Breaking News South Sudan

Declaration: SPLA-IO Generals Call For A TGoNU Without Mr. Machar and Mr. Kiir!

Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka speaks in Pagak Conference (Photo: Nyamilepedia)
Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka speaks in Pagak Conference (Photo: Nyamilepedia)

August 11, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- The recently relieved major generals of SPLA in Opposition, Maj.Gen Peter Gatdet Yak and Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth have made their full declaration in Khartoum, Sudan, this afternoon, August 11th, 2015.

The generals are calling for re-invigoration of IGAD-PLUS peace talks to exclude the two warring principles Dr. Riek Machar Teny and Mr. Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Addressing a conference in Khartoum, Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka narrates that the war has taken nearly two years without reaching any conclusive compromises or shown any adherent to earlier agreements while the citizens continue to suffer as war escalates.

“It is now two years since the conflict in South Sudan erupted in Juba on the 15th of December 2013. While IGAD and IGAD PLUS continue to exert tireless and tremendous efforts to mediate peace talks between the warring parties, fighting is spreading and innocent lives continue to be lost. Humanitarian work is being hampered by both parties to the conflict.” Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet said.

“Despite the signing of Cessation of Hostilities (COH) by both parties, the COH continues to be violated with untold devastation of lives and property.” Gatdet continues.

Referring to their earlier letter, written on July 7th, 2015, to address the Proposed Compromise Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, the general clarify their position as :

1. We reject any peace agreement that includes President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar in the leadership of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGONU). The two leaders have become symbols of hate and conflict and are obstacles to peace as both leaders wrangle over who should lead.

Similarly the two communities of Nuer and Dinka have become so polarized and divided to the extent that one community will reject the leadership of the other. Other sons and daughters of South Sudan should be allowed to lead during the transitional period and both President Kiir and Dr. Riek should wait for the next coming elections and contest for the presidency if they so desire. If this should not be the case then we suggest that a military led Transitional government comprising officers from both parties be formed until next elections are conducted.

In addition, the generals strongly oppose the SPLM re-unification agreement, signed by President Kiir and Riek Machar in Arusha, Tanzania on 21th January 2015.

According to the generals, the re-unification has a number of shortcomings that they believe would jeopardize the implementation of the peace agreement and future reconciliations among the citizens.  They list the following:

  • The reunification of SPLM confirms a return to status quo that plunged the Country to the current civil war triggered off by Juba December 2013 massacres.
  • It takes the Country back to the dictatorial rule of SPLM as witnessed from 2005 up to date. This means that there will be no political space for other political actors in South Sudan
  • The SPLM/SPLA-IO is a multi party resistance movement comprising of political and military forces that are opposed to Juba regime which has turned its guns against innocent citizens.
  • The reunification of the SPLM/A may compromise democratic transformation, reforms and federal system and will encourage one party dictatorship.

SPLM/A-IO Internal Issues

The sacked generals, who declared to maintain their positions as established by the SPLM/SPLA Chairman, Dr. Riek Machar, accused their chairman of mismanaging the movement and now declare to denounce his leadership.

“The SPLM/A-IO has a leadership crisis over the management of the movement. Dr. Riek has mismanaged and failed to unite the movement.” Gatdet said.

Gen. Gatdet accused Machar of making unilateral decisions without consulting the generals at the front-line.

“WE the Generals of the SPLM/A in Opposition have lost CONFIDENCE IN THE LEADERSHIP OF DR. RIEK MACHAR TENY, and from today he ceases to be the Chairman and Commander in Chief of SPLM/A-IO.” The general states.

Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth accuses both Dr. Machar and Gen. Taban Deng Gai of refusing to hand over the office of logistic to his leadership as he severally requested.

The general calls for a regime change through election proposing that both Dr. Machar and Mr. Kiir must give ways for the generals to reorganize the country until the next elections.

