Africa News South Sudan

ISIS Beheaded A South Sudan Man in Libya

A South Sudanese man shown in a video being beheaded by ISIS in Libya....
A South Sudanese man shown in a video being beheaded by ISIS in Libya….

Oct 18, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- Members of Islamic radicals, who identify themselves with Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) section of Libya, were shown on a video released today, Sunday, beheading a man who identified himself as a South Sudan citizen.

In the short video clip, the captive who was forced on his knees identified himself as Kuol Deng from South Sudan.

The victim was not allowed to plea for help as the armed ISIS fighter demand to execute the man in revenge of displaced “Muslims” who are suffering injustice in South Sudan.

“this is a message to our Muslim brothers in South Sudan who are suffering injustice, uprooting and slaughter at the hands of the Christian aggressors; we are conveying good news to you that Allah has deployed the soldiers of the caliphate to avenge for you and defend you”. Said the ISIS soldier.

“We will cut every hand that hurt you. O’ Christians in South Sudan know that as you kill you will be killed and as you displace our brothers we will do the same …No safety or shelter for you except that of the Islamic state.. We will fight all of you as you fight us”. The ISIS fighter continued briefly before the execution.

With more information trimming in from friends of the victim, Kuol Deng is identified as South Sudanese from Warrap state. He is believed to have married with a wife and a daughter who goes to school and lived in Benghazi.

“I met and known Mr. Kuol in Benghazi, Libya with his wife and the daughter, a very charitable gentleman with humanity and humor. Kuol told me that he originated from Warrap state, Gokrial. I can’t believe that you have just gone in the hands of gangsters like that.” said his friend Gatdiet Peter, who received the shocking news on Sunday evening.

Despite the deadly warfare in the world’s Newest Nation, Muslims who constitute minority in the country are not displaced or targeted.

With exception of Sudanese Muslims who fight as mercenaries on the government side, South Sudanese Muslims constitute a significance presence on both sides of the war.

In April 2014 more than 200 Sudanese rebel fighters were reportedly killed in Unity State on the government side after losing control to South Sudan rebels, SPLM/SPLA; however, Salva Kiir government commits to work with South Sudanese Muslims, majorly former members of Sudan’s ruling party, NCP.

The government of Salva Kiir has also signed military corporations with a few Islamic countries such as Arab Republic of Egypt as the regime leans towards Arab League for plan B as bilateral relations with the Western world continues to fall apart.

Members of Salva Kiir’s regime, including the Chief of General staff of SPLA, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, have pledged to work with Al-Qaeda and other radical groups should West continue to mount pressure on Salva Kiir government.

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Loberito October 18, 2015 at 7:21 pm

This is a very sad news that an innocent human being was treated this way. May his soul rest in peace! Recently a Canadian South Sudanese was beheaded in in South Sudan. He was beheaded by his own South Sudanese security. What is the different between ISIS and South Sudanese security who beheaded their own citizens?

AGUMUT October 18, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Who killed muslims in South Sudan? That language souls to me like something elise.

AGUMUT October 18, 2015 at 8:42 pm

I think President Omar Al Bashir is responsible of the language the so-called ISIS had used.

asaad October 19, 2015 at 4:43 pm

Even president Bashir is responsible for Ebola disease hahahahahah

AGUMUT October 21, 2015 at 3:50 am

I want to meet with His Excellency president Omar Al Bashir to teach me how to become Terrorist and i fly like a brave Mohammed Atta.

Goweng Torbaar October 18, 2015 at 10:49 pm

World has gone crazy indeed! how come ISIS from far revenge some thing which never happen? why he did not mention any type killing made to Muslim by Christian in South Sudan. I think Muslim organization has failed their mission. Now they want to create problems to Christian and their brothers who are Muslims. They did this in one of the university in Kenya, Now South Sudanese. Let this soul rest in Peace, you are Hero, you have been murder for the name of all Christian.

Goweng Torbaar October 18, 2015 at 10:52 pm

I know all Terrorist are Muslim but not all Muslim are terrorist. My wonder is Why don’t they condemn the act of barbaric made in the name of Islam if it is true that not all Muslim are terrorist? This will make me think again,

Clement Kumbobakiri October 19, 2015 at 1:03 am

Oh God it is a sad news that human beings are being slaughtered like chickens, my only advice to my christian brothers is that they should avoid Muslim countries as soon as possible, because three quarter of the Muslim are terrorist. And we are waiting to see what our government is going to say about the death of its citizen. may his soul rest in peace.

