News South Sudan War

South Sudan Government Accused of Continuing War In Upper Nile

Photo shows Spla -Juba Tanks destroyed in Shelling combats (photo supplied)
Photo shows Spla -Juba Tanks destroyed in Shelling combats (photo supplied)

Sept 4, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Despite the signing of Compromise Peace Agreement, Juba is believed to be “playing smart” by signing a “sell-out” peace agreement with “reservations” but continuing to fight on with everything in its disposal.

Following the signing of CPA-II, Juba dispatched its barges and gunboats to attack rebels’ positions along the river Nile in the three states of Greater Upper Nile and at the same time began aerial bombardments in Shilluck Kingdom using gunships.

As confirmed in the September 3rd Daily press briefing by the office of the Spokesperson of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Stéphane Dujarric, South Sudan government bombarded areas on the west Bank of river Nile on August 31, September 1 and 2.

“In response to questions that were asked at the briefing on the situation in South Sudan, I can say that the UN Mission [in South Sudan] (UNMISS) is reporting that two attack helicopters were firing rockets in the direction of the west bank of the River Nile in Malakal in Upper Nile State yesterday.” Mr. Stéphane Dujarric said in his briefing.

Juba has also been shelling areas near Malakal on the West Bank which are controlled by the Opposition.

“Heavy explosions, including mortar shells, as well as heavy artillery and small arms fire were also heard coming from Malakal towards areas located on the west bank.  UNMISS also reports instances of firing in Malakal earlier today.” Dujarric continued.

According to Brig. Gen Nyagwal Ajak Dengkak, Spokesman of Agwelek forces and advisor to Division One Commander for the rebels, Maj. Gen. Johnson Olony, government gunships have bombarded Lelo, Wajwok, Makal and Ditang villages on the West Bank of River Nile in the last four days.

After displacing the population in Lelo, Salva Kiir’s forces are believed to have moved four tanks into Lelo village yesterday evening in attempt to take over areas on the West bank that have been occupied by Agwelek forces since March, 2014.

“After yesterday evening intensive bombardments in Lelo, Wajwok, Makal and Ditang villages, SPLA Kiir government forces crossed their troops to Lelo village opposite Malakal west bank of White Nile River to occupy Agwelek Division position that controlled Lelo since March 2014.” Brig. Gen. Nyagwal said.

“Also, SPLA crossed four(4) military tanks to Lelo village late evening yesterday in order to establish their permanent base. They are making a lot of destruction and firing heavy weapons intensively to Shilluck villages around the area” He continued.

Nyagwal announces that the SPLA-IO and Agwelek forces in Shilluck Kingdom are facing a full scale war from from Kiir’s forces and allied militias from Sudan’s Nuba Mountain known as SPLA-North.

“In addition to this Kiir government forces have mobilized SPLA forces from Unity State, supported by SPLA-N as usual on their way coming to attack  Shilluck villages from Tonga to do genocides and ethnic cleansing to Shilluck population including the IDPs displaced from Malakal since war started” Nyagwal said.

The spokesman and advisor to a General, who allied with Kiir’s government for nearly two years, calls on the International Community, United States, United Nations and other independent actors to impose arms embargo to stop Salva Kiir’s government from obtaining gunships and helicopters to bombard civilians and positions of the opposition.

“We are appealing to International Community, US Barack Obama, UN Secretary General and other Human Rights Organizations to stop Kiir for using gunships/ jet fighters bombing Shilluck Kingdom, mostly innocent civilians being killed after peace is signed, although Kiir signed it to avoid actions against him but continue with his agenda as if he did not sign any peace deal at all” Nyagwal said.

In Juba, Salva Kiir and his officials have convened military generals to brief them on the decision of President Gen. Kiir to sign an imposed Compromise Deal despite protests and “reservations” against it.

Although the UN Mission in South Sudan has confirmed the violations of Permanent Ceasefire Agreement and condemns the government for renewing offensive after signing the agreement, the supper powers, IGAD nations, AU and partners are yet to frame their effective strategies that will prevent the warring warlords from violating the recently signed peace agreement.

The United Nations Security Council is expected to meet at the request of the United States to come up with possible actions on South Sudan on Friday, September 5th, 2015.

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Goweng Torbaar September 4, 2015 at 2:46 am

Who ia Kiir to listen if Paul Malong is still Chief of Staff , Makuey Lueth and Kuol Manyang still there as a leaders od JCE.

