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South Sudan: Former Minister Of Information Forms A New Rebellion In Western Equatoria

Hon. Charles Kisanga, the new chairman and C-in-C of SSPF, the arrow boys of Western Equatoria(Photo: file)
Hon. Charles Kisanga, the new chairman and C-in-C of SSPF, the arrow boys of Western Equatoria(Photo: file)

Nov 24, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- South Sudan’s State Minister of Information, Communications and Tourism of Western Equatoria state,  Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga, has been appointed as the Chairman and Commander in Chief of a new rebellion in South Sudan’s Equatorian region.

Speaking from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the former Minister confirmed the “Arrow Boys”, who have been fighting the government under Major General Alfred Futiyo Karaba in Western Equatoria state, have formed a new rebellion called South Sudan People’s Patriotic Front (SSPPF) to defend their people from Salva Kiir’s government.

“The Arrow Boys who have been fighting and resisting tyranny and oppression in Western Equatoria ( under the command of Major General Alfred Futiyo Karaba) would like to declare solemnly this day that they have selected Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga, as chairman, to lead them to victory in their struggle against the oppressive tribal regime in Juba.” Reads part of SSPPF declaration.

The new chairman reiterates the arrows boys and girls are patriotic citizens who have grown tired of tribal dominant, oppression, marginalization and land grabbing across Equatoria and other parts of the country.

“it is the people who have been fighting to defend themselves against unpatriotic tribal dictatorial regime which is only interested in furthering its tribal agenda without thinking about the country which our forefathers and recently our brothers and sisters sacrificed for with over 2 million lives to achieve the CPA in in 2005 and finally Independence in 2011.” Kisanga said.

“It seems the Juba tribal clique regime under Salva Kiir Mayaradit have no love to build a nation out of South Sudan after we achieved the goal of liberating South Sudan from Arab clique regime and instead they replaced the Arab clique regime with tribal clique, corrupt and repressive regime under an incompetent leadership.” Kisanga continued.

The new rebels’ chief is optimistic that South Sudan will be rebuilt to prosper when the current leadership is removed from power.

“For us in WES we are patriotic citizens who love this country, South Sudan and given the chance we will build it into a great and civilized nation where human rights are observed, where there will be freedom, where equality and justice will rule, where the National Army will compose of all nationalities fairly balanced and based on competence, where all Institutions of Government will be opened to all tribes based on equality and competence, where security of all the citizens will be guaranteed with no more arbitrary arrests, torture and killings, where also women will have equal opportunities to participate in the matters of the state as a free nation.” Said the former Minister.

Kisanga explained the  Arrow Boys took up arms to defend the local populations and their property from the Ugandan’s Lord Resistance Army long before the current conflict broke out in Decemeber 2013 but given the poor leadership under Gen. Salva Kiir, arrow boys are ready to fight to defend their rights and freedoms.

“due to the arbitrarily killings by the tribal regime which is trying to destroy leadership from all other tribes in order to build a tribal kingdom minus other tribes, we had to be extra cautious to protect our leaders and build the movement silently until it was a power to reckon with like now.” Kisanga said.

The arrow boys, which comprises mostly of armed youth, refute claims that they had allied with the main rebel camps in the region for the last two years, however, they now calls for alliance with SPLM/SPLA in Opposition which controls territories in most of the states in the country.

The new rebel group has sent delegates to Pagak to seek alliance and integration into the main rebels’ camp of SPLM/SPLA [IO], Agwelek and REMNASA.

Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga holds Masters’ of Science degree in Digital Signal Processing(DSP) and Communication Systems from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

He has served as the government spokesman and State Minister of Information, Communications and Tourism of Western Equatoria  until last month.


Read the full declaration: Formation of A New Rebellion in WES and Calls For Alliance with SPLM-IO

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lokiden November 24, 2015 at 7:58 pm

Go ahead we behind you Eng. Charles Barnabas, you have start building south Sudan, during your student time ( st. Augustine in Khartoum, translation of Arabic syllabubs into English) whereby most student got their Sudan school certificate in high great, most of your student were behind you. God bless.

Beek November 25, 2015 at 1:37 am

He is a part of Kokora and now he is in Addis Ababa. Who is going to fight for the highest position’s Seekers. Far Right in Western Europe say Islam and Nuer/SPLM-IO in South Sudan say Dinka in order to gain support from general public,but they will never see security or walk free like me. Why Addis Ababa?

