April 23, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Latest reports from Upper Nile State confirm that the forces of South Sudan Democratic Movement/Army, under the warlord Maj. Gen. Johnson Olony, are celebrating what they refer as “a major victory” in Malakal this late afternoon, April 23, 2015.
According to our latest phone conversation with our corespondent, Peter Gatbel, in Malakal at around 1:40pm (South Sudan local time), the militias have just defeated the last batch of government troops in Malakal.
The reliable source reiterates that the today’s battle was the heaviest of the three days’ series of fighting.
According to military sources, major reinforcement comprising of Dinka Padang youth, Abushok, governor’s bodyguards drawn from Presidential guards and remnants of other SPLA units led by Gen. Makuach have been reinforcing one another since 9pm last night in attempt to retake the town.
The source confirms that the rebels group, however, reinforced from the West Bank and took full control of the town.
This report has been verified by the Upper Nile Deputy Governor, who responded from Melut, Minister of Information in Malakal, and the SPLA-Juba military spokesman, Col. Philip Aguer, who spoke to SBS radio a few hours ago from Juba.
Aguer, however, believes that Maj. Gen. Olony controls the town but he is still loyal to Salva Kiir government.
Col. Aguer claims that the government troops were instructed to withdraw to avoid escalation of the conflict.
“Until now Olony is still loyal to the Government of South Sudan but his forces are in control of Malakal after the other SPLA forces withdraw to a distance in order to allow Juba to resolve the situation peacefully. Olony is now in contact with the senior SPLA officials in Juba and we will only confirm his intention this evening (23/04/2015). I can confirm that SPLA soldiers fought each other on those two lines but the motive and the intention are yet to be established.” Philip Aguer explains through SBS radio.
According to Gatluak Liphoth Diu, the acting Minister of Information of Upper Nile State, Gen. Olony’s forces attacked the SPLA Unite this afternoon despite the statements from Juba.
“As i speak with you; General Olony forces have attacked the SPLA unite which is Abushok. We don’t know the motive untill now but Juba have been telling us that General Olony is still a Government’s General. The soldiers led by General Makuach are now fighting his forces and then fighting is intensifying. Iam now speaking to you from Malakal.” said Hon. Gatluak Liphoth, the acting information minister, who seeked refuge at UNMISS compound.
Other reliable sources confirmed that the troubled governor, Simon Kun Puoch, remains in Juba after attending the loyal-Nuer meeting in the national capital on Friday last week.
Despite several attempts to capture Malakal during their earlier defection between 2010 and 2013, SSDM/A did not exert any significant pressure on Malakal.
The militia group, however, has built a measurable force within the last 16 months of fighting, and took control of heavy artillery to lead the fight against the anti-government forces in the state.
The number of casualties, and military loses and gains from today’s battle are yet to be verified. The warlord general, whose Deputy was slain in an ambush by the government troops three weeks ago, is expected to release a press statement within the next two days to declare his position on the conflict.
Why you want to wait for next two days! anyway he is still looking for help from Paul Malong and will join SPLA-IO after he has got no good promise from his boss.
Maj. Gen. Olony will declare today evening but we want to be precise. We may update the public on this topic within less than 24 hours if he makes a clear statement.
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Haaa haaa ooh my God!! The so called shiluk armed militia can not matched that of Juba army tactical strategy . They should asked first what happened to our Nuer White Army In Bortown and Gadiang and Bentiu all 89 % percent gone dead. THEY SHOULD NOT CELEBERATE YET… IT IS TOO VERY EARLY. I advised them please watched out the lion King is coming soon to destroy you all if you wait In too long. They should asked first Peter Gadet in Bortown he was running like a dog and and chicken for his own life and leave behind thousand of dead white Army of my Lou Nuer people if not all Nuer.
Good luck My people Nuer life Is still going on in many parts of the country..we should think smart why war always in our land and our back yard..?