“Our objective is to bring about a regime change through elections in South Sudan  in order to bring a sustainable peace and development to our people. We therefore appeal to all people of South Sudan, all political parties, regional leaders and international community to support us in this political move.” Gen. Gatdet said.

“We call upon our gallant forces and the white army to remain united wherever they are in our areas of control and repulse any aggressors.” he continued.

Gen. Gatdet also calls on all the political forces to join him and restore the nation from collapse.

“To all political forces in SPLM/A and beyond, we call upon you to join us as people who have the Country and its people at heart. Together we can bring back our nation from the brink of collapse.” he said.

The generals, who have been sanctioned by the United States, European Unions and the United Nations, accused Mr. Kiir and Dr. Machar of igniting the current conflict and therefore urge IGAD-PLUS mediators to exclude the two leaders from the leadership of the proposed Transitional Government of National Unity.

“Dr. Riek Machar has already accepted to work with Salva Kiir as his Vice President in the Transitional Government of National Unity. These leaders have become symbols of hate, division and failed Leadership. Both leaders were responsible for igniting the current crisis. We strongly reject IGAD proposal that gives leadership of the transitional Government of National Unity to both President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar. The Transitional Government of National Unity (TGNU) should be led by South Sudanese who have the Country and its people at heart.” Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka said.

According to Major General Peter Gatdet, who maintains his titles as the Deputy Chief of General Staff for Operation, other SPLA-IO generals who support this declaration will maintain their positions and the objectives of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition.

The generals blame their counterparts, and Chief of General Staff for SPLA in Opposition, Maj. Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, for denying his signatures on the documents they submitted to IGAD-plus mediators.

Although the generals did not provide their full hierarchy, they promise to finalize their way forwards to be released in their subsequent press releases.

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James Droma August 11, 2015 at 4:50 am

Gen. Peter Gatdet might be mad dog.

Karab August 11, 2015 at 5:27 am

NUER & South sudan in general, becareful. The two generals are already confused because some thieves have been working hard to achieve this. Do you see any substantial reason for them to do what they are doing now? Nothing. Freedom fighters & all supporters should continue to be behind Riek machar & the SPLM IO leadership if you want to see the fruit of your sacrifice. Otherwise, You will perish & salva kiir will rule longer & more death will follow. Let the two generals do what they want to do as individuals. Hopefuly, they will not be against SPLM IO rather they will fight against a common enemy

maliah koang turoah August 11, 2015 at 6:45 am

not a mad dog but hero shame on u james droga

AGUMUT August 11, 2015 at 1:53 pm

You are still living in a Dinka House,you should be ashamed of yourself!

G.G.Teny August 11, 2015 at 7:13 am

I have suspicious feeling that these two might be moving to Juba Soon, rejoin the like of Fooljang and the rest. what a shame.such brilliant Generals,easily confused and mislead. what do they know about the dynamics circumstances surrounding this bloody mayhem, and the sacrifices needed to bring it to an end. strong-head only is not enough,realism matter in this regards. wishing them luck.

Semei Kakunggulu August 11, 2015 at 7:13 am

This news is not surprising, once a rebel always a rebel. Dinkas are celebrating the failure of your Nuers’ movement.

Karab August 11, 2015 at 7:59 am

I don’t care if riek is excluded from the leadership or not but The two generals failed miserably here. I know riek machar is doing great that is why even the two generals can not get a single problem of him. The two generals better return to SPLM IO if not, they should not work against them because that would mean betrayal plus. Let them go their own way with out disturbing the SPLM IO. If they try to be negative, the supporters & freedom fighters should not allow that. It was right for riek machar to relieve them because they were trying to do this while they are in their ranks. Solidiers should focus on the frontline especially when you have capable leader like riek machar on the political front.