Loberito November 26, 2015 at 8:49 am

Yes Equatorians. Time has come for those who have been killing the innocent like they do not care. Equatorians are fed up to see their children have been slaughtered like chicken without the owner. Congrants Charles and we are behind you. No more death to innocent Equatorians because there will be retaliation. Jieng back and go to Khartoum now before things are getting ugly. Equatorians have been patient and people are running out of patient. They cannot watch their loved ones being slaughtered without consequence.

Gatdar.wich November 24, 2015 at 8:24 pm

Congratulations Kisanga,

Please immediately emerge with SPLA-IO because the unity of all the patriot forces against the Jieng’s Kingdom of terror is a must if we need to liberate South Sudan from the disastrous tribalism being evilly practiced by JCE. The noble name of your movement(South Sudan Patriots Forces) will, and shall eventually replace the SPLA-IO(the name that reminds all the marginalized tribes of deaths and terrors).

Gatdar.wich November 24, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Congratulations Kisanga,

Please immediately emerge with SPLA-IO because the unity of all the patriot forces against the Jieng’s Kingdom of terror is a must if we need to liberate South Sudan from the disastrous tribalism being evilly practiced by JCE. The noble name of your movement(South Sudan Patriotic Front) will, and shall eventually replace the SPLA-IO(the name that reminds all the marginalized tribes of deaths and terrors). Just remember to press the SPLA-IO to rename the movement as (South Sudan Patriot Armed Forces-SSPAF or any other name) during your merger with them. Otherwise, if they refused, then it is highly advisable not to join a movement that naïvely try to maintain a name that symbolizes gross injustices, deaths, and terrors period !

Beek November 25, 2015 at 1:12 am

Why you repeated the same comments if your smart enough. That rebellion will end in Western Equatoria like Kokora of the past.

Mr LOVE November 25, 2015 at 5:46 am

Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life.
A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time for his country , its enough we must stop being rule by Least Educated cattle keeper , Kiir and Generals of Cattle Raiders/killers goooooooooooooo you have no future .

Beek November 25, 2015 at 10:12 am

People of South Sudan need to be Patience and stop annoying. The all world is in recession and have nothing to do with Kiir or all Dinka. Millions around the world including me are jobless and we don’t blame nobody. There is no country in globe with out livestock. I need 200 cows and i don’t work for nobody. Don’t dislike things because you don’t have. i think you are jealous and very poor.

Beek November 25, 2015 at 10:14 am

Nuer and Murle are deadly cattle raiders because they don’t have and it is the same with you.

Gatdar.wich November 26, 2015 at 3:22 pm

Repeating or posting the same super-damn psychologically loaded comment twice is, “Good Good Job well done”, for grasping the attention of a traitor-Beek/AGUMUT.

Now, that is indisputably genuineness, but not smart, Beek/AGUMUT!

wedjuba November 25, 2015 at 3:13 am

Great, Charles!

REMNASA, SSPPF, and Agwelek now merged and fused under one big Opposition. We must speak with one strong VOICE against these repressive looters in Juba. Dinka thugs have isolated themselves against us and killed many of our innocent children. They must be brought down and punished by all means necessary.

USA, EU, IGAD, AU and Co must now recognise, that the POWER in South Sudan belongs to the people, and that we have taken firm and resolute positions to liberate all oppressed tribes in this country.

Now let’s wipe these Jieng thieves out of our territories and bring peace and justice to South Sudan.

Long live freedom fighters!!!

Mark Tiger Lomu'ding November 25, 2015 at 3:44 am

you are Lie if you talk of Kokora Ended. just wait and see Later how thing will work by its self in the field NOT just abusing in the Internet. because when you just talks and/or communicates in the Internet, then you;re the Most Senior Cowards. Kokora is just a Nonsense WARD. let Me Assure you of this. See you Later if you Jieng people Fails the Compromised Peace Agreement the way you have already planned.

titdit mading November 25, 2015 at 5:49 am

you fool u laugh now and cry later using the same teeth. rebellion is a sickness nowadays. I advise young men not to lose their lies again. this is what you have to know before holding a gun, NOT all south Sudanese to be president, vice president, ministers, chief of staff or governor at the same time. please equatorian take your time and wait if you are not certify with vice president position

