Charles Wani Pioneson Contributor's Press Release

SPLM/SPLA Mission In Canada Condemns Juba Diplomats Propaganda!

By Amb. Charles Wani Pioneson,
Ambassador Charles Wani Pioneson, SPLM/SPLA Deputy Representative to Canada, holds South Sudan flag at Dr. Machar's welcoming in Washington, DC (Photo: supplied)
Ambassador Charles Wani Pioneson,
SPLM/SPLA Deputy Representative to Canada, holds South Sudan flag at Dr. Machar’s welcoming in Washington, DC (Photo: supplied)

June 07, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– On my own behalf, as Deputy Representative to Canada, I want to take this opportunity to thank you our SPLM Members across Canada Provinces and Territories for your successful achievements and support towards a peaceful and democratic resolution to the imposed South Sudan Conflict that resulted from Juba December 2013 genocide of Nuer innocent citizens, dictatorial leadership and oppressive regime in South Sudan and living in Canadian values and dreams of democracy, fair justice system and human right.

On February 6, 2016 Ambassador Gordon Buay Maleek, a Nuer wiew, Reported — see the link iframe&page=imprintable&id_article=57935 —  bogus & fake allegations against our SPLM/SPLA officials and diplomat that they have been apprehended and detained and quote:

“ The Chief -of-Staff of the Ethiopia National Defense Force (ENDF), Gen. Samora Mitchel, ordered the arrest of the SPLM-IO members because they were being suspected of arming the Nuer and Anyuak youth who clashed on January 26, 2016” partly reads a statement extended to Sudan Tribune by Gordon Buay, a South Sudanese Ambassador based in Washington”.

SPLM/SPLA Canada Mission want to clarify to our SPLM Members, sympathizers and supporters  across Canada, USA, Australia, Europe, Africa and the public that the above bogus and fabricated information by Gordon Buay, the most wanted world criminal who is now banned from carrying out terrorism on Facebook, for inciting genocide against innocent Nuer tribe citizens and South Sudanese activist is inaccurate and only aimed to distract the world attention on the violation of the Compromised Peace Agreement 28 states creation by Juba and suspension order by IGAD JMEC, Juba regime intentional rejection of our advanced team to come out of Juba for treatment in Pagak and neighboring countries, Juba use of abolished chemicals on innocent civilians and SPLM/SPLA cantonments center in Maridi Mid-West State and our Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon bilateral visit to Arab Republic of Egypt to promote peaceful implementation of the Compromised Peace Agreement to our neighbor and to brief our South Sudanese refugees in Egypt on the Compromised Peace Agreement execution and its challenges.

SPLM/SPLA Canada wants to assure our members that there was no single SPLM/SPLA official arrested in Gambella Peoples’ Regional State neither do SPLM/SPLA have base & interests in internal affairs of Ethiopia.

SPLM/SPLA Canada salute & appreciate the government of Ethiopia and Gambella Region for their support in hosting & rescuing South Sudanese refugees flying from Juba genocide and Nuer tribe targeting. Our Diplomat Comrade James Bang Hoth and all alleged officials are well, secure and doing their work and assignments as authorized by our Chairman and Commander in Chief Gen. Riek. We are committed in the implementation of the Compromised Peace Agreement as it is signed in 2015/8/17

Ambassador Charles Wani Pioneson is the SPLM/SPLA Deputy Representative to Canada. He can be reached for further comments at cpioneson@yahoo.ca

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Tolio February 8, 2016 at 8:57 am

Ambassadorship isn’t a post of oppositions. It is only the government of the day that should have consulates representing South Sudan abroad.

Having an ambassor overseas when you are not in any way ruling South Sudan is officiousness.

Ambassador Gordon Buay is the only legitimate official in north America. The rest in Canada have no incumbency in South Sudan to be ambassadors overseas.

There is nobody who has banned Mr Buay from using Facebook. He is not an outlaw since there is no crime he has committed of which a law court found him quilty

The Nuers and Anyuaks of Ethiopia are not under South Sudanese leadership. They are foreigners. It is not our businesses to even talk about them.

The focus of every should be on immediate formation of unity government, not issues like the conflict between Anyuaks and Nuers of Ethiopia.

philip tut February 8, 2016 at 12:08 pm

Movies star Gordon bouch not Ambassador telling fake to media

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ February 8, 2016 at 12:38 pm


you are far behind. Remember that the SPLA/M-IO retain its own army. The leader of the galant SPLA/M-IO tour the cilties turning stones looking for genuine peace without any permission from kiir. What are you trying to tell the world? It is up to you my poor friend. Keep on sleeping and dreaming that the 63 tribes still do respect the rule of jenge elders. The reality is this, if kiir allows elders of his tribe to form a council which destroys this country by giving bad advise to the president which leads to the massacre of the innocent civilians in Juba, then why not SPLA/M-IO to have ambassodors around the world inorder to disclose your evil deeds against humanity? An ambassodor simply means a representative. Do you think SPLA/M-IO does not have representatives around the Wold? We who want reforms have gone very far my Brother, we have Chapters all around the globe just like in our time of the Liberation. No more jokes, we mean bussiness.

tolio, good that you are already calling for the formation of the GoNU, you could have listened to us when we told you we will be in Juba without any fail and from here in Juba, we must champion forward for true Democracy not dinkacracy. We are here to stay, we are here to bring changes weather you like it or not. We must have the Chair of the cake. Do not panic poor boy tolio. It is not yet over til it is over.