junubi August 11, 2015 at 8:04 am

I think something is serously wrong with the two generals. Reshuffle doesn’t mean that someone has to declared or show disloyalty to the leadership. This is the same mindset that led us to this mess in the first place,and the two generals should remember that they’re under sanctions by US,EU,and UN. The international community will not let them derailed this peace process,and whoever is behind their intend to form a movement will definitely not succeed. The generals has clearly exposed their motives,and believed me the international community will pursue them really hard by all means should they think of sabotaging the ongoing peace process. The way forward for the generals is to lay low and follow very keenly where the ongoing peace process will lead to and try to capitalized on its shortfalls. South Sudan,and the international community’s eagerly waiting for the peace process to be finalize without any hinderance whatsoever,and they’re closely watching those who want to spoil the process. Hopefully,South Sudanese will learn from this senseless war and make ultimate decisions that put their nations first rather than personal interest.

Becky. August 11, 2015 at 4:12 pm

I agree with you Junubi. It is interesting how individual interests override collective interests. Now as Mr. Gatdet puts it that they want South Sudanesa to support them AKA “leaders who have South Sudanese at heart” this sounds hypocritical because Gen. Gatkuoth has explicitly stated why he is defecting, i.e for being denied logistic position by the chairman. How then can such people be trusted to deliver if only there aim is personal ambition.

Riek Koang August 11, 2015 at 9:44 pm

The two generals are right to defect as its the current and common scenario in South Sudan that after been relieved you defect and form rebellion to reclaim your previous position back, the generals are not mistaken to defect because this is what their former Boss Fool Riek thought them that after loosing your position, you rebel, this is what Riek is doing now, after loosing his position as Vice President, he decided to rebel in order to reclaim his position of Vice president as if Vice President position was only created for him. The Generals must deal with Riek properly.

Phyiou Deng August 12, 2015 at 3:52 am

Thank Koang truth have to be said and not to be feared of your comment is 100% true. The General are exactly doing what did before by their leader.

Wanlow Kailech August 11, 2015 at 8:05 am

Human being are superior from animals because thinking Go a head Peter Gatdet and General we all youth support your point of views peace that will sidelines Dr Machar and Kiir Mayardit gonna be the real peace .The devastation and death that has happened need not to continues those who are against your proposal including those signed the document and vacillated are the enemies of the peace.. You remembered the word from Gatluak Panguel saying that a man Agree with a person for having tripe and agree to disagree at last is like what kind of person ? every body know the answer for Late Gatluak PaNguel word. Many people have read the copy of document you for word to IGAD and wrong people has turned that your going to Juba this great shame on thoes focsed neagative remorse Let Machar Salva go for betterment of nation ,they are not importance than 900,0000 people who were killed from both side. It is must not by choice they must go. world and god who created South Sudan will deal with them.

Deng II August 11, 2015 at 11:17 am

I Deng II has been telling Nuer people that Dr.Riek don’t know how to managing any things from the got go of SPLA/M created, he was born failed how to command living things. South Sudan people got no surprises for Nuer Movement to break up. Every people who been around since the creation of SPLA/M, pretty aware that Nuer Movement will break up by all mean, because Riek never been a human being leader but a Dr.Holder leader, in fact, people did though that being Dr holder would lead the people to a desirable outcome. More an importantly, Dr. Riek education came at the time where 99% of South Sudan People were illiterates. People did not have an idea what the “says” said DONKEY can go to university and still come back as the same Donkey.
Good Luck My cousin Nuer Movement lead by Dr. Failures.

Deng II August 11, 2015 at 11:31 am

To SS people, Riek was born as a symbol of destruction. This is not defamation of his reputation but facts. His reputation is killing millions of SS People. He killed Millions of SS people compared to none he served and save.

chuolkhan August 13, 2015 at 5:13 am

Hayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! buddy Wanlouw Kailech Man we are not supporters of those two generals bro if you do dreams of youths all they will supported them we are not there only you and those whom you test this huge of Dollars even-though they bring out our people who have been killed by Dinkas plse no ,no, no one will joint them for good this name of Nuer will not be deleted out because of your Uncle Gathoth i know that is cousin

Ayuiu Makuac Lam August 11, 2015 at 9:37 am

Riek Machar, remained alone
but Kiir must joined TGONU.

