July 12, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— The speaker of South Sudan’s national assembly Manaseh Magok Rundial is missing from Sunday, his fellow Member of Parliament close to him has told Nyamilepedia news desk but chooses to remain anonymous because he is not tasked to speak on matters relating to Parliament and its Members. The Member of Parliament speculated that Speaker Manaseh Magok Rundial might have taken refuge in UNMISS Tongpiny protection site but turned out not to be there after some enquiries, causing some concerns about his safety among his colleagues.
Also reported missing are Hon. Timothy Tot Chuol and Hon. Mario Dhuor on Sunday night, the two Members of Parliament went to Juba on 4th January 2016 as per MoU arrangement between the government of South Sudan and Federal Democratic Party (FDP) and South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF) under Gen. James Gathoth Gatkuoth Hothnyang who is also in Juba.
There is a growing concern among the Nuer in Juba that it is possible that some of their high officials might have been killed on Sunday as special force of Gen. Paul Malong Awan targeted and hunted specific Nuer officials and Generals. It is yet to be established whether Speaker Magok Rundial, Hon. Timothy Tot Chuol and Hon. Mario Dhuor are safe. Nyamilepedia is yet to reach their immediate family members for confirmation of their missing.
Manaseh Magok Rundial was elected Speaker of South Sudan Parliament on September 2, 2013 replacing long-time speaker of parliament James Wani Igga who replaced Dr. Riek Machar as Vice President.
Next to go is, Wani Igga. Equatorians in Kirrs government should be carefull from this mad dog. He can turn against you whenever he fills like
Hear this, I heard the White Army warned against ethnic targeting as we speak they are threatening to “overrun Bor” and will proceed to Juba. I hope they tell Machar to go to hell should he try to stop them from joining the sh*t show Independence Day fire works in Juba. Gotta love the white Army.
White Army is finishhed. Since the death of Gatwech Dual on monday no single Nuer of Lou will ever want to test Dinkas again after this war in Juba…
There is more where they came from.
There we go. The next person is ….
The speaker was a useless idiot. He denied the ethnic cleansing carried out by his slave drivers Jaang against the Nuers. Jaang have finally came for his life but who will care when many lives were being taken as he looked away. What goes around comes around. The law of karma is a bitch ain’t it.
GatNor is back with his bla bla propaganda.
To give you Jaang the benefit of doubt on if your serious about peace, I switched my machine to idle mode. All the while I was convince beyond reasonable doubt that you will resume your all out war against Nuers at any chance you get. I was expecting you to resume your all out tribal offensives and indiscriminate murdering spree of Nuers 1yr from now but the recent clashes means my prediction was wrong. I want you to know that I am also well aware Jaang are murdering Nuers individuals in what naïve Nuers considers isolated incidents but I look at the #s of many dear ones wasted by Jaang. Jaang have waged a tribal and economic war against every tribe in South Sudan and Nuers in particular since 80th to date. Their(Jaang’s) strategy is..put the Nuers at stunning but a subtle disadvantage in every area of life’s progress and at the end its the number that will count. At this point one would have to agree that the # of losses incurred by Nuers in massive group losses combined with isolated incidents of murdered Nuers, the Nuers can not improvise for this creeping or at times swift loss of manpower or the staggering loss in their society as a whole should the # be what counts. With this great loss Nuers have experienced in the hands of Jaang we are yet to calculate the material and property losses not to mention the collateral damages that comes along with massive and calculate systemic forced displacement of Nuers communities since 80th to date. To give you a less exaggerated prospective hundredth if not thousands have died from hunger, lack of clean drinking water and many died from common diseases that are easily manageable in normal circumstance. From economic prospective how many years and seasons have Nuers been technically been forced by Jaang to depends on food agencies and other Nuer communities for food due to the fact that some of their communities have been displaced and or are on the run from Jaang and cannot carry on with their normal and traditional cultivation of their seasonal crops.. the answer is.. far too many if not all of their communities’ ways of life have been disrupted times and times again. The negative affects here if any Nuer can manage to sees the big picture will cry wi-wi even if its a grown man. The stunt development and progress in the area of education is disasterous where generations are forced to abandon school to flee Jaang attacks, occupations of town, villages while castrating, killing Nuer boys and forcing hundredth of Nuer women and girls to be sex slaves. Jaang occupying the town of Nassir in Upper Nile since the tribal war broke out has turned this historic community into a breeding ground and a baby producing factory for Jaang’s bastard childrens. The government and the wealth sharing ratio is not fare, Jaang foot soldiers are rewarded greatly more than any 5stars Nuers generals you can find with recorded capturing of town and or numerous won battles against the Jalaba. The ratio of simple national representations alone is despicable and dominated by cowards who cant fight to liberate themselves nor fight their own war against Nuers and perhaps the Jalaba up in the North. I think it wrong that Jaang are even allowed to reward themselves at will and at other South Sudaneses’s expenses for having excidently produced a misguiding tribalist like the late tribal king Garang+tribal thugs of unionist because that is what they have contributed as the root and the main disasterous cause of South Sudan problems.The rest is nothing but anguish and unfortunate misfortune to South Sudan as a whole.