Loberito November 26, 2015 at 8:36 am

Titdit mading,

That is stupid commend. Are you telling us that Equatorians only have qualification for V-P? If that is what you think then please think twice. That is an insult to such educated Equatorians who are qualify to deliver services to South Sudanese society. Jieng lack that qualification they only pretend that they can rule when they have nothing to deliver. Ruling is not looting resources for the country. It is building structures in the country. It is the same like cattle raiding that cows boys Jieng know.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ November 25, 2015 at 8:39 am

Hahahahahahaha……………..baak baak or crow, KOKORA was started in Juba and it didn’t die as you claimed. We first had wanted to chase Munduru before turning to minor issues like jce plus you the baak baak. And the most important thing now is that it not only Juba people who wants to kick yous ass. It is the whole of GREATER EQUATORI, the Nuer, the Shilluk Kingdom, the Murle, the Azande, the Acholi, the Ma’di……………….

So baak baaak, do not point your dirty corrupted finger to WESTERN EQUATORIA alone. All tribes of this beloved country already hate you. There is no any help coming to from any tribe. Call us any name you want but know that we have decided to kick your ass very hard this time not like in the time of KOKORA. It is good that you do remember about the KOKORA.

I know many of you went to the BUSH to come back to Juba to punish US for introducing KOKORA. But we went to BUSH to liberate ourselves from the arabs and from the arian jenge. Now you fail to punish us instead killed innocent Nuer. Do not try us please or you will run to your mura without underwear.

Hahahahah, my name is DINGIT NA TUGGÖ which means only time will explain, now you can see that time is counting all your evil deeds.

Beek November 25, 2015 at 9:57 am

Kokora was Joseph Tombura idea with Khartoum because to weak South Sudan and Equatoria accept it because of South Sudan small Budget from Central government in Khartoum. Why Joseph James Tombura became so Obese if it is not about money.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ November 25, 2015 at 2:04 pm

baaak baaa…………please take your 20 cows to bor do not keep them near Juba. Yes KOKORA was Tabura’s idea. But put in your baaaaak and arian jenge mind that Joseph Tambura is from GREATER EQUATORIA NOT a Jenge.

You need to accept the fact that every tribe already hates you and you have to be wise enough to find out why rather than try to reason. No body listens to you my because you are the enemy of peace in this country.

Do not lie by saying the whole world is ni recission. All countries which has oil without looters has not no any recission at all. South Sudan has oil and has no money because you jengelon are looters. So your time is over please.

Mr. baaak baaaak, time is telling the fact that you are the worst enemy of yourself and of this country. Equatorians will soon make you life difficult, just wait and see.

Beek November 25, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Poor boy, our brother Ugandans will not allow you anymore because it was a safe haven for you to hide yourself. I should have 300 and not 20 as you have said,but it was my mistake and i have learned a lot.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ November 26, 2015 at 3:21 am

baaaaak the poor cow, understand that a poor boy is better than a poor cow………….just wait and see. This war will never end in your favour. First there will be no grass for you the poor cow and your poor council of arian jenge. The UNITY GOVERNMENT which is going to be formed will be full of educated people and you know who are they, mr. baak will never be near it

Beek November 26, 2015 at 12:52 pm

You very very jealous and i don’t want to waste my time. I think you need to engage with one of the ministers daughter and I don’t even want to tell you anything about why i have said that . Good luck and take care of yourself,but be very careful not to end up in prison.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ November 27, 2015 at 10:55 am

baaaak……………be close to the news, one your brothers ajak has refuses to carry orders to go for war and is arrested in Juba. It is the jenge going to prision not me. Do you really know where I am? You are just dreaming if you think to send me to prision. To be honest, I am here in Juba waiting for cde Alfred Lado GORE so that we excute the plan of kicking your dirty ass out of land of GREATER EQUATORIA. I repeat I AM HERE IN JUBA. I know how you are struggling to money for tea because the economy is worstening.

you are right when you say why you tell me your evil words because you do not know the difference between good and bad and this is why we will never forgive you until you learn the this two words, right and bad.

I know you the jengelon do not want peace but it is already forced on you, now you have nothing to do but only weep.


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