March 15, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Latest reports from Rumbek, Lake State, indicate that 80 people were killed today at around 5Am at Aleek Cattle Camps.
According to reports extended to Nyamilepedia Press, fighting broke out this morning between Pakam and Aruop Dinka sub-tribes.
Eye witnesses, who blame the state’s caretaker governor, fear that fighting may escalate in the morning when the two groups identify their loses.
Other reliable sources indicate that local Chiefs in the area have rushed to state governor, Gen. Matur Chuot, to send an army to intervene, however, the caretaker governor has reportedly downplayed sending troops.
“The Chiefs raised the alarm and urge the governor to take some measures to arrest the situation but his respond was very negative, appreciating the fighting to be far from the town, he told the Chiefs, where do you expect the fighting to take place?” Analyst, who has been following the report said.
Governor Matur is believed to be reluctant that the fighting has now “moved to exactly where it should be instead of fighting along the roads and towns”.
“now it’s good to fight there in the cattle camps, so the government will be in a position to think of how to separate you.” Governor Matur reportedly said.
Inter-clan feuds in Lake state have claimed hundreds of lives in the past five years. Countless resistant to the past and the current state leadership have also contributed to high death toll in Lake state.
South Sudan government, under the leadership of Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, has done very little to restrain inter-clans and tribal feuds in almost all the ten states, however, Lake and Jonglei state have been severely affected than any other state.
Attempts to change the governors have also failed due to many rebellions that have ragged the country for the past ten years.
I am sure that friend Chol Tong went to bed with them one by one.
I am waiting for you blame GatNor, Nuer, Machar, Rebellion, and 91 split as the cause of this problem. Say it !
the war which is affecting Lakes state is caused by individuals,
governor shouldn’t be blame for that fighting.
Agumut, Just tell kiir kuethpiny to repent and step down then the whole south Sudan will be safe
dear brothers you will all finished better to accept paece.
you damn maggot ?( Agumut ),stop writing nonsenses .with out Kiir there ‘ll be no south Sudan, better we campaign for peace rather than blaming each other for the problems created by Riak Machar.
Dear my Lake State brethren;
Please cease from your evil activities and thinks twice of where our beloved country which costed million of brothers’ lives. if you like war more than anything else, join the national army and go to Abyie, Abyie still need struggling; please stop killing your selvies at one.
Riek Machar war will finish, but Rumbek war will remain because no good reasons and all the communities like it to continue, if Kiir send national army they unit and killed them after that they continue there business, they bought so many witchcraft charms in wau and Damazin Sudan to finish themselves , friends do not joke with Ageer and Gook war the like it , you talk about peace they disappointed you ,you help them militarily they kill you, leave them alone , let them fulfill their ignorant, Matur Chut is there for Rumbek town and other peaceful communities not for wild cattle camp youths.
it is always knows to everyone in history that general kiir is against lake state people bcse the tell him pact about what he does wrong so he need everyone to say yes like his dead MPs who site in Parliament without choice.may god reward those who have hand in down fail of great lake if GOd hear our pray. one day the follow our late lovely brothers.