Riek Machar was in prison,but idiot Nuers misled themselves. Very high rank’s apes and stupids.
You stated clearly that you were unable to talk to their family members. What prompt you to write speculations. And why are you after them and everybody is hiding in unknown places including Riek, Gatweidual and koang Chuol.
please deal with the bad politicians only who are against the states, the govt and the people of south Sudan. they are very bad because they are full of pride and rebellion, they move in and out and causes massive lost of live ever since. so please get rid of them. the bad politicians are every where including from equatorians, Dinka, Nuer etc. so please put them behind bars and starts the new chapter on how to move forward.
writing all these nonsense to fuel war but truth will put on light for peace .preach peace but not war for no reason.
I am very glad they get hunt down by Malong Wan,s force because that’s same government which supported during 2013 Nuer genocide.
Maggok Rundial is an absolute curse to the Nuer race. This cabal, who even denied that his body guard was killed at his very door step deserves all these. He thought Dinkas were good people.
I love it that is very good Dinka are good to kill their friends instead to treat them as close ally.
Magok Rundial get shit of Dinka congratulation to Malong is cowardice act to kill innocent who support his government.
I thinks the Dinka will nominate Ayian Dit to be speaker of Parliament if other Tribes are not respected to Rule in Dinka government.
Magok Rundial and Tivmothy Tot Chuol have deserved what they had sown.
As Equatorian are waking up soon they will put them in their menu with Nuer.
if tht fool has nothing 2 report thn why don’t you just take a leave on net n do other thing coz what u have report is rubbish. magok z alive n I have been seeing him 4 the last 3days
An evil speeches said by a dictor president kirr seems as only lies,and a way to kill more of the minority tribes of South sudan.
Everything was in place when they addressed Mabior’s Garang like The Men In black and denied him to attended Cabinet meeting.
Let them get killed because they were Nuer blood suckered shame on them.
Dinka DIVIDE & RULE policy is getting a room as planned……. Let Mangom feel the punishment from his boss “Dollars”
Enemies of peace are creating division, how came gov,t should kill speaker yahaaa inta? I think this is another way to moblise nuer to your madness rebelion.
If Magok and rest as gone I mean killed, what Riek Ghay , Dough Guet, Martin Lomoro and rest waiting for.
Believe it or not….Government soldier or what so call Jieng elders and them thugs soldier don’t care about their Nuer that are on their site….anyway Those Nuer weew let them face it. My only condolence goes to my people Nuer that did lost their brothers in front line fighting Government soldier. my brothers you dies as a hero in our South Sudan history.
Diversity is the strength of a country. We need each other in order to prosper. After all there is no difference between nuer and dinka. For the outsider, we are all the same. We are Africans. Furthermore Kiir needs Machar in his administration, he can get rid of Malong the butcher and will do lot better with the members of the TGNU than those jings and other killers surrounding him. As a leader, and father of the nation (Dr.Garang is no longer) he needs to see the bigger picture.
Unite and save South Sudan
There is no goverment in south sudan. Only mafias said to be in power.
Every one seen what happened in south sudan capital. International communitiest shouldn’t wait any longer.Enough is enough.