AGUMUT September 4, 2015 at 2:50 am

Keep it,keeps smoking because they have started it.

James Droma September 4, 2015 at 2:58 am

Salva Kiir is the most stupid president all over the world and Africa as the whole.

Karab September 4, 2015 at 6:39 am

I am still hopeful SPLM IO will come out victorious inspite of all these none sense & distractions from defected NUERS who are fighting for nothing. What do the defected NUERs want??? If they received money from salva kiir, kalas it is ok. It is their money int the first place. They should not distract the great people of NUER.

Luke Luate September 4, 2015 at 8:11 am

You are the most foolish, ignorant and illiterate person ever on the planet Earth

Susan bol September 4, 2015 at 9:09 am

Yes, indeed brother James because if your first priority in your life is food and alcohol you cannot do anything to the people, that why kiir he plan to killed us, his decision has alcoholic decision to push him to what he want to do.

gatdarwich September 4, 2015 at 9:21 am

The Dinka warlords, incompetent killer Kiir, Malong Awan, Kuol Manyang, Philip Aguer, the big stinky-loud Mouth-Makuei Liar, and the wisdomless Dinka Elders of national resources looters will not stop killing the patriots South Sudanese as long as Museveni’s UPDF still providing the life support to their eminently dying genocidal regime period. These cold-blooded killers, braggarts, and land grabbers are symbol of disgraced and treachery to all the none-Dinka tribe (patriots tribes). They illegally leased the South Sudan national sovereignty to Uganda simply because of gluttony and insatiafiable greed for power. ultimate traitors!

288weechwang September 4, 2015 at 11:05 am

Mr Gumut, you are always say some dummy comment that never sound wright by south sudanese. I understand your godfather mind. He salvage want to completely destroy entire country. and i believe, you are awared of it.I ‘ll tell you and it can’t be supprised for any one to hear. Kirr has a untreateable illness “tumor” brian cancer. However, this war ‘ll end up in greater bar el ghazal. this is true mr gumut. I know for sure salva ‘ll be ovrthrown it’s imposible for killer to lead transitional gov since his goverment killed thousand people.

AGUMUT September 5, 2015 at 1:02 am

I am not in the Front Line,but go and try because all Bhar El Ghazal is not a Swampland like in that picture,it is a rainy Forest and not easy to be defeat.Bhar El Ghazal in general and particularly Abyei and Twic have not been defeated by Arabs since 18820. The last Arab Nomads attempted to destory Abeyi and Twic by the so-called Misseriya was 1988’s.Please go and try your best, The government in Juba will go by force unless peaceful because BEG have no interest to join the so-called SPLM-IO. Some part of Warrap are Swamps too.

Legend Online September 4, 2015 at 11:13 am

Now everyone will be aware that there are other tribes in Ala-Nil, even if Nuer took those three states other will not keep silent because their origin is also there.

By Legend

GatNor September 4, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Juba is so doomed, Kiiir and his undisciplined war generals continue to violated the agreement Kiiir signed his life away on. Sanctions will deliver Kit’s head on a golden plate.

Goweng Torbaar September 4, 2015 at 8:33 pm

A coup that i was talking about will be done to him before end 18 Month of separate army. Let him go to school he has non school background but only military training. That is why he continue to say ”INU”

AGUMUT September 5, 2015 at 1:34 am

Government will not go by force unless peaceful or may be you need Support from both Equatoria and Bhar El Ghazal.

GatNor September 5, 2015 at 5:13 pm

If Kiir’s government accepted to be pressured into signing peace and form a transitional government within a given timeline what other government or force are you talking about you weirdo? You understand things backwards like your uneducated incompetent tribal chief Kiir who already signed his life away and now trying to tactically withdraw from that commitment. Better you both hang yourselves and fight to the end because you cannot possibly avoid the wrath of the the international community for dishonoring the agreement with violations back to back days after signing. Dictators are always known to fight to the end and that is what I am expecting from Kiir and nothing more. AGUMUT, you are not only retarded but a silly coward. Machar is comming to Juba to make changes and there is nothing you can do about that. Force is being applied one way or the other. Cry.

Goweng Torbaar September 4, 2015 at 8:41 pm

I mean a coup that he (Salvatory Kuethpiny)

AGUMUT September 4, 2015 at 11:48 pm

Dream on,Nuer itself need at least another 50 years to recover from the wounded and damaged they have done to themselves.


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