, 2016 at 1:39 pm

Good news for people of south Sudan, finally there is option to form their own party, SPLM/ A have been ruthless, brutal to the people of south Sudan since day one when Dr. John Garang hijacked the movement from elected leader Mr. Akot Atem and murdered Mr. Samuel Gai Tut. That was positive out come from pagak, it’s time For Dr. Riek Machar to pick the phone and personally talk to the Generals, that is the way forward since the Generals were objecting to reunification of the SPLM.
the SPLM/ A was brutally and ruthlessly formed by Dr. John Garang and brutally and ruthlessly ended by General Kiir Mayardiit.
God bless people of south Sudan.

sambasambala January 24, 2016 at 12:29 am


Wedjuba January 23, 2016 at 12:22 am

Finally, the above mentioned 4 points make perfectly sense.

The party SPLM was long dead, the name itself is totally irrelevant, it is full of incompetent greedy Jiengs, only looters and bloodthirsty goons.

What we need is a new party, strong, vibrant, inclusive, and productive. A visionary party by the people, for all the people in South Sudan.

A party with fervent responsibilities promoting, DEMOCRACY, FEDERALISM and the RULE of LAW, period!!!.

JOHN YOAL CHUOL January 23, 2016 at 1:06 am

Good decision for forming a new party that would use the strategy plan for south Sudan in particular in stead of holding Sudan strategy that could be leave for splm-north for their wellbeing since we already fall apart for our own supremacy, All are agreed are correct

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ January 23, 2016 at 2:25 am

tolio and beeek,

follow the News very well. You are going to swallow Your 28 states very soon. This Peace agreement must be implemented as it is. The IO has come to Juba to impose Peace not 28 states okey. And get me right this time. When this Peace fails, you will will how this country burns. KEEP MY WORDS. Better Peace than burning Down this country.

tolio and beek and amen and many jenge Peace haters, you always think you will harm the SPLA/M in Juba. Do not attempt to do that. The 30 000 civilians you killed in juba is enough. You are under watch. Nothing you can do only follow the rules of Peace. No more jenge jugle laws in JUBA in particular and in GREATER EQUATORIA in GENERAL. This time, you must show respect or you face war all over the country if you reject Peace. Your evil behavous has thought other community to hate you. See what you did in LOBONO last week With BARI community?

Do not have a dream that the OPOSITION will give and accept your 28 states or will go back to Pagak again, we are in Juba to establish a true Peace weather you like it or not. We are here for reforms.

Kiir Riak Bai January 23, 2016 at 3:03 am

The formation of new party sound well in order to challenge the weak SPLM Yei of 2004. However, my worry is that the nation will go back to war by itself because SPLM IO, and SPLM Yei. If we are willing to bring lasting solution once and for all, leaders of both SPLMs should allow we young people to take over as Hon. Taban Deng put it during the controversial extra-ondinary SPLM Yei meeting. That will help our young nation to move forward.
furthermore, I would like to encourage you young people to work hard in order to push out old wazee in the hotel for good, they are not caring for the development of our nation. they used our resources for their children, prostitution and concubine. which is a serious crime before God as well Men.

Beek January 23, 2016 at 5:22 am

New Party will be only for Nuer since we don’t trust Dr.Riek Machar.

Iual deng January 24, 2016 at 1:19 am

Your are imbecile man and uncivilised. If Dr Machar call for new part does it means the new part should be for nuer no ,but because you are stupid who can not understand other tribes existence in South Sudan,Machar has 100% dinkas supporters even in his movement right now and100% supporters from equatoria and others ,but what made you think the new part will be for nuer only while you see have been supported by all south sudanese is it bcause you are despair and does not know any things, but very soon you will see new part with all people of south Sudan are included. It will not be SPLA which is dominated by villagers jeng only.

Beek January 25, 2016 at 1:51 am

Dream on with your 100% Dinka’s supporters of the so-called SPLM-IO in a bad mood.Tell me who want to join a ferocious.

padiet gahgah January 23, 2016 at 8:42 am

what I do not understand is the baseless claim made by many writers here that the 28 states was the demand of all South Sudanese people. When was such a demand raised up by the people of South Sudan? And to which Institution of the government? Even the other political parties in the country were not consulted. Do you mean they are not part and parcel of South Sudanese people. It would be better if you put it as a demand of dinka plus jieng ce. If you talk of other people who are currently supporting the dinka government. Do they have any say, other than yes sir? In reality 28 states creation is another mean by salva kiir dismantles the agreement. kiir with jce want examine own strength in ruling country. Allowing them to go ahead with 28, they will do something which most people would not expect to hear in the South Sudan. IO’s four points are the best so far, but what I do not support is the return of advance Senior leaders. IO would use the IGAD, Torika AU etc

Beek January 23, 2016 at 4:18 pm

The New SPLM-IO’s party is going to be a local political party in their states because Majority members of a new are Nuer and main SPLM is going to change it’s name as a National Political Party of South Sudan and every State have the right to form their own local parties. That’s the same in Western Europe.

Iual deng January 24, 2016 at 9:02 am

You said the new part will be a local part you lying because ten year from now your SPLA part will be defunct and you jeng will join other tribes for your own safety because what kiir is doing now will fabricate hatred against Dinka tribe and their SPLA part.

Beek January 25, 2016 at 1:40 am

Less than 1 % of Dinka, apart from me are supporters of the so-called SPLM.IO. I think you need a Dental because it seems to me like you have been annoyed by a severe headache. Actually who want to join a Shark.

Beek January 25, 2016 at 2:27 pm

And your is a Dumb-ass Lual Deng who hate Dinka!

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ January 25, 2016 at 11:45 am


you are not need IO, you contribute nothing than hatred and running after kiir’s cattle. I believe you are comfortable With that………………….

Beek January 25, 2016 at 3:24 pm

I am sure Lual Deng is a censor and a Dumb Ass Dinka. Thank you .

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ January 26, 2016 at 12:29 pm


you, yourself is an ass to kiir’s cows. How can a human being being an ass to beek the dinka animal?


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