Contributor's Elbow Chuol Music

The Story of Lul Tuach Dojiok; Struggle for Achievement in Crisis

“Sky is not the Limit.”

By Elbow Chuol,

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May 17, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— The story of Lul Tuach Dojiok is quite unique compared to the stories of many people who believe that sky is the ceiling to human achievements. To Lul Tuach, who’s commonly known by his stage name as Bulbul — a South Sudanese rapper, singer, an actor, movies director, and a very well recommended comedian- sky is just the beginning.

Lul is a good looking dude, who commands competition to those of Christ Brown, Usher, Ricardo, Paul Walker, Justin Bieber and former Kenya President Mwai Kibaki. Among his talents, there is something about him that moves those whom he approaches and that is his spirit of putting others above himself.

His long black hairs erects straight to heaven, with a broad chiseled face designed for smiles, Lul is not that very much athletic like many other Africa musicians who strive their best to impressed their fans. He recently told me via Face book messenger that he don’t have a girlfriend and I doubt if he meant the business.

It took time waiting for Bulbul getting together to talks about his life, 4 hour drives from Ambo University is not the business as usual. In the midst of preparation for graduation, the young humble artist took his time and catch-up with me at Golagol 4th floors.

“Elbow, I just learn from an old man in the car that sky is not the limits.” And I knew the boy has been through hell.

Meeting Bulbul

Lul Tuach Dojiok.....
Lul Tuach Dojiok…..

When I met Bulbul on Monday afternoon this week to discuss about his new rocking movie, he was sarcastically shy when I volunteered to pays for our bill. He removed some type of green rag I had known for a very long time as “Birr.” Ethiopia Legal Tender to some lengthen can be the best kind of coinage in the world if the corporatocracy do not rheostat our world economy. Corporatocracy are the giants invisible international business organizations who careless about the pitiable, least developing nations, wars or diseases. They don’t have borders, they go beyond what we today known as international advertise; they created them.

And so Bulbul and I decided to share the burden. We sat long hours discussing about his life familiarity. I knew things would definitely adjust with time and now it is time to initiate changing things for better.

Beholding at him closely, he is tangible self-same person who loves wearing nice clothes for season. Last year he introduced a very exclusive style of vinaigrette and today it is the talk in some of the major cities in East Africa. He quiet buying clothes from the cloths lines; he goes to designers and gets his coy style up for greatness. He love being different, a very self-effacing person and kind having borrowed the essence of Christian virtues, he consider others better himself.

The young superstar love Walwal and Kob, traditional Nuer food made out of grain of sorghums or maize floor. He wishes getting tie the knot to those types of women who can execute a great work for his belly. He is an amazing dude who never lacks opportunity to smiles to his fans.

Alike many other artists out there, Lul is a dreamer who came from a family tree eras known for their capacity to sings. His uncle was believed to be a great musician long before Bulbul was discussed to exist. His granddaddy too was well celebrated to be a great composer of traditional songs for war, wedding and age mates’rite of passageway. Bulbul mother passed on when only two months, and his elder sister now in Australia took the responsibility to hoist a future musician, comedian and a great movie actor.

Born in 1990 somewhere in the bushes of south Sudan of Maiwut County, Upper Nile State, a year later the young future phenomenal musician would spends almost the rest of his life in Dimma Refugee camp. The refugees in Dimma knew him for outrageously comedian charisma and making people hoot. He was very illustrious back then in the camp for his capacity to gather people and entertains them. All his jokes were made to stir hilarity.

First time in the studio

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Lul Tuach Dojiok begun to appear in the music industry 9 years ago and what follow next is dramatic progress of a young South Sudanese trying to prove his musical career in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. During dusty summer, Lul would walked away from his friends find a lonely place and tried to correct his most disparage voice by his friends. He was working hard to prove them wrong,

“When I try to sings, I realized my voice is worse than my problems.” He recalls his childhood memories.

He released his first song in one of the well-known studio in Nairobi Kenya and its rocked; he couldn’t believe himself. He felt completely transformed, “I wanted to spend a night in the studio for no reason.” His first song, sort of country side music, Ca loc da ku luang ka hoo en Han Nuer, was release and circulates among the friends. He was surprised when the song was played the following week in Juba by the Eye Radio. He took out his friends to celebrate one of the great achievements in his life. His first album was out from one of the famous and respected studio in Kenya, Calif Records.

The young superstar is a seasonal musician, actor, celebrated comedian and one again a rare blessed producer and movies director. Earning nothing from his first album, in 2013 he appeared again now more vigilant than any other time in his life.