The objective of ethnically ceansing South Sudan’s other tribe will affect you as well, so don’t celebrate because when they realized you will be confined to Bar El Gazal & your entry and exit point to the country will be through North Western Uganda, Chad & Darfur. Your joy will turn into sorrow.
Please a person who revenge alway is dengerous
Abuchook, Can you tell us who is really the Lion King that you are keeping boosting about on this site? You are telling lie, Gen. Gatdet did not run away in Bor and Unity State, what he did in Bor was military tactic to withdrew his troops in order to avoid cluster bomb which has been used by Uganda army against them on their way marching toward the capital Juba. Let me tell you, there is no reason for you to brag about the Lion King who destroy the Nation’s future by promoting tribal leadership in South Sudan. It is a shame to support the reluctant government which failed the country to flourish in the right way in terms of development and establishment of good leadership based on the democratic values. The government in Juba is also failed to maintained law and order, creation of the national unity as a tool to integrate all tribes into peaceful coexistent in South Sudan. The current government has instigated senseless war that causes bitter feud, hatred, polarization and deep split among Dinka and many tribes in South Sudan. In the context, the people of South Sudan who are not enemy before became enemy now because of the government action or fail policy which is full of tribal practices, lawlessness, corruptions and nepotism. Government itself becomes the people’s enemy because it treated them bad even murdered thousands of civilians in the capital Juba without taking consideration of their lives.
“One cannot support such the government which doesn’t service his people and the country in the right way” Remember the simple fact, imagine if Nuer and Shilluk are united together fighting against Dinka do you thing that Kiir will still rule in South Sudan? Kirr still stay in Power it is because there are some Nuer, Dinka, Shilluk and Equatorians who support him otherwise he would have been already thrown away from the power in which he misuses now. But the important thing here is not the tribal affiliation as many of you use to advocate. The important thing is to have neutral leader who doesn’t lean to any tribe rather services and treats all South Sudanese equally regardless of where they come from or social backgrounds.
My poor friend Abuchook,
The reasons why war is always in your back yard is because Mr. Damp President think you people of greater upper Nile are less closed to him that why when he recruited his body guards (so call mathiang anyor) damp President did not considered poor Dinka of greater upper Nile.
2- when rumors spread about rivals crossing river in 2014 to Bahr Al Gahzal damp President quickly made ugandian soldeirs air lifted from palouch to warrap. Because these are important people in his mind therefore they have to be protected before people of other regions.
3- the good thing he did for poor Dinka of greater upper Nile it was provided them with heavy military weapons under pretext to guards or protect patrol lines but that was another prove that he is a damp President, because question is : where is national army of south Sudan? Therefore actually what man is doing is powering Dinka against other tribes around them.
But that was another prove that he is a damp President because those tribes were been living together before damp President was born and they didn’t have problems like what they have today. so damp President ( kiir) divided people of south Sudan into their tribes because he think that will make big tribe lead south Sudan forever.
So what is running in damp President mind is to keep fighting in greater upper Nile. Now the small lesson that was sent by Gen. Olony these two days will help or make Dinka of greater upper Nile to rethink, maybe next time they will prepare to live in peace with their neighboring tribes like it was before damp President. Please my poor friend ,Abuchook think too when you write.
Dear Readers and Reporters:
For your convenience information Today on April 23rd 2015 at 4:30 pm South Sudan local time…Shilluk militia or General Olony or Oliny cowardly eliminated and chased away from their areas they think as Shilluk as they were just looting and not were organized and were not really ready to fight.
36 of them were dead killed on the spot and 135 were wounded and most of these wounded collected and put on the Juba army truck and driven away. Juba army is now tracking and hunting down each and every criminal until each caught. MORE SPLA JUBA is coming in from other nearby areas out posts. Situation is now under control and the next move Is to get those criminals who started the fight against other side. They are misinformed as some of their wounded explain to the MI OR military Intelligence investigation team
The Lion King is coming in and put law and orders if needed to be as now.
