
More Chollo Politicians Targeted By Security Forces In Juba, South Sudan

Members of South Sudan national security services on high alert in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: gettyimage)
Members of South Sudan national security services on high alert in Juba, South Sudan(Photo: gettyimage)

April 24, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Latest reports from South Sudan capital, Juba, allege that the Chollo politicians in Salva Kiir’s Government are under intensive surveillance from South Sudan National Security service.

A reliable source revealed that more than five houses of Chollo politicians in Juba are surrounded and monitored by members of Security forces.

In addition to house of Dr. Lam Akol, the houses of Hon. Ayuok Ogat, and Hon. Joseph Bol Chan, the speaker of Council of States,  are also framed up by the security.

The insider believes that Chollo politicians, who are suspected to be in communication with the warlord Maj. Gen. Johnson Olony who took control of Malakal are being wiretapped and may face arrests or other charges if found in communication.

This report was also reiterated by the latest press release by the Press Secretary of Dr. Lam Akol who responded to Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth, the government minister of information who denies the incident.

According to the Government Spokesman, Makuei Lueth, the SPLM-DC leader is not under house arrest or denied his rights of movement but said he will arrest Dr. Lam if he wants.

“If we want to arrest him, I will take him to prison. These are his usual claims,” Makuei said.

Lam announced on BBC this afternoon that three cars, full of security officers, were stationed at the edge of his house putting his life at risk.

“Since 9 o’clock in the evening. There are three cars here, some of them [security] are in the cars and others are around the building here” Dr. Lam explains to BBC

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Chol Wani April 24, 2015 at 10:59 am

Why does this website always refer to General Johnson as a warlord? The real warlords are Riek Machar, Peter Gatdeet and the other Nyagat generals

Chol Wani

GatNor April 24, 2015 at 11:27 am

One would assume that the security forces that are targeting the Chilluks are a group comprises of one ethnic or otherwise they would have realized the wrong they are doing and resign their position because they are being use to escalate tribal tensions which is constitutionally, morally & ethically wrong.

Barbayok April 25, 2015 at 9:56 am

This is our country we take care on it ,south Sudan belong to all of us , no one can say belong to that tribe , is all ours and we can protect it from external or intrnal outlaw ,those who took gun against their brothers and sisters are South Sudanese ,war is not solution just distructives of humanity and resources of Country ,if you look now great number of our brothers and sisters not go to schools for two years what benefit people get from the war ,olders are not enjoy independent of country ,put people first then your interest .

Mundri East April 24, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Any Politician in S.S must teste Kiir’s Gov’t except two yes, men politician that is Martin Tako and Lomoro. East stay

Johnjal wuor April 24, 2015 at 1:42 pm

since this conflict started, mostly the victims are the Nuer Ethnic group. but what goes around comes around, people from greater upper Nile did not realised it is the conflict between them and the greater Band algazal. never too late as the other side ( SPLM/A-IO)is open to who ever has seen change is needed.
I therefore don’t agree with the perceptions says, conflict has not taken the ethnic dimensions. the proofs are December 16,17,18,2013.
now greater upper Nile people, pro – regime have not yet realised what are they dying for?

Deng April 24, 2015 at 2:09 pm

Dr: Lam Akol , is much involved in Padang ,Chollo land war, he used to encourage his tribe to commit atrocities to Dinka commit, by ambushing innocent travelers and slaughter them on Dinka land , Chollo must choose to remain on their river side or crash by padang community.

Abuchook April 24, 2015 at 3:02 pm

Dear Nyamilepedia

Please do not reported that you hear on the phone and insiders and always verify each source without bias. Some time in real reporting needs real sources and accurate information and most of the times when I went back and revised what have been reported here on Nyamilepedia most are bias and blind by inaccurate information.

So in this report it was made up and some sources are not even true on the ground where real issue happened in Juba.

Please Nyamilepedia keep your reputation out of bias news be FAIR AND BALANCE OF ALL NEWS AS REALLY JOURNALISM.


. April 24, 2015 at 8:20 pm

Dear Abuchook,

As we have been moderating your comments, we have realized real concerns. Thanks for coming out openly to address them. Allow us also to take this opportunity to abstractly response and emphasize that Nyamilepedia, since its founding last year, has been the only media outlet that give everyone freedom of expression and democracy of choice. Most, if not all of you who have devoted their times to write opinion and news reports, must attest that Nyamilepedia has approved nearly 99% of your work, and also again in real time. We are human and we try to understand your demands, however, human nature and demands could be very complex as in this case. We are sorry to say that we can’t satisfy everyone but we will always strike to fulfill public demand, and to satisfy majority. We must also straighten that the 1% that is not published on Nyamilepedia is either extremely distorted, fail to meet our basic requirements (true content, 500+ word and contact information), extremely bias or we fail to verify the source(s). This shows that we care of our readership, however, it is hard to balance these interests, but we are confident that you, our readership, do fill the gap.

As you mention, phone conversations with trusted sources are very important to us because we can’t practically be everywhere in real time. Maybe in the future we will have enough staffs to witness all the major events that we publish but at the movement it is nearly impossible. Also because we are confidential that the public will produce the other genuine piece, if any that we miss; we have to keep the world informed but open-mindedly that someone will respond if our sources are indeed incorrect. Therefore, when we give a head-up on an issue that you believe to be biased, we challenge you to produce your version and we will also publish it. A good example of this narration has been done by many contributors; the latest of which was just authored by Kon Reech. This article is now on our timeline. Therefore we are calling out to everyone who has a piece of genuine information to contribute precisely. This duty should be shouldered by all concerned citizens, and not necessarily by the journalists. Since you are here, you are already part and parcel of team Nyamilepedia, so take your responsibility and fulfill your duties, and we will polish it up when need be.

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Moderating Team | Nyamilepedia

Nyaluak Lual April 24, 2015 at 6:19 pm

In fact, you got the point. The bigger strategy of Olony and his political supporters is to get the position of governor and take the lands that they disputing with Dinka Padang and currently Pom from Fangak County. So, war in Upper Nile will never end. However, all I know that the Shollo politicians and their commander Johnson Olony really need to realize that they are putting their kingdom at precarious risk. Shollo cannot open up various fronts against Nuer and Dinka at the same time and expect to get what they want. The end game will be Kordufan!

Mawien Magol April 24, 2015 at 8:45 pm

Nyaluak Lual. I am sorry I don’t get it what do you mean, the end game will be Kordufan? Do you mean that, these small tribe will be kick out in their home lands up to South Kordufan? I am not a member of Shilluk tribe but we should be looking to resolving that clashes than supporting one side

kuol Peter April 24, 2015 at 8:51 pm

The war in Greater upper Nile is between Nuer Kingdom under leadership of warlord so called Reik Machar and his Ngundeng lord against innocence padang, Tuic and Bor Dinka Upper Nile in general. And Chollo Kingdom is against only Padang Dinka over the land dispute between this two communities. Greater Barh El Gazal have nothing to do with Greater upper Nile disputes between this three Communities. But government intervention does mains that this current war is between Greater BG and Greater UN. I conclude this comment that my understanding about this senseless war is between they warlords who don’t think that unity amongst South Sudanese under the elected president who come from Dinka background and also from Greater Barh El Gazal. Therefore Reik try to subatage or coup to overthrow elected government by using his community Nuer ethnic against Dinka tribe while government is not Dinka government, it composes of 64 tribes of South Sudan. This is not between Greater upper Nile and Greater Barh El Gazal.


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