Contributor's Dhoal Larjin Peace Process South Sudan SPLM

Factors That Will Jeopardize Implementation Of Peace Agreement Between SPLM-IO And GRSS.

By Dhoal Larjin,

SPLM/SPLA Chief Negotiator, Gen. Taban Deng Gai addresses the media after arrive in Juba on Dec 21, 2015(Photo: Nyamilpedia version)
SPLM/SPLA Chief Negotiator, Gen. Taban Deng Gai addresses the media after arrive in Juba on Dec 21, 2015(Photo: Nyamilpedia version)

Jan 05, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — A peace agreement has been signed but is less supported by peace actors. One can draw that several factors arising as parties likely to violate the agreement because most of the actors are not serious with implementation phase. I observe that several factors analyses will result in blockading the peace implementation. These factors will lead to failure of the peace agreement. One of the factors in the implementation is the falling of IGAD and other peace actors to use force.

I think it is necessary for IGAD and other peace actors to use force if they want to implement this peacefully. SPLA leaders are military commanders who cannot listen and abide by professional agreement because they value gun power. I urge IGAD countries to use military force to help the warring parties implement the peace and prevent the country from falling apart. IGAD plus Five, the AU Peace and Security Commission, the AU Commission should use their military forces to enforce the agreement. They should get united and firm in enforcing the agreement to the parties. Second, there is a lack of knowledgeable securities to protect the peace and the people. There should be more local and international securities to help safeguard the parties from intimidating people and jeopardizing the implementation.

I believe more forces are needed to protect the national government of unity. They will be necessary to help in the reform process. I suggest that the implementation process needs well trained to save the civilians who are likely to get displaced due to war. SPLA should be reform by use force. Third, IGAD countries are likely to be corrupted by encouraging any parties to violate the implementation. They should stop any party from developing and breaking the peace implementation. Fourth, people of South Sudan have little critics of this agreement because they are intimidated by gun power. I believe more critics will bring development and ways to address the country. The international community should assure free transformational aspects of the government.

Fifth, there is little freedom of speech and justice. People need to see constitutional change, free elections, justice, protection of human rights and freedom of expression, active civil society participation, reconciliation, economic and financial transparency and accountability, and security sector reforms. All these reforms should be supported by the use of force because the SPLA regime is undisciplined armed groups. I am urging for more inclusive of military and professional people in the peace process because our leaders are military commanders. Salva Kiir and Riek Machar should have no stake in these processes. I suggest the gun power groups should be blocked from their continued and rivalling ambitions for the presidency in our country. We are urging a stronger and use of force actions from Africa, the UN, and the U.S countries.

Sixth, the selection of the ministerial posts should be done by IGAD and the peace actors. I am observing series of violation of the peace. For example, the delay of IO first team is the strategy to violate of peace. The reception of SSAF in Juba shows GRSS will not implement peace. The arrival of SSAF/ FDP first team does not bear and significant to people of South Sudan but it is just a violation of the implementation. GRSS is likely to use security agents of the other forces to agitate the implementations. Juba regime will use unrecognized forces to disrupt peace and to intimate SPLM-IO members in Juba. Salva Kiir will now have a reason to violate the signed peace between SPLM-IO and the GRSS.

He is likely to appoint some of the members to the position of the SPLM-IO. People cannot just go to some who deny their right to exist and freedom of speech. My advice for those few individual all armed forces should stop being used by security agents to intimidate people and to violate the peace. South Sudanese people do not want sabotage of peace. I am so the concern about the peace because I am a leader of millions South Sudanese people who elected the presidency of the Republic of South Sudan but I call his government illegitimate because his force kills thousandth of the voters.

IGAD mediators should fix the lack of trust and confidence during the implementation. It is regrettable that four months after the signing of peace hostilities continue unabated and more lives are being lost. IGAD in its attempt to resolve the problem started on the wrong foot by trying to divide the national cake among the parties to the conflict first before digging into the root causes. It is deviated from the normal mediation and dedicated to vain nearly two years of mediation to a division of positions in government.

The power-sharing model as a strategy to end the dispute. IGAD need to inject more forces into the conflict and complicated matters further. GRSS is one of the actors in the peace process that is likely to violate the implementation of the signed peace because it leaders does not want peace. They will not implement peace as it is scheduled. They will refuse to allow all national parties and other actors a chance to nominate their ministers. They will use forces against the SPLM-IO and blocked them from entering with their arms. If they allowed them, they will attack them at their bases. Finally, I am calling for all forces to unite against GRSS that uses Juba as a butchery for killing civilians.

Dhoal Larjin is a leader of SPLM-IO2 can be reached through email dtuolual@gmail.com

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Thak Galou Riak January 5, 2016 at 2:08 pm

Use of force is not necessary right now, since implementation of components so far are ahead of schedule and is moving forward smoothly, plan for military actions not warranted so far.

Goweng Torbaar January 5, 2016 at 9:54 pm

Let wait for some days and see what will happen.

Gat.darwich January 6, 2016 at 12:03 am

what the heck is Gen. Dhoal still doing in Nairobi while he publicly published and announced on the social media a week ago that he and six other generals would be in Pagak on December 30, 2015.

Being a lone wolf is dangerous and imminently kills

please immediately unite with your brothers if you really want to win Killer NyanKiir’s tribal war period.

Luak Jek January 6, 2016 at 2:55 am

Yes Dhoal, the factors that you listred above will really provent the to be implemented but we need to put all our effort as citizens to do way with the side that dose not want peace.

Luak Jek January 6, 2016 at 3:08 am

NB: READ AGAINT PLEASE! Yes, Dhoal the factors that you listed above will really provent the PEACE TO BE IMPLEMENTED. But we need to put all our effort as citizens to do away with the side that dose not want PEACE.


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