NO BODY IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN CAN MOVE THE LION KING OF out the 63 BROTHERS. No body no body no bod!! They have tried so many times now and before to move the Lion King but they failed terrible and they loss more than what they gained from..!
Dear my poor friend Abuchook,
Don’t feel proud when we southners killing ourselves. Dinka alone can not do any thing for south Sudan but together we can. Also we don’t have lion king in south Sudan. the only one we had was killed by m7.(John Garang). If you mean Salva kiir is the lion king than you are totally wrong kiir is the most coward soldier in south Sudan and the proof is this when Omer albashier hit us in panthow Salva Kiir didn’t put on tiger military attire because almost he was dying from fear. he thought Omer Will capture juba.
When he started killing innocent civilians Nuer than the coward Kiir dressed up in military tiger Attire that proved he is a damp President in the world because no President can dress in military to kill his own people who voted him in the office. I am not a Nuer but just wanted to say the truth.
It look like you injoy killing of Nuer by ugandians that were brought by damp President (kiir) !!. Ugandian did that because they want to eliminate south Sudanese fighters like what they did to our strong leader, Dr. John Garang.
Now we south Sudanese people we need words that can normalized our situation but in your mind if you think Dinka in south Sudan alone can do any thing they wouldn’t run to bring ugandian to fight for them or Abyi wouldn’t been under Omer Bashier up to today unless you actually carying chicken mind in your big head.
Thanks, we needs real and true updates from you guys. you can see many people are commenting on your website then sudantribune
FOR How Long because Militias are Militias.
let him declare himself instead of wasting time.
” I am now speaking to you from Malakal.” said Hon. Gatluak Liphoth, the acting information minister, who seeked refuge at UNMISS compound.”
Camjiec Gajak ce ro kok Jur.
I hope the resident of that compound make his stay unbearable and if he leaves for Juba his Jaang masters will scorned him since they been targeting Gajaaks since early 80th. Sadly the Nuers forget so quick.
Abuchook your puppet Upper Nile’s minister of info Gatluak is in the UN-Compound go rescue him if his life matters to you cowards.
Dear Mr GatNor,
You may think Information Min. Galuak is my puppet which Is jot true but I am not care whether be in UN compound or not..
my point is that it is very easily in our Nuer community to rebellion and fight visionless and hopeless and following always blind Riek even if he is killing many many of our young Nuer people specific the Lou and Gawaar Nuer.
My second point is that My nuer people specfic Lou and Gawaar should think very carefully and tactically of how this stupid war of Riek and Kiir will affect them now and In the long term run?
Future is future. Stupid Kiir and Riek are using our local citizens for their own way of Interest and greed… I hated both these stupid leaders…I know all of them personally and professionally and I work with them in the liberation council members meeting. I am tired of them really and soon Riek will dead soon before Kiir.
Riek Is Evil and greedy. I MET HIS OWN SON AND HE IS Greedy and visionless LIKE HIS FATHER TOO.
What is new that all you have left to sing like a verse in a badly written composed song….” Nuer’s hopeless blind Riek rebellion”.. can you be more creative than that. That is how I know you have a hidden agenda. You always jump on Nuers without looking at the bigger picture. Need I remind you that your statement is insulting so many other ethnic freedom fighter’s intelligence that are not Nuers. Should you one day join the rebellion lord knows you would be insulting yourself as well. Anymore contradictions from you that I should look forwards to.. because what you have already stated a million times over is boring and tasteless.
That’s correct you don’t care for Gatluak’s life nor his contributions in defending your jaang’s ethnic regime. If Gatluak knows he would defect tomorrow. Pagaak would still embrace him like a loss and found son.
Achuchok said he was in a front line just a day ago and now still blaming our visionaries Leaders Dr. Riek Machar. What happened to Abuchok in the front line? were you defeated by Shilluk Youths?
