By Justice John Clement Kuc,

Dec 15, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) — To the families who lost their lost ones in Juba from December15, 2013 and onwards; to the families who lost their love ones in Bor, Malakal , Bentiu and everywhere in South Sudan since the beginning of this conflict up to date.
All distinguished guests,
I greet you all in name of our Lord Jesus Christ and may His love, peace and grace be with you all.
Dear brothers and sisters,
It is our right and duty as the people of South Sudan to remember and honor those brothers and sisters of ours who had been killed without knowing why they are dying , in actual fact most of them died in a cool blood and very innocent just like our Lord Jesus Christ. Their names always will remain in our hearts forever like the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Their blood will wash away the tribalism, hatred and bad governance just like the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ who washed away the sins of the world.
Brothers and sisters
It is our duty to know why those people have been killed by supporting the implementation of the peace. In the Compromised peace agreement on the resolution of the conflict in South Sudan chapter 5 is talking about transitional justice. It is through the transitional justice that we the people of South Sudan and international community will know exactly what happen in December 15,2015 and onwards. This agreement provided 3 institutions of transitional justice :-
- The commission for Truth, Reconciliation and healing (CTRH), in this Commission people will testified about what they saw, what happened and who did it and also it is concerning with peace and reconciliation among the various communities in South Sudan for the purposes of peace co-existence our communities.
- An Independent Hybrid judicial body, to be known as the Hybrid Court for South Sudan and it is composed of foreigners and South Sudanese to try those who committed horror atrocities in this war, those who violated international human rights law and international humanitarian law with the aim to put end to impunity and establishment of the rule of law in the country so that such atrocities cannot repeat itself again, never again, never again.
- And finally, compensation and Reparation Authority. This body is responsible for compensating the victims who lost their lives or their relatives and their properties.
Brothers and sisters
We have a reasonable cause to support this agreement so that we achieve what I have said before and move on again with our lives because South Sudan is belong to all us not to one tribe or two tribes but all of us … South Sudan is belong to who ?
Finally if South Sudan is belong to us than let choose peace over war, love over hatred, forgiveness over grudge and nationalism over tribalism.
And thank you very much
Justice, John Clement Kuc
Executive Director,
African Centre for Transitional justice
E.mail johnayuec@gmail.com
Or director@act-j.org