“This is a great tragedy which has in a single day befallen our citizens in Western Equatoria state. On behalf of the SPLM/SPLA and on my own behalf, I pay my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families who have lost their loved ones in this tragic incident,” Machar said.
Machar calls for thorough investigation to determine whether the causes of the tragedy was a human or mechanical error.
To the shocked residents of Maridi, the devastating incident is the first and worst of its kind.
Earlier reports indicated that at least 176 people died and 50 others sustained serious injuries.
Health reports, however, fear that more people are dying due to insufficient medical services. The two health centres, Maridi County hospital and the neighboring Olo Primary Health Clinic in Mambe Payam, are both overwhelmed.
Five additional medical professionals were dispatched from Juba yesterday, however, the two health centers run short of medical supplies.
Basic medical supplies like painkillers, oxygen, and anti-tetanus are reportedly inadequate.
Cause of Explosion
According to witnesses testimonies, the oil tanker explosion happened at a time when many civilians gathered around the tanker to fetch fuel.
Although the cause of explosion is yet to be determined, Wednesday reports indicate that the tanker overturned a few kilometers before reaching Maridi town.
While the driver went off to seek help, it’s believed that the residents started gathering at the scene to fetch fuel from the tanker when it suddenly explodes.
It’s yet to be confirmed if the driver survives the tragedy but more than 65 people were burned beyond recognition.
“Some people are burned all the legs, some the hands, some the whole body, the back,” said the witness, describing the burn victims. “They look like a white person.” a witness told Radio Tamazuj.
South Sudan government was yet to response at the time of this report.
My condolence to Family, friends and relative of deceased families about this tragedy. G-d will pay attention to living Soul from each family specially to mother who lost 5 sons at a time
Do you know that Tobacco in Warrap is free of charge,but parents restricted their children to use it at young age.
What kind of investigation the Mad Dr Riek is saying, is there any influence from somebody who is making his business and intention to kill people, i think Riek have nothing to said if he finish of giving condolence for the victim, in driving there is human era and mechanical foll to make vehicle over turn
Survivors reported that a soldier shot a bullet meaning to disperse the crowed but unfortunately, it turn out to be a disaster.
My Friend, investigation should be done and I think its government’s role to call for an immediate investigation. A cording to my information, the fuel tanker overturned in a location not far from (farksika of Maridi Yei roads) near a place called (Ayira).
In Faraksik there is a police post, the role of the police to me was to disperse the people who gathered around the tanker because it’s not safe, and also to protect the property of the business person who own the tanker and the fuel on it. The question here is where were the police, why were they not doing their duty, where they sleeping, drunken or what exactly happened to them? Investigation is done so that the cause of the accident is known therefore it can be prevented in the future. This accident might happen in the future in any location in South Sudan, knowing the cause will help prevent such accident in the future.
We need to think out of the box we should not be guided with our emotions and feelings, Dr. Machar is right and we should not reject his view simply because we hate or disagree with him.
Nationalist, you are a voice of reason, kudus!
It is not an accident and should not be treated as one. To all the Nuer and Machar haters this incident has nothing to do with the Nuers and or Machar. Even Mr. “schoolboy”(genocidal Kiir) could have sent his condolences and call for a thorough investigation into the matter. That is usually the right thing to do by a sound leader. AGUMUT, you are high with igorance and arrogance. I would love to b*tch slap you silly.
Nuer brains in deadly oil which they can’t win,they were stealing and smoking in the same time. Those thing happened in Nigeria many times and now Western Equatoria State,they thought Benzine was like a cooking oil.
The conspiracy to mass murder citizens using explosives sounds like a work of coward Jaang extremists and terrorists. It must be investigaed.
GOD rest their soul in peace
nobody can tell the day when he /she will die ,
death is like playing football in the field ,you don’t to know who will get injury in the field or who will score the goal against the other opponent ,it’s all plan from GOD .
if those people who die ,would have to succeed to get the fuel ,i think they would be happy
for the driver ,people ,that man is Innocent to be said , because he take his property to sale it but people don’t understand the danger of petrol and diesel ,these are the worst thing that killed within a minutes
just let as advice our people to not to attempt to get near the tankers vehicles .
it’s even written in every tankers that DANGER PETROL AND DIESEL .
it’s that some people read not to understand but to make themselves to be ignorance .
who Dr Riek to call for investigation, he is not the part of south Sudan government yet.this guy is power hungry.
why do you hate some one because he belongs to certain tribe, did he apply to be one of that tribe? if some one has competencies which can be used to make this country go forward then what is wrong? why do we feel other people are not south Sudanese while others are more south Sudanese? when will we learned to coexist and embrace diversity ? why do we want to always portray ourselves to be fools and stay as laughing stock to the whole world? if I have failed to manage affairs of the responsibilities given me it wise and fair to allow some one try. it is not a crime but wisdom.
