
South Sudan President Issued a Republican Decree For Cattle Keepers!

Dinka cattle camp by John Wollwerth, Shutterstock...
Dinka Cattle and pastoralists are accused by the  Equatoria community of destroying their crops and causing insecurity in their states. Salva Kiir orders the cows to return to their counties(Photo: John Wollwerth, Shutterstock)

April 9, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s incumbent President, General Salva Kiir Mayardit, has issued a Republican decree to evacuate all cattle; cows, goat, sheep and chickens from the three states of Greater Equatoria to the respective states of the internally displaced cattle keepers.

The republican order no. 17, which was read on the state owned television, SSTV, yesterday is President Kiir’s response to the people of Greater Equatoria who have repeatedly aired their grievances and recently staged violence at the outskirts of Juba at Jopa Village.

“Republican order no 17 for the year 2015 for the evacuation of the cattle camps of the pastrolists of Jonglei, Lakes and Warrap for the safer of Central Equatoria, Eastern and Western Equatoria with their respective states and Counties 2015AD titled as cited.” the Republican Decree reads.

“This order must be cited as Republican no 17 for the year 2015 for the evacuation of cattle camps of Jonglei, Lake and Warrap States for the safer Central, Eastern and Western Equatoria states with their respective states and counties 2015AD and shall come into force of the date of the signature by the president of the Republic” the Republican Decree read on SSTV.

The President, who owns herds of cattle at the outskirts of Juba, explains that the cattle of the pastrolists are destroying farms and causing insecurity in Central, Eastern and Western Equatoria States.

Although the security of the three states of Jonglei, Lake and Warrap continue to deteriorate, Mr. Mayardit believes that this presidential order will evacuate the cattle and reduces insecurity in Greater Equatoria.

“Based on numerous complains of the farmers due to the fact that usually the cattle of the pastrolists destroy their farms together with constant cattle rustling among the pastrolists constantly leading to lost of innocent lives.” The president narrates.

“Therefore, to arrest that and the whole situation I, Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, do hereby issue this republican order for the immediate evacuation of the cattle camps of the pastrolists of the Jonglei, Lakes and Warrap states from the Central, Eastern and Western Equatoria states with their respectives states and counties” Salva Kiir explains the order.

The president has issued an order to his ministers of Defense and Veteran Affairs, National Security Service, Interiors, and Wild Life Conservation and Tourism to impose the presidential decree without delay.

The republican decree, which was to be imposed from 8th, April, 2015 is expected to be observed by the cattle keepers, mostly from Dinka Ethnic group, who evacuated their respective states and counties due to the ongoing conflict in the country.

Despite the turmoil in the affected Equatorian states,  cattle rustling and inter-communal violence have ragged Jonglei, Lake and warrap states within the last three days.

While Jalle Payam pastrolists of Jonglei state lost nearly 100 heads of cattle in cattle theft on Tuesday, Lake and Warrap states experienced major inter-communal fight on Monday and Sunday respectively.

In Jonglei state, the Dinka pastoralists accuse the neighboring Murle tribe of having stolen more than 112 cows in Jalle Payam.

In Rumbek North of Lake state, the Dinka pastoralists accuse the Nuer youth from Unity state of a deadly attack that has claimed more than 20 lives.

Lake and Jonglei states have witnessed major inter-tribal violence in which hundreds of people were killed and thousands of cattle were stolen in a matter of days. Several tukuls and other property were destroyed in such raids.

The Dinka pastolists from these states find security for their people, cattle and property in Greater Equatoria, however, the host community accuse the IDPs of land-grabbing, insecurity and marginalization.

Public Reaction:

Based on an assessment carried out by our editorial team, the presidential decree was poorly received by many South Sudanese intellectuals.

While a few correspondents appreciate the presidential order, many analysts believe that the president has reduced his office to handling issues that could have been handled by a lower authority, such as County and state authorities.

“Yes yes and finally the president is doing something useful” Mr. Wani said.

Others believes that the order was just a political card to attract support from the Equatorian people.

“President doesn’t know his duties thinking issuing of this order will give him popularity in Equatoria. Indeed it’s city council work not even the governor of state…cleaning streets in Juba will be also presidential duties” Mr. Manguat reiterates.

“Since when have cows become objects of Republican orders? Equatorians have complained about the useless cows eating their crops year in year out and no action taken. This order is in response to political pressure on Kiir and it is not going to stop Equatorians from demanding for Federalism, removal of the dictator and transfer of the capital from Juba to anywhere but not in any part of Equatoria again” Sandrai wonders.

“Just Asking: When is the Decree on land? First to return all land grabbed in Equatoria to the rightful and legal owners. Secondly ban land-grabbing in Equatoria” Mr. Modi questions.

Other observers have raised security concerns for the returning pastoralists, noting that it is not the right time for the cattle keepers to return home.

“Another decision driven by internal politics and falling policies of this government, you cannot put those cow owners at theme categories, some of them, were displaced by current war in most volatile region, in upper Nile, these people cannot go back without st abilities in their home state” Wiyual said.

Like Wiyual, Agutmakueirial didn’t expect the pastoralists to return home at this time given the level of security in his home county in Jonglei state.

“Yasalam Kiir Mayardit I never seen a thick minded Dinka in My life but today I prove you are just a leader without any vision. This shouldn’t be your work; where exactly in Jonglei do you want them to go. Imagine my home area has been deserted since the fighting and no one live there because of the war, or do you want all the militias to go and hunt them down” he said.

Unlike Wiyual and Agutmakueirial others such as Machar, and chief Alier Aluong believes that the pastoralists will protect themselves and improve the security situation of their respective counties and states if they return.

“We will work hard to bring them back home. Once they are here, the criminals who steal cattle and abduct cattle will return and people will have significant confidence in terms of security as they prepare to go back to the villages for farming,”Aluong said.

