
Despite Sanctions, South Sudan Leaders Fail To Reach Consensuses!

Leaders of South Sudan's warring factions greet at the signing of a roadmap agreement in Ethiopia in May 2014(Photo: file)
Leaders of South Sudan’s warring factions greet at the signing of a roadmap agreement in Ethiopia in May 2014(Photo: file)

March 5, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Despite threats of sanctions, armed embargo and punitive actions by the region and the International Community, the South Sudanese leaders, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riek Machar Teny, have yet again failed to make significant compromises as another dateline passes.

The two warring principals, like yesterday, walked out of Sheraton Hotel this afternoon with little to promise the people of South Sudan that peace could be signed tomorrow, March 5, 2015, as agreed last month.

According to members of principals’ delegations, the two leaders have this afternoon disagreed on wealth sharing, transitional justice, transitional security arrangement, contracted debts, power sharing and permanent Constitution making process.

Transitional Security Arrangement:

While the SPLM-IO delegation, under Dr. Riek Machar, proposes that the National Security Council and National Defense Council must be commanded by two commanders in chief, in charge of two separate armies that will be only amalgamated after 30 months, the SPLM-Juba delegation, under Salva Kiir Mayardit, rejects the proposal.

According to Michael Makuei Lueth, who speaks for SPLM-Juba, the government delegations is working hard to maintain its status quo and bring rebels to account.

“The government of South Sudan’s delegation is trying its level best to bring the rebels to their original positions, so that we can negotiate peace and take it back to our people”. Said Makuei Lueth, the minister of information and broadcasting

Makuei believes that no peace will be signed unless the SPLM-IO conform to demands laid by SPLM-Juba, the government delegation.

“That peace will be coming if and only if the rebels can change their positions and conform to what we had agreed earlier so that we go ahead” Makuei said.

Juba proposes that the over 70% of the National army that rebelled Salva Kiir’s leadership must be reintegrated within 12 months into the foreign-allied loyal forces. The arrangement, however, says nothing on the militia, child soldiers, and regional mercenaries in the conflict.

Juba fears that having two armies in the country is a postponement of war or technically bringing war to towns, according to Speaker Makuei Lueth.

“Continuation of two armies in one country means suspension of war or transferring of war from the bushes to the towns”Makuei narrates.

Parameters of Permanent Constitution

The governance committee representing the two warring parties have disagreed on parameters of permanent constitution making process.

While the SPLM/SPLA demands that the constituent assembly must draft the Permanent Constitution to avoid recurrent of dictatorial tendencies that led the country into abyss, the government delegation demands that the Permanent Constitution must be drafted by the National Legislative Assembly, which to the opposition has lost its legitimacy.

Transitional Justice, Compensation and Accountability:

To heal the wounds and restore the nation, the opposition proposes establishment of Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Commission; Right to Truth; Right to Justice; Right to Reparation and Compensation; and Non-Repetition or Never Again commissions in the country.

In addition, the opposition proposes establishment of Reparation and Compensation Commission; Hybrid Court and implementation of African Union Commission of Inquiry’s Report.

Juba has rejected all the above proposals without elaborations or alternatives measures. In earlier reports, however, senior members of Salva Kiir government have shown fear in AUC and UN reports on atrocities, crimes and violations.

“Obasanjo wrote that report and that report is not good with us. He is not the author but a person connected with Khartoum took part in writing the report. This person used his commonsense by referencing another war atrocities but not focus on the reality of what took place in this war. They interviewed different people and fail to do so with those who knew the genesis of what took place. ” Said Daniel Awet Akot, the deputy Speaker of the National Legislative Assembly.

In other reports, the two warring principals with their mini-delegations, comprising of negotiators Nhial Deng Nhial and Michael Makuei Lueth on Salva Kiir’s side, Dr. Dhieu Mathok and youth league leader Puot Kang Chol on Dr. Machar’s side, were expected to resume talks at 5pm this evening to resolve the outstanding issues before the tomorrow’s dateline.