Tolio October 19, 2015 at 2:56 am

Let’s stop the war in South Sudan now and go after the ISIS In Libya.

Tolio October 19, 2015 at 4:26 am

Though, I condemn the ISIS for killing the innocent man,just because of his christianity,the man who was killed is not South Sudanese.By the look of his photograph,he has lots of whiskers around his cheeks and under his chin.

Many full-blood South Sudanese like myself don’t answer to his descriptions which I have just found out after personally examining his photograph above,using my detective eyes.

This story is a ploy from a Sudanese Muslim journalist working for Sudantribune website where this story first appears.

From my own deductions,the aim of this article is to seek attention of South Sudanese Christians and see the contents of their reactions.

Deng II October 19, 2015 at 8:20 pm

Tolio the man names is called Kuol Deng. He is from Dinka Warap. it was reveal from chimpreport news.

Tolio October 20, 2015 at 3:45 pm

Deng II

My sincere applies to you my brother,his family and all our fellow South Sudanese citizens who are affected by this sad tragic news,which turned out to be true after I failed to believe it.

I didn’t have an access to the video news footage at the time but only the print versions of it.

I thought it was a lie which I wish it was a lie.

Now that I have just learnt the truth from your update in response, I am now beyond sad and at the same time kicked myself in the leg for not believing this shocking story to be true in the first place.

My condolences go to his families,entire Dinka communities and fellow South Sudanese citizens who are touched by such inhumane killing of our own fellow, Kuol Deng from Warrap.

R.I.P, my brother. You were killed for no reason and didn’t deserve to die.

Tolio October 20, 2015 at 4:05 pm

Deng II

Correction:my sincere apologies ( it appears as applies)

GatNor October 20, 2015 at 10:34 am

I agree with you on this one that the group behind ISIS is looking for a reaction but had this group took the time to study the people of South Sudan they would have discovered that religious fanatics of all denominations does not exist. Had they thought of tribal extremists in the country and their aims of dragging South Sudan into religious war would work. It’s in circulation that Isreal’s ruling families are the number one financiers of ISIS and no one is risking questioning them because your fate could be like that of palestinian children. Now keep in mind that Isreal has historic. strategic political and christian ties with the people of South Sudan. To say ISIS is on a path of religious war madness would be naive. ISIS fighters are not all Muslims and consist of different ethnic backgrounds and not only Arabs. The question is what does South Sudan have to do with the plan of these financiers with nothing in common but creating fears to achieve their hideous agenda.

There was an article awhile back hinting at Isreal’s invisible hand in the Juba genocide that later became the cause of civil war. Putting two and two together, there is got to be something more sinnister going on that the reaction of South Sudanese is so important to the creators of ISIS.

GatNor October 19, 2015 at 4:46 am

If anyone is being prosecuted in the region of Sudan’s north and South; its the Christians The ruling zionist crap is dragging South Sudan into more messes.

South Sudan’s genocidal dictator met with Isreal prime minister in discreet over several occasions that friendship whether good or bad can’t be use as an excuse for ISIS having anything to do with South Sudan.

First and foremost, ISIS never fundamentally existed. The business of terrorizing world citizens with something that doesn’t exists Is what is fundamentally wrong.

Those who created ISIS are finally trying to go to South Sudan using religion by claiming ISIS is in South Sudan to defend ISLAM AND MUSLIMS.. Stay put people, ISIS creators must be told to keep their murdering activities out of South Sudan. Enough blood had already been sacrificed since Dec/2013 to date.What about all those arab children dying by the thousands.is that not enough for these blood suckers.

AGUMUT October 19, 2015 at 7:23 am

There is lot of money in Libya,but think twice before you go there because ISIS are like Mafia. Think twice because money make only easy life.

gatdarwich October 19, 2015 at 10:29 am

That dead man should cursed and take away the incompetent, warlord, tribal-oriented, power-hungry-greedy,traitorous-killer Kiir, and the JCE(the Dinka council of national resources looters) out of this world soon, because if Killer Kiir and JCE didn’t invented the current crisis, he wouldn’t had gone to Libya period

AGUMUT October 20, 2015 at 3:14 am

Go to work and live in Libya if you like yes we can (USA). Arab of Middle east have started Terrorism and Western World took over.

gatdarwich October 19, 2015 at 10:09 am

That dead should curse and take the incompetent, warlord, tribal-oriented, power-hungry-greedy, traitorous, killer Kiir,and the JCE(the Dinka council of national resources looters) out of this world soon, because if Kiir and the JCE didn’t invented the current crisis, he wouldn’t had gone to Libya period.


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