Breaking News

Breaking News: Another Military General Defects Salva Kiir Government

Updated at 2:10pm, April 10, 2015(PST)

Correction: Brig.Gen. Gatwech served as a Chief Administrator at 5th Division in Western Bahr el Ghazal

Brig. Gen. Gabriel Gatwech Puoch Mar, the SPLA Commander of  Lakes forces defect Salva Kiir government. In the phone Gen. Gatwech (left with purple tie) was being welcomed in Nairobi Kenya(Photo: Nyamilepedia)
Brig. Gen. Gabriel Gatwech Puoch Mar, the Chief Administrator at 5th Division in Western Bahr el Ghazal defect Salva Kiir government. In the phone Gen. Gatwech (left with purple tie) was being welcomed in Nairobi Kenya by top SPLM/SPLA-IO security officials(Photo: Nyamilepedia)

April 10, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — A military general in South Sudan army, under the leadership of General Salva Kiir Mayardit, has defected the government troops and joins the resistance movement under the former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

Brigadier General Gabriel Gatwech Puoch Mar,  the Chief Administrator at 5th Division in Western Bahr el Ghazal, has declared his defection to the rebels this morning in Nairobi, Kenya, where he was received by a huge delegation of SPLM-IO elites.

Gen. Gatwech has pledged his allegiance to the opposition and commits to fight to change the regime of his former boss, President Salva Kiir.

Gatwech’s defection is significant to Juba, not only for having served Salva Kiir administration in Western Bahr el Ghazal, but also for his influence in Upper Nile state, where his elder brother struggles to hold power under Salva Kiir leadership.

Gen. Gatwech is a younger brother to the embattled Upper Nile State Governor, Simon Kun Puoch.

General Gatwech is expected to release his full declaration in Nairobi before heading to Ethiopia to meet the SPLM-IO Chairman, Dr. Riek Machar, and to attend the second convention of SPLM/SPLA [IO] in Pagak, South Sudan.

Public Reaction.

Brig. Gen. Gabriel Gatwech Puoch Mar, the SPLA Commander of Lakes forces defect Salva Kiir government. In the phone Gen. Gatwech (second right with purple tie) was being welcomed in Nairobi Kenya(Photo: Nyamilepedia)
Brig. Gen. Gabriel Gatwech Puoch Mar, the Chief Administrator at 5th Division in Western Bahr el Ghazal defect Salva Kiir government. In the phone Gen. Gatwech (second right with purple tie) was being welcomed in Nairobi Kenya by senior rebel officials(Photo: Nyamilepedia)

The defection of Brig. Gatwech has raised moral in SPLM/SPLA [in Opposition]. Many colleagues and comrades of Gen. Gatwech are pouring in their congratulations through his new Kenyan phone number.

“I want to sincerely congratulate my brother and a long time colleague, General Gabriel Gatwech Puoch Mar, who declared himself to fight for the cause of his people, the South Sudanese, who have been killed and are being killed by Salva Kiir.” Amb. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, the former South Sudan ambassador to United States, breaks the news.

“Please welcome him to our cause of fighting for freedom” Amb. Lol announced.

“Congratulation to General Gatwech Puoch Mar for joining the fight for justice and equality against injustice and inequality. You are welcomed into the fold of your comrades and heroes.” said another comrade, Riek Puoch Deng, a Public Relations Officer and the former National youth chairman.

While some colleagues express doubts of his defection, others are calling on the Brigadier General to “join his brothers in the field”.

“You are welcome to join hand with your people to fight the fascist and genocidal regime led by criminal and killer Kiir. Struggle continue. God bless South Sudan.” Puoch continued.

“Welcome Gen. Gatwech, we are proud of you dear. We as your people, we love you so much come and joint your brother in the field.”said Zeko Gatkek.

More to follow on Brig. Gen. Gatwech’s profile in the next articles!

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AGUMUT April 10, 2015 at 5:27 am

Who is going to FIGHT for Him????
Agaar were well treated by John Garang because they adored him to do what he wants,but look at Lakes State now.

AGUMUT April 10, 2015 at 5:29 am

Most generals should be sack,do anything and sack most of them.