The former governor of Western Equatoria State about safety than only tiny brain hatred.
Hey Agumut! Death don’t have friend. How can you feel so hates that even when concerning Soul of your brothers and Sisters? I don’t know what happen to you Dinka? You plan many bad things against your counter parts that is why Ceremonial president Kiir did not even pay condolence to deceased family.
That had nothing to do with government. They are laziest,but they got best opportuities because they discrminated themselves and they discriminated working too.They belong to KKK plus Kokora equal to four KKKK.
They are lucky because they got three days mourning for those who suicide themselves,which never happened in histroy of South Sudan.
For the moment, let God rest the victims souls in peace and a wish for a speedy recovery of those badly injured in this national tragedy. The fact that military personnel were there to participate in the free rampage of an accidental event, they should be held responsible for ignition that resulted in the explosion. Their stupid irrational intention to fire guns in the air,in order to scare the civilians while hundreds of people were already at the overturned tanker, was a major cause of explosion. The ministry of Defence should be held responsible and be ready to compensate families who lost loved ones in the incident. This time compensation of Ugandan troops should be stopped and our citizens who died due to carelessness from the army be compensated. The minister of defence, Mr. Kuol has to acknowledge this tragedy caused by his trigger happy troops is enough. Shame on this government, as they never even supplied the troops with petrol,but allow them scavenging on someone’s tragedy.
If any members of Parliament representing that constituency of Maridi, where this accident ocurred should immediately form a committee to investigate this crime scene. A committee of members of Parliament should go to Faraksika within 48 hours and present their findings to the people South Sudan. We as a people will find who to judge.
hi agumut, you sound like someone who planned for that tragedy to happen to those innocent people. I want to tell that you have not secured your life my friend. you may endup in the same fate like them, although it may not be petrol explosion. do not laugh at them.
We have lost 2 millions lives and now Machar is playing with human life again. You should tell that to a guy like Dr. Riek Machar who used poors for his own greedy political game. The people of Rich Gulf Arab States don’t even received a Gallon of oil to drink. Oil means to create jobs and 24 hours service for all.
gatnor and goweng tobaar two of u were talking of nationalism but i dont see why are u generalizing the common name “you Dinka” or coward Jaang as said by Gatnor,due to an individual case..we Dinka are not cowards you know well that since your senseless war never yield fruits,you seek help from likes of US and the UK,but you all know that none of you have set foot on to BARH AL GAZAL until now u want to end war..if am wrong Gatnor tell me one Nuer commander who had ever plan or even attack BARH AL GAZAL coz u just know the outcome of our heroism and warmanship we devote.. investigation is ongoing but should not be said that Dinka are doing so and that. may almighty rest their souls in peace
Many factors might have been likely responsible for oil tanker’s overturning whereas either a lit ciggarrette or bullet shot in the air to disperse those who were on the site was the cause of its explosion,though a reservation should be placed on one of these two points as fire igniter that led to ka boom or ka paaw.
Vehicle’s mechanical failures could have deprived the driver of abilities to control the tanker,resulting in the tanker’s spinning off the road and overturned.
Poor roads and bad weather conditions could be some of the suspects.
Driver’s fatigue,mental and vision impairments could asumingly be other things that triggered the mayhem.
Maybe the driver is inexperienced or is not prescribed to drive that vehicle’s type or size.
The driver might have been speeding over the recommended limit, if there are any signs on that road for heavy and oversized vehicles.
The lit cigarette or the bullet shot in the air to disperse people from siphoning the fuel as mentioned in the article was possibly the cause of the lethal explosions which resulted in such tragic lost of lives and fatal injuries of fellow citizens.However, it can be doubted the bullet intended to be shot into the air with aim of dispersing those standing on the site could have been mistakenly fired at the tanker.
Whatever it was that triggered the explosion, a full investigation is needed to determine how the incident happened, draw lessions learnt from it and then develop strategies and tactics on to how to avoid,prevent and response proactvely to similar disasters in the future.