By Equatoria Leaders in the Diaspora
![Western Equatoria State Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro addressing the 29th SPLA anniversary celebrations in Yambio. [Photo: Joseph Nashion/Nyamilepedia]](
This is not the first time the former Governor was harassed and detained by the South Sudan National Security Services. After the signing of the Compromise Peace Agreement in August 2015, he was similarly summoned by the Security Services and was arrested on the 16 August 2015 and detained without any charges. He was released only after concerted efforts from Equatorians within and outside the country and pressure from the International Community. This was soon after he was removed from his position as the Governor of Western Equatoria State by a Presidential decree.
We see this action of arbitrary arrest and harassment of the former Governor as a step by the Government of South Sudan to derail and frustrate the implementation of the peace process.
Given the return of the SPLM-IO into the country as part of the implementation of the peace process and the beginning of a new environment of peace and reconciliation, we feel that the arrest of the former Governor is unfair and counter-productive to realisation of peace and reconciliation.
In addition to the arrest of former Governor Bakaroso, we have learned of the arrest of Dr Leonzio Angole Onek of Juba University by the South Sudan Security Services. He was picked up from the University campus on 7 December 2015 and has not been seen since then. We are concerned about his safety and where about. We view these arrests as another example of systematic targeting of Equatorian leaders and intellectuals.
On behalf of all Equatorians and other peace lovers, we demand immediate and unconditional release of the former Governor, Professor Onek, and others who have been arbitrary arrested without any due legal process.
Contact person
Federico Awi Vuni
It’s only in South Sudan where Subordinates sabotage their boss (s) and expect to be left free of charge
GOOD for him.South Sudan our COUNTRY.
Joseph Bakosoro and Dr. Onek plus all other Equatorians who were detained without any charges must be released immediately!.
This primitive Dinka government can’t stop embarrassing themselves time and again.
This is totally counter productive to the implementation of the signed peace Agreement.
We Equatorians strongly urge you Mr. Kiir and your animals to watch your moves.
Release them NOW!!!
Sorry to hear that,Is there any allegation found against him for his second time of arrest? because nothing was found against him in the first detention, now is the second time it looks like there is some thing wrong but not out lined or disclosed to his (Civilians) community of Western Equatoria as well from his first arrest to now, let people be open about his arrest and share with his community of Western well.
we people of GREATER EQUATORIA are not allowed to say a single word of any evil pracitices of this government. Bakasoro is always targeted because he is the spear head and the voice of the oppressed EQUATORIANS. Bakasoro hate the way how our country is run by jenge elders. He does not keep quite of the dinka agenda of LAND GRABBING.
tolio the idiot, please inform your elders that keeping Bakasoro in detention is not answer to the call of the people of this country. Peace cannot be achievd by improsing others. It is achieved by negotiaations. Peace cannot be achieved by hatred.
tolio, you have been talking of Nelson Mandela of South Africa. Do you know how many years he was kept in prision? It was 27 years, yet the people of South Africa got what they wanted. I am pointing out this to you that, keeping Bakasoro in prison will not stop the determination of the people of South Sudan fighting your evil behavious and deeds. Yesterday You mentioned Nelson Mandela when you were defending the worst ruling system of this country. Mandela did not insist to rule forever like you dinka with your autocracy system of rule. I do not know what kind of studies you took. You really mess up yourself when people discuss the bad ruling system of this country.Your discussion is controlled by triblism which I believe it is already in your blood and seriously need to be uprooted out by the reforms we are calling for right now. Please know that we are not going to give up until we get what we want, and be ready to accept the reality that this country will never be the same again.
Bakasoro will be out and it was not long I pointed out to you that all the wise politicians will leave this dinka rule and join the SPLM- IO. Do not blame some one, it is you the jenge forcing other tribes to hate you and leave you alone
tolio the poor boy, please wake up and see the reality and the true fact of the history of this country facing your tribe. Do not support this rule just because you are a dinka but support it just because you are a citizen who really want to have a good ruling system put in place OKEY………………..WAITING FOR YOUR RESPONSE