Kobi Nyayoach Korroth April 10, 2015 at 6:34 am

Mubruk ya Gatwich it’s your time to come @Agumut just stay for more update are coming

GatNor April 10, 2015 at 6:48 am

I have so far lost count of the number of defections to SPLA/M-Pagaak faction.

Riek Koang April 11, 2015 at 5:29 am

If God will not forgive Salva Kiir, how about Riek, will God reward Riek for the Killings since 1991 /2 and 2014/15? any way Gatwich is basing his complain on tribal politics and rebelion, is not new thing for Nuer to join their Mother rebelion. You don’t condem some one for God not to forgive him simply because he did not promote you to high rank in the army. What is the connection between God and your promotion in the Army. its the usual business of most disgruntle South Sudanese to keep changing sites for position, currently Riek’s tribal rebelion is very fertile for giving people any position they want. Useless Army general, you fought your Nuer rebelion for the last one or so years without realising you are fighting Nuer rebelion only came to his mind after missing promotion in the army, what a fool fork? I earlier put in my comment that these rebels are just collection of Bunch of power and position hungry politicians and not fighting for the right of any citizen in South Sudan but rather to continue fatterning their bellies.

GatNor April 11, 2015 at 7:33 am

I believe this too was you..

Mawien Magol

April 10, 2015 at 9:21 pm

GatNor why are high ranking officers defecting without army?

Because they couldn’t agrees with soldiers to be follow to bush and they chose their own ways to defected to rebels or government as you see some generals are fighting to get highest ranks and others are fighting to become a governors and more others are looking for leadership of presidency and the cabinets this is all about desperation and greed.

Liked GatNor

pierano April 11, 2015 at 5:32 am

If God will not forgive Salva Kiir, how about Riek, will God reward Riek for the Killings since 1991 /2 and 2014/15? any way Gatwich is basing his complain on tribal politics and rebelion, is not new thing for Nuer to join their Mother rebelion. You don’t condem some one for God not to forgive simply because he did not promote you to high rank in the army. What is the connection between God and your promotion in the Army. its the usual business of most disgruntle South Sudanese to keep changing sites for position, currently Riek’s tribal rebelion is very fertile for giving people any position they want. Useless Army general, you fought your Nuer rebelion for the last one or so years without realising you are fighting Nuer rebelion only came to his mind after missing promotion in the army, what a fool fork? I earlier put in my comment that these rebels are just collection of Bunch of power and position hungry politicians and not fighting for the right of any citizen in South Sudan but rather to continue fatterning their bellies.

GatNor April 11, 2015 at 7:19 am

Riek Koang, pierano & or whoever you might be.. Make up your mind & use only one NAME I should response to. You are a rare chameleon & a shape shifting demon. Ethically you don’t deserve bringing God into our conversation lest you & your electronic device mysteriously catch fire for lying.

AGUMUT April 10, 2015 at 8:53 am

Nonsense Defections have nothing to do with me.

wilson wal April 10, 2015 at 6:41 am

Nuer defection is not a breaking news.
They are ll nyigat since 1972

GatNor April 10, 2015 at 6:45 am

Welcome to the people’s resistance moment of freedom fighters across the country Mr. Gen Junior Puoc. It takes one destructive individual to change the world but a collectives effort of many to make it better. If this news is really true then I solute your tough decision in these tough times when the people of Upper Niles must stir clear and away from all systematic oppressions of Juba’s ethnic regime of Kiir & his Jaang Council Of Elders who have literally taken the country hostage.

Samuel Majang April 10, 2015 at 7:01 am

Signs and the symptoms of President Kiir government predicts its lifespan

Ayuiu Makuac Lam April 10, 2015 at 7:03 am

the defected person is from Nuer national where there is problem for government. he is a Nuer as they are doing usually.

dey biel met April 10, 2015 at 7:45 am

please stupid man

Kuong April 10, 2015 at 7:03 am

Congratulation General,the govmnt of failed president Nyankiir m7 will fall apart,it is just matter of time.