There is no any compression on earth between a PHD HOLDER and primitive primary school dropout?
Dr. Riek Machar have all qualifications and the vision for the nation and that is why you hatred him to death with his people Naath/Nuer.
however you primitive leader kiir have none to contribute but relay on Masuveeni of Uganda for support. where are the UPDF IN malakal now and were is your Abuchok?
The so call Apadak will soon have no where to live if Naath and Shilluk will join hands you will be force to be assimilated in to these two communities or leave completed for bhare el ghazil who have been influencing you to fight against your neighboring communities.
You have kills so many Naath/Nuer with your collaborators but we are determinant to finish the job of liberating all of you for good because that is what we have been doing since the started of liberation that your vision less leaders had hijacked in1980s to the present.
however, Dr. Riek Machar and his people Naath/Nuer plus like minds South Sudanese people will accomplish the job.
Abuchook, you are the only nuer that knows the truth. The problem in south sudan is attributed to kiir and riek greed for power. If all of us say no to fighting, I believe riek and kiir would never dare fighting themselves. War in south sudan only exist because of too many fools who can’t think of their own precious lives.
Dear Mr. Abuchook
My greetings first,
I have been following your comments and i think you are wrong in many ways of judging our tribes of South Sudan…. and it seems to me that you are a tribal person before anything…. you can stand or support any of who you prefer in the country political. but confirming of that, the Nuer or the Shilluk are coward and Nuer has died in Bor,,,, please be care of what you spit out of your mouth…
anyway dont wanna go deep in blaming you cause you are totally blinded of your government… what has made me stop on this comment is one question. you was defending Kiir, how come you call him now Stupid, when you are loyal to him?????
You are at UNMISS Camp and shamed.
Dogs of war. Why did we become Republic of South Sudan? Just to kill ourselves?
Man of the People,
This is a good question, but you need direct your question to Salva Kiir who wants to build strong dictatorship tendency with strong advisors from Dinka council of elders.
come up
I hope Olony will continue fighting governmen troops because his deputy was killed by Dinka padaang salva Kiir supporters.
Olony want governorship otherwise he will joins freedom fighters any time.
He want shulluk state.yesterday four commissioners of eastern jikany spent their night at Baliet yesterday.
why not liberating your area chollo what do you waiting for, and you know that kiir ‘s government already collapse.
Hmmmm!!! Our country South Sudan, everybody with his own militia tribal army, was it the reason why Johnson Olony forcefully abducted school children in February to reinforced his militia group to participated in today battle to capture Malakal.
Please war should not be the solution alway i advice all who struggle for leadership to seek power peacefully
This is a no understandable war. Gen. Olony is still with the government while destroying government facilitates.
Aguer, however, believes that Maj. Gen. Olony controls the town but he is still loyal to Salva Kiir government.If that statement is correct?But the fighting is the plot to assassinate Gen Gony and Kun by Gov’t.
The fighting between Gen. Johnson Olony and government has nothing big to do with Freedom fighters and genocidal government in Juba. This so called Olony has built hatred against the Nuer for no accurate reasons. I hope their problems is for everyone in South Sudan. However, the good thing is that his forces(Olony) were used by Simon Kun against Nuer during fighting in Malakal,has turned their barrel to friend Kun Puoch. Further more, the defection of Olony will rocks the government in Juba. Therefore, there will be more fronts that will engage government troops. I would like all freedom fighters and their supporters to prayer God to help Salva Kiir to create more enemies against himself.
Bol T Deng
Haaa haaa do thing that Johnson has not declare himself but he declared before he go to fight the government . You killed their Gen do you thing that they are not men ? This is what they wanted to do to our Generals but we fought them . Please Shilluk people show to the Dinka that you are men.
Hello guys I am actually aganist something called war. My message is here to you all stop supporting senseless war, only our ordinary citizens are dying, just because you are dividen along line with those leaders are fighting for power
S Sudan VP Igga asks neighboring countries to accept local Pounds!
