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News Peace Process South Sudan SPLM

“Lottery” Appointment of Ministries of South Sudan Transitional Government Finalized

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South Sudan stakeholders select ministries, ready to form a transitional government of national unity(Photo: file)
South Sudan stakeholders select ministries, ready to form a transitional government of national unity(Photo: file)

Jan 07, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —- A rotational appointments of ministries of a soon to be formed Transitional Government of National Unity comes to an end today on its second day in South Sudan’s capital, Juba.

Latest reports from JMEC indicate that while the government chose the Ministries for Defence and Finance in the first two rounds the SPLM in Opposition grabbed Ministries for Interior and Petroleum while the Former Detainees(FPDs) got away with the Ministrial portfolios  for Foreign Affairs and international Corporation and Transport, leaving other political parties with cabinet affairs, Agriculture and Food Security

While the last two political groups end with their first two ministerial appointments, the major SPLM parties which represent the government(SPLM-IG) and the main opposition(SPLM-IO) continued with the rotational appointments of ministries, each after another, until the SPLM-IO filled its 10 portfolios leaving the government with the last six slots to make up its 16 ministerial slots.

The process, which broken down yesterday as the government side demanded to be allowed to select its sixteen(16) ministries first, was continued this morning under the supervision of Chairman of Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission.

During the first attempt yesterday, SPLM in government produced a document that gave most of the key ministerial portfolios to the  government, followed by the SPLM in Opposition and left only Cabinet Affairs, Water Resources & Irrigation, Transport and Parliamentary Affairs to former political detainees and other Political Parties. This proposal was rejected and the selection process ended prematurely.

The final appointments today ended as follow:

No SPLM-Main Stream (Gov’t) No SPLM-IO
1. Finance & Planning 1. Petroleum
2. Defense & Veterans Affairs 2. Interior
3. Minister in the Office of the President 3. Water Resource & Irrigation
4. Information, Communication, Technology & Postal service 4. Labour, Public Service & Human Resource Development
5. National Security 5. Energy & Dams
6. Trade and Industry 6 Mining
7. Health 7. Land, Housing & Urban Development
8. Culture, Youth and Sports 8. Humanitarian Affairs
9. Environment and Forestry 9. Higher Education, Science & Technology
10. Livestock & Fisheries 10. The Ministry of Federal Affairs
11. General Education & Instruction
12. Parliamentary Affairs
13. Justice & Constitutional Affairs
14. Wildlife Conservation & Tourism
15. Gender, Child & Social Welfare
16. Road & Bridges
  SPLM-FD   Political Parties
1. Foreign Affairs & International Corporation 1. Cabinet Affairs
2. Transport 2. Agriculture & Food Security

In his speech after the selection process, Gen. Taban Deng, the Chief negotiator for the SPLM/SPLA in Opposition, reiterates the appointment was based on ten states.

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Goweng Torbaar January 7, 2016 at 12:01 pm

Good News ever, Let watch part two of this movie! is it not interesting?

Gat.darwich January 7, 2016 at 1:26 pm

This selection process was undeniably compromised and not fair.

There is absolutely no way SPLA-IO representatives in Juba would voluntarily gave away the Defense, Security, and Finance sectors to the thieves and corrupt Jenges because these are the sectors that direly need total reform and complete overhaul period.

Otherwise, the next ministry that the SPLA-IO or Gen. Taban would take will be the ministry of Garbage and Latrine hygiene.

Beek January 7, 2016 at 3:52 pm

Dim’s Daughter and her brother are ministers in SPLM-IO part,if that is the case of becoming ministers.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ January 7, 2016 at 2:28 pm

The GALANT SPLA/M–IO Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Dr. Machar Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Lado GORE Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and all peace loving citizens of this beloved country Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

tolio, amen and baaaaaak, I told you to wait until today and read for yourseld the good BIG, BIG NEWS for US WHO WANT CHANGES and BAD, BAD NEWS for you and your jenge council of awirin who hate changes. I told you that we are in Juba not to knock out the remainants of your teeth out of your dirty mouths but we are here for business.


Come on tolio, amen and beeeeek. We took the ministry of petroleum to moniter oil money, we take FEDERAL AFFAIRS to make sure the FEDERAL RULE is established very soon to send you back to MURA, we take PUBLIC SERVICES to shut out all YOUR HUSBANDS from UGANDA, they will never get JOBS in JUBA or else where in THIS COUNTRY. we must make sure that our citizens get jobs first. But most important reason of taking public service is to screen all jenge who have never been to school but hold public post with their bad behavors. NO ANY DINKA WILL BE WORKING IN NIMULE AND KAYA BOARDERS because these dinkas who work there do not know how to write. they are there just to loot custom’s money.

We took the ministry of housing to bring back all those plots or land, looted in Juba, Nimule, Kaya, Yei and else to be given back to the appropriate owners. But we also want build enough houses to jenge in their states so that they go back. ya tolio, beek and amen, IS THIS NOT A GOOD IDEA.

all in all remember the way how we sons and daughters of GREATER EQUATORIA KILL A CHICKEN.

To all my friends with whom we use to tell tolio, beek and amen the fact of this country, CONGRATULATION TO ALL OF US. But let us not sleep for it is not yet over until it is over. And come on, let us SANDWITCH THE JENGE IN THE MIDDLE and let us make sure that there is no any 28 states in this country and no body will vote for the jenge council of KARAB in the next coming election. VOTE FOR Dr. Riak for this is the age of highly educated people to lead us.

Beek January 7, 2016 at 5:19 pm

You are a less than the censors,get a life boy.

Beek January 7, 2016 at 6:09 pm

I don’t insult nobody,but it seems to me like you are less than SWINE.

Tolio January 10, 2016 at 11:11 pm


What matters is that we have a fair share. I heard this before you did. SSTV was the first to broadcast it and the second was the CBS news.

The person who made this possible is Juba,not SPLM-IO or Fetus Mogae.

And if you insist you are the ones, I will be inclined to grab you, the SPLM-IO and Festus Mogae in Juba by your/their legs and hold you/them heads down until you/ they cluck like childrens before I could put you/ them on deportation planes to destinations Fangak, Botswana or elsewhere.

Beek January 7, 2016 at 3:20 pm

What about those had died? That is Riek Machar and Nuer about.

Karab January 7, 2016 at 10:01 pm

Fantastic. SPLM IO is doing great as usual. Ministry of petroleum is heart of south sudan. What is ministry of Finance with out Ministry of Petroleum?? Ministry of Interior is very important. Federalism is what freedom fighters died for so they have Minisitry of Federalism Afairs. No need for minsitry of defence because they will manage their own army. The ministry taken by those of pagan amum is also for SPLM IO because they have the same demand. The only ministry SPLM IO missed is ministry of contitution affairs because of comromise. But that is ok because the constitution will be done in consensus including the public. So that is so good so far. The government should continue being seriuos like this. Soon, let them remove the 28 states they unlawfuly declared. There is not agreement if one is not genuine.

pul puok repe January 7, 2016 at 10:14 pm

As we sat down and we use to sit down before any degree announcement IO has agreed to both nominated ministries and MPs with no doubt as we sat on it. Machar oyeeeeeee.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ January 7, 2016 at 11:45 pm

nonsense beeeeek,

you are already done. you have been insulting us for so long, calling us coward dinka wives. now you said i do insult you. no my brother, i tell you the fact. i will write you later am hurring for a meeting to put a strong office of an SPLM-IO CHAPTER in one of the TROIKA COUNTRIES. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for now.


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