Gueto April 11, 2015 at 3:45 am

I am fear those joined Riek will be coming with shame, it the same route of 1991, you are defeated. Where are soldiers to fight? No reward to rebels this time.

simon both chiok April 10, 2015 at 7:05 am

The families of pouch mar knew that the government’s money goes down or money are going to finish soon that’s why Brig gen. gatwech pouch mar joined the SPLW/A in opposition under Dr. Riek Machar. this defection of gatwech doesn’t mean he face the bad situation of sudan sudanese people in south sudan because he was there since the war broke out in s.sudan. just because he knows kiir is already on his way going. please south sudan for sudanese not for kiir and foreign troops kiir must go. NWA OYEE.

bothkueth April 10, 2015 at 7:31 am

you are highly welcome mr,s mar puoch.you are one of those people who face very difficult massacre killing, genocide to your people but we need you to work hard you must join to the field soon especially in nasar county.

dey biel met April 10, 2015 at 7:33 am

thank a lot gatwech we appropriate you, we a nuer people or truly people . what we know is that ,money without brothers,sisters,mothers ,fathers,they are meaningless,we a nuer people we have a unity in our nature.why we love money than our brothers, sister.please brothers ,sisters,mothers and fathers ,don.t love money than your brothers and sisters,like, kun puoch ,gathoth mai,riek gach,gach yoa,gony biliew,gorden buay,lul rue koang who is defect recently due to hungry and many other top officialls in nuer ,who love than mam and dad.let as struggle for our right or let as remember our, brothers ,sisters ,mother,and fathers.

Kuik Tharpi April 10, 2015 at 7:33 am

You have taken the bold decision, this is the right time fight for your freedom otherwise you should at heel

Francis Kenyi April 10, 2015 at 8:44 am

its a tribal defection

nyatoch April 10, 2015 at 9:04 am

well come general. We will kill kiir soon.

Goweng Torbar April 10, 2015 at 9:26 am

You safe Mar Family! congratulation!

AGUMUT April 10, 2015 at 9:30 am

Defection,but where they are Heading than,Mecca methinks.

Dinker Bor April 10, 2015 at 9:31 am

Those who followed the sword will finished by sword. Nuer are not capable to exercised an healthy politic as Dinker do, instead they always support the crazy leader who failed several time to liberate Nuer society and taught Nuer people to be a land grabber.

Dinker Bor April 10, 2015 at 9:33 am

Those who followed the sword will finished by sword. Nuer are not capable to exercised an healthy politic as Dinker do, instead they always support the crazy leader who failed several time to liberate Nuer society and taught Nuer people to be a land grabber

Mmg King April 10, 2015 at 9:55 am

We need peace in our country
no more war no more lose of blood we are one people on nation south Sudan oyeeeeeeeee

jannygatkuothwuol April 10, 2015 at 10:03 am

you wellcome Gen Gatwech to join the resistance movement against useless regime of incompetence and unligimate fool of foolishers president kiir.

Balang Tutute April 10, 2015 at 10:29 am

Insider Breaking Newwwwsss!!!!:



The count-down for expiration of the “Jieng Elders Regime” has begun tick-toking towards the end of June 2015!

Brace yourselves and welcome the New Regime of DengKoor – the much awaited regime of all regimes worldwide. The regime ” in bi bel le tang toll ” that will start growing abundant natural food for the hungry world!

GatNor April 10, 2015 at 5:04 pm

I checked the link and it was interesting to read. So far a good number of generals on the Juba faction’s side are decaying in the ground since the civil war kicked off. This number includes those of Ugandan general and the Chulluk general KIA just recently. Museveni and Kiir failed in their promised attempts to capture the opposition leader(Mr. Dhurgon) within days as they claimed. The house of the spoke person in Juba gone up in flames and planes with Juba’s government officials landing mysteriously in the territories in the hands of the opposition. Court case of the claimed spoiled coup thrown out without further discussion. The amount of defection is endless and to top it all Kiir himself keeps fainting in and getting sick with a bloody nose at times. Now the magician is struck down dead to return to Uganda in a casket coffin. the question is how many more isolated co-incidents do these people need before turning to God and repent fore their evil plans against the people of South Sudan.

Deng Diany April 10, 2015 at 11:35 am

You celebrate for nothing guys let me tell you I am truth teller because Gatwech is also deep’ s right hand into the under tube (anus)and we done, t care even though you wellcome the fucken prophet Duendeng it is your idiotics

Nyaluak Lual April 10, 2015 at 11:49 am

Hey, are all the rebels in Nairobi? I can see all of them there in that picture! So, who is fighting there? Our civilian brothers and sisters? Shame on you! By the way, I am happy that Top Nyareaw has now shown today that he is a rebel. He has been cheating the government here that he is still working for government of South Sudan and gathering intelligence from there. From today on, he will be classified as rebel.
For Brig. Gatwech, make sure you come back next time as Lt. General so that your defection will have a meaning. Otherwise, all your colleague in shell six are still colonels as you know.

pal gatchayt April 10, 2015 at 11:53 am

Very good news. Congra General. u will defeat mr. Rat’s gov’t soon and regained the rotten Puoch Mar’s name.

