![A unite of SPLA [Juba] leave Juba for deployment on Nov 23, 2015(Photo: supplied)](https://i0.wp.com/www.nyamile.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-24-at-1.09.41-AM.png?resize=680%2C407)
According to SPLA sources, this would be the third of these reinforcements within the last two weeks to areas that have been relatively calm since the conflict broke out in 2013.
Speaking to 1st Lieutenant Malith in Nimule, SPLA positions in Magwi County, Nimule and Opari area in eastern Eguatoria have been attacked by local youth whom he believes are allied to SPLA-IO within the last two days.
“Our people needed to be protected from the rebels. Their property and lives are in danger. So it is very good Juba is reinforcing SPLA positions” Malith said.
According to SPLA [Juba] military spokesman, about 250 soldiers were dispatched this morning, however, Col. Aguer argues that the redeployment of the troops is in accordance with the implementation of the peace agreement.
“Today the 23rd November, 2015 the SPLA General Headquarters is implementing the security arrangement and ceasefire agreement that stipulated the redeployment of forces from Juba to a distance of 25 km outside Juba town,” Aguer said in a news conference on Monday in Juba.
Major General Samson Mabior Lual, the Director for Operations at the military base in Juba, also confirmed the reports.
“We are now starting with 250 men and women of the SPLA,” Gen Samson Mabior Lual said.
According to the military spokesman, Col. Aguer, the troops would be deployed at about 25 kilometers from Juba, a report that is yet to be independently verified.
Received with mixed reactions, many residents of major towns in Equatoria are left with no second thought. They believe the government is preparing for yet another war in the region.
Speaking on behave of SPLA-IO, Dickson Gatlauk accused Juba of declaring a full scale war on their positions in Equatoria.
“South Sudan government is making more violations by advancing to the SPLA/IO position in Eastern part of Equatoria.” Gatluak said.
“Yesterday, the government forces attacked our position around Pageri at a place called Opari area in eastern Eguatoria. The SPLA/Juba faction is also planning to attack our forces in Northern Upper Nile.” he added.
“This demonstrates that the government has declared full scale of war against SPLA/IO to violate the recent peace accord.” Gatluak continued.
SPLM/SPLA-IO and local populations in Western Equatoria accuse the government of staging scenarios in the region to reinforce their positions.
According to Ma’di intellectuals in Nimule, Juba attacked a bus on Juba-Nimule road last week, killing at least five civilians, to create insecurity that would lead to deployment of more troops in areas across Equatoria.
To political analysts, members of Salva Kiir government from the neighboring states of Jonglei, Lake and Warrap fear that a possible Equatorian uprising in the region could jeopardize IDPs and cattle keepers in Nimule and other major towns in Western and Eastern Equatoria.
“Those of Makuei Lueth and Kuol Manyang are behind these malicious plans. Many of their people, their cattle keepers some raided from Nuer and Murle have all found save haven here in Nimule, Torit, Maridi, Yambio and some in our small villages. So they can do anything just to find means to protect their people her” Said Samuel Taban Lokang, a law student at KIU University.
Within the last two weeks, eye witnesses confirmed the arrivals of “hostile” government troops in Nimule and Magwi town.
In other reports, military high commands of SPLA in opposition are meeting today in Pagak to further discuss the Republican Order no 36 and the amendment of the transitional constitution by a few members of Salva Kiir government.
“Meanwhile, the military high command council from SPLA/IO is convening today in Pagak under the Comradeship of Lt. Gen Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon,the Chairman of Sudan People Liberation Movement and Commander-in-chief of SPLA-IO. About 54 commanders are selected from difference directories with in SPLA GHQS. The meeting would disuse the creation of 28 states by Kiir’s government and the illegal amendment of the national constitution as well as the way forwards.” Dickson Gatluak said.
Our Leader should not really wast time in the deployment and arming of the Equatorians because it is the only remedy to the regime,greater Equatoria has made up their mind to handle the situation in Equatoria under your leadership, what else are you waiting
My warning to the ugandans is very clear that, they have to step aside otherwise,equatoria has a long history of relationship with you people, so by accepting to support kirr in order to massacer equatorians means part of your body is touched and the consquences will long be regrated, pull back and live us alone please.
do not ignore this warning
All the people of Equatoria in all the three state must wake up now not tomorrow, time has come that we have a duty to accomplish, if you are in juba or in any war zone used by kirr, please hurry up, our patience is running out, come together and we see the common enemy of the south Sudan people, i very well know that some of you are being used previously as purpets but, time has come that you need to join your people because even if you were a treator of your people, still we care for you, abondon the blood money and let us accompolish the mission.
Full swing war UPPER NILE + GREATER EQUATORIA will soon celebrate the reborn of dinka free dominated state
Talking rubbish from your Slavery zone in the west, “Let those who bit the drums of war from diaspora or neighboring Countries be reminded that, SPLA IS NOW MORE stronger than it was before, We have acquired more advance weapons and training capabilities. Listed just a few items FYI. Attack helicopters, Amphibious armorer, Guided Launchers, SPLA Special task force etc.
Therefore who ever think he can fuck around in this countries bush, bolded with few stolen AK 47, encouragement from hateful useless individuals in diaspora, or agitated neighbor. Shall be dealt with severely. Ask those bandits of Wonduruba, Mundri, Maridi and Ezo how they are miserably leading thugs live in the dip Jungles regrating and Cursing those instigators like you, of encouraging them to break the Law.