Nuer and Anyuak of Ethiopia might be foreigners. But WANI Charles Pioneson is a true son of Juba, true son of Central Equatoria in particular and of Greater Equatoria in general as well as true son of South Sudan. You better shut Your toothless mouth. Enough is enough.

Tolio February 9, 2016 at 12:21 am


An ambassador is a diplomat of the highest rank accredited as a representative from one country to another. Put it in your chimp brain that you are not teaching me anything new.

You boast about having a separate military of the SPLM-IO,well let me tell you that it is nothing new in South Sudan.Both Riek Machar and Lam Akol had a separate military(ies) from that of John Garang and Salva Kiir when they split from the movement in 1991. Did that stop John Garang or Salvia Kiir from fighting Khartoum regime? Of course you know nothing about that because you little ass scratching monkey were a Boda Boda in one of East African refugee camp.

The independence of this country was achieved as a result of hard work that comes from Kiir Mayardit.

Next time you try lecture me lad, I will let one of my fiercest bull shove its sharp horns up your ass till you teeth tatter. LOL.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ February 9, 2016 at 1:41 am


hahahahahhaaaa……happy to see you getting agressive like a wounded baffolo. already you are a wounded cow just because we lecture you with the truth. We will never give up lecturing you, this is our work. Greater Equatorians are born with understanding of human mind not tolio who was born with a cow mind. You are just an agressive poor kiir’s cattle keeper. I tell you better chopp your dirty ass yourself before we chop it by the rule of waw very soon.

You were in Kakuma camp. Have you heard that Equatorians have what you call lost boys? You might be one of them but missed the chance to reach the US soils because God knows that you are so agressive and cannto fit in that country full of democracy not dinkacracy.

Idiot tolio, I think you know little about the history of the liberation of this country. You might have learnt about the history of the Liberation from your uncle the jenge council of awirin but I learnt it from the front linE, during the Anyanya 1 and SPLA/M and now the galant SPLA/M-IO. What are you trying to tell me you poor and lazy lizard.

Come here and listen to me poor boy. Yes kiir has been a part of the Liberation all the time but remember that he was not fighting this war alone. kiir was in Yei, very far from where Khartoum is. But do you know where were the Equatorians fighting? We were fighting both in South and in the Eastern Front near Kasala, blocking Port Sudan road leading to Khartoum. This was under the overall command of major general Thomas Cirilo. You are stupid, foolish and dum. You must accept my lectures so that your eyes open. Thomas Cirilo and Abraham Wana plus a very huge number of Greater Equatorian fighters were sent by Dr. Garang to the Eastern Front after Garang knew that South Sudan was more secured because Equatorians were the most people who helped to put this movement together. Garang trusted us not like you who Calls us cowards. All of you were refugees in Greater Equatoria. You did not have any save heaven in your states. We protected your dirty asses. But I lecture to you today to make you understand that we will never protect you again. we will reform you by the means of Democracy. Just wait and see, we are not joking and do not panic, it is too early. It is not over until it is over.

Remember what happened in around 1988 -90 when the jalaba declared the all wipeout of our movement which you now call it was fought by kiir alone. tolio, you are really a true rat. might be a cow is more better than you. Listen, this war was not fought by kiir only you alway talk. You always talk of dinka but forget great fighters like Mobutu Momur Mete, Samuel Abu, Thomas Cirilo, Abaraham Wana, late Joseph Oduho and many others.

Who are you to tell me to keep silent? Go to School, learn the history of the Liberation of this country starting from the first bullet fired in Torit in 1955, right it Down bring it to me. Then I have to mark it and decide wether you deserve to pass or not. But am quite sure you will not pass for you are born to be an animal just in a human body. you idiot, we are in the modern era, we must build a free nation call South Sudan for all not jenge only.

I won you not to say again that the independant of this country is a hard work of kiir. Every body fought and voted for it. you foolish. Even the recent vote of all South Sudanese for the independant have gone out of Your animal mind. This is why I must Call you a rat not cow any more.

The vote for independant was conducted in EVERY CONTINENT IN THE WORLD. And kiir was not in every continent during the elections. Dr. Riak was there championing for the total independant of this country. Have you forgotten that mr. kiir and Dr. Riak were moving together during the campaign for independant?. HAHAHAHHAAHA, you tolio the rat.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ February 9, 2016 at 7:23 am

tolio the rat,

And did Garang liberated the country when he and kiir were fighting khartom? Garang did go back for unity with Dr. Machar and Dr. Lam when he knew that the cow mind would never help him liberated this country by himself. If you have forgotten this event, I do not forget for life. So stop Your usual Language that Garang liberated this country without any help from Dr. Riak, Dr. Lam and finaly every one’s vote accounts alot. Learn history and come to reason with me.

About your bull sharp horns which you want release, I have have released it into your dirty ass. this is why I call you a wounded baffolo. Pay attention to me, do you know how we people of Greater Equatoria kill Our bulls? We tie up their testicles by a very thin wire. We have already tied up you testicles. And we know when you will fall. Wait and see. Once again, we are in Juba not to knock out the remnants of your teet from your big dirty mouth. We are here to tie up the testicles of all old and young jenge bulls. Hhahahahahahaah………….Come on and say something, am waiting…………..


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