Breaking News News South Sudan

South Sudan Warring Parties Made Little Progress On Cantonment Sites and Security Arrangment

Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the first vice president, and other cabinet Ministers during an induction workshop after forming the transitional government, May, 2016(Photo: Larco Lomayat/Nyamilepedia)
Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the first vice president, and other cabinet Ministers during an induction workshop after forming the transitional government, May, 2016(Photo: Larco Lomayat/Nyamilepedia)

May 27, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— South Sudan’s main warring parties have today revisited protocols of Permanent Ceasefire Agreement and Security Arrangement.

Explained by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Michael Makuei Lueth, the parties have agreed to allow the Joint Monitoring and Ceasefire Commission(JMCC) to “identify and agree” on cantonmment sites in Greater Upper Nile.

“It was agreed that Joint Monitoring and Ceasefire Commission(JMCC) should identify and agree on the cantonment areas in Greater Upper Nile and determine the size, the area, the size, the route of approach and so forth; the viability or suitability of the agreed cantonment areas for residence up to the end of 18 months, this is the time when all these forces will be determined” Said Makuei Lueth while speaking to media today in Juba.

The Minister also believes that cabinet has agreed to allow the JMCC to “determine the criteria for positions of cantonment areas in Greater Equatoria.

“It is also agreed that JMCC should determine the criteria for position of cantonment areas in Greater Equatoria” Makuei continued.

On the other hand, multiple agreements singed by the parties between January, 2014 and September 2015 have clarified many points re-addressed today by the cabinet.

According to security arrangement signed in September 2015, the warring parties agreed on separation, assembly and cantonment of their forces that were previously in combat in Juba, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity state and any other area identified to have had combating forces by the two warring parties.

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“The warring parties agree to the separation, assembly and cantonment of their forces previously in combat within thirty (30) days of the signing of this agreement to enable personnel, weapons and equipment accountability, screening, reorganization and/or disarmament and dis-mobilization” Read parts of the agreemnt,

“The parties agree that the forces that shall be cantoned shall be those forces previously in combat in Juba, Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile states and ANY other forces related to the conflict in other areas that are declared by the warring parties during the permanent ceasefire agreements workshop” the agreement continued.

The warring faction under President Salva Kiir has continued to deny presence of SPLA-IO forces in Greater Equatoria and Bhar el Ghazal despite heavy fighting around Wau in Western Bhar el Ghazal and similar fightings in Western and Eastern Equatoria states.

The Minister of information promises citizens that the new development would also see the SPLA-IO forces opening routes in Greater Uppernile to allow officials of Kiir’s 28 states to access areas that have been predominately controlled by Machar forces.

According to the Compromised Peace Agreement, signed in August 2015, the items discussed by the transitional cabinet in the today’s meeting should have been resolved within  the first 14 days after the signing of the Peace agreement last year.

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1 comment

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ May 28, 2016 at 1:14 am

Good job IO and let baak, amen and tolio know that this country will never be the same. By the way all Equatorians have made decision to reach the FEDERAL RULA ERA


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