Peace lover April 10, 2015 at 12:08 pm

We have advised him that Malong awan is thug. You are in their group but we have informed you that malong awan was advised by his uncle Aldo Ajou to kill Nuer. Gatwic should say the truth. He is running away from Malong Awan

New budget April 10, 2015 at 1:06 pm

That not matter even if he is a major general the gov’t can defeat you with your mother fucker gen. Brigdier easily as your greed absent mind Reik machar, i am sure if you fight against a Dinka it will be like somebody who want to catch air, jealous is a thugs and God can not help a jealouses.

Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut April 10, 2015 at 2:52 pm

The step taken by Brig. Gabriel Gatwech Puoch mean nepotism has got no room for him, he when to bush leaving his wealth and his brother who is the state governor behind that mean his defection will mean a lot to SPLM-IO.
Congratulations General the war need you to be a hero in the history………………..

AGUMUT April 11, 2015 at 3:08 pm

He has to run because his name on the list of those who had try to overthrow the Government.

David Shang (@DavidShang2) April 10, 2015 at 7:51 pm

Congratulation Brig. Gen Gatwech Puoch Mar for tough decision you had made to join People movement SPLM IO. Generalization policy is a sin before god and man and unhealthy at all. People should differentiate between Simon Kun Puoch as individual and family as well. In politics, even you own son and daughter can challenge or differ with you politically.In politics no permanent friend or enemy. Hence, your enemy of today can be your allies tomorrow while your enemy’s friends can be your friends

Kuey kang top April 10, 2015 at 10:05 pm

You hight wellcome general Gatwech Puoc join your hand with your brothers & sisters to make everything better as soon as possible

Kuey kang top April 10, 2015 at 10:05 pm

You highly wellcome general Gatwech Puoc join your hands with your brothers & sisters to make everything better as soon as possible

chuol khan April 10, 2015 at 10:49 pm

Welcome Bri.general Puoch Mar the one seeds of Marweng sons who is really pick out the wing of the bird common uncle you real do the best to the government for your defection to jiont freedom fighter , show them their visionless and dictatorship leaders will learn from you guys other Generals will see now the government is going to nowhere to going look Ugandan forces will go back home JEM will go also so who will going to protect the government of Kiir and Malong ,Kuol Manyang, and other .Now the bird remian with one wing another wing will come out by the end of the month mark my words many more are coming Ber k3 mal I-OM OYEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr MAKUTA April 10, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Dear All
it is time for peace, put the GUN down and keep the peace up KIRI will go but who is going to come all the leaders had killed south Sudanese, new leader will not come from DINKA or NUER look to where peace is now think before, answer

kudong April 10, 2015 at 11:15 pm

Congratulation Brigadier general Gatwech Puoch for your defection from dictator regime.it is time for us to defeat the idiot man soon.

stephen khat April 11, 2015 at 2:58 am

That is very good that people are thinking bigger now a day !!!!

Gatkhor April 11, 2015 at 3:43 am

Welcome B. Generation Gatwich Puoch to people movement! why did it take you 14 months to make up your mine?

Gatkhor April 11, 2015 at 3:45 am

Welcome brigadier General Gatwich Puoch to people movement! why did it take you 14 months to make up your mine?

Musa kaman machuei April 11, 2015 at 7:13 am

Hay my fellow citizen make sure that salva kiir is like prophet you rebel forget about kiir

Tut Lual Gach April 14, 2015 at 3:48 am

Great news to freedom fighter, congratulate puoch to jiont your brothers and fight for dictator kiir ,to change useless regime of salva kiir!

Both Tongyik chan May 25, 2015 at 2:25 am

General Gatwech free himself from den, where many pride of lions are roaring to devoured human blood and money. General ! welcome to new environment, take your gun and go online, otherwise, they will try to eat you.


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