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man of the people April 9, 2015 at 1:44 pm

Really, is the decree going to hold? The following should have been tackled.1- Peace should be restored in the land.2- Cattle rustling has to be banned,by law.3- Introduce modern cattle ranches or Cattle farms to avoid desertification of the land.4- Introduction of good quality breeds for meat and for milk export instead of poor breeds.

Presidential Degrees April 9, 2015 at 4:45 pm

Dear South Sudanese,

I have one question to the Presidential Degree issued yesterday for cattle keepers that applies to the two EQ State, Central Equatoria State and Western Equatoria State.

What does presidential Degree Mean to South Sudan if it can be issued only for cattle safety other than human safety? What about rooming and destructive Jieng cattle in Eastern Equatoria State? Why does the degree applies in two state? Is it because people Eastern Equatoria are calm and they do no harm to Cattle?.

Warning; No human being is docile on earth, the cattle in Eastern Equatoria will soon face resistance and the Jieng might go back without cattle to Bor.

What a war propagating president Salva Kiir.

Disappointed of his administration and must be held responsible for looming famine caused by cattle keeping community in Greater Equatoria.

By Marcello’s son

Toria April 9, 2015 at 10:10 pm

Yes, it’s time for people in Eastern Equatoria to rise to the challenge and no more being the nice and peaceful people, they must follow suits and get the IDPs moving soon or hell breaks loose.

Deng II April 9, 2015 at 5:05 pm

“Yasalam Kiir Mayardit I never seen a thick minded Dinka in My life but today I prove you are just a leader without any vision. This shouldn’t be your work; where exactly in Jonglei do you want them to go. Imagine my home area has been deserted since the fighting and no one live there because of the war, or do you want all the militias to go and hunt them down” he said”

Yasalam, God suppose to turn you from man to woman. You are the cowardice thick minded than Kiir because Kiir clan never left their places. Why are you so brave on some body lands and so cowardly on your lands? Why don’t you being brave like chief Alier Aluong?. Go home and protecting your land and cows. What about if Equatorian allow Nuer and Murle to raid all cattle camps, where you going to run to? Uganda? Kenya?

Nyaluak Lual April 9, 2015 at 7:34 pm

People of Greater Equatoria do not want anything to do with people of Greater Bhar Al Ghazal and Greater Upper Nile. They don’t want them to live in Juba or any other city in Equatoria; they don’t want their cattle and they don’t want anything to do with them. So, what is remaining that would link Equatoria and other regions? Only oil money may be…because I have not heard them say that they don’t want oil money. They never say don’t build our roads with it; don’t construct our bridges with it . Greater Upper Nile would be very happy to own their oil proceeds if they say that.

Toria April 9, 2015 at 10:01 pm

Nyaluak Lual
I dont think anyone from Equatoria asks for oil money to be brought here, instead it’s the corrupt politicians from the oil region who ran away with the stolen money to Juba. Instead of developing their areas so that they can settle at their respective hometowns. Equatoria is not heaven but just the same as Bahr Ghazal and Upper Nile, the only difference is people in Equatoria have learnt to coexist and respect one another. It will be nice if the other two regions copy the same example then you don’t have to run around like headless chickens. Yes, enough is enough time pack and go home Nyaluak. Home sweet home.

Pierano April 9, 2015 at 11:36 pm

Excellent comment from Toria, your comment has summarized every thing in South Sudan, you are wise man, thanks again for writing the above comment which shows maturity, the rest should copy from your example rather than dwelling in Tribal politics which never take us any where.

GatNor April 9, 2015 at 8:21 pm

The decree is a direct result of pressures from Jaang Elders who take small matters of tribal local concerns as national issues. As I see it, it is not a national issue rather it is a state and a cattle herding community issue. Parliamentarian and law makers of these particular states and cattle herding communities can come up with a solution that would make both communities and states happy. A decree is not the solution should these who see the decree as unfair on their interest.An inclusive arrangement of dialogues between the cattle herding communities and farmers should be the best way forward. Is Kiir even a chief amongst the cattle herding dignitaries of these communities in order to make this issue his responsibility giving him an ultimate say. perhaps, he is over reaching in an area of no jurisdiction to his authority.

man of the people April 10, 2015 at 5:55 pm

Dear Nyaluak, Eguatorians just need to be left alone. To hell with the oil money that is a curse. Get your cattle and leave us alone period. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Michael April 11, 2015 at 8:39 am

Wooow that is truet you are depend cattle my bro you are that is not the way realy bro we must to be change in to animal the true because must of people died then you not going to solu t this but you now self your good and you other people

David Lisi April 12, 2015 at 5:38 am

the peaceful land in Equatoria is for equatorians no matter what happens, it still belong to them. let them go with their cattles and the stollen resources form the oil industry so that they can begin development in the land that God has since asigned to them. the insecurity you caused among yourselves is not the problem of the Land of the Equatorian, you caused the issue so please finish it not that you cause a problem with a neighbour and ran to equatoria when your neighbour need you in order to accompolish the issue you caused.(fear of retaliation when it was easy in causing the conflict)
please listen and listen good,there are always a long term consquencies of proud, take it from me, equatoria is not made to cover people who no nothing about humanity even including those who are learnt
equatorians do not nave the culture of killing fellow human beings like if they are animals, in south sudan humanity is abused beyond satan demand and still nothing is done about it, now lets not run away from our original places and to find the peaceful land of equatoria for committing such big crimes (inhuman act)
the issue should be noted with concern why because we already know that 2013 was not the end but the begining
So please go back home in peace, in your calculation,yes equatoria is the next as some of you use to opendly talk of it, so for us to be sure of that, first go back home and make a clear and think wisely before your plan for equatoria is cut short


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