AGUMUT August 11, 2015 at 1:50 pm

They are still living Dinka HOUSE.

tutu August 11, 2015 at 4:49 pm

In the first place, they had no reason to rebelled against Kiir, the only reason that push them to fight kiir was the perception that nuers are the majority in the army and the thing will be quick and they will heroes over night. It
taking too long and killing to many people, had destroyed the whole Upper Nile state and displace a lot of people.

John Maker August 11, 2015 at 11:58 pm

To follow any route may leads to a direction that has a lot of dangers. You have followed Riak this time again without reflecting back on what was the reasons Riak decision to rebelled again government in 2013? unless you followers may take proper decision about leader Riak

ALONEWOLF August 12, 2015 at 6:01 am

everything general Peter Gatdet said about Dr Riek Machar is true and general may get out Nuer community support what we waiting for general Peter Gatdet and general Gatkuoth is to rally their forces and begin the operation against the forces of the SPLM IO at Sudan and south Sudan border to cut off the supply root to SPLM IO forces.

man of the people August 12, 2015 at 12:55 pm

The fact that this declaration was first announced in Khartoum, by the two Generals,further makes things worse, in a war started on Dec.15th.2013. The consequences of a false coup has spiraled further into a complex rebellion, that is likely to drag our country to an endless conflict. We are loosing track of where things went amok, despite the fact that the SPLA lost its vision and objectives leading to this mess. Any IGAD – PLUS forged agreement might never be sustainable, as more and more rebellions could follow. South Sudan will reach a point where we may never control mushrooms of rebellions.

james mulbah August 12, 2015 at 2:05 pm

This is not a defection. It is an alibi by these two illiterates generals to undermine the peace process. And any attempt to deny the people of South Sudan democracy by these two generals will be resisted by all South Sudanese who love freedom.
The war is over. And democracy for all South Sudanese is now. And Uganda is scare that democracy has finally come to South Sudan and will be out to help anyone who will want to undo what the rebels have achieved in this short period of time.
Thanks to all South Sudanese who love and fighting for its freedom.

Karab August 13, 2015 at 3:37 am

To avoid mushrooms of rebelions, all south sudanese should come around the SPLM IO which is the only genuine organization with clear objectives for the people of south sudan. Salva Kiir dont fear any general. He only fears genuine poeple like Riek machar. Salva Kiir is standing naked because of what the SPLM IO has achieved so far. Once democracy prevails in south sudan, rebelions will be over. Do you remember the time when riek machar was preparing a national reconciliation conference & then stoped by salva kiir fearing that he(riek) will be come famous as a result? Just look at how evil salva kiir is.

Abraham Deng Deng August 14, 2015 at 11:51 pm

The president of republic of South Sudan and commander in -chief Kiir Mayardit is not fearing anybody and no body will intimidate him, he was SPLA Commander and now president step by step , Dr: Riek Machar , was a rebel to SPLA in the bush and he is still a rebel to the Independent Country . SPLA and Dinka community have no problem with Kiir , If ,you rebel and Nuer Community ,,,if you have problem with DR: RIek,, that is your problem . Kiir must be there leading until his right time to go , But don’t compare him with RIEk . You hate Kiir Joint Riek , you like him joint him. Gathoth and Gatdet have no effect to joint or not up to them , they were they two terrible wars who destroyed most Dinka and others life and all the country , They would be forgiven because Nuer are like them all going out and coming in since . why should Dr: Riek removed them in their assignment position ,and he is fighting to be vice again after he sacrifice all Nuer sons to be wild and target by the all tribe as wild dogs, Please criticizes Dr: Riek as failure but not Kiir either wise you have rebel attitudes ,and you will be deal with properly.


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