This must not be allowed. If South Sudan is allowed to do this, the country will just go on money printing spree whereby a lot of South Sudan pounds will just be printed by their unscrupulous and cunning friends with the hope of keeping Kiir in Power.
This attempt of dumping illegally printed South Sudanese pound without any market value to acquire legal tender from the neighboring countries must not be accepted by any sane president in the region.
Any South Sudanese elite must be made to cough up all that they stole and stashed away or converted into other items in the country such as cattle, etc to access services out of the country.
Government officials must deposit a few herds of their cattle instead of the worthless SSP when accessing services in the region!
Breaking News, 23/4/2015:
According 2 FB:::
The leader of South Suan poltical opposition, SPLM DC Dr Lam Akol is snatched and driven away to national security office in Jebel residential area.
Dr.Lam ‘s house was initially surrounded by heavy military contingent at 20:00 hours in Juba this evening. This comes after Gen.Johnson OlonyThubo rebelled against Kiir’s tribal regime . Dr.Lam is prominent leader of shilluk ethnic group and he is believed to be leading politcal wing of SSDF under command of Gen.Olony.
Meanwhile, Governor Simon Kuon Puoch is currently under intensive interrogations at Nimule resort hotel for what transipired itself in his adminstration.
Kiir must Go for failing the country !
Stay tune !!
Who is Dr.Lam Akol? He is for himself and will died Glaring as you look at him.
Hahaha those of human eaters ( Dinka ) your kingdom is going to ruin Gen.0lony will join splm-io soon by what way do you believe that he(0lony) still Kiir’s loyal while he is killing your people ????
If General Olony is still with the government, then he must be on drugs or steroid.
Dear Compartriots and ALL freedom fighters;
The great African leader Nelson Mandela once said; ” the enemy of our enemy is our friend”. So, let every opposition join hand to defeat the intended target, who is the dictator killer of the innocent souls, criminal Salva Kirler Kirr.
We have to accept that collateral damages have happened during the war times but at this point in time but the real threat to our statehood now is criminal Salva Kirr and his regime cohorts. Let us all unite to defeat him, and we shall resolve our issues in parliamentary dialogs
Eli Wani
It could be very nice if you take major decision Gen oliny because things got worst in malakal town and also you can declare yourself from IO right now you just fight without side
Chollo Militia , must thinks twice,Dinka Padang we will teach them a worse lesson , Land conflict,, they must cross river Nil, to their side other wise ,. Chollo Kingdom will perish soon, now Chollo are living in Melut and Renk Padang counties , They are fighting Padang while their mothers are being protect by us from rebel rapers.
The so call Riek Koang and Abuchok are among the 300 Salva Kiir army who have surrendered themselves to UN projection camp in Malakal town.
The so call Riek Koang and Abuchok are among the 300 Salva Kiir army who have surrendered themselves to UN protection camp in Malakal town or they are on run as things getting worse for the cannibalistic societies in the Country.
Abuchook is 100% right. you wait for your stupid militias they will not like it. Leave alone uganda troops we don’t see them kiir naturally a brave man that’s why he was named TIGER by Dr John that’s why Garang promoted him. I know you don’t want to call us the bravest tribe but you will accept soon. So we spare you because we still have hope by the time we will be hopeless you will witness it.
Wow! Shullik people should ask Nuer first and then celebrate their idiotic victory but digs your graves while you are celebrating becoz Monyjang is coming to give u a lessons like Nuer
What is wrong with Gen Olony again in south sudan?he first rebeled in 2011 as mere civilian& business man, but when he came back govt put him as Gen, is there anything good than that rank.some people joined SPLA struggle since 1983 up to now still in the rank of lcp or remained private but did not took arms against the govt .sorry olony you even do not deserve Gen.you might have beem cofused.iknow issue of chakulla will bring,u will not it there shame on u and your followers.By Youngk.