Like any other Blue n RnB singers, the man is a thrills predictor knowing exactly when his fans wanted him back most. Struggling to be who he wanted to be in life, Martha Nyamal Choat a former minister in Upper Nile State step-in to offered help “Baby wanna be with you” was out and dominant highly sold Chinese phones among south Sudanese living in Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Australia and USA. The song found its way to YouTube stirring gossips. Bulbul released a single album, and “Baby wanna be with you” featuring Sarah Yong, YD, Wic Mic was the beginning of his long journey in the music industry.

Having a lot of friends, Sarah Nyanath Yong, former minister in Upper Nile too paid for “Nyamitot”a down breaking video widely plays in wedding ceremonies, Radio shows and in concerts. Bulbul now famously surface as one of the well-known South Sudanese musician a title he longed to enjoys.

Some of his latest hot videos like, The Number is busy, Do you remember featuring Pinky C, I don’t believe we separated, I got the key, made fortunate for his name last year. Working with well-known studios like Calif Record, Music Empire in Kenya, M-square in Ethiopia owned by Abase,and Goa ni Mal studio owned by Mha Chang, a South Sudanese Rapper, producer and a movie director based in Ethiopia. Bulbul is changing from what many believe as improvement to prominent musician.

Perhaps his biggest achievements in music came along through the blessing of Goa ni Mal studio this year. In February this year after releasing one of the widely speculated hit song, “We didn’t fight” featuring Mha Chang. The song rise debates among his fans. A lot of friends thought he is dizzying his foes competitors, and other claims it to be a political motivated song.  In YouTube the song is now commanding thousands of viewers both in Australia and USA.

As an Actor

The young man didn’t stop there in the world of music but further his talent by doing things his heart desire yarn to do. Bulbul first appeared in the Brown Stone (Black’s Rights Organization for the Will of the Nations System Technology Objectives for New Education) in 2009, a South Sudanese movie produced and directed by Peace Amb. Gatwech Koak Nyuon. Alongside model Nyagoa John Jock, Nyadak John and the late Nyakong Toang Duoth the wife to popular South Sudanese singer, Dee Gee, Bulbul though not the main actor, amazingly outshined his colleagues.

In 2011, he released his first ever movie, Cieng Jiek Meer Bol. His new movie talks about polygamy practice; he openly criticized polygamy as a negative force that divides families. Lul openly discouraged polygamy and ask families to focus in educating children for better future. The movie which sold 1,000 copies in the first two weeks among his south Sudanese friends in Nairobi Kenya, Bulbul realized the gold inside him and never stops just there.

Last month Bulbul produced one of the best movies ever produced. Cieng Paleka loosely translates; living to forgive is now on sale in Australia, United States and Canada. His dramatic characters appear throughout the movie. One you begins to watch it, is hard to stop. In the Movie, appears Khor Dj, one of the popular South Sudanese artists currently living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ochan Tongyik, Pham Bayoch who referred to himself as a man of peace, Nyahok Chuol, Gatwech Hoth Wal, Ramkel Lok a national Ethiopian footballer playing with Ethiopia National Team, Panuom Tut, JB, Polit John, and Nyawal Chuol. The movie based on a true chronicle.

His upcoming Graduation

Bulbul is also an Academician; he is graduating in July with Degree in Psychology. “This July I will be graduating with a degree in Psychology, all things happen through the glory of God.” Many people don’t bother about the musicians’ educational background. I was proud to learn the superstar is in the class while doing his music, acting and cracking jokes. He is grateful to Nyetang Tuach Dojiok, his elder sister now in Australia and her husband Gatluak Nyak Titit for standing with him in all his darkest moments, his uncle, late Gach Dojiok, Banzir Dojiok and his fans for standing in supports to push him where he is today.

“I cannot forget those who financially support my music, Martha Nyamal Choat, Sarah Nyanaath Yong, Nyagoa Biliew, Reat Nyanhial, and my musical crew Dj Kim and many more.”

Bulbul will be graduating this summer from the University of Ambo with degree in Psychology. He is not the only one in the long list of graduation,

“My fellow musicians like Tango Peter, Gatwech Hoth Wal, Killenge Gatkek Tut, Lul Yien, Pham Simon Kuiy, Jadda, and Duop Pur Duop are finishing their degree in various Universities across Ethiopia in July.”

Bulbul today is standing tall and proud for all the achievements happening in his life. He thanks his fans, and encourage the upcoming musicians never to give up or in to their deepest heart’s desire.

“As the old man told me early today in the car, sky is not the limits.”

The author of this report, Elbow Chuol is Nyamilepedia’s correspondent. You can reach him at elbow.chuol@gmail.com

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