Talks between the two principals resumed on March 2, 2015, after Salva Kiir succumbed to overdue pressure from the region, international community and SPLM/SPLA-IO to get Salva Kiir to negotiation table.

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Konkel kejowkel March 4, 2015 at 11:21 am

Threats of sanctions iT’s never been significances of resolving out this sensesless war in South Sudan,despite the route cause of this conflicts. could tree survive minus its roots, oblivion that is not, if that is not good wine would have been in need of bush. Wherefore, to say is that current political mold that has been applied on the mediation process implies unfruitgul results due to lack of concretness.
Peace when conflicts escalated in stalemate stage needed some heuristic procedures should be used of which can saps with resolving out the grievances between conflicted parties . However, artbitrators should have atleast authenticated out is who boiled waters neutrally.

Tut Chuol Guor March 4, 2015 at 6:04 pm

The whole world should understand that salva kiir come to ADDIA ABABA for peacefull talk but just to buy time inorder for the international power to expel sanction on Juba.
Ugandan force as a demand from s.sudanese must with draw first otherwise Juba will not accept any peace in the country.

GatNor March 4, 2015 at 8:34 pm

Juba Faction simply have no interest in reaching any peeaceful settlement to the conflict thus has no outlined vision purposing any alternative to that of Main Faction of SPLM/A-Pagaak. To determine one’s seriousness and commitment to any resolution, he or she must present an alternative solution in disagreememt to that of the other party. To say no to every proposal including that which is good and well intended for all the parties victims of the massacres and diverse citizens alike says a lot of those who pretend to be seeking peace. Machar is deaaling with a group led by a man with a 2years old reasoning capacity or less. Everything is a no, just imagine that. I said before only the language of gun barrel will be respected and accepted by dictators. Kiir will agree with me even though he would hate to see everyone see things as I am. Good luck South Sudan embrace yourself for a long war.

Mawien Magol March 4, 2015 at 9:03 pm

I think if the rebel leader doesn’t change all that demanding which they are dreaming then, I guess the peace is already collapse in Addis Ababa. According to former SPLA IO spokesman Br, general Lul Ruai Koang, the former vice president Dr. Riek Machar Teny is putting agendas which will make it difficult for peace agreement to resolved the problems. From that time when he said this important issue, I took the note and now I belief this man was telling the world about reality on the rebels side and I want to tells my commentators that, if peace agreement is finally failed then, do not blamed the president Salva Kiir Mayardit, because in his part, he had absolutely complete 90% accepted and he has calls rebels even to enter Juba within a month but the rebels leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny refused because he is fearing arrest. The former vice president doesn’t understand that, peace agreement is a give and takes meaning, one side has to give up for thing and the other side has to take it while accepted some hard choices for the sake of citizens but for him to demanding everything to be in his favor is killing peace process.

Now let us look the notion of having two armies in small young nation but put in mind that, there are many things lacking young nation and funding a big armies like that would need more resources. I don’t think this is a good Idea by rebel leaders to demanding two armies and two chiefs of staffs and two Minister Defense and one president with two VPS this is a big messed never happen in any country in the world. The rebel leader is borrowing this Idea from the CPA when the SPLM were absolutely demanding two separately armies and one president with two VPS in the Sudan and the intention by late chairman Dr. John Garang de Mabior and his groups SPLM was to vote on referendum election as we did in 2011. One can ask question, what is the intention of rebel leader? Is rebels leader Dr. Riek Machar want another separation within South Sudan? Is demanding two separate armies has become another tactically insight we want to know? Obviously, it is clear now that, the rebels leader is not interesting to resolving this conflict in trying to give up some deal and I took note from former rebel spokesman Br, general Lul Koang again, the former vice president is putting agendas that will make it difficult for peace agreement to success. Please tell your rebels leader to keep singing about demanding everything to be giving to his side but in the end, the rebels leader will find himself losing such demanding Items if that peace deal failed Today.

NewSouthSudan March 5, 2015 at 3:07 am

Riek machar feeling like he had nothing to lose and have everything to gain,even that his tribe suffered and still suffering its meant nothing to him,Riek is so blinded with he’s own ambitions..


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